episode thirteen
Jimin felt like trash as he forced himself off of his bed. It wasn't the usual soft memory foam bed he and Chaeyoung usually shared as he did not have the heart to stay there after everything, but the couch inside the practice room.
He spent the whole night practicing—perfecting every move to take his mind off of things. Because God knows how hard it was for him to go on knowing Chaeyoung did not want him anymore.
His gaze fell on to the box she left days before. He didn't have the heart to touch it nor rummage through it. What's the point, right? Would those things bring her back to him? No. She left because he screwed up.
Jimin trusts her. It's just that he was scared. He was scared that after everything he put her through, she'd eventually grow tired of him. That she'd one day wake up and realize he's no good. That she deserved better.
It did happen. She left. And he's the biggest idiot the world has ever known.
For some unknown reason, she pulled the box closer and heaved a sigh. Keychains, magnets and postcards from different countries greeted him. Chaeng loved traveling but didn't have the time so he bought her stuff whenever he goes overseas. And she kept all of them.
His eyebrows furrowed when he saw an odd looking postcard among the bunch. It was his first time seeing it.
But it wasn't a postcard. It was a picture. He can't quite remember where it was taken but seeing the blurry figure—close to being a silhouette, he was certain it was a picture of him.
He flipped the photo to check whether there was a date or something. Chaeyoung's clean handwriting greeted him.
"Oppa. I'm not sure whether you remember this night or what but, I took this as a memory of that night you took me to that new apartment you bought for us. You said it was good enough to start a family—ours. I was really happy that night, oppa. Really really happy. We were happy.
"But lately, things made a drastic turn. I don't know if it's just me or what but, I can feel that there's something wrong. If it's about your group, you know I'm here for you. Always. And you're free to tell me everything that's bothering you. If it's about us... well, you can still talk to me about it. I'll listen."
Jimin managed to let out a scoff after reading the last word. She didn't even listen to his pleas. Where'd that listening part go?
He raked through all the papers and trinkets in box. It wasn't a good idea but, maybe it can give him enough information to figure out what was really wrong. Because he refuses to believe her reason.
The last item inside the box was familiar. It was a mini treasure chest he gave her on their first anniversary. It was meant to hold her jewelry since she often loses it but it doubled as a music box. Chaeyoung was so fond of it that she even said before that she'd never return it even if they broke up.
Again a lie since she did gave it back.
Pandora's box was box filled with evil whatsoever and buried deep inside was hope. The small trinket on his hand was just like that. But in his case, the thing inside it was both the evil and his hope.
Now he understood.
"Oppa, did you see my music box?"
Chaeyoung asked his brother as she rummaged through her box of stuff inside their house. It took them more than 13 hours to arrive in Melbourne and the first think she did was fix her old room. Loved both packing and unpacking so it didn't matter whether she was dead tired or what.
"Which one?" The older guy replied as he placed yet another box on her bedroom floor. "This is all the things we took from your old apartment in Seoul. The rest is either you left there or given back to Jimin."
"The golden one. It had gemstones embedded on it," she said as she scanned the box he just delivered.
"The one with the weird sound?"
"Ya. I made that song!"
The mini treasure box was given to her by Jimin. She originally wanted to give it back to him but the song he used was her first ever song to debut sung by IU. Though it was for an OST, it didn't matter. It was one of the best ones she made and it raked her up with tons of money.
"Didn't you put it inside that box you were returning for Jimin?"
"What?" she asked in minimal panic. "Why would I do that? It was my song."
"Yeah but he gave it to you, right?"
"He did but that doesn't matter," she stated with a pout. "It was my favorite."
"Oh. I thought it was something you'll be returning since you placed it next to the return stash."
She sighed. "It's just not meant to be with me, I guess. Thanks for helping me out, oppa."
"Of course, Chae. I can't let a pregnant lady carry these ginormous boxes."
As Chaeyoung went on with what she was doing, Chanyeol made his way put of his sister's room. The door closed and he was able to let out a sigh of relief.
Maybe Jimin won't check the box out but if he does, he hoped for him to be able to see what he left inside Chaeyoung's most treasured possession.
Because no matter how toxic their relationship was, the guy should know about the child. If not now, at least eventually.
"What?! He's flying to Australia in the middle of promotions?!" Miss Manoban's high pitch voice echoed within the four corners of the conference room. "Is he out of his mind?!"
Seated were the remaining members of Royal—Jin and Namjoon, their Manager Jisoo and Secretary Jeon.
"We don't quite know the reason but we're guessing he's gonna go after Chaeyoung," Namjoon—the group's leader, said.
"Chaeyoung? Who the f**k is Chaeyoung?"
"Um, she's Miss Roseanne Park, Miss Manoban," Secretary Jeon supplied.
"How many names does that girl even have?" their boss said irritably as she rolled her eyes. "And of all places, why Australia? Is she going there to pet some kangaroos?"
"Miss Park's family is living in Australia, Miss Manoban," Manager Kim said. "I think she's taking an indefinite leave."
Miss Manoban's forehead creased as her arms folded over her chest.
"Indefinite leave?" She then turned towards Secretary Jeon. "I wasn't made aware."
"Usually, the HR department handles these types of issues..." he replied calmly. "She took an emergency leave so your approval wasn't needed."
"But it's not like her to suddenly go home," Jin muttered gaining everyone's attention. "I mean, she and Jimin usually get into fights and break up but not to this extent. She'd either stay at her cousins' place or at ours since she and Jisoo are very close. Her going back to Australia in such short notice is quite... odd."
"Is that so?" She glanced at him and then back at her secretary. "I want you to call the head of the HR department. I want her in my office immediately."
Miss Manoban left and everyone had tons of questions in mind. They too tried to find information about the young producer's abrupt decision to leave the country.
Secretary Jeon excuse himself as he followed his boss back to her office. Not forgetting to call the HR department to meet them as soon as possible.
"Should I also call the PR team regarding Jimin's sudden decision to leave the country?"
"Not yet," she answered as she sat on her seat. "If what Seokjin was saying is true, there's something more to this so-called break-up. Fans will wonder why Australia all of a sudden. We need to know the truth first before we make up a lie to cover all of this up."
"Should I give the press a call regarding possible articles of Mr. Park's sudden airport appearance?"
"That won't be necessary," she replied tapping on her phone. "I alerted some of our people at the airport. They'll let him use the VIP entrance and lounge so that there will be no reporters or fans that could spot him."
And with that, Ms. Jang of the HR Department entered the room.
"Miss Manoban," she greeted then handed Chaeyoung Park's folder to her. "This is the request she sent us two days ago."
"You allowed her to leave without consulting my team?"
"Yes," Miss Jang replied. "She had her medical documents attached and company policy says that in emergencies, we can approve maternity leaves without consulting."
"Maternity what?!"
Jimin felt anxious adjusted his cap to hide his bright blue colored hair from everyone. Also, he wore a simple oversized black hoodie and washed pants to not draw any type of attention as well as a black mask. All his piercings were gone too just in case some of their fans use that and start any kind of rumor.
"Park Jimin-ssi?"
His body froze as he heard a woman's voice from behind him. He didn't know what to say or how to react at that very moment. He just stood there and didn't do anything at all.
Then he felt a harsh tug on his arm forcing him to turn around. A petite brunette who goes by Jennie Kim suddenly grabbed his mask. His eyes grew wide.
"I knew it! What are you doing here?" she asked. "Don't you have a music show or something to attend to?"
It wasn't a surprise to him that Miss Kim knew his schedule. She's one of the company's directors as well as an artist.
"I uh--"
"Jen we still have a few hours before--Mr. Park!" the guy--who he remembered was Miss Kim's secretary--Mr. Kim, exclaimed. "Royal has an overseas schedule?"
"Shh!" he immediately said taking the mask and putting it back on his mouth. "No, but I'm going to see Chaeyoung."
"Chaeyoung? Who's that?"
"Chaeyoung is Miss Roseanne Park, Jen," the guy casually informed her before turning back to him. "I heard about your situation from Namjoon-ssi. He told me you two were going through a rough patch."
"Oh. The Rosie girl. I do love her voice," she said nodding her head. "So you're going to wherever she is to win her back?"
He nodded. "And hopefully to be there for my child."
"Child?" both Kim's blurted out.
"Yes," he answered and took something out of his pocket. It was a pregnancy test stick with two visible lines. "She flew back to Australia because of this."
"Congratulations, then," Secretary Kim said without breaking eye contact with the small device. "Do you know where she's staying?"
Jimin scratched the back of his head as he hid the kit back inside his pocket. He honestly has no idea where Chaeyoung lives in particular but he's sure it was in Melbourne.
"You idiot," Jennie Kim muttered before taking her phone out from her bag. "Wait here. And Tae, please don't let anyone else see him. If he gets recognized--even if we're inside the VIP lounge, he's dead meat."
The brunette marched away as she talked with someone over her phone. If his hunch is right, she might be calling Miss Manoban at the moment.
"She's not gonna get you killed, you know," Secretary Kim said as if he just read his mind. "I think she's calling HR for Miss Park's home address."
"I think Miss Manoban already knows I ditched the recording by now," he said heaving a sigh. "She'd shred me to pieces once I get back."
"I will but not for the reason you're thinking."
Shock was an understatement. Miss Manoban was standing on the VIP lounge's entrance with her arms folded as she walked towards him. Then she smacked him on the head so hard he felt like his brain almost fall out.
"That's for not showing up for your Inkigayo stage. Do you know how much it cost us in damages?!" she nagged.
"M-Miss Manoban how did you--"
"You didn't think you'd be able to enter this lounge without the press knowing now, do you?" Her eyebrow raised. "But let's not dive into that. What I'm pissed about is why the hell did you not tell us about Miss Park's situation?! And it's just right after Jin's stupid stunt!"
Secretary Kim coughed a bit to inform them that their voices were a bit loud and they were gaining attention from the people inside the room. But Miss Manoban just rolled her eyes.
"Relax, Mr. Kim. Royal has a scheduled shoot in Melbourne so he's safe from all those rumors floating around. I also took care of Royal's 'airport appearance'."
Miss Manoban fished her phone out of her pocket and showed them pictures of Namjoon, Jin, Jisoo, and an unknown guy wearing a padded hoodie and mask walking towards the airport. There were multiple articles explaining the boys' sudden appearance at the airport.
[BREAKING] Global Boy Group ROYAL spotted at Incheon Airport. Sources claim that it would be next year's welcome package but some say it's for a variety show. But whatever it is, fans are excited for yet another "gift" from South Korea's pride. Tune in for more updates on ROYAL and other kpop groups...
"And the tickets were expensive since we only booked it this morning."
"Wait, who's this guy wearing the padded black hoodie?" He asked pointing at the unknown male next to Manager Kim.
"Your stand-in," she explained making his forehead crease. "What? You don't think your fans would wonder why you arrived earlier than they did? Well, allow me to remind you, Mr. Park Jimin how your majesties are smarted than the FBI when it comes to sniffing out scandals and whatnot."
"So you're coming with us? To Melbourne?"
"Well of course!" she blurted out. "You don't expect me to pass up an opportunity to travel with my boyfriend now, would you?"
As Miss Manoban grinned, Namjoon, Jin, Jisoo and the guy in a black hoodie--who was much taller than he was, entered the lounge. She made a beeline straight towards the stranger and clung on to his arm.
"Do you think they noticed?" the guy asked--who had a very familiar voice.
"You're like, a few inches taller than the midget so yeah, they would," Jin sassed. "Producer Min had the closest height. I told you guys we should've used him instead."
"Producer Min has a packed schedule, yeobo," Jisoo reprimanded her husband. "We can't just drag him to Australia with us. And besides, Secretary Jeon was slouching and he was a pretty convincing Jimin to me."
"I haven't seen anyone on twitter calling out the height difference," Namjoon interjected. "Plus all shots were a bit blurry since there wasn't any master-nims around due to the short notice."
Jimin's mouth grew wide as Miss Manoban removed the guy's mask--revealing Secretary Jeon, and kissed his cheek. He was more shocked on the kissing part.
"What? You don't expect us to pass up this vacation. Plus you'll be shooting some vlogs to feed your fans while we're in Melbourne," she said shrugging. "Also, we only have a week so don't expect me to allow you to stay longer than that. Patch things up with Miss Park so we can go home immediately."
"I got her address--what are you all doing here?!" Jennie suddenly exclaimed as she returned from her long call. "What is the meaning of this?"
"We're taking a quick vacation to Australia, Jennie," Miss Manoban answered with a smirk.
"All of you? I thought it was only Jimin?"
"They needed to go together so that the fans won't suspect, Jen," Taehyung supplied.
"What? That's so not fair!" she whined.
"Why? Aren't you two going on a trip too?"
"Yes but... I want to come to Australia too! It would be more fun to go with you guys."
Taehyung coughed. "You wound me, love."
"Oh pipe down. We can do what you're planning on Australia too. All we need is a bedroom, you know," she stated making everyone--except from Secretary Jeon and Miss Manoban, gasp. "Oops! Did I say that out loud?"
"Pretty much, yeah," Mr. Kim--who was partially covering his face out of embarrassment, said.
"sOrRy," she said in a weird accent. "But if that's the only thing you're worried about, jagi, I think they'll understand--"
Miss Kim wasn't able to continue what she was about to say because Secretary Kim had already pulled her and shielded her mouth. Then he gave all of them an apologetic nod before leaving.
None of them were able to speak until Miss Manoban did.
"We only have a few minutes before our flight so I suggest we head to the security check," she instructed everyone. "Oh, and carry this padded jacket, Jimin. Fans might be lurking on the security gates so they'll be curious if they don't see this on you. And, Secretary Jeon, you can change your pants. They'll suspect things if they see you're wearing the same pants."
"Yes, Miss Manoban."
Jimin suddenly became confused. Are they really together or is Miss Manoban just messing with him?
But then again, Miss Manoban gave Secretary Jeon a quick kiss on his cheek.
He shook his head. Whatever it was going on between the two of them isn't his priority as of the moment. Right now he needs to be there for Chaeyoung whether she likes it or not.
The doorbell rang making Chaeyoung turn towards the door with a scrunched forehead. Who'd visit them at this hour? Certainly not the neighbors 'coz they Smiths went on a vacation to the Caribbean.
"Chan!" she called while folding her book close and placing it on the coffee table. "Are you expecting someone over?"
"Maybe it's dad. He did say his conference might end early."
"Really?" She immediately bolted upright.
She haven't seen her dad since she returned days ago because he had this conference in New Zealand. And with all the pregnancy hormones she's been having, being able to meet her parents again after a long while makes her feel all sorts of emotions. And one of them was excitement.
But that excitement immediately died down when a certain ash-haired woman greeted her on the opposite side of the door.
"Miss Manoban!" she exclaimed. "I uh... What are you doing here in our house?"
"I'm here to pick you up, that's why," her boss replied while smiling. "I know you're currently on your maternity leave but I wouldn't be here if it's not an urgent matter."
Then on cue, Chanyeol appeared next to her.
"Chae? Who—"
Miss Manoban smiled widely and invited herself in with her hand out to shake her brother's.
"Lalisa Manoban," she introduced. "CEO of JHS Entertainment. You're Park Chanyeol, am I right?"
"I uh... yes. How'd you know?"
"I do back-up checks on my employees," the woman said casually taking her brother aback. Then Miss Manoban turned her attention back at her. "Grab a jacket or something. You too, Mr. Park. I have something else to discuss with you."
As her boss turned to her heels towards a black car out on the street, her brother pointed at himself.
"Me? What does she need with me?"
She shrugged. "Maybe just to keep me company? What I'm really curious about is why she flew here, to freaking Australia. Maybe it has something to do with Ji Eun's comeback? Or... oh my gosh! What if her songs got leaked?!"
On full panic mode, Chaeyoung grabbed her brother's wrist—not minding to grab a jacket, and pulled him towards the waiting car.
"Miss Manoban is it about the songs—"
She felt her knees buckle as she saw a familiar blue-haired male.
She slowly took a few steps back from the car. They tricked her. They even got Miss Manoban involved. She should've just submitted a resignation letter rather than a leave. She—
Chanyeol held both her shoulders even before she could run back to their house.
"You need to face this together, Chae," he said firmly. "I love you that's why I'm doing this. You have to talk to him and figure this out together. I know you're strong and independent but I won't let you do this to yourself..
Her vision started to blur as she felt a few drop tears on her cheeks. Her heart pounding at the presence of a confrontation—something she continues to run away from.
"Think about your kid, Chae. My niece or nephew deserves to have a family too. A mom and a dad. Okay?"
Unknowingly, her hand landed on the small bump on her stomach—clenched it softly. But as much as she hate to admit it, her brother's right. Her child deserves to have a family. Or at least a chance.
She heaved a sigh.
"So, what do you think are they talking about?" Jin asked Jungkook as they waited inside the kitchen.
Originally, they wanted Jimin and Chaeyoung to talk inside the heavily tinted car as they drove around to avoid suspicions whatsoever. But seeing Chaeyoung's current condition and Jimin's possible breakdown, they all decided to just let the two talk inside the house and the others would just be on standby.
And of course, the whole band decided to peer on their brother's private life.
"I'm not quite sure but it's definitely about the baby."
"I'm not talking about Jimin and Chaeyoung, Secretary Jeon," the guy corrected. "I'm talking about them."
Jin pointed at Park Chanyeol and Miss Manoban talking by the kitchen island. She was wearing that charming smile again that he can't help but feel a little bit jealous.
"Don't listen to him, Secretary Jeon," Manager Kim interjected. "I'm sure CEO Manoban is just recruiting him. I've heard from Chaeyoung before that her brother's a great singer and can make good beats too. He could be a potential producer for JHS."
"Really, now?" Jin questioned. "A fine looking man like him and a wide smile from her and there's nothing going on? Come on, Soo. She's practically fawning—"
Jisoo elbowed her husband cutting him off. Then she smiled towards Jungkook.
"He's just being stupid. Don't mind him," she said as if it was nothing at all.
But he knew Miss Manoban. And he knew that smile. It's a reaction she makes when she lands herself a good deal. So Manager Kim must be right. Miss Manoban just recruited a new producer.
"Hey! I'm not stupid—"
"What are you all babbling about?" Miss Manoban suddenly said as she and Mr. Park made their way towards them. "Jungkook?"
He stiffened. He needs to get used to her calling him that.
"I uh... we were wondering what you two were discussing," he answered in a soft tone. He didn't really know whether she'd answer him straight up or get mad.
"Oh. Just this and that," she said glancing at Mr. Park with a smirk. "By the way, I think Jimin and Miss Park had enough time talking as it is. We better check up on them."
Jin, Jisoo and Mr. Park all went ahead and left the kitchen. For some reason, he didn't move.
"Kook?" Miss Manoban called as she realized he was just standing there, dazed. "Is everything okay?"
"I uh... yeah. Yes. Everything's fine, Miss Manoban," he answered plainly. By then he stated to walk towards her.
But Miss Manoban wasn't buying it.
"Wait," she said grabbing his arm gently. "Are you... are you jealous of Chanyeol?"
"Why would I be, Miss Manoban?" He struggled to sound natural. Damn his awkward self.
Her narrowed at him. "You are. Well don't be. Mr. Park and I were just discussing the possibility of him being a part of the models roster in JHS."
"Model?" That sounded more enthusiastic than it should making his boss stifle a laugh. "I mean, shouldn't he be a producer or something? Manager Kim said he can make awesome beats."
"Really? I had no idea. I'll talk to him about it later. Maybe he can do both."
The determination in Miss Manoban's eyes made him smile. She really doesn't spare a minute when it comes with potential artists. And she has an eye for great talent. Saerin... Taehyung... They're all doing so well right now. No doubt that KWINs would too. And all other artists that would follow them as well.
"Why do you look so hot when you're jealous?" She suddenly said making his cheeks automatically burn. This made her chuckle. "But nothing beats a 'blushing mess Secretary Jeon' for me."
She tiptoed and planted a soft kiss on his cheek intensifying the burning sensation on his face. Even his ears might be in a bright shade of crimson right now.
"Before I forget, Jungkook. I need you to come with me this Saturday. Hoseok and Tzuyu and coming home too so you better not say 'no' or make up some wild excuse," she warned."
"Saturday? Is it the Madam Jung's birthday already?" He asked curiously.
"Nope. It's Jaewon's death anniversary."
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