Hi guys ... Thanks for your votes and comment..
Note : Before I enter into the story I just want to share a small information regarding drawing class .. Drawing is one subject for mechanical student.. Basically this subject will be thought In drawing hall..
Why I said about this you people will Come to know further
Abhi: can I kiss on your forehead???
Pragya : no..
Abhi felt little hurted.. But smiled and said it's okay no problem... You just take care morning I will see you.
After abhi left Pragya room...
Pragya closed the door ... She started sobbing... later she wiped her tears and just came and stood infront of mirror.. And started talking to the display projected on mirror.
"Sorry abhi I know I hurted you .. But what shall I do... A fear within me is not allowing me to come near to you .... Person who is closed to me will always leave me and go.. I can't bear this pain.. I fear to love some.. I fear to be loved by someone..... I don't Know what God as destined for us.. But I am very happy that I have a very caring friend.... Not caring friend.. Caring husband... "
Tears were rolling from Pragya eyes.. Soon she drafted to a sleep..
Screenshift to college..
Apart from abhigya there is another love friend who want always to be together.. It's none other than purab and bulbul...
Abhi was waiting for Pragya in class.
Pragya entered the class and said Hi to abhi and purab.
Purab: princess you are not well itseems.. How are you now
Pragya : I am good now..
Bulbul: Pragya please don't mind from today onwards you sit with abhi only since I want to sit with purab.
Pragya: smiled and said no problem
And sat next to abhi...
Abhi: how are you feeling now.. Did you had food? Did you take tablet. Jaan?
Pragya : Ya I took..
Days were rolling.. Pragya and abhi bonding was also increasing ....
Screenshift to drawing hall :
One day there goes an interesting drawing class. Every one were listening to the class.. But Pragya was not in mood to listen..
Abhi pov:
My jaan was behaving very weirdly... She was holding her tummy.. She was feeling very restless.. I couldnt figure out what is happening or what is bothering her. She was also looking pale Since I was standing beside her.. I asked her what happened... But my jaan said nothing. And warned me not to ask Any question .. Since already she is pissed off.....
Abhi pulled bulbul and asked what as happened to Pragya why she is behaving like this
Bulbul: what as happened to her.. She is fine only na.
Abhi: she is pissed off.. She is squeezing her tummy.. And looking pale..
Bulbul : oh that it's quite common abhi.. She is suffering from menstrual cycle so..During this time tummy will pain a lot... If she take rest she will be okay.....
Abhi: apart from rest what else can be done to make her feel better now .
Bulbul: just make her have ginger tea it will be fine..
There was a 15 min break in between the class.. All the student went out of the class. Bulbul asked Pragya to come for canteen.
Pragya said" I don't have interest you go.."
Bulbul and purab left the hall
Pragya rested her head on the drawing table.. And closed her eyes..
After 2 min abhi comes near to her.. He taps her.. Pragya open her eyes and sees abhi..
Pragya :Please abhi I am not I mood to talk to you please leave me alone. Saying this she turned her face to other side...
Acha baba don't talk to me.. Just have this ginger tea you will feel better said abhi by smoothing her head..
Pragya eyes widened by his gesture.. She didn't know how to react she felt little embrassed... Without lifting her head she took the tea from abhi hand and said thank you..
Abhi went out...
Pragya after drinking tea.. She felt little relaxed... Soon all the students entered the drawing hall.. Again class started..
Pragya : thank you..
Abhi who heard this asked for whom you are telling.
Pragya : for you only.. ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️
Abhi : it's okay... Anything for my wife..
Pragya : smiled at his word...
At lunch hour:
Pragya : abhi do you have any work after lunch.?
Abhi: nothing.. Since afternoon there is no class.. I will go to hostel and sleep..
Pragya: oh is it so.????
Abhi:why is there any work jaan?
Pragya: since i couldn't listen to class properly thought I will take your help
.... Can you teach me today's topic if possible.????
Abhi :don't request jaan just order me .. Okay fine I will teach you...
Abhi and pragya reached the hostel...
Abhi started explaining about the topic which happened in the class.. Pragya was listening to him very interestly...
Later after 2hr.
Abhi: thats it jaan.. This much only they thought today
Pragya :thank you so much
Abhi: it's okay.. Fine then I will leave now.. Take care.. I forgot to ask you.. How are you feeling now.. ?
Pragya : Ya I am feeling good now..
Abhi was about to leave pragya room. Suddenly Pragya hugged him from back. And started crying..
Abhi turned towards her..But still Pragya is hugging abhi.. He lifted her chin and asked what happened jaan.
Pragya : nothing..
And hugged him very tightly
Abhi:jaan if you don't tell then I won't come to know please tell baby.. What is bothering you now...
"Can you give me a kiss on my forehead..."asked Pragya hugging abhi
Abhi pulled her away from hug shockingly by hearing to her words...
Screen freezes to abhi shocked face and pragya crying face..
If any grammatical mistake please forgive me... If it's boring shot forgive me...
Guys it's time for votes and comments
To be continued
Mishti ashu
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