Chapter 9
" stay with the ghost crew and continue my training with Kanan".
Kanan couldn't believe his ears. Ezra wanted to stay!? He really wanted to stay! Kanan's heart pounded for joy. Hera and the others seemed relieved as well. Even Chopper did a little victory dance.
Ahsoka smiled as she stared at Ezra. "Are you sure this is what you want?", she asked gently.
"It is", Ezra responded without hesitation. "I do want to grow stronger in my abilities, but to be honest, I'd rather stay with my family than become a great jedi knight".
Ahsoka nodded and stood up. "A wise answer", she responded. "Then my time here is done".
She walked toward the door, but then stopped. "Now that Ezra is relieved of being confined in the ship it is your duty for all of you to protect him. Keep an eye on him at all times and don't let him go out alone. Not until he's ready for what's waiting for him".
"Will do, Fulcrum", Hera responded.
Ahsoka took one last look of the ghost crew, then walked out the door, closing it behind her. As she walked through the grassy fields of Lothal she had to smile to herself. Ezra was definitely heading in the direction. He had made the wise decision to stay with his new family as he continued his training. Love was one of the most powerful weapons in the galaxy. It made people stronger and selfless through the tough times. And she could tell that the entire ghost crew would give him all the love he needed. And more.
But as Ahsoka walked toward her small ship she didn't sense the darkness of empire's inquisitors searching with the force the very depths of the planet to find the long lost child of Mira and Ephraim Bridger.
Five months later.....
"Hurry, they're on our tail!"
"I see them I see them!"
"Got any other bright ideas?"
"We'll split up; you two take the right, and we'll take the left. We'll meet you back at the ship!"
"Will do, Specter 1!"
Sabine and Zeb directed their speeders to the right and disappeared into the night. Each of the speeders had three boxes connected to the back. They would have been out of the building in no time; if it hadn't been for Zeb and Ezra (who hadn't been paying attention to their surroundings and had tripped the alarm).
Kanan and Ezra zoomed passed the storehouses as fast as they could. "Uh, Kanan!", Ezra yelled, looking back to see the stormtroopers. "They're still following us!"
"I know! I know!", Kanan yelled back. "Just keep driving!"
Kanan turned around and pulled out his gun. He fired a few shots before returning to the control the speeder.
"I can't shake them!", he yelled over the speeders engine.
Ezra looked back and counted the remaining stormtroopers on their tail. Seven.....that should be enough.
Without saying anything, Ezra flung his hand out toward the troopers, forcing them back onto the ground and buildings. "Well done, kid!", Kanan commented. "Now let's get back home!"
A cadet ran through the halls as fast as his legs could take him. When he got to a door, he stopped to take a breath, then pushed a button to open the door. "Inquisitors!", he called. "I have just received the reports of the rebel's recent attack".
Three figures in black were facing a large window, their backs toward the cadet. All three turned around though when they heard the boy's announcement. "Well, go on then!", the Seventh Sister said impatiently.
The boy swallowed the lump in his throat before continuing. "The rebels have unfortunately escaped, along with twelve crates that were left in one of our store houses".
He saw the angry look on the Seventh Sister's face, so he quickly added, "B-but on of our security cameras caught them splitting up!"
This did, as the boy had hoped, softened the Seventh Sister's face. "Really? Show me".
The boy stuck his hand into his pocket and quickly pulled out a holocron. The Seventh Sister took it and pushed a button to play the footage. The Fifth Brother came to watch it but not the third. He just stood and watched from his position.
The footage indeed showed four people on speeders, each with three crates. It all went too fast for one to catch the features, so the Seventh Sister replayed it a few times before freezing the image. Now she could see the four rebels clearly. There was a large lasat, and next to him was a person in mandalorian armor. The other two were all too familiar to the Seventh Sister and Fifth Brother. "Well, well", the Seventh Sister smirked. "It looks like we've finally found the Bridger child once again".
"Took you long enough", the third inquisitor muttered. "Vader told you five months ago to find him and it took this long? I'm beginning to doubt you're really cut out for this job".
"Oh hold your tongue!", the Seventh Sister snapped. "Just be thankful we know now that he's still on the planet!"
"The next step is to locate their home base", the Fifth Brother replied.
"Well, that will be easy enough", the Seventh Sister said slyly. "There's only one person here who knows the Bridger's scent more than anyone else on this planet". She turned to the other inquisitor. "If it's not too much for you to handle, Eighth Brother".
"Not at all. Just try to keep up", the Eighth Brother replied, smirking under his metal mask. He had been waiting for this day for a long time, since the day he killed Mira and Ephraim Bridger.
Now was the time to act; now was the time to get what he earned eight almost nine years ago: Ezra Bridger!
Hera stood at the entryway of the ghost. She could just see the crew coming over the horizon. She smiled at the memories of the past five months. Ezra had become even closer to them than they had ever dreamed. He did just about everything with the crew; cleaning guns, target practice, all the pick up missions, piloting, and all the other things that had to be done on the ship. And he had grown so much in his abilities, he was becoming as good as Kanan.
Hera sighed as the crew parked their speeders next to the ship. Things couldn't be better.
"Well done, guys", she said as they walked up toward the ramp. "You not only got all twelve crates but distributed them in one night".
"That's got to be a record for the rebellion or something", Sabine commented, her voice sounding tired. In fact, all four rebels were tuckered out.
Ezra stretched as he yawned. "I think I'm gonna hit the shack if that's alright with you, Hera".
"Not at all. You guys deserve it. Just park the speeders inside the ship and you can all get some rest for a while".
Everyone nodded, their eyes clearly stating they were ready for a nice long nap. They walked over to the speeders and started to hop on when Ezra suddenly gasped for breath. "Ezra, what is it?!", Kanan asked, his eyes now wide open. Ezra tried to answer but it felt like invisible hands were wrapped around his throat. He tried to loosen the grip with his hands, but it wouldn't relent. Kanan looked around for the source. He could sense something very dark coming from......behind the ship!
Kanan ignited his lightsaber and stood next to Ezra. Zeb and Sabine both pulled out their weapons as well and got into their battle stands. "Alright, come out whoever you are!", Kanan yelled. "We know you're here! Let the boy go!"
There was a snicker; an evil snicker that shook everyone from head to toe. Light footsteps could be heard walking toward them; and as they did the crew could hear the snickering turn into a wicked laughter. "Oh my", said a female voice as the figure came out. "We weren't expecting him to make any noise that would alert you, but that's fine".
She released her clenched hand and Ezra began breathing almost normally again. The Seventh Sister! What's she doing here?
"What do you want?", Kanan asked, still standing in front of Ezra.
"Normally I would say 'to turn you in' or 'to kill you'. But no. I'm here for him". She nodded her head towards Ezra. "You must know by now that he is a very special child; being born with the potentials of a sith and a jedi just from his birth. And being a rebel, you must know that the empire wants all 'special' children. Including the Bridger child".
"He has a name you know!", Kanan retorted. "It's Ezra".
"It doesn't matter what his name is", the Seventh Sister replied. "What matters is that he is meant to serve the empire".
She took a few steps closer to Ezra, causing both him and Kanan to back up a little. "He's made his choice", Kanan scowled. "He's with the rebel alliance".
The Seventh Sister laughed again, this time louder. "'Made his choice'? Sorry jedi, but he doesn't have a choice".
Suddenly, the Fifth Brother jumped from the top of the ship and onto the ground behind Ezra and Kanan. Ezra took out his lightsaber, but Kanan stopped him. "Ezra", he said, his voice barely audible. "Run inside the ship and stay hidden".
"But Kanan-"
"Ezra! Just do as I say".
Ezra gave a small nod. In one swift movement, he flipped over the speeders and onto the ramp. The Fifth Brother went to charge him, but was knocked down by Zeb's electric staff. Sabine started shooting the Seventh Sister as Kanan and her dueled. Ezra ran up the ramp toward the entrance. "Hera!", he called out into the com. "We need back up!"
"I'm on it!", she responded, running past him. She took out her pistol and joined Zeb in fighting the Fifth Brother.
Ezra wanted to help them. But Kanan had told him to stay hidden. He had learned to listen to instruction, even if he thought he knew better. It would help if I just stayed inside. They wouldn't have to worry about me getting-
A hand suddenly clamped over Ezra's mouth, causing him jump out of surprise. Ezra went to grab the hand, but an arm held his arms down. "Hold still, Ezra", a metallic male voice whispered. "Count this as your first lesson: what happens when you try to defy the empire".
As Ezra fought his grip the Eighth Brother pulled him over to the open hatch where the battle was still going on. It didn't look like it was getting anywhere. When one side was beginning to win, the other side would take the upper hand.
The Eighth Brother looked at the Seventh Sister and gave her a nod. She returned it with a sinister grin as she deflected Kanan's blow. The Eighth Brother slipped his hand away from Ezra's mouth and moved his arm to his neck. He took out his double bladed lightsaber and turned on one of the blades and brought it toward Ezra's stomach.
Ezra, now free to speak, yelled at the top of his lungs, "Kanan! Help!"
Just as planned, Kanan turned to see Ezra in a headlock by the Eighth Brother. "Ezra!", Kanan yelled. He began running towards the hatch, forgetting both Sabine and the Seventh Sister. Sabine tried to hold her off, but was forced against the ship and her head banging the corner. She fell unnoticed to ground unconscious, blood beginning to spill from her head.
Both Zeb and Hera noticed Kanan run toward the hatch. "Go help Kanan!", Zeb yelled. Hera quickly moved toward Kanan, not noticing the Fifth Brother take down Zeb and slice his lightsaber across his back. It wasn't deep, but it was enough to draw a lot of blood. The Fifth Brother stepped over the near unconscious Zeb and advanced toward Kanan and Hera. The Seventh Sister was doing the same thing; walking stealthily up the ramp, lightsabers ignited.
Kanan and Hera ran toward Eighth Brother, not noticing the other two inquisitors slowly coming up behind them. But Ezra saw them. "Kanan, stop! It's a trap!"
Both Kanan and Hera saw the panic in Ezra's face and turned around to face the inquisitors.........but not before the Seventh Sister slashed her saber at Kanan's eyes.
Kanan screamed and fell off the ramp and to the ground. All he could see was red; the same bright red as the Seventh Sister's lightsaber. He couldn't hear anything except his ears ringing and the sizzling noise his burns made. Kanan can't remember what happens next. He passed out as he heard Ezra scream his name.
As Hera watched Kanan fall, she felt a saber slice through her right arm. She yelled in pain as she held what was now a stubble. But she didn't have time to think. Her eyes shot open as a lightsaber was stabbed right through her chest. She slowly backed up, and fell off the side of the ramp; the one opposite of Kanan.
"Hera!", Ezra screamed, now fighting even harder to break the Eighth Brother's grip. Tears began to fill his eyes. No! This can't be happening! I can't be loosing my family! Not again!
"Finally", the Seventh Sister said, turning off her saber. "We got what we wanted".
"The Bridger child and the death of the rebels", the Fifth Brother said.
The Eighth Brother turned off his lightsaber. "Bring the ship around", he said coldly. "We will leave here as soon as possible".
The Seventh Sister nodded and ran off the ramp towards their shuttle. "Fifth Brother", he continued. "Put the bodies on their ship and set it on fire. There must be nothing left; for the rebel alliance, the people, or the Bridger child".
The Fifth Brother nodded and began to put the bodies into the ghost.
The Eighth Brother looked down at Ezra, who was slowly beginning to stop fighting his grip. "Now do you see the result for breaking away from the empire?", he asked him. "You end up fighting a battle you won't even win. You loose everything; your reputation, your freedom, your family- all for believing in something other than the empire".
Ezra face began to be stained with tears as he watched Zeb and Hera's body being dragged into the ghost. "Tell me child: was it all really worth it?"
Ezra couldn't answer. Not because his throat was choked up, but because he really didn't have an answer. Is it really worth it; to lose everything and everyone you love for freedom?
The Eighth Brother, realizing he wasn't getting an answer, dug in his pocket for a bottle. "I'll give time to think about it young one. For now...." he took out the bottle and opened it in front of Ezra's face, releasing a weird fragrance. "......get some sleep".
Ezra's eyes fluttered a little, then they shut and his body went limp. The Eighth Brother caught him and adjusted him to holding him bridal style just as the Fifth Brother walked out. "I have put all the bodies in the ship".
"Excellent", the Eighth Brother commended. A tie fighter suddenly came forward and landed right in front of them. "Light the fire", the Eighth Brother commanded as he walked toward tie with Ezra. The Fifth Brother obeyed; by the time he was walking into the ship the ghost was up in flames. Ezra was still out as they left the ground and soared into the sky, leaving the ghost which was becoming a ball of flames.
But if the inquisitors had stopped to check their surroundings before they left, they would have sensed something disturbing to the dark side; something that had come just in time to see both the Eighth and Fifth Brother walk on the ship and fly away. If they had even bothered to look around they would have seen a small ship, about the size of phantom, resting not to far from the ghost, almost watching them.
This can be a lesson to those who have lost hope: the darkness can never win. It may have the upper hand in some battles for a season, but in the long run, the light will always prevail. And right now, the light was slowly beginning to take the upper hand.
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