Chapter I: the 26th august.
[A/N] Hello my dear reader-chan. How ya doing? So basicially, I wanna say that this man on a media is Karl, our father. Idk why, but I like to imagine him as a Karlheinz. And, yeah, thats why he's name is Karl xd. Remember that english is not my first language. Have a nice day, nfu ~
- [F/N], my dear, wake up!
You slowly open your eyes, only to see your grandparents smiling wild. You look at clock. 7:48.
- W-what happened? - you ask curiously.
- Oh, honey, just don't tell my you forgot. It's your birthday! Best wishes! - they both hug you tight and kiss your cheeks.
You raise your browns. It's august 26th. Your birthday. You slowly stand up from bed and walk to your huge balcony glass door and look outside. You saw the most beautiful sight in the whole German. Amazing, breath-taking, grand garden that have about 8 hectares. The end of it was covered with tall roses bushes. In the middle stand tree with spreading branches. Right before it stand big, old fountain to which leads gravel road. On it's side stand tall lanterns and benches. Close to your mansion you saw huge swimming pool, which was closed right now, because the whole garden was covered with 30 cm of snow.
It was really strange. After all, it was august. And it was snowing. What is wrong with that weather.
- Did my father arrived? - you ask still watching dozen of snowflakes falling from white sky. Really breath-taking sight.
- Oh, honey, I'm really sorry. Karl call us just an hour ago. He can't came back. New government will be chose in next two months, so he must focus on his job.
- I understand. - you lied, of course. You don't understand it at all. He is your father, dammit. He supposed to be here, by your side.
- Cheer up! Come down. We have present for you!
At this moment you don't want any presents. All you need was your dad. You turn around to face your quite to happy grandma. She came closer, grab your hand and began to lead you toward wooden double door.
You walk down the stairs and straight to dinning room. While you walk throught the door you almost get a heartattack. At the end of the long table you saw a familliar face, which belonged to o 38 years old man, man that you love so much. His white long curly hair that normally reached his stomach now was take in low pony tail. His big, golden eyes that always make curioused was now focused on some paper, you guessed that it was for his election campaign. In his left hand you saw his favourite golden pen that your mother give him 18 year before. Then, he look up at you and gently smiled.
He slowly stand up and began walking toward you. But you, you just couldn't move. About 2 minutes ago you grandma said that he wasn't coming home, and now? Now he stand right before you, with his arm wrapped around you. The heat that was coming from his body bring you back on earth. You hug him back, putting definitely too much force in it. But you just couldn't resist. It was your father, your lovely father.
- Happy birthday, my little brat. - he said slowly, looking deep into your eyes.
- Dady, you came! - you begang, fighting with tears. - But grandma said that you are to busy with your job.
- Oh, my dear, you know how much I like to tease you. Anyway, what kind of father would I be if I forget about one of the most important day in your live? Today you enter adulthood. - he said with this playful smile of his.
- Unfortunately.. - you muttered and he look curioused at you.
- What do you mean? You're not happy? - he asked.
- Well, I do not know, for now.
- Hmm, I think I know the way to make you feel better. But first, let's eat breakfast.
- Oh father, please, just tell me where are we going.
- I can't, my love. It's your present, after all, and I do not want to destroy your surprise.
You sight, leaning your head on hand, looking through the window on beautiful, white Dusseldorf. Your [E/C] eyes sparkling with curiosity while you watching people doing their chores. Never in your entire live you have to work. Everytime on your each steps your servant was waiting for your commands. But, after all, you never use to it. You like doing stuff only by yourself. It was quite, fun, you can say. Eventually you fell warm hand on your left shoulder.
- [F/N], my sunshine, we're already here.
You one more look through the glass. After about 30 second you still sparkling orbs reach huge, old building. The theatre. When the carriage stop right before the place you love so much you wait for one of your father butler to open the door. He then offered you his hand. You take it slowly and begging to step out the carriage with your dad and grandparents right behind you.
Just when you stepped outside the cold wind blow straight to your face adding some red to your cheeks. You wear long, elegant green dress that reached your ankles. It was quite heavy. Two layers of material in two different shades made dress unbelievable hard to walk in. You had black leather gloves on your hands and high black boots, expensive boots, that, unfortunately, no one could saw through your even more expensive dress. On your head was placed green cylinder with black and gold huge bow. Green, black and gold, deffinity your favourites colors. Your maid made your in two pony above your ears.
- Karl! Mr and mrs Schultz! Your are finally here! - you heard a loud scream. When you turn your head you saw a young man, about 24. He has short, spiky red hair and gold eyes that was looking straight at you, a way too long. - Oh, Lady Schulz, what a please to see you. - he kiss your hand and you blush shyly.
- Good morning. - you said.
- Ahh, Fritz, nice to see you. You look quite good today, my friend. - my dad look at him, winking to him.
- Thank you. I just want say this same about Lady [F/N]. - he smile back to my father, then, immediately, look back at me. 'Oh God, it's not look good' you thought.
- Shall we go in - Fritz ask you, offering his arm. You grab it, what else could you do? If a genteleman offer you his arm, you, as a Lady just accept it.
You smell his perfume, it was quite strong. He lead you toward enormous, carved, wooden double door. When you walk through this gigantic masterpiece your eyes spotted huge halls that was full of men and women. They all wear really elegant, format and expensive clothes.
Suddenly you heard someone screaming your title.
- Lady Schultz? Ah, [F/N]. I'm so glad I meet you. Happy birthday, my dear.
You look around to find the owner of the angelic voice. You saw one if the most beautiful girl you have ever seen. Her long, blonde hair with red endings falling free on her shoulder and back. Her pale skin that quite match her pretty Big browns eyes. Her red long dress match her hair. Everything in her match. And you have the pleasure to her best friend.
- You remember?
- Of course, I am your best friend, after all, right? - she said while smirking.
- [F/N], there you are. Oh, miss Caroline Kleih, pleasure to see you. - you looked as Fritz walking toward you, keeping his eyes on your friend. Eyes full of... full of what? You already saw it in man's eyes, but you just couldn't call it.
- Fritz, what are you doing here? - Caroline asked with this same uncalled thing in her voise.
- I came here to meet with Lady Schultz and her family.
- Oh, I see. - she said it almost like she was.. dissapointed?
- But, if we already met, maybe you, Lady, could join us? - 24 years old man asked.
-Oh yes, please.
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