After Jimin saw the tiny pink plus sign appear on the convenience store test, he couldn't believe it. There was no way that it was accurate. He bought the cheapest brand, so maybe it was wrong...
Jimin only missed one birth control pill.
He flipped the back of the box over and read the instructions again. Maybe he took the damn thing wrong. That has to be it. He really hoped that that's it.
Jimin is only 20 and a sophomore in college. He doesn't even know what he wants to go to college for. He has no idea what he wants to do when he's older, which is why he's currently only taking his general education courses. On top of that, he's never even had a job before. He's barely scraping by in finances due to his monthly allowance he's given from his parents. That pretty much only covers his half of rent, groceries, school supplies, and extra money for the bus.
His mind started to swirl in a panic.
How am I supposed to take care of a baby? I can barely take care of myself! What about school? Would I have to drop out? Would I have to move back home with my parents? What do I say to them? They'll disown me for sure. And what about Yoongi?
Oh God, what about Yoongi...
Jimin started to hyperventilate as his mind played out every circumstance and disaster his pregnancy could cause. His chest hurt, and he couldn't see. He was having a panic attack. He clutched at his shirt and gasped for breath. He was breaking into a sweat, and suddenly, he was incredibly nauseous again.
He quickly leaned forward over the toilet and vomited. It was mostly just stomach acid at this point. The timing you was almost like the world's way of proving to him that this was really happening to him right now.
The young male closed the lid, flushed the toilet, and wiped his face with a piece of toilet paper. He sat back against the bathroom wall, closed his eyes as he laid his head back, and sighed. He decided to just sit there and breathe peacefully for a couple minutes to clear his head. Clearly panicking is not the way to go about this, especially with how sick he has been.
The rational thing to do is to see a doctor first before he thinks of anything else. He needs to confirm that he is in fact pregnant and get as much information as possible. Then he will contemplate everything else.
Jimin set up an appointment with his regular physician. He had to schedule it on a day he got out of class a bit earlier than usual because he doesn't want to fall further behind in school work after the multiple sick days he's already taken.
After his last class of the day, he rode the bus over to the doctors office. He was let in immediately, and asked to change into a gown, leaving him completely naked underneath. He sat on the bed covered in sanitary paper a bit awkwardly, swinging his legs back and forth, patiently waiting.
There was knock on the door, indicating the doctor's arrival. She entered with a bright smile and closed the door behind her. Dr. Lee was short and thin. She had a dark bob haircut that framed her face nicely. She was always so comfortable and warm, so Jimin loved seeing her over any other doctor he's had.
She leaned against the counter and looked at her notes. "So what are we in for today Jimin?" she asked with a sweet voice, "Just a normal check-up?"
He thought for a moment then nodded slightly. Dr. Lee could tell that he was a bit hesitant. "Is there something you are concerned about?"
Jimin hesitated for a moment but eventually spoke up, "Well... actually... I had been feeling sick and vomiting for a couple days, but earlier this week I took a... a pregnancy test, and it said positive. But it was a cheap one so I wanted to check and see if it was accurate... if I really am pregnant that is." Jimin blushed.
His doctor hummed in understanding. "Okay, let's take a test and we can find out. Can you step on the scale for a moment?"
Jimin has always been pretty insecure about his weight, so he was not looking forward to this part. He stood on the same while the doctor wrote down his results.
"Well Jimin, it appears you have put on about 3 pounds since your last visit, but that's nothing to be concerned about. College students' weight tends to fluctuate often due to stress and busy schedules."
Jimin nodded in understanding, but he couldn't help but think that he should have been watching his diet better. He has always been aware of his weight since he was chubbier as a little kid, and he tends to overdo his exercise routines.
After taking the test, he sat in the room alone waiting for the results. He was terrified to say the least.
Dr. Lee entered the room again and Jimin looked up at her with anticipation. By the look on her face, she already confirmed his worst fears. "Jimin, your test came back positive. You are pregnant."
Jimin tried to hold back, but he couldn't help it. Tears instantly filled his eyes and spilled over. "I know this wasn't what you were wanting to hear, but there are options that we can discuss. You are very young."
The young male shook his head. "I don't really want to think about that right now."
His doctor nodded in understanding and sympathy.
"This is probably going to have to be a conversation between you and the baby's father. It is a very big decision to make."
Jimin bit his lip. He didn't find it necessary to explain his and Yoongi's current involvement to his physician.
After Jimin's doctor's appointment, he sat at his desk, inside his room going over all the information he was provided with.
Based off of what he determined about the time of his possible conception, they figured his due date is around June 6th. That makes him about 4 weeks along. That was one of the most embarrassing conversations he's ever had, but it was necessary. Dr. Lee explained that they will have a more accurate date when he has his first ultrasound at his next scheduled appointment in a few weeks.
She did tell him to immediately stop taking his birth control, and he was prescribed some prenatal vitamins to take every day.
He had been given several pamphlets on planned parenthood, adoption, and young motherhood. He had pages on what to expect in the early stages of pregnancy, what to eat and what not to eat, how to properly exercise while pregnant, and many more.
This is overwhelming. He thought, as he scratched the back of his head aggressively and slammed his forehead on his desk, taking deep, calming breaths.
He let his hand reach down and rest on where the baby is supposedly growing inside his belly, but as soon as he did he retracted his hand away as if it had been burned. He had no idea what he wanted at the moment, so it didn't feel right.
If he did keep this child, he would be competely on his own. Sure his parents might help, and even Taehyung some, but Yoongi probably wouldn't want anything to do with it because it was with him. Jimin was sure of this much.
Jimin thought back to the day he saw the older in the hallway with Kang Sera, flirting with no worries or cares. The look he gave her was filled with adoration and satisfaction, and the thought made Jimin miserable.
Yoongi never cared for Jimin in that way, so he wouldn't want him to be forced into anything with him. And if that horrible woman is what makes the blonde happy, Jimin will do everything in his power to keep it that way.
He can't know. He can never tell Yoongi. It'll be his little secret.
So there we have it! Jimin is pregnant. I'm sure we all knew that would happen. Jimin and Yoongi are both pretty dumb in this story aren't they?
As always readers, please vote and comment and follow me!
Let me know what you guys think... should Jimin tell Yoongi, or is he doing the right thing by keeping it from him?? I'm curious to see your opinions.
-Sydney <3
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