Chapter 3
The Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister walked down a hallway towards the door at the very end. "Master Vader will be most pleased with our discovery of the Bridger child", the Seventh Sister replied.
"Indeed, he will", the Fifth Brother agreed.
The duo walked to the door,opened it, and kneeled on the ground. "Master", they both said in unison.
"Have you come with the report on the rebels?", Darth Vader asked, keeping his back to them.
"Even better, master", the Fifth Brother said.
"On our mission we found something extraordinary", the Seventh Sister interrupted. "We found Ephraim and Mira Bridger's son".
This made Vader turn to them. "Continue", he ordered.
"He was on the tram we were searching", the Fifth Brother said. "We didn't realize it was him till his hood fell off and we saw his eyes".
"And what color were they?", Vader asked, just to be sure.
"They were exactly as you said, master", the Seventh Sister answered. "Yellow like a sith".
"Excellent", Vader said. "I assume you brought him here".
The inquisitors looked at each other. "Well master", the Fifth Brother said. "He was taken by the rebels. Apparently they knew he was valuable as well, and"-
"I do not take excuses, Fifth Brother", Vader replied coldly. "You are to find him and bring him here at once. Don't fail me, or it will be the last time you ever make a mistake".
"Yes master", they said nervously, then walked out.
"Alright, are you guys ready to meet him?", Hera asked. It was dinner time and everyone except Ezra was at the table.
"I'm ready to meet him", Sabine replied. "Zeb?"
"Yeah I guess", Zeb answered, folding his arms. "I still don't think this is such a good idea; bringing a kid along on dangerous missions against the empire?"
"I told you, he's going to training under Kanan as a jedi", Hera said. "If we don't teach him how to fight for what's right, the empire will take him away and teach him otherwise".
Zeb nodded understandingly. "Alright, bring him out".
Hera looked at Kanan. "Kanan can you go get Ezra and bring him in for dinner?"
"Will do, captain", he said, saluting Hera. He walked out of the room to the room Ezra was in. Kanan knocked on the door. "Ezra, it's time for dinner".
No answer. "Ezra?", Kanan called out again. When there was still no answer, Kanan opened the door......only to find the room completely empty. "Oh great", Kanan mumbled to himself. He went to walk out when something stopped him. He felt the force tug on him; almost begging him to find itself. It seemed to be coming from the......vents? No wait! It was moving. Moving toward....the docking bay!
Kanan ran out of the room and booked as fast as he could to the docking bay. No one was in there, which meant Ezra snuck off yet. Or am I too late?, he thought to himself.
A minute after he walked in, Kanan heard the very light sound of metal hitting metal. Yep, he's still here.
As if on cue, a vent popped open and out came Ezra, obviously trying to be as stealthy as possible. When he hit the floor, he pushed the vents door gently back into place. He turned and faced Kanan. When he saw him he jumped up in surprise. Kanan had to chuckle. The kid's face was priceless.
"Now that's kind of rude to not say thank you or good bye to the people that saved you're life".
Ezra looked down. "Look, I don't know what you could want from me besides money from the empire. I'm a loth-rat, I'm the lowest of the food chain. I don't have anything for you to take from me. I've lost everything; I've got nothing".
Kanan put a loving arm on Ezra, which made him flinch. "I already told you", he said gently. "We helped you because it's our job. The empire hates it when anything good comes into the galaxy. But I was already looking for you before I even knew your name. I know it's hard to believe that your conscience told me; even I wouldn't believe me".
Ezra looked up at him slightly. "I just....I don't know if I can trust again".
"Well, telling me you're not sure is a start. Why would you tell me that?"
Ezra looked up a bit more now. "I.....I feel your kindness and it'' real". He looked down again. "I don't remember feeling that ever in my life".
Kanan put both his arms on Ezra's shoulders and bent down slightly so that their eyes were level. "Ezra, everyone here is willing to give you kindness and love. You just have to give us a chance. Sure we'll have to get used to your eyes, but we will accept you no matter what".
Ezra's eyes locked with Kanan's. He wanted to believe him, he really did. He was just really scared to take that leap of faith.
Kanan sat up. "Come on, let's go have dinner with the rest of the crew".
Ezra let Kanan guide him through the halls and into the rec room. Kanan opened the door and the twosome walked in. "Sabine, Zeb, I want you to meet Ezra", Kanan said. "Ezra, this is Sabine our 'art'sonest, and this is Zeb the muscle of the group".
Ezra went to slip his hoodie up, but Kanan held it down. Man this guy is serious!, he thought to himself. Slowly, he lifted his head up........but kept his eyes closed.
"Uh....hi Ezra!", Sabine said cheerfully. "It's nice to meet you. You know, when you walked in I thought you looked familiar".
Her voice sounded so friendly that Ezra wanted to open his eyes to see her face. But he knew he wouldn't see a warm welcoming smile. He would see a terrified face that would immediately not welcome him.
"It's okay, Ezra", he heard Kanan say gently. "They'll understand".
Kanan looked at Sabine and Zeb and said, "He's not used to people liking him. He's always lived with the fear of being sold to us or to the empire".
"Why would you think that?", Sabine asked, genuinely concerned. "Do you know something about the empire or something?"
Ezra didn't answer, but still kept his eyes closed. Kanan looked at Hera, who nodded. He took a deep breath and said, "It's because.....because he has sith eyes".
That's what got Ezra to open his eyes. He looked up at Kanan with pleading eyes that seemed to scream, what did you do?!?!?!?!
Sabine and Zeb stayed silent. They both looked shocked at this news. For a minute no one said anything. It was Sabine who broke the silence. "So you have sith eyes, but but you're on our side?"
Ezra looked away from Kanan and turned his gaze to the floor. "Could.....could I see your eyes up close?", Sabine asked gently, which took Ezra by surprise. "I've actually never seen a person with sith eyes before. That is if you don't mind".
Ezra looked at her with puzzled eyes. He slowly walked over to her and looked her straight in the eye. Sabine leaned forward and held his face gently. Her gentle touch sent a wave of fear through his body, but because it was gentle, he didn't pull away.
"Oh, wow", she said amazed. "The color and depth and feeling in your's like an artist's dream to paint eyes like yours. And the red and yellow. They seem to contrast, yet blend together".
She let go of him. "You have really interesting eyes, Ezra".
For the first time in a very, very long time, Ezra gave Sabine a smile. Even though it was small, Kanan knew it was a good start.
Zeb wanted to say something, but he wasn't quite sure what to say. He didn't want to say anything to offend the kid, but he didn't want to sound cold hearted either. How about just welcoming him? Yeah, that sounded like a good idea. "Welcome to the ghost crew kid", he said. Ezra looked at him and nodded gratefully when he gave him a second glance.
"Ezra?", Kanan asked, walking over to him. Ezra didn't answer. He just kept staring at Zeb for a moment, then shook his head. "I'm sorry. I just just looked familiar".
Everyone nodded understandingly, but Kanan got this nagging feeling that Ezra wasn't telling the whole truth about something. It's probably nothing, he thought to himself.
"Well, now that we got the introductions out of the way, let's have some dinner", Hera said, carrying a casserole. Everyone sat down at the table and began to eat. Ezra smiled to himself as he took a bite of his dinner. It had been a while since he had had a hot meal; probably years. Maybe this isn't a bad turn of events, he thought to himself. Maybe this won't be like the last time. Maybe these people will actually accept me for who I am.
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