episode ten
Jungkook groaned as the blinding sunlight forced him to wake up. He was about to move his when he felt something heavy on his chest.
Miss Manoban's peaceful form laid next to him—arms wrapped around his torso and face buried on his chest. Wow. What a sight. He closed his eyes once more to savor this beautiful dream. It's quite peculiar how these dreams are growing more and more vividly each day—
"Stop staring. You're creeping me out."
He froze. His eyes immediately shot wide open. This isn't a dream. And they were in Tzuyu's room.
"What time is it?" Miss Manoban casually asked as she slowly got up and rubbed her eyes. "Oh, it's already morning."
He laid there frozen, wide-eyed and unable to comprehend what was currently happening.
Him. Miss Manoban. In one bed. Whole night.
"Jungkook?" he felt her shake his shoulder. "Ya, Secretary Jeon!"
He blinked. Then slowly turned towards Miss Manoban.
Her ashy locks fell loosely from her shoulders as the sun's beams hit her flawless face turning her into this morning goddess. Her cheeks had this subtle glint of pink and her plump lips were almost the same shade. And as if she wasn't beautiful enough, she smiled playfully as she brushed her hair back and biting her lip.
"My, my, Jungkook. I'm not sure whether to take this as a compliment or an insult," his boss said looking at...
Bolting upright he grabbed a pillow and shielded his crotch.
This definitely isn't a dream.
Miss Manoban was laughing hysterically that she almost fell from Tzuyu's bed. Of course, his instincts kicked in and he pulled her back to prevent her from falling. But it seems like he put in too much force that she toppled over him.
His breathing hitched as he felt her weight over him and her hand on his chest—their faces only a few inches apart. He suddenly felt claustrophobic. He couldn't breathe. All he could think about is how soft her lips were.
"Secretary Jeon..."
Three inches... two... one...
Her lips were—as always, soft. The sweet intoxicating scent of Lalisa Manoban traps him into this hypnotic trance that all he wishes to do is savor that addicting cherry flavor that is her lips. And yes, he did. He is.
He felt her hand on his nape as she too fought with equal intensity. Like it did not bother them at all that they were inside a room alone, together. Her sister's room to be precise.
He pushed the distracting thoughts behind his mind and cupped her face with one hand while the other traveled to her waist—lips still refusing to let go. If he were to be fired for sleeping with his boss—fully clothed and was strictly PG-13, then he might as well get the most out of it, right?
Like kids caught cheating by the teacher, Miss Manoban rolled off him and he sat up straight. Applying enough pressure to the pillow on his crotch.
"O-Oppa! I didn't know you were here—"
"We cane to get Tzuyu's things. Our flight is in two hours," Hoseok said smirking. "Looks like you two were busy. Called in sick, Depyonim?"
Miss Manoban bit her lip at her brother's teasing. He—on the other hand, just sat there, on the verge of digging up his own grave to put himself in. It's embarrassing enough to kiss your boss like that but it's even more when you get caught. By her brother who was your former boss.
They heard sprinting steps towards the room before the door swung open.
"Jagiya, did you find my bag?"
Hoseok, who was grinning from ear to ear, folded his arms and answered. "No, honey. But guess who I found."
The torture begins again.
"You're being too childish, Yoongi! It was all just a misunderstanding!" Jennie screamed as she followed her cousin around JHS Building. She still pleading for Taehyung's sake as he was really banned in the building. Add up the fact that Yoongi forced all guards in her apartment to not let Kim Taehyung near her nor the building. He also took the liberty of picking her up for work.
"He made you cry, Jen. I'm doing what a good cousin should be doing. Protecting you from jerks who think the worst in you," he said flatly. They were already in his studio and the debut group 'KWINs' was already waiting for him.
"But oppa—"
"No buts, Jen," he said firmly before turning towards the group of girls. "We'll stick with the old song but Saerin's part will be divided between Bianca and Miyeon."
Jennie pouted before folding her arms and dropping on the spare chair near Yoongi. He was too much! Taehyung just misunderstood her relationship with Yoongi. He said so in that text message before her good-for-nothing cousin took it away.
Now how can she update her socials? Ugh! Her followers would be so disappointed.
"Stop scowling," Yoongi suddenly said. "You're scaring my girls."
She narrowed her eyes at him. "I hate you."
"I know. Now stop it or else I'm gonna burn your closet."
Her mouth fell wide open. "That's illegal!"
"Yeah but no one said I can't."
"You're a monster!" she hissed. "I'm telling Auntie you're bullying me."
"Want me to come with you?" he taunted.
"You're being totally unfair, Yoongi," she whined. "Why can't I see him and straighten out things? It was just a big misunderstanding. He thought you were my boyfriend. Give the guy a break—"
"That's not the point, Jen," he cut her off then sighed. "Look. The thing I'm pissed about here is that he had thought worst about you. That he thought you had a boyfriend even if you already slept with him."
"That's why it's a misunderstanding, oppa. We just need to talk it out—"
"You don't understand, Jennie. Him thinking you're capable of cheating on your boyfriend is what ticks me off," he explained. "If ever you two would end up together, there's a big possibility that he'd consider the idea of you cheating on him. How can you have a boyfriend like that?"
"Oppa, that's why there's this thing called 'talking it out'," she countered. "If ever that time comes when we do get together and he doubt my feelings for him, we will talk about it. And I doubt he'd think that when we're together. He just doubted right now 'coz aside from being my secretary, we didn't have that kind of relationship. So please, oppa. Let me handle this. You may see me as a younger cousin but I'm already old enough to handle my own relationships."
He sighed. "I just don't want you to get hurt. And I don't want any guy thinking you're someone capable of cheating."
"If I get hurt, I know I can handle it," she assure Yoongi. "And him thinking I could cheat? Have faith in me, oppa. I do make me crazy about me but when I reciprocate their feelings, I see to it that they'd have nothing to worry about."
Defeated, Yoongi heaved a sigh. Then he turned his attention back to the group of girls patiently waiting for his cue in the booth.
"Just make sure I don't get arrested from killing someone one day—"
Before Yoongi could finish she jumped and gave him a big hug. She knows why he's being like this and she appreciate the way he looks out for her. And she knows the only reason why Hoseok's been putting up with her for years was because of him. He may look like the stoic music producer everyone is afraid of but to her, he's her big softie big brother disguised as her cousin.
"Your phone in the car compartment," he added giving her the keys. "Don't drive. We're rich but we can't afford to have the city destroyed because of your driving."
"Thank you oppa!" She gave him a peck on the cheek before sprinting out of the recording room.
Secretary Kim, you better be ready for me.
Yoongi sighed. He knew he had no chance in winning an argument with Jennie the moment Secretary Kim ran after them last night. Sue him if he just wanted to protect her from getting hurt and heartbroken.
"Who gave you the authority to not let Secretary Kim inside the building?"
As he turned around, a pissed Lalisa Manoban stood by the door with her lips pursed and arms folded—demanding a clear explanation. Again he sighed. Two in one day. That's gotta be a record.
"Stop projecting your fears on Jennie. That's just plain stupid," she cut him off. "We broke up for the same bloody reasons. I thought you should have learned by now that overthinking won't get you anywhere."
"Li, that's not true. You know I won't do that again."
"But you did," she said sitting next to him. "You thought Taehyung would hurt her that's why you wanted her to get away. Just like when you thought I'd forget about you when I left for Juilliard. You thought i'd cheat on you or not have time with you. So you made me choose."
She placed her hand on mine.
"There's nothing wrong about thinking ahead, oppa," she said giving his hand a gentle squeeze. "But if you keep worrying about the future, you'd eventually forget about your present. So it's better to live the moment, Min Yoongi. Let yourself experience things without being afraid. Let her do the same"
He sighed. She was right. Maybe the only reason why he's overreacting was because he's afraid that Taehyung would hurt Jennie the was he did with Lisa. Or maybe he's scared of her not relying on him anymore when Secretary Kim and her does end up together. Whichever it was, the bottomline would always be his fears. And it sucks.
"You know, I never did get over you that quickly," he opened up making Lisa chuckle. "When your brother told me you were dating that London boy, I wanted to find him and scare him or whatever."
"Why didn't you?"
"I saw you happy," he said smiling. "I bought a ticket and flew for almost fifteen hours to try and win you back. But then I saw you out on a date with him and you were really happy. I couldn't be selfish and pull you away after everything I've done. I went back to Seoul with a broken heart but I was happy."
"Oh, Yoongi..."
"I realized my mistake, Li. Letting you choose between me and your dreams was the biggest mistake I ever did," he confessed. "I want to see you happy again, Li."
"I..." Lisa looked away. "I don't deserve to be happy, Yoongi. You know that."
He wanted to argue. He wanted to tell her again and again that it wasn't her fault. But like any other attempts, he's certain that she'd just brush it off.
"You're here lecturing me about my fears but you yourself can't let go of yours," he teased as his thumb gently pinched her cheek. "Practice what you preach, my love."
"It's been years since you last called me that," she said smiling.
"Yeah..." his voice faltered at the slip. "Anyways, you should get going. I don't want to keep you from your busy sched."
Lisa smiled as she stood up. She leaned in closer and gave him a chaste kiss on his cheek. He felt his cheeks burn a bit as she straightened up.
"I'll see you around, Yoongi," she said before walking out of the room.
He let out a sigh as his hand touched his cheek. It's still the same. He still loves her. But he's certain that he's not the one she needs. He had his chance but he blew it. And he's not even sure he could still make her happy.
"PD Min."
His thoughts were cut off when the Ahyoung—one of the girls in the booth, tapped on the glass window.
"You look cute when you're blushing."
He leaned in the microphone. "Yeah well I'm sure your opinion would change after this session. Start from the top."
The girls whined as he leaned back with a grin.
Maybe one day he'd be able to move on from his first love. Maybe. Just maybe.
"I just want to talk to her! Just... please, Mr. Choi. A minute. I'll only need a minute."
"I'm sorry Taehyung," Mr. Choi—one of the guards in JHS, said. "As much as I want to do you a favor, I can't. I can't lose my job. You know I have three kids to support."
Taehyung let out a sigh of defeat.
"I understand," he said. "But if... if you get the chance to talk with Miss Kim, could you tell her that I need to talk to her? She knows my number."
"Sure, kid. I'll tell her once I see her."
He turned around and decided to just wait outside the building. Maybe he'd be able to get a hold of Jungkook. He'd be able to bypass PD Min and remove him from the blacklist.
"Secretary Kim?"
His head snapped towards the familiar voice.
"Miss Manoban!"
She stood there confused staring at his attire—white shirt tucked neatly in an acid washed jeans. Standing next to her was an equally confused Jungkook.
"Uh... If I say so myself, you look good in casual clothing but I don't think that's appropriate for work."
He clearly saw how Jungkook raised an eyebrow but his boss was oblivious to it. Right. They're kinda together—whatever that is.
"I resigned," he answered.
"Resigned? Why? Because you slept with your boss?"
Both Jungkook and him coughed uncontrollably. They eyed each other before looking away.
"I uh..." He felt his face burn up. How'd she know? Did Miss Kim tell her? Why would she? And Jungkook?
"I'm gonna take that as a 'yes'," she said folding her arms. "That's not nice."
"It's not that!" he immediately said. "I uh... I thought she was dating PD Min..."
"What? Why'd you think that? She slept with you."
"She was drunk and... I... I saw his text. And she left... I thought she regretted it. I..."
"You can't handle her rejection 'coz you like her, am I right?" she supplied. "In the years you've worked for her, you fell for her bad. And now that you finally had the chance, you eff it up. Sucks."
He fell silent. Then he turned towards Jungkook who just shrugged. How is she right?
"I'm trying to make things right," he said. "That's why I'm here."
"Then why aren't you inside? If you want to talk to her, why don't you go march into her office or something?"
"I'm blacklisted."
This made Miss Manoban's forehead crease.
"Blacklisted? Since when?"
"Since PD Min punched me last night."
"PD Min? As in Min Yoongi?" she asked which he answered with a nod. Then she turned towards Jungkook who shrugged, then back at him. "Okay. Come with me."
"But PD Min—"
"I'm CEO," she cut him off. "I think I can bring people in my company whenever I want to."
He was about to say something but decided to just shut up and follow Miss Manoban and Jungkook.
He managed to go inside the building with no problem—with Mr. Choi not even telling him he couldn't come in, and get inside the elevator.
"You can go straight to Miss Kim's office, Taehyung," she said as soon as the elevator door opened. "I'm gonna take a quick side trip."
With that, she walked out with Secretary Jeon following her.
He suddenly felt his heart pace. He's nervous. What if she really does reject him? What if she doesn't feel the same way and say it was all a mistake? What if—
"Hold the elevator!"
On instinct he held the door. He did not recognize the voice until Jennie appeared right in front of him panting. Like she ran or something.
"Miss Kim—"
She lunged herself towards him with her arms wrapping around him. Surprised, his hands immediately supported her body and pulled her inside of the elevator. The doors closed and they stayed like that for a few seconds.
"I'm sorry I left," she said as her face was buried in his chest. "I was confused and shocked and... well, I've never done that before."
She looked up to him—her eyes watery and cheeks puffy. Was she crying?
"I... I don't really know what I feel about this," she said honestly which tripled his nerves. "But I want to try, Taehyung. I'm not sure where this can lead us but I want to try. I know it's a bit fast but... we kinda skipped the getting to know each other and went straight at the... at ha—"
"Sleeping together," he supplied which made her cheeks turn bright pink.
"T-That but, it doesn't mean we can't go back and try getting to know each other."
"I already know everything about you, Miss Kim," he said straightforwardly. They didn't move from their earlier position. "I've been working for your for years."
"But you don't know me in a personal level," she said pouting. "You didn't even know that Yoongi's my cousin."
The elevator doors suddenly opened and a group of employees entered. Before any of them could react, he pulled her outside and went straight to her office.
"Don't let anyone in," he instructed Miss Nam who looked both surprised and confused.
As they entered her office, he did not waste any minute. He wrapped his arms around her and held her in a tight embrace.
"I'm in love with you," he said—finally. Then he took a step backward and held her hands. "I... I've been in love with you for quite some time now. I just... I know it's inappropriate to think about your boss that way but I couldn't help myself. And when you... I... I'm sorry. This might sound like I'm justifying my actions but... what happened that night... it was a dream come true. I threw every bit of reason out of the window and used that opportunity to show you how much I love you. That you deserve the world and you're worthy enough."
"You... You love me? Even if I'm... I'm spoiled and selfish?"
He chuckled as he tucked some loose strands of her behind her ear and trailed his knuckles across her jaw.
"I don't know about the selfish part but for the spoiled part, your beauty makes up for it."
She playfully punched him on the chest that made him laugh. She did too and it was music to his ears.
She was beautiful, yes. But one thing they haven't seen is her selfless heart. Her compassion. Her innocence. She might come off as spoiled and sheltered but it's one of her flaws you grow to love. It's just some of the things that would draw you to her. It did. To him, at least.
"I don't know if I love you though, Taehyung..." she whispered as her laughter subsided. "I mean... I like you—I think. But I don't really know the feeling, you know? And after Hoseok... it might... it might be unfair for you if I use you to get over him. Will that be okay?"
Taehyung smiled. Like he said, selfless.
The moment he found out about Miss Kim's love for Hoseok, he had already accepted the fact that she won't be able to love him the same way he does her. But now that he has the chance to change that, he'd take anything. And in this case, it wasn't a big deal at all.
With a mind-blowing kiss, he sealed the deal.
"My heart is all yours, Miss Kim. Do whatever you want with it. I don't mind."
"As always, Royal doesn't disappoint," Jisoo said smiling from the crowd—in the VIP section. Next to him stood PD Rosé, smiling widely as well.
Today marks the final leg of Royal's world tour and they've completely sold out the country's biggest stadium to date. The place glistened with white light and the screams pf their adoring fans made their hearts swell.
She saw how the group struggled before popularity kicked in. The restless and tiresome nights of practice and recording sessions. The backlash they received during debut. She was with them through all of those times. But when they finally got recognized, she was there too. And she couldn't be more proud.
As the final song ended, she couldn't stop the tears forming on her eyes. They did it. They finally did it. My boys...
"Majesties, we wouldn't be where we are now without you guys. But aside from you, there's a woman who has been there for us through thick and thin..."
"...Manager Kim!"
It was too late for her to realize that the blinding spotlight was now directed at her. Namjoon, who was now on his way to where she was standing, took her hand and guided her on-stage.
"What's going on, Joon? What are you three up to?"
Namjoon just answered with a bedimpled smile as he ushered her towards a seat Jimin put in. Wait, where's that idiot Kim Seokjin?
"Tonight, dear majesties, marks the end of an era," Jimin said on his microphone as he took the space next to her. "But, we're hoping you'd support us in a new one that one of us is about to start."
The lights dimmed and the led wall suddenly showed a video of Kim Seokjin looking drop dead gorgeous with blonde hair and a clean cut hair.
"Love is something weird," he starts. "It hits you out of the blue and you don't know what to do when it does. You start to act differently and do all sorts of craziness.
"I remember the first time I tried to win her attention. I saw her tend to one of my members' wounds when he accidentally fell during one of our practices so I did the same. I intentionally let myself trip and break my ankle so she'd take care of me and have her undivided attention."
Like a video, the scene rewinded in her mind. Jin yelling in pain as he laid on the practice room floor after tripping on God knows what. She had to stay with him in their dorm to take care of him and not stress the broken ankle.
"And the latest one was when I cut my bangs because I overheard her say boys with a more western kind of hairstyle looked nice."
Her hand went straight to her mouth to suppress a gasp.
"But she scolded me for it 'coz we had a scheduled event that day." He chuckled. She fixed her gaze towards the screen as various reactions erupted from their fans.
"What are you doing Kim Seokjin?" she nervously muttered under her breath.
"What I'm trying to say is, my dear majesties, is that my time before serving the military is only a few weeks away."
The crowd erupted in fits of whines and violent reactions. That made her more nervous than she already is.
"So in the remaining days that I have, I want to spend it with the people I love. You, my darling majesties," the crowd then screamed with sheer happiness as another comeback is secured. "My brothers Jimin and Namjoon, my family, and of course, the woman I've been in love with for the past few years. The person I draw my strength from in times of difficulties. The person I rely on more than myself. And the person who's the reason why I smile."
The video suddenly stopped and the spotlight directed towards the center of the stage. Kim Seokjin appeared from underneath. He had a microphone on one hand and on the other, a bouquet of fresh lily of the valley flowers.
"Manager Kim Jisoo, I love you."
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