Chapter 10
Before we can continue with the current situation we're going to have to go back a bit; around the part when Hera ran out to help Zeb fight the Fifth Brother. Chopper had been ordered to stay in the cockpit just in case they needed to take off. Chopper had no choice but to obey, and he sat there; waiting for Hera's signal.
But it didn't come. She should have signaled me to turn the ship on or if it was safe, the droid thought to himself. Maybe something's wrong; maybe they need help and I'm just sitting here waiting for nothing.
But Chopper wasn't afraid. He knew that if something like this were to happen, he was to contact for 'special' help immediately. Chopper quietly rolled to a socket and typed in a string of numbers Ahsoka had given him. "If your ship is in danger", she had told him "and you can't do anything to help your crew, contact this number. They'll come and help you when I can't".
And that's what happened. Chopper contacted this mysterious number and sent a distress message to them. Chopper had never seen these friends before, but he trusted Ahsoka, and if Ahsoka said they could help, they would. And now that brings us to the present. With Kanan on a table, unconscious from the fire in the ship.
"How's he doing?, a young tholothian woman asked, walking over to the table Kanan was laying on.
"Better than when we found him", an adult nautlan answered. "His heart rate has returned to normal, and the burns seemed to have cooled down enough to put on a new wrap of gauze. Other than that all we can do is wait for him to wake up".
"It's a good thing we got that droid's message when we did", a human man said, sliding off the counter he had been sitting on. "If we had come any later".....
"Let's not focus on that", the tholothian woman said quickly. She backed up and looked around the room. The other rebels were on tables too; all unconscious but alive. "Let's just be grateful they're even alive to begin with".
The nautlan was about to reply when Kanan suddenly sat straight up. Everyone jumped in surprise but quickly composed themselves. "It's alright!", the tholothian said, running to his side. "Just take deep breaths; try to relax".
But Kanan couldn't relax. The last thing he could remember was saving Ezra. Or at least tried to. "Where am I?!", he asked, his voice full of worry and anger. "Why is it dark?!"
No one wanted to answer him. The nautlan walked over to Kanan and put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry,'re blind".
Kanan heart nearly dropped at this. "W-what?"
"You were blinded in a lightsaber duel", he heard the tholothian reply. "We saved your burns from the fire but we couldn't save you're sight".
Kanan slowly brought his hand to his face. He could feel the gauze tightly wrapped all around his head tight. Why?, he wondered mournfully. Why has this happened to me? I can't be blind. I'm supposed to help the crew with the missions and Ezra with.....wait Ezra!
"Where's Ezra?", he asked suddenly, startling the group. They all looked at each other before giving him an answer. "We don't know", the tholothian answered. "The inquisitors left the planet before we could trace them".
"But not to worry", the human said. "Ganobi is checking through the empire's database as best as she can".
Kanan ran a hand through his hair. "Ganobi?"
"Yeah, Ganobi. She should be coming in soon to give us a report".
"And to take a break", the tholothian said. "Speaking of names, I believe we haven't introduced ourselves. I'm Katooni. The one on your left is Zatt, and the guy in front of you is Petro".
She smiled, and even though he couldn't see it Kanan could sense it.
Petro walked over to Kanan and grasped his hand. "Welcome to the P.R.A.E".
"The P.R.A.E?"
"Padawans Rebelling Against the Empire", Katooni explained.
"When order sixty-six was issued", Zatt began. "We weren't finished with our training. We didn't even have masters assigned to us".
"We ran off and traveled from planet to planet,"Petro continued. "Until a friend of ours found us and help us set up shop on lothal. I'm sure you've heard of her; Fulcrum".
"You mean Ahsoka?"
"Oh great! He knows! Who blabbled on the way here?"
"No one did Petro", Katooni responded. "Remember? The droid told us he was a friend of Ahsoka?"
She turned to Kanan. "Sorry, Petro can be a bit paranoid or excited when it comes to the whole Fulcrum's secret identity thing. He just doesn't want anyone to make a mistake and spill the beans".
"No no, I understand", Kanan said slowly. He paused. "Where are my friends?"
"They're fine", Katooni answered. "Now at least. You all were pretty banged up when we found you. We even nearly lost one of you".
"Who?", Kanan asked, his voice once again full of concern.
"The twi'lek", Zatt said. "But she's doing better now. She was stabbed in the heart with a lightsaber. We thought she was dead, but when we scanned her we found her blood cells frozen solid. After we replaced her heart we kept her under some heaters and before we knew it her heart monitor turned on".
Kanan put his hands to his face and let the tears fall, even though it hurt. So many emotions ran through him; sadness, relief, fear, pain, hurt. It all felt to much to bear; Hera nearly dying, his friends wounded, loosing his sight, but worst of it all was loosing Ezra. It felt like the end of the world for him.
But maybe it was.
"Th-thank you", he managed to say.
Katooni pulled him into a hug. "It's our job", she whispered.
"Hey, don't forget to thank your droid", Petro exclaimed. "He's the one who gave your twi'lek friend the shot that froze her body".
Kanan could hear Chopper's familiar whirring noise as the droid rolled over to Kanan. "Thanks, Chopper", Kanan said, leaning down and feeling for the droid's top.
"Yeah, thanks Chop", the familiar tired voice of Sabine said as she slowly sat up. She turned to look at Kanan and saw his horrible fate. "Kanan! Your eyes!"
"I know", Kanan said solomnly. "But enough about me. How are you doing?"
"Well considering I was forced into the side of the ship and knocked out cold, it could've been worse".
"You've all been through a lot", Zatt said. "Now you must rest and regain your strength".
"But we can't!", Kanan protested. "Ezra needs us! We can't leave him in the empire's hands! Who knows what they'll do to him to turn him to the dark side!"
"Shh, calm down", Katooni ordered gently. "You won't be helping Ezra if you go in ripped and shredded only to be chopped into bits all over again".
"Rest now", Zatt said as he and Katooni gently laid Kanan back down on his table bed. "The more you work yourself up the more time it will take for you to heal".
"Don't worry", Petro said, pushing a button to open the door across the room. "We'll find your friend".
A blanket was placed on Kanan, and the three friends walked out, shutting the door behind them.
"So what's next?", Zatt asked.
"I'm going to contact Ahsoka", Katooni replied, walking away from the group. "She'll want to hear of this".
"I'll go with you", Zatt replied, walking after her.
Petro just stood in the hall, taking in the silence. Don't worry, rebels. We'll get your friend back. He started walking toward the room where Ganobi and the other former padawans were. Whatever it takes, we'll do it.
The Eighth Brother sat cross-legged on the floor in front of a still sleeping Ezra. He couldn't help but stare at the boy's familiar features. He's got Ephraim's head of bluish black hair, he thought to himself. And I can see Mira in his face. He looks like a true Bridger.
For a moment, a sad look crossed his face as he remembered his old friends; mostly Ephraim. They had been so close.......why did things have to change? Why did they have to change?
Why did it have to result to this; kidnapping their son in order to preserve the Bridger legacy as the strongest and most feared sith in all the galaxy? That was their destiny. Why didn't they follow it?
No, he couldn't think about that. Now was not the time to build his anger up to it's climax. Anger is meant to take out on your enemies; especially infuriating jedi like Caleb Dume.
Well, at least he didn't have to worry about those rebels anymore. Now that they were out of the way, he could begin training Ezra into becoming the sith he was meant to be.
The cell door opened and the Seventh Sister walked in. He could sense her anger directed towards him, so he couldn't help but say, "You look lovely today, as usual".
"Can it Eight!", she snapped. "You know why I'm here!"
"I'm sure I don't know what you mean".
"You most certainly do! Vader says no inquisitor will get to train the Bridger boy except you".
"And your problem is?", the Eighth Brother asked, not looking at her.
"My problem? My problem is that we're supposed to pick a master for him traditionally; where one of us will send our darkness in him to see which one he is atrracted to".
The Eighth Brother smiled under his helmet. "Well, there's been a change of plans".
"I can see that!", the Seventh Sister yelled, her anger rising in her voice. "Mind giving me an explanation?"
"Vader chose me because he knows I can get into him better and quicker than any of you amateurs".
The Seventh Sister put a hand on her hip. "Oh really? And what makes you better than the rest of us?"
"What makes me better than the rest of you?", he snickered. "I know the Bridgers. I know their way of thinking; their attributes that no else has; who they really are deep inside their souls". He was standing up now, but didn't take his eyes off Ezra.
"And that's just from working with Ephraim Bridger all your life; we know!"
"No; there's more to it than that".
"You see, to really know a leneage you must be part of it. I knew the Bridgers in a deeper sense, and therefore it makes me the better candidate in the ring".
This comment made the Seventh Sister puzzled, calming her down. "What do you mean?"
The Eighth Brother didn't answer. Instead, he took off his helmet, revealing a thick blackish blue braid that ended a little past his shoulders. "I get him not just because he was promised to me, but because he is technically legally mine".
He turned to face her, causing her to back up in surprise. "I get him because I'm his uncle".
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