Chapter 10: Just One Big Misunderstanding
I roll my eyes at their childish behavior and as I do I notice that the raven-haired man, that is currently the center of attention, is rolling his eyes in the same annoyed expression at the same time as me. We make eye contact for a moment and he scrunches his eyebrows at first, giving me a curious look. He then shakes his head, seeming to push away whatever thought he had, and simply offers me a small smile, one which I return along with a small wave.
"What is he doing here?! Last time he was here he tried to kill all of us!!" Tony shouts over everyone else.
"Ah, yes, well I can assure you that that was just one big misunderstanding. You have nothing to fear!" Thor shouts enthusiastically.
The man standing beside Thor scoffs and rolls his eyes again.
"A MISUNDERSTANDING?!?! What did he just get the address wrong and pick the wrong planet to try to take over and kill hundreds of people on?!?!"
My head snaps towards the person that Thor claims is his brother now finally recognize him as the person that invaded New York along with a whole alien army not even a year ago. Thankfully, when this happened, I and Peter were on a field trip to Washington DC, where I now realized that it was Peter who saved us in the Washington Monument as Spiderman. I will have to process that later, but right now is not the time.
A/n - Just to clear up any confusion, I am going to try to make a little sense of the timeline because it is stressing me out too. For example, most of the movies and shows happened in the same order, except the whole Avengers movie and the New York attack happened instead soon after Civil War (Also instead of everyone getting all pissy and bitchslapping each other in a Mcdonald's parking lot, they actually talked through their problems and all agreed on altering the accords so everyone was happy. They also broke the news about Tony's parents a lot better and all is mostly well.) And Spider-Man: Homecoming happened just slightly before the New York attack (Tony also never met Spiderman, he was never a part of Civil War, because it technically did not happen, and Tony was never there in Spider-man: Homecoming. Let's just say that Peter was in his pajama costume the whole time so far.)
Sorry if this is confusing, but just roll with it and don't worry too much about the technical timeline and it will hopefully make sense :)
I look over at the raven-haired man thinking about how much damage he had caused. I was not there to experience it firsthand, but I definitely saw the aftermath of the destruction when I got home. However, when I look at this man in front of me, he doesn't look like the bloodthirsty, power-hungry murderer that I imagined. I look into his eyes and only see guilt and pain, he almost looks more haunted than many of the victims of the destruction.
"It has recently come to my attention that it was not my brother's actions in New York. He was forced into doing so, he was mind controlled. I only wish that I would have known sooner." Thor says the last part with a somber tone while looking towards his brother with guilt etched across his face.
Well, that gains my attention.
Loki looks down towards the floor. I can tell that what Thor is saying is true, I can see it in Loki's eyes, and my nose does not itch like it does when I hear a lie, he is telling the truth.
"And how do you know that is not just another one of his lies and tricks? What is he trying to gain from this?" Mr. Rogers speaks up.
"I will be honest, at first I did not believe my brother either, I judged him and did not give him a chance. But then I spoke to my mother, and she was certain and fully believed him, and she has never been wrong. I trust my mother's judgment wholeheartedly, and after I put aside my biases, I can now clearly see that that person in New York was indeed not my brother that I know."
"Let's say that by some means, you are right, there is still the question of why he is here. Couldn't you just stay in Asberg, or whatever it is called, instead of bringing him back to the place that he destroyed and is very much hated, even if it was mind control?" Mr. Rogers says uncertainty.
Thor sighs. "Ah, well that is not really possible... See, our father did not believe that Loki's actions were not his own. He sentenced him to life in the dungeons and it is not safe there for him at this time." Thor says as he cringes slightly at his words.
By the look on Loki's face, this obviously hurts him a lot more than he is letting on. Not even his own home is safe for him, the place where he grew up and where most of his memories are from, is not even a place that he can go back to. I can relate to that feeling to some extent.
"Well, how did you convince your father to let him go?" Mr. Rogers asks, still taking the lead in the conversation like always.
Thor gives an uncomfortable and awkward chuckle. "Uhhhhh... well... that's the thing... um, our father does not necessarily know that Loki is here... to his knowledge, he is still in the dungeons." He says giving a nervous smile.
"WHAT?!?! No no no, no way, we are not hiding a murder from his angry god alien dad. We do not need another alien invasion because HE is hiding out here." Tony shouts out with venom lacing his voice when he refers to Loki.
"He is not my father." Loki spits out, speaking for the first time since he got here.
Everyone is silent for a moment until Thor speaks up.
"Do not worry, the Allfather will not find out. We have someone back on Asgard making sure of this." He says with a slight warm smile when he references this said person.
"And how is this person going to convince this of a supposed king?" Steve asks.
"Do not underestimate our mother. She is very skilled and is keeping up the illusion of Loki in his cell. The Allfather will be none the wiser." Thor says confidently.
(Yes, Frigga is alive!!! Rejoice!!! And prepare for some Mama Frigga content in the future!!! :D)
They seem to drop the subject, at least for now, and Mr. Rogers looks over to Tony giving him a stern and expecting look.
Tony heavily sighs before speaking up. "Fine, you can stay in the room at the far end of the hall on the right. But you better now screw this up, Reindeer Games." He says threateningly.
"We will give you a chance Loki, just don't give us a reason not to." Mr. Rogers says with a promised threat hidden behind his words.
My eyes follow him as Loki curtly nods and turns around to walk straight to his room without another word.
Tony now finally turns to both me and Peter. "Why don't you two get out of here, I don't want you near Rock of Ages. This still doesn't sit right with me." He says with a scowl.
I reluctantly nod, if only to settle Tony's conscience, even though I plan on doing no such thing.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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