After a long walk, probably causing me to damage my ribs even more, I finally make it to my job at the extremely sketchy and run-down gas station I work at. The moment I walk in the door, Beth, one of the few other employees, grumpily clocks out and I take over without muttering a word.
I have a long shift today, so I get situated behind the counter and start on my homework. No one rarely comes in here and it is usually pretty quiet, besides the occasional gunshots and regular gang fights directly outside, (it was a pretty shitty part of town) so I usually just get to sit here and work on my own thing and have to occasionally deal with the random hobo or druggie who waltzes in.
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It is now 10 pm and my shift is finally over. I got all my homework done, stocked the shelves, finished planning most of my AI, and dealt with the guy that was high off of something that was surely destroying brain cells by the second and tried to rob me with a nerf gun. So, in conclusion, it was a pretty decent day. I was also thankful to hear from Scarlet that all the kids ate and went to bed without too much trouble. She also however warned me that Ms. Santina had just recently gotten back from the bar and warned me to make sure I am extra quiet.
I grudgingly drag myself through the streets in Queens all while not taking my hand away from my thigh where I have a knife strapped onto my waistband. What can I say? I am a young girl regularly walking through the streets all alone late at night, you could never catch me dead without at least several knives, pepper spray and even a pair of brass knuckles tucked away in my boot.
I stop at the small grocery store on my way back and pick up the necessities, which uses up practically my whole paycheck from last week. It costs a lot to feed 18 kids, even though it is mostly just ramen noodles, bread, and apples. I desperately wish that I could afford to actually feed those kids decent food, but I do the best that I can.
After a short few-minute walk back to the orphanage which I try to prolong as much as possible, I eventually walk up to the entrance with several bags of groceries threatening to fall. I open the door as quietly as possible, praying that Satan would be asleep or just simply be too tired to care enough to beat the shit out of me.
I was beyond relieved when I saw that the devil was passed out on the couch, so I slowly make my way to the kitchen as quietly as I possibly can to quickly put the groceries away and sneak out of there hopefully undetected.
I finish putting the groceries away and start to carefully tip-toe my way across the room to the stairs in order to escape to my 'room.'
I once again thank every deity out there when I make it back to my tiny closet unscathed. I then settled down and read through the Prose Edda for probably over the 100th time, as it is one of the very few books that I have, even though I probably should be sleeping instead. But who really needs sleep anyways?? That's what I have energy drinks for!!
Eventually, I do end up giving in to sleep around 2 am. As soon as I do, I am once again transported to my safe place with the pretty mystery lady once again, just like every night. Without words, we silently settle down in our usual spot on the slight hill, staring off to the pond as I lean my head on her shoulder and she starts to sing one of her other usual songs.
After what feels like about an hour and several songs later, she once again tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and places a gentle kiss on my forehead as she smiles down at me. I know the routine well by now, but I am still always sad to see her go. I smile up at her, trying to remember every detail of her face so that I can look back at it to provide me with the comfort that I know I will need for the coming day. Then it all fades away once again and the calming sound of the waterfall is replaced with the infuriating blaring of my alarm.
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Several days passed, all mostly very uneventful. However, all of them were filled with getting tossed around by either Ms. Satan or Flash, sometimes both. The most interesting thing that happened was when I walked behind the school one day and saw Peter absolutely launch himself over a 6-foot-high fence without even scraping it. I stood there squinting at the place where he suddenly became an Olympic-level pole vaulter for a solid 3 minutes before I simply shrugged and continued on my way deciding that I was too tired for that shit and that I probably hallucinated it with the number of energy drinks I drank that day.
Now it is Thursday, and I am sitting in AP psychology, nearly bouncing with excitement since I am planning on going to the library after school to finally make the AI, which I now decided that I would make into an actual fully functioning AI and not just one for homework.
I have completely zoned out again while thinking about an acronym that I could use for my AI as the teacher, who simply didn't feel like teaching today, turned on some John Quinones' What Would You Do? Episodes claiming that we were learning about morals and ethics today.
(A/n - this is based on experience- one day my AP psychology teacher just started ranting about how awful her ex-husband was to a bunch of sleep-deprived students and then after her rant she said she was too tired to teach today and just turned on some John Quinones. Then the whole rest of the class we just all talked about how absolutely amazing John Quinones is.)
However, then in the middle of the class, I am taken out of my daydream as an announcement comes over the intercom, causing all of the class to groan at the very rude interruption of John Quinones (THE ABSOLUTE AUDACITY), calling me and Peter Parker down to the office. I hesitantly get up and leave the class trying to rack my brain for what I possibly could have done. I don't think that I did anything? Maybe Flash tried to blame me for something, again?
As I am walking down the halls I meet up with Peter who is just now walking out of his class as well.
"Did you do anything?" Peter instantly asks me as we walk side by side.
"No, I don't think so at least? I am too socially awkward to cause any trouble." he nods worriedly. "And I am not even going to bother to ask if you did anything. The worst thing you ever did was forget to thank the lunch ladies, and you nearly had a breakdown after that."
"Then what do you think it is?" He asks, nearly shaking with nerves at this point.
I quickly reach over and grab his hand trying to calm him down. "I'm not sure, but I am sure it will be fine, don't worry." I pause, "But I swear, if it is Flash trying to blame me for running into the flagpole pole, again, even though I literally don't even have a car, I will not be responsible for my actions." I say with a sneer, causing Peter to laugh.
When we finally get to the principal's office I look beside me to see Peter looking absolutely terrified.
"Don't worry, I got this." I say with a mischievous smirk that has the opposite desired effect of calming Peter down.
Peter's eyes go wide and he attempts to stop me, but it is already too late. I storm right up to Mr. Morita's door and practically kick it open all while nearly shouting "What's crackalackin' Mr. M?!? I promise we didn't do anything, no matter what you may have heard!"
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A/n - You will never guess what I just heard!! I just found out that it is actually really important to take care of yourself!! Isn't that just crazy?!?! SO, you should go drink some water, get some food, do some personal hygiene, and talk to someone right now before I hunt you down and force you to. Yes, this is a threat. You have been warned. /nsrs
Have the most loveliest of days/nights my lovelies!! I adore you all!!
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