Chapter 2
Come on! Why can't I find you? You couldn't have just disappeared.
Where are you, Ezra Bridger?
"Still trying to find him through the force, Eight?", the Seventh Sister asked, walking into the Eighth Brother's quarters. "You've been at this for, what, two years? Give it up and try something else! He was stronger than you two years ago, so he has to be even stronger now."
"I have tried everything!", the Eighth Brother snapped. "But....he has grown stronger than me. Much stronger."
"Finally! Some humility."
"Don't get used to it."
"Well", the Seventh Sister sighed, "moving on from that, Vader wants us on the bridge. He has a mission for us."
"This better be worth my time", the Eighth Brother moaned, standing up.
"It should be, considering he want every available inquisitor there now."
The Eighth Brother sighed. "Fine. Let's get this over with."
"So let me get this straight", Lux said slowly. "The force revealed to the both of you that there are two other people like Ezra, and the has force chosen Ezra to train them?"
"It's crazy, I know", Kanan replied. "But this is something we have to do. That Ezra has to do."
Lux stared at the two jedi. He had this look that everybody knew was his thinking look; he only ever wore it when he was weighing the pros and cons to a situation. Kind of like Hera, only Hera's mind was quicker.
Must just be a twi'lek thing.
"If it really means that much to you", Lux said finally, "then I see no harm in it. We have enough supplies to take on more crew members, but space is a bit of a problem." He smiled. "But I'm sure we can manage."
He turned and looked at the rest of the crew. "What do the rest of you think? Should we take in two more rebels?" Lux always valued the voice of the crew. It's what earned him the respect they gave him.
"Heck yeah!", one of them said. "We could use some new blood!" The rest of the crew joined him in agreement.
"Then it's settled", Lux sighed, standing up. "We'll pick them, I sorry but, where are they?"
Ezra closed his eyes and reached out into the force. The images came quickly, like a flash of lightening. But Ezra recognized them both from the pictures he'd seen from space pilots back on Lothal. "They're on two separate planets. But they're not too far from each other."
"Which planets?", Hera asked from her seat. She had also become a respected member of the crew, earning the pilot's seat and command.
Ezra opened his eyes. "Naboo and Tatooine."
"That's not too far from here", Sabine commented.
"I'll set course to Naboo", Hera said, standing up. "We're closer to that than Tatooine."
"Naboo isn't one of the easiest planets to get into", Lux said. "It's full of political history. It was known for supporting the jedi."
"Well no wonder it would be crawling with bucket heads", Ezra snickered. "But we can take them."
"I have no doubt that we can", Lux agreed. "We should be there within the hour. Everyone prepare and get ready. I'll put up the list on who's going down with Ezra and Kanan. You are all dismissed."
"You think you'll be able to train them both?", Kanan asked as he and Ezra walked out to the hall.
"Yeah", Ezra said. "I'm sure. I learned from the best, didn't I?"
Kanan chuckled, but the small fear in his heart wouldn't leave.
"Everyone is here, my lord", the Seventh Sister said. "The floor is yours."
Six inquisitors stood in a straight line in front of the one and only Darth Vader. Not one of them dared to say anything, for fear of 'pushing the wrong buttons'.
"There has been a disturbance in the force", Vader said slowly, his metalic voice vibrating throughout the room. "Two force sensitives have tapped into the force. They possess the same raw power of the Bridger child."
"How is that possible?", the Eighth Brother spoke up. "The Bridger only had one child."
"The two life forms are not of the Bridger line", Vader answered slowly. "We do not know what line they are from. All we know is that they are alive and untrained."
Vader turned to the window that gave a spectacular view of the deep world of space. "You are to find them and bring them to me. I don't care how or what you do to get them. Just get them."
No doubt Ezra has already found out about the force sensitives, the Eighth Brother realized. Finding them will lead me right to Ezra.
"You are all, dismissed", Vader ordered, not turning his gaze from the window. "And do not fail me. Any of you."
The inquisitors bowed and walked out of the room silently.
Looks like this meeting was worth my time.
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