episode fifteen
Jungkook ran. He held on to his newly bought camera—the one he saved up for for months and yet still had a few installments left, like his dear life as he ran towards his motorcycle.
Why was he running? Simple. He needed to catch a few photos of Ji Eun. She just had a surprise busking event and no she's headed back to her company. But surprise, surprise. She wasn't headed to the company. The van took a different turn. That could only mean one thing: he'd finally know where she lives.
That might've sounded odd and creepy but it wasn't like that. He was just curious about these things. Does his idol get the care she deserves? Does she have a good place where she could rest comfortably? Is her company treating her well?
After carefully putting his camera back inside his backpack, he rode his motorcycle to where he last saw the van turned. If he drove faster he'd be able to catch up to it as the particular didn't have that much turns nor intersections.
And yes, he did manage to catch IU's van. It stopped at a red light giving him enough leverage.
But of course, the lights went green again. He followed the van around. Suddenly, the vehicle's speed increased.
Darn it! The manager must've noticed he was following them.
Tightening his grip and leaning forward, he amped up his speed. He might've just violated a few speeding limits or two but he didn't really care. He had one goal and that goal is to catch that van—
He immediately pressed on the breaks and tilted his body in order to stop. But it was too late. It all happened so fast and he felt his body in contact with the paved road. His motorcycle now a few feet away from him.
Where did come from?!
Groaning, he unfastened the clasps of his helmet and removed it from his head. He stood up—ignoring the growing pain from his side, and checked whatever it was he just hit.
His eyes grew wide as a guy—barely conscious and breathing, laid on the cold pavement. Drowning in a pool of blood.
Jungkook gasped as he shot up from his bed. Covered in beads of sweat, he brushed his hair back and glanced towards the bedside.
Heaving a heavy sigh, he stood up and made his way towards the bathroom.
It's the same dream again. No matter how much he convinced himself that Hanbin was already fine and well, he couldn't get what happened before out of his mind. Even splashing water on to his face didn't work.
It was him. He was the idiot who ran over Hanbin preventing him from getting the help Lisa and her brother Jaewon needed. He was the one responsible for Lisa losing someone she loved.
He did all of his morning routine and prepared for work. Whilst having his usual cup of coffee, he opened up his computer and there he saw a single notification from his email. The fanboying one.
When they said "curiosity killed the cat" they legitimately know what was up. He gasped as a subpoena flashed before him about breach of contract and malicious content. But why? what did he even do?
His eyes wandered through the document and saw who was responsible for the warrant.
Lalisa Manoban, CEO, JHS Entertainment.
He sighed. Right. So she decided to do this.
She shut his computer off and logged out of his account. It's been almost a month since he submitted his resignation letter and left it on Miss Manoban's table without looking back. He also left his old apartment and transferred to a new one. In Busan.
There, he opened up a small cafe which he personally tend to. His mother and Tzuyu had no idea where he was but did leave them with a message that he is fine and and to not look for him for now. He also assured his mother that he would send her money from time to time.
"Hey there, Jungkook."
He turned towards his new neighbor, Eunha. She's a petite girl with short dark hair who works as a nurse at a hospital nearby.
"Hey, Eunha. Are you just coming in from work?"
The girl nodded and smiled. "I'm surprised to see you up so early. I usually see you coming home from your café. Are you having trouble sleeping?"
"Kinda," he answered. "But it's fine. I think I just drank too much coffee yesterday."
"Oh, I see. But if it keeps occurring, I can get you a prescription," she offered. "I do have some sleeping pills myself because my body clock's really messed up."
"Sure," he answered. "You'll be the first one to know."
After that quick chat, he went straight to the café and started kickstart his day. The place usually tend to have a few customers. But due to the fan event he's hosting for Ji Eun, a lot of fans came and sought out customized cup sleeves to celebrate their idol's birthday.
He may have quit being a fansite but never a fan. He'd always support his idol through and through.
The day went by quickly and ended up having gaining a lot more than what he usually earn during his whole stay in Busan. Maybe he should consider doing cup sleeve events more. Royal's, Saerin's and KWIN's birthdays would be a good idea—
"So this is where you've been hiding for the past month."
He froze as he heard that familiar voice. Too familiar in fact.
Slowly he turned towards the front door.
"How have you been, Secretary Jeon?"
It took about at least ten minutes worth of silence before Lisa—Miss Manoban, spoke.
"What the hell was that for, Jungkook?" she blurted out. "You just left a bloody resignation letter on my table and then disappeared. What the actual fuck?!"
He cleared his throat before speaking.
"I've already stated in my resignation letter the reason for my um... sudden departure," he explained. "I um... I think it's about time I come clean with how I entered the company which was against the policy—"
"Bollocks!" Lisa—err... Miss Manoban, did not look pleased with his explanation at all. "Do you honestly think I'd buy that fuckin' excuse of yours?! I'm not a bloody bint!"
He wasn't able to answer her and just sat there. Miss Manoban looked as beautiful as she was when he left. He fought the urge to touch her—wrap his arms around her. He had missed her so much but he can't. He didn't deserve her. He's the reason why she suffered all those years.
So it was best for him to just leave and be hated as the man who broke her heart rather than the man who killed her brother.
"Jungkook!" Miss Manoban yelled as he stood up. "Stop ignoring me and answer me!"
He just heaved a sigh before continuing what he was doing when she arrived. It was hard for him as he could hear her voice starting to crack.
"Jungkook?" Both their heads—Lisa's and his, snapped towards the door. It was Eunha. "I uh... I brought some of my stocked medicine just in case. I... um... Is this a bad time?"
"No," he immediately said and walked towards the confused girl. "Not at all, babe."
Eunha's eyes widened as Lisa gasped. Jungkook made sure to hide the nurse's face a bit so Lisa wouldn't be able to see her reaction.
"Please ride along," he whispered.
"I-I uh... B-Babe," she stuttered. "I'll be heading to the hospital for my shift, now. I'm just dropping these off..."
"I'll walk you to the bus stop," he offered not even sparing a glance at Li—Miss Manoban. For he knows that if he sees her hurt, he'd immediately break and kiss her.
"Um... o-okay."
He then left the café with Eunha. Neither one of them speaking. But as they walked near the bus stop, Eunha tugged the sleeve of his coat.
"Um... Jungkook?" she called. Of course, he stopped too and faced her.
Eunha grabbed his collar and planted a kiss on his lips. He was too shocked to even react or push her away as it only lasted for a mere second. He could see a soft shade of pink creeping on her cheeks.
"She's looking," she whispered. "She followed us."
His eyebrows furrowed. Li—Miss Manoban followed them? Eunha stopped him as he was about to look behind.
"Don't. She'll suspect you," she warned and then dusted off his coat. "My, my, Jungkook. She's really pretty. Why are you chasing her away?"
"I uh... It's complicated," he answered. Then the bus arrived. "Thanks, Eunha. I owe you one."
"It's fine," she said smiling. "But if Jihoon suddenly storms in your apartment and punches you, you can't punch him back, okay? Him having a black eye on our wedding day wouldn't look good on the pictures."
Jungkook chuckled as Eunha hopped on the bus. The minute it took off, he pivoted back towards his café. Miss Manoban was nowhere to be found. But she did leave something for him. He sighed.
He hopes insurance would cover the broken window of his café.
Lisa was pissed. No, she was furious.
How dare Jungkook do that to her?! After making her fall for him and have sex with him... he leaves a resignation on her table and disappear? And now he's with that woman?!
Her grip on her phone tightened as her mind did an instant replay of those two kissing.
Lisa boarded the train back to Seoul and sat on her assigned seat. She just wasted three valuable hours of her life chasing that fuckin' Secretary Jeon! Whatever. She got even by throwing that brick at that café of his.
Her phone suddenly vibrated and her brother's name flashed on the screen. He's been back since a week ago to handle all documents for his and Tzuyu's upcoming wedding. Well, those two are actually married after she indirectly suggested to a drunken Tzuyu about how easy it was to get married there. Hoseok wasn't able to say 'no' but compromised by convincing his now wife to have another ceremony in Seoul.
"What?" she blurted out. She heard a light chuckle on her brother's end.
"Why so grumpy, Li? Did I interrupt you and Secretary Jeon?" he teased making her roll her eyes.
"Don't even mention that git's name," she mumbled. "I hope that bastard doesn't have insurance."
"What? Why?" Hoseok's voice instantly shifted from a teasing tone to a concerned one. "What happened?"
"Eunha. Eunha happened."
"Eunha? Who—"
"His girlfriend!" she cut him off. "That fucking bastard left me so he could runoff to that fucking woman in this fucking town!"
"What? Are you serious?"
"Yes! I even saw them kissing!"
Too much cursing suddenly made her the center of the train's undying attention. Or at least that section of the train.
She turned her attention to the old lady looking at her like she was some sort of monster or something.
"What?" She hissed. "Haven't heard of anyone cursing before?"
The old woman averted her gaze—rather slowly and judgingly, and proceeded with her ready. She rolled her eyes and gave her attention back to her brother on the phone.
"Did he even say they're together?" Hoseok asked. "Tzuyu didn't mention anything to me. Nor their mother."
"Well they didn't know where Jungkook was before so it's not surprising they have no idea of this fucking relationship," she scoffed. "If it weren't for that picture, I wouldn't have found out where he fucking was."
The magic of social networking sites has done it again. If not for that fan-taken phone where Jungkook was serving coffee, on a bloody cup sleeve event for—you've guessed it, IU, she would still have no clue where he was. He's such an expert in hiding that only his love for IU can throw that off.
Fucking git.
"Whatever, oppa. I'm tired. I'll call you when I get back to Seoul. I don't think I'm in the right condition to drive myself back to my apartment anyways."
"Sure, Li," her brother immediately agreed. "Call me as soon as you arrive. Bye."
The train ride back to Seoul gave her enough time to recuperate from what just happened. She almost cried but fuck that. Lalisa Manoban doesn't cry for someone who doesn't deserve her tears.
Arriving at Seoul station, she didn't bother calling her older brother to pick her up. Instead, she went straight to the office to drown herself into her work.
Days passed and she just made herself busy. But as every single day ends, she find herself alone inside that particular practice room—watching her miserable self as she wondered why Jungkook did that to her.
Maybe she gave in too quickly. Or, she was a pain the ass. The girl he's with now seemed to be the delicate kind. Ji Eun's like that so she's guessing that's his real ideal type. He just got swayed by her actions that's why he dated her. That or fooling around was his kind of thing.
But tonight's different.
Jin's about to enlist so Royal's been very busy recording songs for their special album and KWIN's busy with their debut promotions. That means her office is currently flooded with reports and other boring shite she needs settled before the break of dawn.
"Miss Manoban?"
She lifted her head and turned to see who just came in. It was her new secretary.
"Secretary Cai," she acknowledged giving him permission to enter. "What seems to be the problem?"
"Mr. Kim Hanbin is outside," he started. "He said he had something important to tell you."
Her eyebrow raised.
"Didn't I tell you to block him at all costs?!" she blurted out. "What kind of Secretary are you?"
"One that's reasonable enough to know that you should stop being unprofessional and just hear what the choreographer—who just happens to be your ex, out."
Her mouth gaped at the audacity of Secretary Cai. Fuckin' Hoseok hired him so this git ain't scared of her.
"I could fire you too, you know," she threatened—eyes narrowing at him.
"Be my guest," he countered but smiling.
They had a good minute's worth of staring before she hissed at him and he chuckled.
"Fine. Send him in."
With that, Secretary Cai bowed and left. A few minutes later, Kim Hanbin entered her office.
"This better be work related or else I'll throw you out myself," she spat. "You're lucky I'm not in the mood to fire my secretary today—"
"It's about Secretary Jeon."
She froze. Then looked straight at him.
"I have no interest whatsoever with that fuckin' git," she said on gritted teeth. "Now leave. Before I call the guards."
"No," he said walking closer towards her table. "You have to hear me out, Lisa. It's not just about him. It's about Jaewon too."
"You might be wondering why I'm here," Jungkook started. "I need to see you before I leave."
Hanbin's forehead creased as he turned to Secretary Jeon confusedly.
"Leave? Are you and Lisa going somewhere?" he asked. "Is she finally going back to New York?"
Jungkook shook his head saying no.
"I'll be the only one leaving, Hanbin. It's the right think to do."
"Wait, what? Why?"
Heaved a sighed before turning his attention back at Hanbin. His hands clenched and sweating.
"I'm sorry," he started confusing Hanbin even more. "I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but I still want you to know how sorry I am. I was pretty messed up before and I really regret what I did."
Hanbin's forehead creased as he had no clue what Secretary Jeon was saying.
"What are you sorry for?" he asked. "And before? What do you mean?"
"The accident," Jungkook explained. "I was the one who ran over you when you were asking for help. I took you to the nearest hospital and left. I got scared I'd be charged or something because you lost a lot of blood. I though I killed you—"
"The accident three years ago?"
Jungkook nodded. "Yes. I didn't recognize you the first time we met. It was pretty dark and all I did was leave you in front of the Emergency room."
"But the nurse said a woman found me and handled everything," Hanbin said. "She even called my parents that night."
"That was my mother," Jungkook supplied. "I got so scared I ran home. Mom handled everything and made sure you were alright. Something I should have done. There's no excuse for what I've done. I was the reason why Lisa got mad at you. Why you to broke up. Why her brother's dead now. I'm really sorry. I don't expect you to forgive me. I'll be leaving as soon as I give my resignation to Miss Manoban."
And with that Jungkook stood up and bowed at Hanbin.
Him—being frozen on his seat, just watched as the secretary walked out of the coffee shop. He dropped a bomb at him just like that and he had no idea how to react. Or what to react.
But one thing's for sure. He needed to talk to Lisa. As soon as possible.
"And you're telling me, just now?" Lisa blurted out and shot up from her seat. "What the fuck, Hanbin?!"
"You blocked me from ever talking to you!" he defended himself. "I had to wait for Hoseok to come back and go through him to be able to talk to you. That new Secretary of yours is ten times scarier than Jungkook."
"But bloody hell! You didn't run away?!" she yelled. "All these years... why didn't you say anything? I called you a fucking murderer, Hanbin. I loathed you when I shouldn't have—"
"Lisa, listen to me," Hanbin immediately cut her off. "It wasn't Jungkook's fault. It was an accident—"
"I know that but I was fucking mad at you because I thought you abandoned us—"
"But I was indeed running away, Lis!" That made Lisa gasp. "I got scared and confused. With all that alcohol in my system, I'd be charged with multiple offenses and I was a trainee. I was running away. The patrolling police was on the other side. I was running towards the opposite direction that's why I got hit."
Lisa could not process everything Hanbin just said. She was ready to throw hands when all of a sudden, she realized something.
Hanbin turned towards her. "Li?"
"Jungkook left because he thought he's responsible for my brother's death?" she asked. She wasn't sure if it was for herself or towards Hanbin. "Not because of that girl?"
"Wait, what? What girl?"
And just like that, she started laughing. Like a lunatic, she laughed so loud. Hanbin stared a her perplexed.
Jungkook didn't run off with that girl. She's just a rebound. He feels guilty of something he didn't even do. That weirdo. He assumes thing far too quickly—
"Lisa are you okay?" His brows furrowed.
"Why did you let him leave, then?" She asked. "Why didn't you clear this out with Secretary Jeon?"
"He didn't give me the chance, Lisa," he explained. "I was too shocked he left. I tried calling him but he wouldn't answer. So I tried contacting you but we all know how you are."
"It's because you ran away."
"And I'm really sorry, Lis," Hanbin pleaded. "You don't know how much I am sorry for what happened to you and Jaewon. I know I deserve to die for what I did."
Lisa heaved a sigh. She didn't know whether it was because of relief or what that she felt a bit forgiving today. Or maybe because this is what she only needed. To talk about it. For Hanbin to admit to her of what he did.
"No one deserves to die, Hanbin. Get over yourself," she muttered earning a puzzled look on the guy's face. "But I do know how you'll make up for everything."
"What is it?"
"Take me to Busan now."
Jungkook smiled as he walked into the garden where Eunha and Jihoon's wedding is to be held. The place was decorated with variations of pastels and white—something she's sure Eunha picked herself.
After that meeting with Li—Miss Manoban, he knew he didn't need to hide anymore. He's positive that she'd want nothing to do with him anymore so she finally contacted his mom and Tzuyu.
And boy did he earn an earful from Tzuyu. She blabbed all about being worried sick and shocked when she found out he had disappeared. Also, she's pissed at him for not trusting that she won't rat her out to Miss Manoban or something.
He explained everything to her. From the accident down to Miss Manoban's brother. It was a long-ass phone call but that made her understand his sudden decision of leaving Seoul. And she swore not to tell even if they torture her.
"Hey there, neighbors," he said as he entered the Bride's room. Jihoon was there eyeing him. "Still mad at me, Hoon?"
"You kissed my girlfriend," he whined like a kid. "I'll raise your rent for that."
He chuckled and so did Eunha. She looked lovely in her wedding dress.
"You two are getting married now. Stop being such a baby."
"Stop hitting on my wife, then!" he retorted earning another good laugh from him and Eunha.
"You're so cute," Eunha said to her husband. "But you got it all wrong, honey. I sas the one who kissed Jungkook. Not the other way around. I got curious how he'd taste like."
Of course Eunha was just kidding. She loved teasing her husband so much.
Jihoon pouted making him laugh even harder. "I feel so attacked right now."
"I'm the one who has to pay for that broken window, though," he said shrugging.
"Oh right. That girlfriend of yours seems to have a temper." Eunha grimaced. "I still have nightmares at how scary she looked at me from before."
H just gave them a small smile. "Well she's just like that. She won't be coming back now that she thinks I'm with someone else."
"Too bad," Eunha said. "She's very pretty. Like a living doll. Imagine the looks of the kids you two could bring into this world."
"But you're prettier, honey," Jihoon interjected kissing her cheek.
"Yeah but Jungkook's girlfriend is on another level," she disagreed. "Even I feel attracted to her."
Jungkook just chuckled and then bade goodbye to the couple. It's almost nine and the ceremony's about to start.
The place was covered with variations of roses—white and light pink, daisies and peonies. Also, there were limited guests, only the ones closest to the bride and groom. He just got an invite because he happend to be one of the groom's tenants in his building and Eunha's neighbor.
The wedding march started and everyone turned towards the end of the aisle. Jihoon stood with Eunha by his side.
He couldn't help but let his mind wonder off and started imagining him in Jihoon's place and Lisa on Eunha's. But Lisa wouldn't be wearing a gown. She'd wear a white pantsuit. Something out of the accustomed for someone as unique and extraordinary as her. She's be holding a bouquet with red roses and red carnations in them to match her bold red lips.
He smiled at that thought. But that would only be in his imagination—
His brows furrowed as he suddenly heard Miss Manoban's voice. Is this his mind playing tricks on him again?
And is that Lisa at the end of the aisle?
"Stop this wedding!" She yelled again.
Is she real?!
"Jeon Jungkook, I fucking swear if you mary that girl I'll end you—oh. You're not Jungkook. Where's Jungkook?"
All heads turned towards the brown-haired man gawking by the audience.
Shit. So this isn't a dream.
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