Chapter 1
"Join us".
"Join us, Ezra Bridger. It's your destiny".
"No! Stop it! Just leave me alone!"
"You know it is, Ezra. Come back and join us, just like your parents".
"No! Just stop it, stop it!"
Ezra sat straight up, fear gripping his heart. Sweat was rolling down his face and onto his bare chest. His hair was slightly stuck to his face, due to the swear, and yellow eyes glowed with fright. He wanted to assure himself that it was just a dream, but was it? This had happened more than once, sometimes worse than the last.
Ezra rubbed his face with his hands. He looked out the open entryway that led to the balcony to the dimly lit world. The sky was a pinkish red. There were still a few stars that were visible, but they were slowly disappearing as the sun began crawling up into the sky.
Ezra, without getting up, began getting ready for the day. He slipped into a black jumpsuit and black boots, a gray belt, and a black vest. And last but least, he put on white piece of leg armor. It wasn't for decoration though. You see, Ezra was born with a physical defect in his right leg. It was thinner and weaker than the left leg, and it couldn't support the right side of his body. So his parents built the leg armor for him so he could use it normally. And if he ever got taller, he could adjust it to any height.
Ezra attached the armor to his leg and stood up. "Just right", he muttered to himself. He walked over to a table, picked up his trusty back pack, which he always stuffed with gadgets and gizmos to sell or use to get out of a scrap, then went to the lower level of his tower to the main entrance. Outside the world was alive with the planets animals waking up. Ezra took in a deep breath and put up his black hoodie. This was to cover his eyes so he wouldn't scare away his customers. Today's a new day, he told himself. He always told himself this. It was almost comforting. Then he began his long walk across the grassy fields toward the main city. Yes indeed, today was going to be a new day for Ezra Bridger.
"So where are we headed?", Sabine asked as she sat in the seat behind the pilot's chair. Hera looked up at Kaanan before saying anything. They had just finished discussing Kaanan's vision. She had agreed to it, but they had to take one stop first. Fulcrum had given them a mission last night and they had to get it done today.
"Well", Hera began. "We have to take a stop on Lothal to pick up a few crates for Fulcrum. And then we have one other stop and then we'll have the rest of the day to ourselves. Any questions?"
"Yeah, two actually", Zeb said. "One, what's in the crates that we're picking up?"
"Three are supplies for some refugees on Jakku. One contains some critical information that can help the rebellion".
"Ok, and two, what's the seconded mission?"
Kaanan was about to answer but Hera beat him to it. "That's classified until the first mission is complete".
Zeb and Sabine looked at each other, confusion written all over their faces. They would've asked Hera more about the subject, but when Hera says it's 'classified' everyone knows better than to ask twice.
"We're coming up on Lothal", Hera said suddenly. "Get your gear ready. This operation has to be fast but clean".
Zeb and Sabine nodded and walked out of the room. "Why didn't you tell them?", Kaanan asked.
"I figured it would be best to tell them after the mission. Bringing on another crew member is a big deal, especially if it's a kid. We need their minds focused for this job. I'll just tell them when it's done".
Kaanan grinned. She always knew a better way of handling things. "Thanks Hera".
"Welcome, love. Now go get ready. You have mission to lead and want all of you back alive".
Kaanan saluted her and said, "Will do capt'", and walked out of the cockpit.
He got to the docking bay where Zeb, Sabine, and Chopper were waiting patiently. "Ready?", he asked them.
"Ready", they answered. They all felt the ship land and the hatch begin to open. They walked outside and continued toward the main city.
Ezra sighed as he slipped a few credits into his back pack. He had just finished making a bargain with a Rodian, and it had taken hours to strike a deal. They had finally agreed on a price, but Ezra didn't like it. It was less than what he wanted, but it was either that or nothing. The whole day, in fact, was a bad day. No one was buying, and when they did they wanted it at a very, very low price.
Ezra looked up at the sky. It was an hour past twelve. Time to head back to the tower for a while. Everyday, between two and four o'clock, the empire always had a special patrol dedicated to finding jedi. It isn't a pretty sight, and Ezra Bridger never stays around to see it. He'd be risking his life just walking across the street.
Ezra walked to a tram station. He didn't have enough credits to buy a ticket, so he'd just have to pick it off of someone. He looked around until he saw a couple talking to each other all teary eyed and choked up. The perfect people to rob.
Ezra walked over to them casually, then ever so slyly, took the ticket from the man's pocket. Grinning successfully, he turned to walk away....only to bump into someone. Ezra took a few steps back to see who it was. The person was a tall cloaked figure. They wore a hoodie, just like Ezra's only brown, and blue sapphire eyes gazed down at him, glowing under the hood. "Put back the ticket, young man", the person said. The voice was an adult female's.
"What ticket?", he lied, pulling up his hood closer to his face. The woman put her hand on his shoulder. "I can report you, you know", she said. "And who do you think they'd believe?"
At first, Ezra didn't do anything. Then he sighed and put the ticket back where he found it. The woman grinned and held out something. Ezra noticed that her fingers were orange. "Here", she said. Ezra stepped closer to see that it was a ticket for the tram. "Take it. I can always get another one".
Ezra was about to decline, but her eyes gave him a look that said don't you dare. "Thanks", he said quietly.
"You're welcome. Now hurry along. You don't want to miss your ride home".
Ezra nodded and walked toward the car in front of him. The woman watched him go until she saw three people with a droid walk to the tram with four crates. "Right on time", she said to herself, then walked away.
"Alright Zeb, one last crate and we're good to go", Kaanan said. The duo pushed the crate in, secured it, then helped close the door. "I've got the tickets", Sabine said as she and Chopper walked over to them. "So the crates are secure, we've got the tickets, and it's not even lunch time", Kaanan said. "Great work, guys".
"Now let's get in that tram before it leaves with our crates and not us", Sabine joked, and walked into the nearest car.
Ezra walked into the car but was stopped by the driver. "Sorry kid, but this car is full. You need to go into the next one".
Ezra nodded and walked back outside and into the next cart. As soon as the door shut behind him the tram started, causing him to run forward and fall on top of a droid. Will this day ever end?!
"Hey kid, you ok?", a voice asked, then hands began to help him up, but Ezra shrugged them off. "I'm fine. Thanks anyways".
He didn't see the man, nor did he want to. All he could see was a green arm. "Chopper", the man said. The droid turned and faced his master. "Move over so the kid can sit".
The droid let out a few complaining beeps but obeyed.
Ezra sat down and stared out the window. He had to calm down; for his sake and the droid's. He just felt so agitated on the day's turnouts. He had to focus on something else. Maybe his parents? No, that would make him tear up and then the man behind him, who had helped him, would come over and ask him what was wrong, and he couldn't answer him. What about the passengers? That could probably work, but that would involve moving his hoodie back. Who knows who would see his eyes and freak out?
Kaanan sat back and stared at the kid in front of him. He could sense frustration pouring out of him, and yet some sadness hovering over him. He even sounded a little familiar. Kaanan wanted to help, but he couldn't just walk up and say, "Hey, I can feel your emotions channel through the air, what can I do to help?"
Kaanan stared at him and noticed something. It almost looked like the kid was.....glowing? Then suddenly, the boy from Kaanan's vision appeared in the other kid's place. He stood up and faced Kaanan."This is him", he said, gesturing to the kid between them. "This is the boy you must help". Then he disappeared.
At first, Kaanan didn't know what to do or think. Strike up a conversation, he told himself. Maybe I can get him to trust me.
But before Kaanan could do that, the tram suddenly jolted to a stop, causing everyone to lurch forward.
Everyone was panicking. The driver kept telling everyone through the speakers to remain calm. A few people did, but the rest talked either to themselves or to a companion frantically.
Ezra's heart began to beat fast. He felt something inside him telling him to get off the tram. He wanted to, but before he could one of the tram doors opened and in stepped two people. One was a muscular man that had white eyes. The other was a thin female with a metal mask covering her face. They both wore black suits and had some wheel thing on their backs.
"Ladies and gentlemen", the female said loudly. "There is no need to panic. We just need to check this tram for some rebels. Let us do our job and we will be done in no time".
Oh come on! Why do these guys have to show up, and now of all times?, Kaanan thought to himself. The rebels had almost always been caught by these guys. They had never met face to face, but who knows if they had caught even a glimpse of one of them.
The sith walked down the aisle, looking at people and seeing if they had a ticket.
Kaanan looked over at Zeb and Sabine. The sith had past them, but they had to come up with some excuse to get to their crates and fast.
One of the people were coming closer to Ezra. Come on Ezra! It's now or never!
Ezra jumped up out of his seat and ran for the door in the back. He managed to get past four or five rows before he suddenly felt hands hold him back. But no one was touching him. At all. "Well what do we have here?", the woman said sleekly. He heard her footsteps walk toward him. "Surely this child isn't the rebel we're looking for".
The invisible grip moved from his body to his throat. He felt his body turn and float in the air at the same time until he was facing the woman. "What do think, Fifth Brother, is he the crafty rebel that stole four crates?"
"I don't think so, Seventh Sister", the Fifth Brother answered. Then he lowered his voice. "But bait possibly?"
"My thoughts exactly", she answered. She turned and faced the passengers. "If you rebels are here, you better give yourselves up". She looked back at Ezra. "Or this boy", she clenched her fist tighter, making him gasp for air, "won't ever see another light of day".
Ezra knew it was hopeless. No one would actually stick their neck up for someone they don't even know, much less a child. Oh well. It would be over soon. Hopefully.
Suddenly, a weird noise pierced the air. The Fifth Brother, the Seventh Sister, and Ezra looked to where the sound came from. It was the man that had helped him off the droid; the man in green. He was standing up and had what looked like the weapon of a jedi.
"So the jedi still exists", the Seventh Sister replied, almost pleased.
"This is between you and me", Kanan said "Leave the boy out of this".
"Very well", she answered, and dropped Ezra on the floor. For a moment he just sat there on his knees, taking in all the breath he needed.
"Are you prepared to die, jedi?", the Seventh Sister sneered, igniting her red lightsaber.
"Always am", Kaanan answered. The sith went to strike when they froze and looked at the ground. Two metal balls rolled in between them and Kaanan. A red light was blinking to the beat of a beeping noise. Before anyone could do anything, the balls exploded and green smoke filled the car.
People screamed and began getting off the tram, but it had begun to move again. Kaanan sensed the two sith and flipped over them and landed behind Ezra. He grabbed Ezra by his vest and stood him up. "Come on, kid!", he said, pulling him along. He knew Zeb and Sabine would meet him in the car where the crates were, so he didn't have to worry about them. He did have to worry about getting the kid out of the tram; considering he was technically a stranger to him.
They made it to the other car of the tram when Ezra started saying,"Let go! I can take care of myself!"
Ezra began to pull away from Kaanan's grip, but Kaanan held on tighter. "Kid, you should be thanking me! If I had left you back there, those guys would take you down in a matter of seconds!"
Ezra didn't answer, but he still tried to get away. It was a struggle to get to the other side of the car. Before they could even reach the door, the sith barged the door open. "Running away again, jedi?", the Seventh Sister said sarcastically.
Kaanan ignored the comment and opened the door. The sith began to run after them, but were forced back and knocked unconscious by Kaanan. He shut the door and looked ahead of them. The next cart carried shipment, which meant the door was on the bigger side. The car they were looking for was three cars away. There was only one way to do this.
Kaanan picked Ezra up and held him up to the roof of the car. "Climb on!"
"Are you insane?! It's too fast for us to stay up there, let alone walk!"
"Just get up there. Unless you want wait here to die!"
Ezra took that to thought, then climbed up to the roof. Kaanan did the same thing. Once up there, Kaanan held Ezra's arm and said, "Walk slowly".
Ezra obeyed, and the two of them made it across the first car. They were halfway across the second car when Ezra's foot slipped and he nearly fell from the roof. Kaanan caught him, with Ezra dangling from the side. Kaanan went to assure Ezra that he got him when something stopped him. As it happened, Ezra's hoodie fell off, making his whole face completely visible.
So this is the secret the boy told me about, Kaanan thought to himself. I honestly wasn't expecting this.
Ezra looked back at Kaanan, the color draining from his face. He knows! He knows now! What's he going to do? Kill me? Turn me in to the empire or rebels for credits?
Ezra gripped the side harder and gave Kaanan a glare. "Go ahead. Do whatever it is you do with people like me. Push me over the side or cut me with your sword. Just get it over with".
Kaanan just stared at him in amazement and disbelief. "What? No! Why would I do that?" Not waiting for an answer, Kaanan picked Ezra up from his arms and pulled him back up on the tram. Ezra looked at Kaanan with confusion in his eyes.
Before Kaanan could give him answer, a thump was heard and they both looked up to see the Seventh Sister and the Fifth Brother. The Seventh Sister was obviously about to say something when she looked at Ezra. At first, she seemed speechless and shocked. Then her shock turned into a twisted evil smile. "Well, well, this is certainly a surprise. The Bridger child has been on Lothal this whole time". She took a few steps forward, causing Ezra to step back a little. "Our master will be very pleased at this. Very pleased indeed".
Kaanan turned on his lightsaber stood in front of Ezra defensively. "You'll have to get past me first".
The Seventh Sister laughed and turned on her lightsaber. "Gladly".
Kaanan suddenly saw a vision as quick as lightning, but he knew what it meant. And he had to act fast. "Kid, get on my back".
Ezra took a few steps back and shook his head. "Just trust me, ok?"
Ezra obeyed nervously. Kaanan bent his knees; preparing to jump. The sith ran toward them, sabers ready. Kaanan jumped over them with Ezra clinging on for dear life. But they didn't land on the roof of the tram. Instead, they landed on the roof of the ghost ship. Right on time.
The ship then slowly moved away from the tram. And just for fun, Kaanan force pushed the sith off the tram and into a building.
Kaanan grinned victoriously, then turned his head slightly toward Ezra, who was still clinging to his back. "You ok, kid?", he asked.
"Uh, yeah. Thanks for the save".
"It's what I do best". Kaanan gently pulled Ezra off his back. "Come on, let's get you inside".
But Ezra wouldn't budge. "I'll actually stay up here, if you don't mind".
"Well, I do mind. It's dangerous up here. Other ships could be coming in and hit you or you'd fall from the wind's speed".
Ezra was about to protest, but Kaanan gripped his arm gently and nearly dragged him to the open hatch. Zeb and Sabine had been waiting for Kaanan to come down. When Ezra caught a glimpse of them, he put up his hoodie.
"Great work, you guys", Kaanan said, jumping inside with Ezra.
"We thought we lost you", Sabine said, closing the hatch. "Since we didn't give each other the 411 on anything".
"How'd you know we made it out and got Hera?", Zeb asked.
"The force gave me a vision on what was going to happen", Kaanan answered. "And it also told me you guys picked up the crates. So with that in mind I could focus on saving a life".
"Who?", both Zeb and Sabine said in unison. Kaanan turned to face Ezra and introduce him, but he was gone. "Where'd he go?", Kaanan questioned aloud.
"Who?", Zeb asked again.
Kaanan sighed. "The kid that the sith used as 'bait' for us. And I was told in a vision that"........
"What?", Sabine asked excitedly.
"Well, he's supposed to join the ghost crew".
So it's been a quite a few years since I posted this chapter and just wanted to quickly say that the second photo of Ezra actually belongs to @Tala32 on deviantart. I wrote this when I was around 16 or 17, and was just getting into the world of writing fan fictions. Just wanted to put that note out there for any future readers to the story!
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