Sharon walks into the dealership expecting to be ignored like before, but before she'd taken ten steps inside there was someone at her side. "How may I help you?" The female sales person says friendly but not overly so.
Sharon smiles at her. She tells her exactly what she wants and the female frowns. "I do have that make and model, well the same model only this years make. The only problem is it has a few things you didn't name." The sales person smiles deprecatingly, "It's hardly been driven, but it has a few upgrades from the basic model."
While the sales person is talking to Sharon her brothers join them silently. "Look it over, if it's one you think you want we'll make up the difference if the card can't have the full balance. Tristan can owe us." Darrin tells her nearly silently as the salesperson finishes.
Sharon looks at Darrin for a moment before turning her attention to the female, "Sounds good, I'll look it over. Would it be possible to take it for a test drive?" Sharon has no intention of buying a car she hasn't personally driven before purchase.
"It's inside, but it shouldn't be too difficult to take it out," the female says and it takes everything in her to not stutter as she notices the four men that now surround her customer. Everyone knows who the Northrups are and it's a dream to be able to serve them. The other sales people hadn't wanted to waste their time with the female that came in dressed in unimpressive jeans and a t-shirt. She holds in the smile that wants to come out. It sounds like the sale is almost assured if Darrin Northrup is to be believed. She could really use the commission if it is.
Sharon does like the color and looks of the car. Actually she likes it far better than her original car that Trsitan bought her.
At her nod the salesperson calls someone and they come to the car with the keys. They climb into the car and slowly drive it to the big windows not too far away from them. The windows are opened and the car drives outside. Darrin goes with her and the others take a look around.
Other sales people come over to help them and they tell them they are waiting for their sister and brother.
The female looks at Darrin Northrup and Sharon and makes a decision that could cost her, her job. She hands Sharon the keys and tells her to be back in less than an hour.
Sharon takes the keys and smiles. Darrin loves the twinkle that comes into her eyes.
They both get in the car and Sharon takes her time adjusting everything. It has been so long since she's driven, Tristan never let her drive any of his cars and the only car she had before was wrecked when her brother was hit.
She takes her time but returns well in the time allowed.
"Well, Sharon?" Darrin asks her. She hadn't wanted to speak while driving so he held his questions until they got back.
"I love it! I even love the color." It was a deep blue that glitters in the sun.
Darrin smiles, "Then let's go do the paperwork."
Sharon nods happily and finds the sales lady standing silently by her side. "What do you think, Miss?"
"Sharon, call me Sharon. I'll take it." Sharon tells the sales lady whose tag reads Analise.
Analise smiles brightly and leads them back into the showroom and back to the sales cubicles. She has them sit and asks them if she can get them anything. Only once they assure her that they are fine does she sit as well.
At the price Sharon nods and takes out the card her ex had given her. "My ex, as part of the divorce has to buy me this car. He gave me his card, but I'm not sure how much is on it. So let's try the whole amount then try five thousand less and my brother will pay the difference."
Although Analise is surprised that Darrin Northrup is mentioned as a brother she hides it well. She thought that Sharon was a girlfriend to him.
She tries the card for the full amount noting the name on the card, Tristan Townsend. She keeps the shock from showing. It had made the news that Tristan was recently divorced and had spent time in jail because he attacked his ex's brother. But the news hadn't said that the brother was a Northrup.
Analise looks at Darrin once more, "Please keep the information to yourself." Darrin could tell that the female had put everything together. "Of course, Mr. Northrup."
It went through without any problems and Sharon was able to relax.
Analise gives her all the papers and has her sign where she needs to and finally it's all done. Analise shakes Sharon's hand first then Darrin's second. She hides the smile she feels. She now will have enough money to pay her bills for the next few months.
"Excuse me, Miss?" Z says once they come out. Analise turns to him.
"Yes, sir?" Analise asks thrilled that another Northrup is talking to her. Her coworkers are giving her glares, but she ignores them all.
Z smiles at her and points to a car. "Would you tell me about that car and I think I'll take it for a spin if that's alright?"
"Of course, sir." Analise tells him about the car and makes arrangements to have the car taken out.
A short time later Z comes back. "I'll take it." Z tells her smiling his brightest smile.
Sharon is smirking since that car is the same make and model as hers, just a different color.
They all wait as Z goes through the paperwork. It doesn't take too long but while they are doing that the others look over the cars and each one finds one they like, even Darrin.
"Darrin?" Sharon asks as he stands there biting his lip. "What's wrong?"
"I want to get this for Max. I'm just not sure that he'll like it."
"Ah, call him will you? I will talk to him." Sharon tells her oldest brother hiding her smile. She finds it cute that her forty something brother is unsure if he should get a gift for his significant other.
Darrin calls him and hands her the phone. "Hello?" The man says, "Darrin?"
"Nope, this is Sharon. Has he told you about me?" Sharon asks the confused man.
"Sharon?" The man is shocked, he hadn't thought she would want to talk to him even if she did accept her brothers. "Yes, he's talked to me about you. He very much is worried that you won't accept him."
Sharon smiles gently, "Yeah, still not sure that I will, but I'm willing to give him and his brothers a chance. But that's not the reason for the call. Listen, Darrin wants to get you a gift but he's not sure that you would like it."
"He what?" Max squeals.
"He wants to get you a gift, a car to be exact. It seems they all decided to get new cars but I think Darrin just wants to get you one. I think it will mean a lot to him. Would you accept it if he got it for you?"
Max starts to cry, not that Sharon can see the silent tears but he wipes them away rather quickly. "I-I don't know what to say. I would love anything he wants to buy me, but he doesn't need to get me anything. I don't love him because of his money and don't expect gifts."
"He knows that, that's why he isn't sure that he should get you the car or not."
"I would love anything he gets me. Tell him that? Shit, my parents are calling. Tell him that I love him, will you?""
"I will. Can't wait to meet you." Sharon manages to say before he switches over to his parents call. She goes back over to where Darrin is waiting.
"Well?" Darrin says.
"He says that he doesn't love you because of your money or gifts but that he would love anything you buy him. He asked me to tell you he loves you before he had to hang up to talk to his parents." Sharon tells him and he nods.
"His parents treat him like shit, but he still loves them." Darrin says then nods at the car, "What do you think?"
"Well, I have only spoken a few words with him, but I like it. I'm sure he will too." Sharon assures him.
She smiles as each of her brothers wait for Analise to buy their chosen car. She's practically in tears of joy once Darrin finalizes the sale and transportation of all the cars. "I'm not complaining, not in the least, but why did you all wait for me to help you? You could have left here hours ago if you had let others help you."
Joshua looks to Darrin who nods, "It's because you came up to our sister as soon as she walked in. The other dealership wouldn't even consider her. The other sales people here didn't come up to her either, just you. You earned the right to help us when you chose to help Sharon."
"All I did was my job," Analise says shocked.
"Yes, even though she wasn't wearing fancy clothes or high priced accessories. We're sure that your coworkers thought she was a waste of time, but you didn't. Our sister is never a waste of time and you proved yourself worthy of helping us by serving her."
Analise is too shocked to know what to say to that. The group all leaves as she is still overcoming his words. She didn't even notice the nasty tone of her coworkers as they come over to her, jealous of all the sales she managed to get that day.
The manager calls her into his office and she makes her way there in a daze. "The Northrups wanted to make sure that you got this." The manager gives her a paycheck earlier than normal. But then when the Northrups request something you do it.
"This is more than it should be sir," Analise says confused after looking at the paycheck.
"They wanted to make sure that you were well compensated." The manager smirks. They have a rivalry with the other dealership that ignored Sharon. "They were very impressed with how you acted with their sister. I have a feeling our competition won't be around much longer."
Everyone knows you don't mess with the Northrups and survive.
Analise nods and since the next day is her day off she'll be depositing her check at that time. For the first time in a long time she will be able to breathe easily. This commission is sufficient to pay all her bills for the next several months and even pay some of the medical debt her father racked up before his death the month previous.
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