Ch 8: It's BAD
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Thank you so much. <3 My heart pounds just thinking about you all.
Chapter Eight
It's bad. It's really bad.
I've realized how stupid it was to carry my phone around all this time. I should have been smarter, as I know the police could locate me with the device. I quickly smashed it and threw it away. Before I did, though. I happened to go online to check if I was a priority to the police, -yes, I was tempted, and I had to look for myself- and I couldn't be more blown away.
Literally, I might as well just shoot myself.
Front page, there I was. Apparently, my dad had already canceled tour, as his fans are pissed the hell off. It was one of the top trending articles, and I couldn't believe it.
He actually canceled his tour because of me, and I doubt he even knows that I'm actually gone. Surely they wouldn't assume so quickly that I ran off. I couldn't be that predictable.
Currently, I'm sitting -resting, actually, because I've been walking nonstop for nearly fifteen hours- at a sort of 'run down' park. Only the poorest of the poor kids came here to play, though I assume the druggies take hold of it at night. There are needles and burned spoons everyone on the ground. Lucky for me, the place was surrounded by trees, and most people tended to avoid this area.
It was the perfect place to settle for a rest.
It was about four in the afternoon. I was shocked at how fast I became a trending topic. I'd kill to get my hands on a radio, or something that can catch me up on the current news. Just the thought of it filled my being with such retched anxiety. I couldn't think about it without wanting to throw up from fear.
I didn't think that it'd be like this so quickly. I was for sure that it'd take at least one more day. One more day so I can get out of state.
Things never go the way I hope they do.
Not only am I terrified to leave this park, but I can't imagine what I'd have to do if I get caught. My father is probably on his way back home right now, which is all the more reason to not get caught or he'd kill me himself.
I opened my book bag, and grabbed out an energy bar. I hadn't eaten anything since I left, so I was starving. I mad sure to savor every last bite, as I knew I only had a restricted amount of food.
I probably should have worried about bringing more food, and less clothing.
I leaned my head back against the bench, after eating, and closed my eyes. I didn't expect to fall asleep so suddenly, but I did. I had been on the move for so many hours, and stressed out about me being on the news already, that I hadn't even realized that I was tired, until my eyes were shut.
I must have slept for hours, as when I woke suddenly, the sun was already setting and nearly gone.
"Oh no." I cried, standing up, and swinging my bag over my shoulder. I noticed a girl was leaning against the a tree, smoking a cigarette. A little kid was trying to climb up the slide.
I glanced at her, and she stared back at me. Her eyes widened, almost as if she recognized me.
Thing was, I didn't recognize her at all; which was not good.
Without thinking I ran. I ran so fast and had no idea where I was going considering I hadn't checked my map. I didn't want to get lost, but I didn't care. I could afford being turned into the police. I couldn't see my dad again. Ever.
I ran until the sun couldn't be seen anymore, and the every building seemed to be asleep. I ran until my legs were so numb that I was basically crying from pain and exhaustion. I ran until I physically couldn't go any longer.
I leaned against a building with my hood covering most my face so just in case no one would really recognize me.
I didn't know what to do. I didn't know where to go. I checked my map, but I couldn't quite see where I was at right now. I couldn't locate myself, and it terrified me. I was lost, and if I can't find my way, I have no other back up plan. I can't wander the streets for ever, I don't have much money, and I don't have much food.
I found my self sobbing, not really meaning too, they just kept appearing.
I might be able to walk all night tonight, but that's it. I didn't want to have to walk miles and miles every night, not even aware of where I am guiding myself.
"Hey- Miss, are you alright?" I heard a deep voice ask me. Exhausted, I slowly lifted my head up. I didn't expect to see who I saw, but then again, it didn't surprise me.
The first thing I noticed was the blue, though it was dark, the lights of the building I was leaning against, lit the man's clothes up enough to show me what he looked like.
A police officer.
Like I said, nothing ever goes the way I want it too.
This was my bad luck, proving a point; I could never be happy.
We locked eye-contact for a while, before his face hardened, "Ohh my God." The man said, in as much disbelief as I was in, "Honey, is your name Aria Way?"
I shook my head, and backed up.
Something told me, he didn't believe me.
His eyes lit up, realizing who I was. He suddenly spoke into the little radio that hung on his chest, "This is Officer Greene reporting in, I have found amber alert; Aria Elizabeth Way. I repeat, I have found amber alert; Aria Elizabeth Way. She is unharmed and alone. Over."
Oh shit. Oh shit. Shit, shit, shit shit.
I spun around quickly, and tried to run, but the man was already a step ahead of me. He gripped my arm, tightly enabling me to go any further.
He took a deep breath, and sighed. "Come on, Honey. You're going home."
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