episode seven
"I love you."
A grin slowly formed on Miss Manoban's face as soon as those words came out of Jungkook's mouth. If not for the piercing gazes thrown at him by the staff and other employees present in the audition hall, he would not have realized what he just said.
"I know you do, Secretary Jeon," Miss Manoban said teasingly with her arms folded and grin growing wider.
"I-I meant the-the dance. I loved the dance! It was cool and uh... good!" he corrected stuttering. "I uh... uh..."
He was out of words or any form of excuse. He just freaking embarrassed himself in front of everyone! Can the ground just open up and eat him? Or maybe a flock of birds can fly in and take him away?
Miss Manoban chuckled before turning away from him. She walked back towards the panel, and the auditions resumed.
"Well, that was smooth." He turned towards Taehyung who had this serious face on as he watched the panel like a hawk while talking to him. "You could've answered a simple 'yes' but opt to confess your feelings out in the open. Hats off to you, Secretary Jeon. Hats off to you."
"I didn't mean it that way..." He defended. "I was just—It doesn't matter. I just really liked the way she danced."
"Whatever makes you sleep at night, Jeon," the guy said with a smirk. "Whatever makes you sleep at night."
He let out a sigh before turning his attention back towards the audition. He's pretty sure he won't be getting some decent sleep tonight after embarrassing himself to oblivion.
Jungkook slammed his hand on the table. Why was he such an awkward mess? He just embarrassed himself in front of everyone and it didn't help that there were already rumors floating around because of what Miss Bong witnessed that day Mr. Kim barged into Miss Manoban's office.
Everyone in the company who was confused before were now convinced that Miss Manoban and him were indeed together. So much for being professional.
"I love you?!" he blurted out as he leaned back to his seat and grab his own hair. "Who says that?! Real cool, Jeon. Real cool."
He then directed his attention towards the screen and focused on editing some pictures of IU. A minute or two passed when he heard the doorbell ring. With a huff, he stood from his comfortable seat and made a beeline to the door. His eyes grew wide as soon as she saw the very person who's causing his mental breakdown.
What's Miss Manoban doing here?!
Should he open the door? Or should he not answer and just wait 'til she leaves? Maybe the latter's a bit harsh since she is his boss.
But what was she doing here?
"Miss Manoban!" he exclaimed as he opened the door. "W...What are you doing here?"
Instead of answering, she walked in straight to his apartment and took her jacket off. She was wearing pajamas. Cartoon character pajamas.
"That bastard Hanbin came to my f**king house so I escaped through the backdoor!" she blurted out and sat comfortably at his couch. "I thought he already left?! You said he left! Ugh!"
"Miss Manoban I--"
Again, his doorbell rang. Who else is gonna barge in his place now?
"Ya Jungkook!"
His eyes grew wide. It was Tzuyu. Then he turned towards Miss Manoban. She can't see his boss here! Especially when she's just wearing pajamas! She'd tell their mom!
"Is that your sister?" Miss Manoban asked. "Great, I'd like to ask her something--"
But before she could complete her sentence, he grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her towards the bedroom.
"What the?"
"You need to hide!" he whisper-yelled.
"What? Why?"
"Because she's gonna think there's something inappropriate going on between us."
"Then I'll tell her myself--"
He yanked her back before she could even go out of the room and landed on top of him at his bed.
"What the hell Jungkook--"
"Ya Jungkook!" Tzuyu's voice echoed from outside. It seems like she let herself in. "Jungkook!"
He panicked. He grabbed Miss Manoban and pushed her in his closet. He'll deal with the possible consequences of 'shoving your boss inside your closet' later.
"Jeon Jungkook--"
"Please. Please stay quiet."
Then he closed the closet just in time before Tzuyu walked into his room. "Ya! Why didn't you open the door--"
"Tzuyu! I uh, I didn't hear you. I was busy cleaning."
Tzuyu's forehead creased as she scanned the room before scoffing.
"You're such a neat freak. Anyways, you up for some chicken and beer?" she asked enthusiastically—which was weird since her eyes were puffy like she just cried or something. Plus, she already reak alcohol. "I could really use a big brother right now."
"Why? What happened?" he asked as they both got out of the bedroom towards the living area. She dumped her coat somewhere as she sat on the small couch and placed the box of chicken on the coffee table. He saved his files and shut the computer down before sitting on the floor. Then he noticed Miss Manoban's coat lying on the floor just next to where Tzuyu was sitting. He silently prayed she was tipsy enough to not notice.
"I think I love him," Tzuyu then answered as she opened the can of beer. Completely ignoring the unfamiliar coat--thank God.
"You think?" he asked confusedly. Who?
"No. I do love him," she corrected. "I love him."
"Then what's this?" He gestured the chicken and beer. He was still nervous that Tzuyu might notice his panicked state but he tried his best to play it cool. "A celebratory feast or the other one?"
"I don't know yet," she answered as she took a sip off her can. "I haven't told him yet."
"Then why are you here?" Then he turned towards the cans of beer. "Are you planning on drowning yourself before confessing?
"Well, I was hoping I'd get so drunk I'd get to make a drunken love confession then if he dumps me I could just tell him it wasn't true and I was just drunk out of my wits or something," she explained.
"And if he does accept?"
"I don't know. Maybe get to third base with him. I'll just wing it," she joked. Okay, he was now genuinely curious on how this plays along.
Tzuyu had always been the cool kid when they were in school. She was confident in her own skin and very independent. She's the type that knows what she wants and a know-it-all. So seeing her like this--acting so out of character for a guy is quite entertaining.
"You've got to make other friends, Tzuyu. I'm your brother and I can kill the guy if he hurts you or do things with you. Either way, I will hurt him."
Tzuyu scoffed as he threw him a quick glance.
"Not when he's your former boss, you can't."
Wait. What?!
"What?!" he blurted out, spitting the beer out. "You like CEO Jung?!"
"Well yeah," she replied. "Who wouldn't?"
"When did you two even start hanging out?"
He was having a nervous breakdown. His sister and his former boss? What the actual hell?!
"At the pub," she answered as if it wasn't even a big deal. "I've told you a couple times, Kook. He's a regular customer."
"But... But—"
"Whatever you're thinking, Jungkook, stop it," she warned him. "Don't psyche me out even more 'coz I'm already going nuts. I may be a bit tipsy but I do have a good aim."
"But Tzu, he's my boss!"
"Didn't stop you from confessing in front of everyone," she spat back. "Or so I've heard."
His brows furrowed. How'd she know?
"Oh, I'm friends with Producer Min. He texted me. Gosh, it's so embarrassing to be your sister right now," she teased while taking a bite off her chicken. "Blurting out 'I love you' like that. If you're gonna confess your feelings to Miss Manoban, you should've done it a bit more smoothly. Not like that. At least I have a good plan."
"Plan? A drunk confession is your plan?"
"At least I won't crash and burn like you."
"I didn't--you know what? I give up. Do whatever the f**k you want."
"I will," she stated while folding her arms. "That's the plan. I will confess to him tonight before he leaves for some business thing again."
He froze. So she doesn't know?
"I know, I know. He's your boss and whatnot. But he's just so... perfect, you know? He's handsome and smart. He's rich too but above all those things? He's really really nice. Like I don't think he's even real. I bet his feet smell so bad. That's the only way the universe can balance his perfection," she started to ramble.
He just listened. While contemplating whether to tell her or not about his real condition.
Weirdly, what Tzuyu said about 'balance' made him realize, Jung Hoseok was indeed perfect in the context his sister dreamingly says. And the balance wasn't the smelly feet. It was his illness.
"He's a good listener, to be honest. You know how much I hate it when people interrupt me while I'm talking—"
"I have the scars to prove that," he interjected earning a glare from her.
"—as I was saying, it's like his attention is on you 100%. And I like that. And I can talk to him about anything without feeling insecure or anything."
"Clearly you can't talk to him about this one."
Shock was an understatement when describing Tzuyu's expression right now. She even dropped the chicken she's holding.
"L-Lisa! I mean, Miss Manoban!" she blurted out. The drunkenness—or whatever, disappeared instantly.
"If you're sure of what you feel, then just tell my brother. Not drunk but sober. But I do think that drunk confession idea is bloody genius," said then turned towards him. "What? It was boring in there and I heard you have chicken. I'm not passing up free food since I haven't eaten since I got here."
Tzuyu threw him a questioning look to which he immediately averted.
"So, you're confessing," Miss Manoban said as she sat next to him--after motioning him to scoot over, and grabbed her own piece of chicken. "Bloody finally. My brother never really had the guts to confess himself. At least if you'll do it, it'll save you guys more time. Invite me to the wedding, would 'ya?"
Tzuyu spat out the beer she just drank.
"Miss Manoban, I... What made you think there will be a wedding even?" His sister said--still shocked. "I mean, he doesn't even know yet--"
"He doesn't need to know you like him for him to like you."
"What?" Who said that line between him and Tzuyu, he wasn't sure.
"My brother likes you too, Tzuyu," his boss stated nonchalantly. "Why'd you think he'd spend most of his nights in your pub? If he wanted to drink, we own dozens of bars all over Seoul."
"Maybe he just likes the place?"
"Or he likes the person running the place," she answered grabbing the can of beer from him and chugging from it. "You like him and he likes you. No need for that elaborate plan of yours. Just go and tell him. His flight leaves early tomorrow morning so you have to do it now."
Tzuyu blinked twice--maybe trying to get hold of all her emotions. "B-But--"
Then the doorbell rang. His forehead creased as Miss Manoban grinned.
"I guess that would be my brother," she said mischievously before turning to a white-as-sheet looking Tzuyu. "What are you waiting for? Answer the bloody door before he finds out I lied!"
With that, Tzuyu nodded and gathered herself before sprinting towards the door. He turned towards Miss Manoban who also stood up.
"We should give them privacy," she said laying her hand out for him. "Shall we go to your bedroom, Secretary Jeon?"
"Tzuyu!" Hoseok was surprised to see the brunette open the door for him. He was about to ask why she was there but remembered that she and Secretary Jeon were siblings. "I uh... I came to pick up Lisa? She said she was here and--"
"I-I need to tell you something!" Tzuyu blurted out startling him. "I uh... I need to tell you something... important."
"Uhm... sure," he answered as his hand went to his nape. "Would you like to talk inside or..."
"Can we... uh... can we talk while taking a walk?" she suggested after looking inside. "Jungkook's inside with your sister and I wanted to talk in... in private?"
"If only you had the same boldness as your sister," Lisa teased as she laid on the soft mattress. "Oh, right. You are bold. You even confessed to me in front of everyone."
"You're not gonna let this slide, aren't you?"
Miss Manoban smiled widely. "Nope." With a popping "p" sound that made him roll his eyes. But at the back of his mind, he smiled.
Seeing his boss at this casual state—relaxed and laughing wholeheartedly, is quite refreshing. She does smile but that would be a once in a lifetime thing.
"But seriously though, Jungkook. You're not that bad. A little confidence doesn't hurt."
If only she knew why he's like this. It's actually her fault for being so... so amazing. A fanboy's heart could only go so far. And she's really testing him.
"So you're saying I should be bolder?" he questioned while looking straight at her.
"Yes," she answered. "You always look like you're about to pee yourself when I'm around. I'm not a bloody monster, you know."
"You're too pretty to be a monster," he said involuntarily. It was too late again for him to take it back as Miss Manoban had clearly heard him. She rose up from the bed and broke into a wide smile. "I mean—"
"You think I'm pretty?" she asked teasingly. He sighed.
"Why thank you, Jungkook," she said tilting her head to the side while sitting on his bed facing him. Again with that smile. His heart can't handle her. "You're not too shabby yourself."
She hugged her legs comfortably as she rocked herself back and forth. He can't help but smile. She looked cute. Totally different from the intimidating woman he sees every day.
"You like being complimented," she commented.
"Don't you?"
"Yes, but I already know I'm pretty," she answered confidently. "It get's tiring if you hear it all the bloody time. I like it better if they focus on my dancing rather than my looks..."
Her voice started to falter. Then she rested her chin on her knees. Silence. Then he spoke.
"Miss Manoban, can I ask you something?"
"You're already asking," she retorted. He rolled his eyes. "Since I'm in a good mood 'coz my brother's finally getting laid, go ahead. Ask me anything."
He contemplated whether to ask her about the accident or why she stopped dancing. He's curious as to why she was able to dance with no flaws during the audition but when she's alone, she couldn't. But how do he phrase it without sounding nosy?
"Um... what made you love dancing?"
Miss Manoban raised her head from her knees and looked straight at him.
"That's a weird question to ask," she said with her forehead creased. "Well, it's all because of my brother. I grew up watching those Barbie movies and there were a few which incorporated ballet in them. My brother saw how much I enjoyed watching so he bought me my first pair of ballet shoes after saving up on my birthday."
He couldn't help but smile. Typical CEO Jung. He'd do everything for his sister. Miss Manoban's eyes sparkled and she had this infectious smile on her face.
"He used to film me while dancing with Hoseok oppa—" she suddenly stopped. Then her smile faded. Like she suddenly remembered or forgotten something.
"Miss Mano—"
"I... It's getting late. I should be going."
She unceremoniously stood up and headed straight towards the door. But it suddenly opened and showing CEO Jung looking grim and serious.
"Let's go, Lisa," he said. His aura felt gloomy and he looked stressed. Did something happen?
"Oppa? Where's Tzuyu?"
"I already drove her to her place. I'm sorry for the trouble. We'll be on our way," he said before leaving the room.
He was rather formal. Completely opposite to how he knew him. Even during business meetings, he's never like this. Sometimes, maybe, but never when he talked to him. Something was definitely wrong.
Miss Manoban seem to have noticed as well. He turned to me looking confused but curious. Her eyes darted like she was instructing me to find out what was going on.
So he have her a nod before she went out.
As soon as he heard the lock's alarm, he fished his phone out from his pocket and called his sister.
"She lied," his sister immediately said on the other line. "He didn't like me. I got dumped."
"You said what?!" Lisa blurted out as soon as Hoseok told her what happened during their 'talk'.
"It's only fair, Li. I'm dying. I can't accept her feeling then break her heart. She deserves a man who's healthy and well. Someone who could give her a happily ever after."
"Yeah, she does and that's you!" She yelled at him. Yup, she was enraged because her brother was a complete idiot. "You're getting yourself cured, aren't you? So why the bloody hell did you dump her?!"
"I'm not even sure I'll get cured," he spat. "It's cancer, Li. Bone f**king cancer! Even the doctors don't know if I'll make it."
"But it wasn't your choice to make, Oppa," she argued. "Tell her everything and let her decide whether she'd stay with you or not. She deserves to have a choice. And you..."
She cupped her face and looked straight to his eyes.
"You deserve to be happy too. I know you live her. You wanted to get better for her. This time, why not get better with her?"
"That would be unfair for her, Li," he said then sighed. "She has a full life ahead of her. I can't take that away from her."
Hoseok turned around and went inside the house. Her gaze followed his retreating figure until he disappeared from her line of sight. She understood him but... she sighed. Even though he means no harm, he's still being unfair to him. She needs to do something. She can't lose another brother.
She fished her phone out and called the only person who could help her right now.
"Hello? I need a favor."
Tzuyu woke up due to the constant ringing of her doorbell. Half-awake and tired from all the crying, it was a miracle she was able to stand up and answer the door.
"Lisa?" she asked surprised. "What are you doing h—"
"You sleep like a dead person. Do you know how long I've been ringing your doorbell?!" the girl hissed as she grabbed her by the wrist. "Oppa's plane leaves in an hour. Come with me."
"Huh? Why—"
"I'll answer your questions later. We need to go right now—"
She tried to break free from her grasp but the woman had a tight grip. To which Miss Manoban grinned.
"I spent some time in the gym, love. There's no use trying to escape."
"Your brother doesn't feel the same way, Lisa. I... I can't face him—"
"I don't believe what my brother said and neither should you," the girl stated before letting out a sigh. "He loves you, Tzuyu. Believe me. He's just said he doesn't because he think he's protecting you."
Her brows furrowed. "Protecting me? From who? Jennie?"
"He told you about her? Well, that girl might look like she could kill you in your sleep but getting a threat from her is like getting threatened by a cupcake. She's 100% harmless."
"So who? Who is he protecting me from?"
"From himself. He's protecting you from himself."
"Why?" She was more confused than ever. "What can he possibly do to hurt me even more than he already did?"
She saw how Miss Manoban's eyes soften. It started to glaze and took a deep breath.
"My brother didn't tell you everything, Tzuyu. There's a reason why he's leaving for New York today and it's not because of business."
She held her breath as the next words came out of Miss Manoban's mouth. A high pitched sound buzzed in her ear as everything around her slowed down.
She felt her throat dry down as Lisa finished. Her heart pounding heavily and her breathing started to go rugged. Without a word she ran past Hoseok's sister straight to the street and hailed a cab.
"The Airport please. Hurry."
The driver—who looked confused, did as he was told. She prayed she wasn't late. She prayed she'd get to him on time.
Hoseok's chest felt heavy as he walked into the airport. He wasn't able to get some decent sleep after everything that just happened.
Hearing Tzuyu tell him she loves him was like a dream. He felt genuinely happy and his heart wouldn't stop beating so fast. He wanted to wrap her inside his arms and kiss her senselessly. But he had to wake up and face reality. If he had told her he felt the same, they would be happy, yes, but... she'll eventually find out about his illness. She'll find out he's dying and knowing her, she'd sacrifice everything she worked hard for just to take care of him. She'll throw away her life just to take care of a man that would eventually leave him behind. It would be unfair.
His thoughts were cut off when a guy in black clothes, black cap and black mask suddenly bumped into him.
"Sorry!" The guy apologized in a muffled voice. His voice was somewhat familiar.
Judging from the guy's attire and the big camera case he had, he may or may not be a fansite manager. The IU sticker on the case was also a dead giveaway.
He didn't recall Ji Eun having an overseas schedule for this month. Maybe he just forgot.
"Passport and boarding pass please," the guard said as he reached the security check area.
He went to grab his passport and boarding pass in his back pocket. Surprise, surprise. It wasn't there.
His forehead creased as he checked again. Then went on to check his coat pockets hoping to have placed his passport there.
"I think I just lost my passport—"
Then he remembered the guy in black who just bumped him.
"For a moment." He said then sprinted back to the direction where the guy just went.
The airport being a busy place had tons of men wearing a black cap and a mask. So he looked for a guy wearing all black and carrying a silver camera case.
He spotted the culprit near the departures entrance gate. He ran as fast as he could and tried to grab the guy from behind. But he saw him and ran away.
Man was he a runner!
Calling all passengers of Flight LK019 bound for New York, please proceed to the boarding gates... Passengers of Flight LK019 bound for New York, please proceed to the boarding gates... Thank you.
He cursed. He's gonna miss his flight—
"Ya Jung Hoseok!"
He froze. He knew that voice really well. Slowly, he turned to face the woman who can't seem to leave his mind since he first laid his eyes on.
"How dare you!" she yelled causing everyone around them to look. Then she started to throw her shoes at him. "How dare you decide things for me!" Dodge. "How dare you lie to my face!" Dodge. "How dare you not tell me that... that..."
She dropped on the floor and cried. He felt his chest tighten and immediately run towards her. His arms automatically wrapped around her as he tried to calm her down.
"Why? Why didn't you tell me?" She cried. "I... I..."
"I didn't think it'll go this far..." he answered calmly. Yes, they were causing a scene and tons of cellphones were directed at them. But he didn't care. His woman was crying and he needed to calm her down. Reputation be damned. "I... it's unfair if I told you—"
"Unfair? Don't you think lying to me wasn't unfair? I love you, Hoseok. And I don't care if you're dying or whatever. My feelings for you will stay the f**king same!"
"I know that. But... but you deserve someone who'll be there for you. Grow old with you. Not leave you—"
"Who are you to tell me what's good for me or not?" she spat shocking him. "I deserve you, Jung Hoseok. I graduated at the most prestigious school in this country and worked my a*s of to put up a business from scratch. I f**king deserve you and nobody else! I don't care if I get to spend only five, three or one year with you. I don't even give a d*mn if it's just a second. But I'd rather live a short life with you than a full one with someone else. I love you even if you're such an idiot."
She didn't let him speak as she crushed her lips on his. Everyone around them cheered like there just saw a movie or something.
And just a few meters aways from them, Hoseok clearly saw how a man in full black apparel hand over what seems to be his passport and boarding pass to his grinning sister.
"Great work stalling, Secretary Jeon," Lisa said as opened the passport holder to inspect her brother's belongings.
Secretary Jeon then removed his cap and fixed his hair. Who knew CEO Jung was such a fast runner? But if all that cardio meant his sister would be happy, then it's all worth it.
"Mission accomplished," Miss Manoban said grinning from ear to ear. Then took what seems to be a black card from one of the passport holder's pockets. "This calls for a celebration. A shopping celebration. I heard the new Birkin's here. If we go now, I can beat Jennie Kim from getting it. I'll get you a new suit too. Gucci has some good one. What do you think about a pink one? No?"
She waved the card.
"I don't think your brother would appreciate you taking his credit card, Miss Manoban."
She rolled her eyes.
"My brother wouldn't mind me swiping his card when I helped him swipe the girl, would he?"
Without another word, she turned around and walked—briskly, away. More like escaping.
He chuckled before followed her retreating figure. But before they disappeared in the crowd, he took a quick glance back towards his sister and Mr. Jung. He smiled.
They'll deal with the dating rumors later.
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