Chapter 7
"I can't believe you did that, Kanan".
The crew was walking up the ramp into the ghost. Kanan rubbed his knuckles, which were turning purple under his gloves. "I can't believe we still got our money", Zeb commented.
"Well", Hera began". "After what Kanan just did, I don't think we'll get too much trouble from him. For now at least".
Kanan sighed. "I'm sorry guys. I just got so mad at what Vizago did to Ezra. I know it was years ago, but felt as if he had done it right then and there".
"Don't be", Zeb replied. "I was already planning on busting him up myself".
"Zeb", Hera warned.
"But it's true Hera", Sabine said. "I felt the same way too. To do that to any kid is bad, but it feels worse when it's someone you know".
Hera sighed. "I know, I was pretty mad myself. But you shouldn't lash out like that. I expected more out of you Kanan".
"Why me?"
"Because you're the one who always told me that anger isn't the way of the jedi. And since you are a jedi....."
"Alright, alright, I get the picture", Kanan chuckled. It was then that he realized that Ezra wasn't in the docking by. "Where's Ezra?", he asked aloud. The crew suddenly realized it as well. "He's probably just hanging out in his room or something", Sabine commented.
"That may be", Hera began. "But we should still check the ship". As the crew were just about to disperse, Hera said in a very serious voice, "Not a word of this to Ezra. He doesn't need to know about what happened today. Is that clear?"
Everyone nodded, then scattered throughout the ship to search for Ezra. Kanan went to Ezra's room and opened the door. There was no sign of him. Hm? Maybe he's in the rec room, Kanan thought to himself. He began making his way the rec room when a sound caught his ears. It was coming from above him; inside the phantom to be exact. And the sound, it almost sounded like.......crying?
"Ezra?", Kanan called up. The crying became much softer, but Kanan could still hear it as he got closer to the ladder that led up to the inside of the phantom. As Kanan began to climb the ladder, he could sense a cloud of sadness filling the air around him. Oh no.....please don't let him know, please don't let him know!
When he got to the top, he saw Ezra curled up in a ball on one of the seats. "Ezra?", Kanan asked as he pulled himself up and walked over to Ezra. He sat down next to him and put an arm around him. Ezra's sobs began to get a little harder as he leaned up against Kanan's body.
"What's wrong Ezra?", Kanan asked.
Ezra sniffed and tried to blink away the tears, but they just kept coming. "I.....I just....."
"Ezra, if you need to talk about it, I'm right here for you".
Ezra cried a little more, then took a deep breath, and began telling the story as clear as he could.
"It was five or six years ago. I was maybe ten or eleven.....and I was in Turkin town trying to trade with some of the locals. And that's when I met him........."
"Thank you mister", Ezra replied, putting the few credits he had earned in his pocket. The buyer nodded and walked off with his new possession. Ezra sighed happily as he walked past the few 'houses' that gave shelter to the people of Turkin town. Business was good for him today. Since he was ten people looked at him as a sweet little homeless kid that needed to provide for his family. They never asked him if he had anyone, just if he was okay. Still, he did get a few wary glances because he wore a hoodie all the time. But as long as they kept to themselves, he was safe and sound.
Ezra, forgetting to watch where he was going, bumped into the first person in front of him. He fell to the ground with a thud......and he felt his hoodie slide off.
Ezra felt the color from his face drain. Thus had never happened before, like, never! How was he going to get out of this one?
"S-sorry", he said, trying to keep his eyes low to the ground. At first the stranger didn't answer. I'm in for it now!", the ten year old worried. What are they going to do to me? Kill me? Sell me to the empire or rebels for credits? What?!
The stranger above him smiled and knelt down to help Ezra up. "No worries, little one", the stranger said. He dusted him off as best he could, then introduced himself. "I am Cikatro Vizago, but please, call me Vizago". He stuck out his hand for Ezra to shake. Ezra slowly took the hand and shook it, still keeping his eyes on the ground. "Nice to meet you", he said. "I better be going. Mt momma will be expecting me".
"Oh of course, of course!", Vizago replied. "We wouldn't want to keep her waiting".
Ezra nodded then walked away, pulling up his hoodie. "Um, little one", Vizago called out. Ezra stopped and turned his head toward the voice. "You're going out of town. Don't you live in one of these houses".
Ezra swallowed hard. "N-no sir. I live outside of town".
"Oh, oh, I see", Vizago nodded understandingly. "But the nearest village or farmhouse is twenty-seven miles from here. Are you going to walk home?"
Ezra gulped. "Um......someone's coming to pick me up".
"Oh, right", Vizago said, not fully convinced. The two just stared at each other for a minute before Vizago asked, "You don't have a momma, do you?"
Ezra shuffled his feet. "Of....of course I do!", he exclaimed. "Everybody has a momma!"
Vizago chuckled. "No, no, what I mean is you don't have any family to go back to, do you?"
He had him cornered now. What is up with this guy?, he wondered to himself. "You ask too many questions", he answered. "And what's it to you if I have a family or not?"
"Well", Vizago began. "You needed work I would be willing to hire you on. Though you be traveling quite a bit; going from galaxy to galaxy selling and trading to all kinds of different planets".
Now Ezra had fully turned around and was listening. "I could use the help", Vizago went on. "You know what they say, the more the merrier. I could even take you on as an apprentice".
Ezra thought about this for a bit before answering. "Will I get a place to sleep?"
"A place to sleep, food to eat, and", he walked up to Ezra and knelt on one knee "a new family. That is, if you like?"
It may not be so bad. I could use a new place to live, and some fresh food. As for the family part.......that would have to take time, but maybe......
"Alright, I accept your offer", Ezra said confidently.
"Wonderful, wonderful!", Vizago exclaimed. "Then we better get going". He stuck out his hand toward Ezra. "You know my name, but I'm afraid I don't know yours".
"Ezra, Ezra Bridger". And with that, Ezra took the man's hand and shook it.
"Ezra Bridger. Yes, I think that will do just fine". As they walked away, Vizago muttered to himself, "Just fine, indeed".
Over the next few days Ezra did his share of the work on the ship without so much as a complaint. And in turn, Vizago would provwnide him with warm food, a beg, and some training in the trading business. Things seemed to be going really well for Ezra. That is, until one day......
Almost done with these reports, Ezra thought to himself. Once that's done, I can start sorting the supplies.
Ezra typed a few buttons on the main computer. A report came up, but not the one Ezra was looking for. "Oops!", he muttered to himself. "Wrong file".
He was just about to put it away but something caught his eye. Is that....that's my name! But what's it doing on one of Vizago's files?
Ezra peeked out the doorway of the room then shut the door and walked back the computer. This is what he saw:
I have successfully captured the Bridger child. Awaiting further instructions, and of course the promised payment.
Ezra felt his face grow pale. C-captured the B-Bridger child? Promised p-payment?
No, there has got to be some mistake! Vizago wouldn't actually sell me to anybody.....right? Who is this addressed to anyway?
Ezra looked at the address label and gasped. The empire! No, no this can't be! There must be something wrong with the computer. Someone must have mistyped it. Yeah, that- that has to be it!
The door behind him opened and Ezra whipped around to see Vizago. Vizago sighed. "So you found out my dirty little secret", he said slowly. He took a few steps forward, causing Ezra to take a few steps back. "You weren't supposed to find out this way. You were supposed to not know anything about this until the imperials had already arrived. The empire would get you, and I would get my well earned reward".
Ezra's eyes began to tear up. "B-but why? Why would you lie to me and pretend to be my friend?". His tears fell as he choked out the words, "I trusted you, Vizago".
Vizago chuckled. "Trust is a tricky thing, my boy. Trust comes in pretty packages; inciting anyone and everyone to come take a peek inside.....only to be snatched up by the horrible truth that you can never trust anyone. And do you know why you can't trust anyone, Ezra?" He took another step toward him. "Because the world is a dark ugly place, and trust doesn't exist in a world that doesn't want it".
The tears fell faster as Ezra couldn't contain his sorrow any longer. He fell to his knees and wept so hard his body shook. Vizago sighed and he put a hand on Ezra's shoulder, making his grip tight so as not to loose him. "Don't be a sore looser", he said cruelly. "No one likes a sore looser".
Ezra swallowed back his sadness as he looked up at Vizago. How could he? He was my friend, my mentor. How could I let myself trust him?
Vizago pulled Ezra up and began dragging him toward the open door. "Now don't struggle, and no one will get hurt".
But Ezra wasn't listening. His blood began to boil. He lied to me! He never loved me! I'm just as valuable as the next shipment of cargo to him! Ezra planted his feet where he was, causing Vizago to stop walking. He will pay for this! I'll make him pay!
With that in mind, Ezra kicked Vizago in the shins, making him bend down in pain. Then Ezra twisted the hand that had him, causing a small cracking sound to come from it. Vizago yelped in pain and looked at Ezra. " are worth the reward I'm getting. You are....stronger than you look".
"Yeah? Well there's more where that came from!", Ezra spat. He kicked Vizago in the ribs and jumped over him and ran down the halls as fast as he could. "Droids!", he heard Vizago weakly yell. "Stop him!"
Ezra heard them coming up from behind him. He whipped around and stuck his hands out at them, using the force to push all of them back. Vizago had dragged himself halfway out the doorway and had seen what Ezra had done. His eyes were wide and his mouth open. "So this is why the empire....wants you", he gasped, his face cringing in pain. "You're one of of those jedi things".
The ten year old scoffed, his face full of anger. "No, I'm not a jedi", he said. "They are all gone. I'm just a very powerful kid who doesn't like to be betrayed by scum like you".
But before he could say anything else, immense pain spiked all through him. Ezra screamed and fell to the floor. A droid had come up behind him with a taser and had zapped Ezra with it.
Ezra felt his body being picked up by the collar of his shirt. "Good work, droid", Vizago said as he tried to stand up. The made a few noises then zapped Ezra again. He screamed again, his voice making the walls vibrate. After a moment the droid turned it off, but still held up Ezra.
Ezra just wanted to die. His body hurt and stun so badly he felt as if he was on fire. But somehow, he managed to stay awake, even though the pain ran through him like a running brook.
Vizago slowly made his way to Ezra and the droid, holding his side as he did so. "'ve caused enough trouble, little one", he said chuckling, only to hold his side tighter. As soon as he got close to Ezra he punched him in the face, or more so toward his head. "That....that will teach you to mess....with the great Vizago".
Ezra didn't say anything. His head felt like a box of shaken feathers, and some blood fell from his temple. "Now....where are those other droids?", he mutter to himself. He pushed a few buttons on his wrist band and in a few minutes four droids came in slowly. Ezra, even though most of his strength left him, found a small bit of energy to punch Vizago in the face.
Or at least try. He hit his nose, but not hard enough. Vizago looked a little stunned at first. "So you still have some energy left in you?", he said. Then without warning he punched Ezra in the stomach then slapped him across the face, two of his long nails scratching deep into Ezra's skin. Ezra yelped in pain as he felt now even more blood begin to seep out down his face.
Vizago, still holding his side, called one of the droids over to him. "Take a picture of the kid", he commanded. The droid nodded, then faced Ezra. Ezra's eyes went wide and he began to struggle out of the droid's arms. But then two of the ones that had come in walked over and held him back by both his arms. Ezra only struggled more, sometimes looking up at the droid snapping the picture to see if he was done. Finally, the droid got the picture and nodded at Vizago. "Good, good", he said. "Now go to the main computer and attach it to the message then send it".
Send it? It wasn't sent?! Maybe that means....if I can get out of these droids grip, I can destroy the computer before the empire finds put about me!
With that in mind, Ezra began tugging and pulling as hard as his strength would allow. Vizago chuckled at his efforts. "Try all you want, brat, but you're not leaving until the empire comes with my money".
But Ezra kept tugging. Come on Ezra! You can do this! Don't give up! Not when freedom is still an option!
Suddenly, Ezra felt as if his body for a quick second regained it's strength, then his arms went stick straight and electricity shot right from his hands. The droids were immediately destroyed and fell to the ground. What's happing to me?!, Ezra panicked. What am I doing?! How is this possible?!
Vizago was frightened to, and began to cower away from Ezra.
Ezra felt his body pushing it's limits as the electricity seemed to be growing each second. A wave of heat seemed to come everywhere, and then darkness overcame Ezra.
"When I woke up, I saw that the ship had burned to the ground, and was still burning. I figured Vizago was dead along with the main computer. But......every night after that, I could still feel the hurt and heartache and fear that went through me that day".
Ezra sniffed the last of his tears as he finished his story.
Kanan didn't know what to say. This story made him sad and angry and shocked all at the same time. This is all....really hard to take in, he thought to himself. But I don't want him to think that I don't care about what he went through. No child should ever have to go through that. EVER.
Kanan coddled Ezra closer to him and wrapped both arms around him. "Ezra", he began. "I'm so, so sorry you had to go through that. Though it does help me understand why you were so closed up to us, you should never have had to go through that". Kanan paused. "But you know what?" Ezra looked up at him and shook his head. "You don't have to go through that anymore. And even if Vizago or anyone else tries to take you and hurt you, you have the ghost crew; your family to have your back and protect you".
Ezra smiled and leaned his head on Kanan's chest. "Thanks Kanan", he said softly. Kanan gave a tight hug and held him there.
For a while, they just sat up there, holding each other. Kanan felt as the wall between them had finally and fully came down and that this was the real Ezra.
Ezra felt as if he had finally found his place; his home, his family. This.....this is what I've been looking for.
They were so deep in their father son moment they didn't hear Hera climb up the ladder. When she saw them, she smiled. "I hate to interrupt", she said, making them nearly jump out of their seats. Hera giggled then continued. "Sorry for the interruption boys, but you're needed downstairs".
"Is everything all right?", Ezra asked.
"Yes it's just that we have a visitor".
"Oh. Well, who is it".
Hera smiled as she gave them their answer.
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