Chapter 2: the Accident.
[A/N] Hi my dear reader-chan. How are you? ~
On media you can see Theatre Royal from Assassins's Creed III. When I was writing this chapter I have this place in my mind, idk why. Well, such a shame it's going to be (spoiler) burn down. Ops, I said too much. Well, have a nice day, nfu ~
- [F/N], can I ask you for a moment? - you heard your dad.
- Yes, something happened? The ballet will start in a few minutes.
- I need to ask you something.
- Yes?
- Since today you are official a woman, I think it time to plan your marriage. - he said slowly, observing your reaction. And you? You just stand here, to shocked to even breath. Marriage?
- I think you first have to find a candidate. - you said teased him.
- I already do it.
- Oh, my dear sunshine, you think why did I invited Fritz to join us? I want you to marry him.
- What!?! - you almost scream immediately.
- Exactly what you heard. [F/N], understand that I love you with my hole heart and I want you to be happy. He's a good, young, handsome man. And he has money. - Of course, money, because what else?
- Father, I think money is not the most important thing in my life.
- But you, me love, are my only child, and you official own the whole mansion. Honey, you have to have money to keep it in our family. You have to get clever husband. Anyway, I was sure you like him. The way you smile.
- Dad, you know it's my fake smile.
- My dear, please. I do not know why I even tell you this right now. Can we just enjoy the ballet? Please.
You indeed didn't want to argue with him. Not today. Not ever. So you just decide to put on your [S/T] your fake smile and to convert him after getting home.
You take your father arm and walk with him inside the theatre. He leads you to your seat, between him and Fritz. Right behind you was your grandparents. Just then the show start.
But, of course, you would not enjoy it to long...
You fell a hand on your leg, that squeeze your knee. You immediately look at it's owner. Fritz...
- What are you doing?! - you whisper, worrying about your father reaction. You tried to get rid of him, but you just couldn't. He's hand start his way up you tight, getting to close to your private part.
- Maybe you want go outside, my sunshine. - he whisper back.
Right then his hand grab you hand, really forcefully. 'Oh god, tell me I'm dreaming' .
Without thinking, you stand up, said sorry and walked out.
- Sunshine, are you alright? - your father asked. You was about to vomit. He use the same word. Sunshine.
- I just don't feel to good, I guess I need take some fresh air., Excuse me.
- Oh, my Lady, let me go with you. - red haired man said. 'Oh god, please, tell me I'm dreaming'.
- Oh, no, please, no need. It's nothing.
- I will go with you. - the angel voice woman said. - I don't find this ballet exciting anyway.
-Oh no, two women alone? It's not right, Fritz, please, go with them. - your father just forced you ending. Thanks god Caroline decide to come with you.
"He's a good, young, handsome man. And he has money."
He has money, indeed, but, he has only money.
You, Caroline and Fritz walked outside the huge building. You turned to face that pervert, but, when your eyes reach him you again saw something in his eyes. But this time it's look like he was scared. Right when you want say something you hear loud, piercing scream coming from the theater. At the beginning you didn't know what's going on, you looked curiously at your mates only to see they frightened faces. You look back at the building and saw some red and oranges spotted.
Wait. No. It can't, it couldn't be. Oh dear lord.
You scream out your lungs and with full speed ran toward burning place. You husband-to-be tried to catch you, but you were to fast, damn to fast. You reach the door and ran through them, straight to halls where your dad supposed to be. When but you only saw a exit blocked beams.
Like in a worst nightmare.
You hear screaming coming from the other side. But the whole damn place was in flame. You tried to call for help but everyone last person run away. You were here, all alone, fighting with that pieces of wood. But you were to weak.. To weak...
- Fuck, father, grandma! Anyone! Please!
And right then you heard calm voice.
- My love, ran.
Tears began to fall on your [S/T] cheeks.
- Dad, daddy, please, someone, HEEEELP!
The screams died down.
No, please, no.
You tuned around just to see foot falling down, block the only one exit.
You lied down on your knees.
'So this is the end, huh? Die, trying to save what was the most important for me.'
The whole hall began to burn and you have bigger and bigger problem with breathing.
'At least I will not suffer after losing the person I love so much'
Gold and red flame toungue coming closed and closed to your sheked body. Your saw your whole life before your eyes.
'Maybe it's even better. It's better to be burned alive'
You feel heat coming from all around you.
- I-I don't want die... - you cry softly.
- You don't have to...
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