For now, Jimin decided he would treat every school day the same as before. He would go to his classes, hang out with his friends, and go home. No one would know. It would be his secret baby.
Of course, he knew that if he decides to keep it, eventually people will catch on and he'll have to tell them. His stomach will swell with the growth of the child and it will be obvious, but until then there's no reason to tell anyone. He doesn't want anyone's pity.
At lunch, his friend's chatted as usual, messing around and cracking jokes. Jimin sipped on some lemonade listening to Namjoon's story about a kid in his Producing 101 class, tripping over his rolling chair and scattering all of his notes onto the floor. Dr. Lee gave him the tip that lemons can help with some of the morning sickness, so lemonade is his new favorite drink.
"Oh my gosh! Someone did that at my parent's bakery yesterday!" Seokjin chimed in. "The poor guy was so embarrassed that he just left. He didn't even finish his muffin!"
Something in what his oldest hyung said caught his attention. He totally forgot that Seokjin's parents owned a bakery not far from the University.
Since he found out that he's expecting, he's considered finding a job just to cover some of his new expenses. His insurance won't cover most of his doctor's bills, not to mention all of the other costs that come with being pregnant. His grocery bill has already gone up from all of his new cravings. He's not ready to tell his parents, so he can't ask them for more money.
He decided to speak up, "Hey Jinnie hyung, are your parents possibly hiring?"
The Senior about spit out his drink from the cute nickname he was given. He looked at Jimin from across the table with a blush on his face. "I- I think so. There's only me and one other person helping them out right now, but I'll have to double check" he said, rubbing the back of his neck that was starting to turn red like his face. "Why? Are you looking for a job?" he questioned.
"Y-yeah" the sophomore responded shyly. "I'm wanting some extra cash, but I don't feel like asking my parents for a larger allowance. I'm wanting to be more responsible, you know?"
"Park Jimin wants more responsibility? I can't believe what my ears are hearing!" Taehyung joked, next to Jimin, causing his freshman boyfriend to giggle next to him. Jin immediately reached across the table and flicked the top of Taehyung's head.
"Ouch!" He rubbed the spot that was already turning red, glaring at the oldest, while Jimin stared at his roomate unamused. Jungkook protectively wrapped an arm around his boyfriend's waist and cooed at him.
Though, Jimin knew it was an odd thing for him to request. Many times he has borderline bragged to his friends that his parents didn't want him to have a job so he could focus entirely on his studies. Plus, he has a difficult time controlling his stress levels when he feels too much pressure or responsibility, so he knew that's why Taehyung was so shocked. He understands how odd he sounds.
"But Jimin," Jin started, catching the younger's attention again, "If you're serious, I'll talk to my parents tonight and get you an interview set up for somtime later this week."
"Yeah, I'd really appreciate that hyung, if it's not too much trouble."
"Of course it's not!" Jin exclaimed. "I'd love it if you worked with me Jiminie!"
Seokjin may be hopeless, but the thought of getting to see the younger more at his parent's bakery made him really excited. He feels like the two of them don't get to spend much time together alone. Though it doensn't seem to be this way anymore, the younger was always with Yoongi in his spare time. He could see this as an excuse for the two of them to grow closer.
Plus, Jimin will do great at the bakery. Jimin is the kind of person whose smile lights up the entire room. People are always drawn to Jimin with his beautiful face and charming personality, so Jin's positive the customers will adore him. The thought of Jimin wearing their bakery apron and his eye smile made the older blush.
He was so screwed.
Later that night, Taehyung had invited their friend group over for a movie night, which Jimin didn't mind because it had been a while since he spent time with his friends outside of school. He could also use a good distraction.
After settling on Avengers: Endgame, the group settled in the living room. Jungkook started up the DVD player before sitting next to his boyfriend on the couch. "I wouldn't have to get up to start and stop the movie if hyung hadn't broke the remote" the youngest teased.
"I'm sorry! I have no idea how it was even capable of breaking in half." Namjoon whined at Jungkook's accusatory joke. They all chuckled as a group at thier destructive friend.
"Hey, where's Hoseok tonight?" Taehyung asked after their giggling calmed down. They all looked around the room confused, except for Namjoon.
"Him and Yoongi decided to hang out tonight. I think they're just playing video games in their dorm" the older stated, but there was something he was curious about. "Hey, Jimin, what happened to you and Yoongs anyways?" he asked out loud, "we've missed being able to hang out with all seven of us."
It's true. Of course, they all noticed the awkward tension that was happening for a while when Yoongi and Sera had first broken up, but no one dared to ask what it was all about. But when Yoongi and Jimin were clearly avoiding one another, everyone was curious about what had happened between the pair. The group initially started to hang out all together because of the two childhood friends. They were like the glue of the group.
Yoongi and Hoseok were paired as dorm roomates, and they met Namjoon through their music courses. They all bonded instantly due to their love for music.
Jimin had met Taehyung during Freshman orientation the previous year, and the two clicked instantly. They decided to move into an apartment together rather than staying in the dorms. Of course, Taehyung and Jungkook were already a couple so the maknae joined the group as soon as he started University the following year. Jimin had met Seokjin in one of his general education courses that the upperclassmen had yet to take, and the older fit in so well with the rest of their group.
Because the group formed around Jimin and Yoongi's friendship, the atmosphere just didn't feel the same when the two weren't speaking. They were all completely clueless to the severity of the situation.
Jimin stayed quiet, with his head casted down. He sat in a bean bag on the floor, beside where Jungkook was on the couch. Namjoon waited patiently, sitting on the other side of the room. The whole room was silent aside from the TV playing movie previews.
Taehyung stared at his roomate with concern. He was the only one who had a little inkling of what was happening, so he decided to speak up- only to stop the awkward tension looming over the group.
"Jin hyung! Jimin!" he shouted abruptly, "I'm hungry, let's make popcorn!" he obnoxiously jumped up from the couch and grabbed Jimin's hand, pulling him up from the bean bag.
Although it was super obvious that he was deflecting, Jimin was super grateful to Taehyung for it. He was not ready to talk to anyone about what all has happened between him and Yoongi.
Taehyung dragged him to the kitchen, with Seokjin following behind the two, leaving Jungkook and Namjoon behind in the living room. Namjoon couldn't help but let his eyes linger behind Jin as he walked away.
After the movie ended and the oldest two members left, Jungkook carried a deadweight Jimin to his bedroom, Taehyung trailing behind him.
Jimin had managed to pass out half way through the three hour long movie, after eating a full bowl of popcorn himself. No one wanted to move the sleeping male because he looked so cute and peaceful curled into his bean bag chair, with his mouth hanging wide open.
It was very unlike the short male to fall asleep during a Marvel movie, so he must have been exhausted.
Jungkook softly laid the older down into his bed and Taehyung pulled the covers over him. The younger kissed Taehyung's forehead and exited the room.
Taehyung stared at down at Jimin as he slept, brushing his hair away from his face. "What's going on with you?" he whispered. "I'm so worried about you, but you won't talk to me. All I want is to help you, Jimbles."
He watched as the younger's eyebrows scrunched in his sleep and he curled into himself, almost like he was scared. Taehyung's heart broke at the sight.
Hey guys! Sorry if this chapter seemed like it was all over the place. I was sick while writing it. I am trying to slow the story down a bit and give some more develpment to the other characters. I wanted this chapter to have a little more lightheartedness since it has been so intense lately!
Get ready because next chapter we will see some of Yoongi's perspective!
Let me know what you all think!
-Sydney <3
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