Yena's POV
My mother is at the bottom of the stairs with my youngest brother and the twins. Miguel and Tulio share a smile. "Big smile. Like you mean it. A-one, two, three" dad tells the band who smile brightly holding their instruments. They start to play as Miguel descended the stairs with Tulio.
" ♪I hardly think I'm qualified. To come across all sanctified. I just don't cut it with the cherubim♪" Tulio sings. He tries to tickle one of the twins chin and nearly got bitten. I giggle.
"Tulio, what are you talking about?" Miguel asks pulling him away from my brother. "♪There again, they're on their knees. Being worshiped is a breeze. Which rather suits us in. The interim♪" he sings.
"♪Interim, interim, it's me and him.♪ Oh, my God♪" Tulio sings.
"♪It's tough to be a god!♪" everyone sings.
"♪Tread where mortals have not trod. Be deified when really you're a sham!♪" Tulio sings making shadow puppets. While Miguel flexes his muscles and Altivo ate some apples. "♪Be an object of devotion, be the subject of psalms!♪" he sings loudly.
"♪It's a rather touching notion! All those prayers and those salaams!♪" Miguel sings loudly. He goes and sits on a stone statue while Tulio rides Altivo.
"♪And who am I to bridle? If I'm forced to be an idol? If they say that I'm a god. That's what I am!♪" Tulio sings loudly. He and Miguel start to drink as some warriors prepare to cut watermelon. "♪What's more if we don't comply, with the locals' wishes, I can see us being sacrificed. Or stuffed♪" he sings as the warriors cut the melon and handed it out.
"You have a point there. Very good thinking" Miguel tells him. They then lounge on some pillows getting waited on by some girls. "♪So let's be gods! The perks are great!♪" he sings.
"Yeah" Tulio agrees as his drink is refilled.
"♪El Dorado on our plates♪" Miguel sings handing it to Tulio. Who thanks him. "♪Local feelings should not be rebuffed♪" he sings.
"♪Never rebuffed. I never rebuff a local feeling. No, my friend♪" Tulio sings.
"♪It's tough to be a god! But if you get the people's nod! Count your blessings! Yeah, keep 'em sweet! That's our advice!♪" Miguel and Tulio sing together.
"It's great advice" Miguel states.
"♪Be a symbol of perfection! Be a legend, be a cult! Take their praise, take a collection! As the multitudes exalt!♪" everyone sings.
"♪Don a supernatural habit!♪" Miguel sings.
"♪We'd be crazy not to grab it!♪" Tulio sings.
"You got it" Miguel says.
"♪So sign on two new gods for paradise! Paradise!♪" they sing together. They song finishes as they continue to drink.
"You know if you keep that up, you'll have a hang over tomorrow" I tell Miguel.
"It'll be worth it" he tells me.
"Not with what Tzekel-Kan has plan, best you and Tulio have clear heads tomorrow" I tell him.
"Very well" he says putting his drink down. "So how come you want to leave? You are going to be in charge of all of this" he states gesturing to the city.
"Don't get me wrong, I love my home. But I long for adventure, I believe it'll make me a better leader if I knew the outside world. Besides if I didn't come back, my brother would take over" I explain nodding to him.
"He looks like he is only a teenager" he comments.
"He is, he turned thirteen last year and will be turning fourteen. He's the oldest of my brothers and next in line if something happened to me" I state.
"So do you have anyone you fancy Yena?" he asks me.
"Maybe, don't know yet" I say with a smile. "I've had many admirers over the years, but they only want me for my power. Not because they actually care about me" I state.
"That sucks" he states and I nod my head in agreement. "I promise when I leave with Tulio, you can come. I'll show you the world, starting with my home Spain" he tells me.
"I'd like that" I say smiling at him. Looking into his olive green eyes with my honey brown ones. "You have lovely eyes, I've never seen such eyes or hair" I say pointing to his hair.
"Are you drunk?" he asks me amused and I giggle.
"Tipsy, not drunk" I correct him. "Which is more then I can say for your friend" I add nodding to Tulio. He looks at him and laughs.
"I better go get him" he states. "See you tomorrow Yena, I hope we can talk more in future" he tells me.
"I'd like that, I'll give you a tour of El Dorado" I tell him. He smiles and leaves. Chel appears and sits beside me.
"You are so smitten" she states.
"So are you, with Tulio" I state.
"Whatever, what are we going to do about tomorrow?" she asks me.
"Nothing, I believe they won't let Tzekel-Kab sacrifice someone. But I will have father ready to offer another form of tribute" I state smirking. She smirks back and I go to speak to my father.
"Having fun my daughter?" he asks me. I nod my head. "I see you are getting on well with Lord Miguel" he states.
"He's nice" I state. "Speaking of the gods, I was thinking the people of El Dorado should have their own tribute prepared for them tomorrow morning. Encase they don't want a sacrifice" I tell him.
"A wise decision my daughter, you'll be a fine chieftess one day" he tells me. I smile sheepishly. "You know I only want your happiness" he tells me I look at him confused. "If you don't wish to lead the people, you need not and your brother can do so" he states.
"But you've trained me for the last ten years" I state.
"True, and you used to love the thought of becoming chieftess. But I know you long for adventure. If Miguel gives you that, treats you right and makes you happy. I am fine with you leaving to follow your dreams of adventure" he tells me.
"Thank you father, about the tribute. I suggest gold" I tell him. He nods his head and I left to go hang out my brothers. Before going home with them and mother. I help her put my brothers to bed, before wishing her a good night and going to bed myself. Thinking about what my father told me.
Video above of the song and picture above of Tulio nearly getting bitten.
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