Ch 1 : Juan the Wiener
Chapter 1
I was laying on the couch, on the verge of falling into a beautiful, deep nap. Something that I needed everyday. Something so fine, so luxurious. Something I really needed after today. It's only a matter of time before the stress my freak of a father forces upon me, begins to show on my face. Sleep is essential more than ever right now.
A sharp feeling of someone's finger digging into my arm disturbed me. My beautiful slumber, it was being ruined.
I swatted the air as I tried to keep my eyes shut, not to lose what I was so close to getting. Don't do this to me, not now.
I groaned. No. No; I was not going to open my eyes only to see what I knew I'd see.
If it happens again, I swear.
This bitch.
"Oh my God, what?" I whined as I opened my eyes to see my father sitting on the arm chair that stood beside the couch.
His hand was stretched out, ready to poke me again. He was giving me an un-amused look. "You were snoring."
I gasped, offended someone would even imply that I did such a unfeminine trait, "No I wasn't."
"Uhh, yeah you were. The whole goddamn house was shaking."
"I never snore." I said defending myself in a concerned manor. Who the hell was he to say I snored? Only fat people snore.
Wait. Was he calling me fat?
Holy shit.
"Don't call me fat you asshole!"
He gave me a confused look, it was strange, how our relationship meant nothing to either of us. He couldn't care less about me, and I same for him. It never occurred to me that I ever wanted a loving father, because I don't.
Mariah waltzed into the room. She was holding a plate of sliced up watermelon.
"Dinner is done but it's hot and so here is food to wait."
"Thanks, Mariah." My dad gave her a salute, and she rolled her eyes like he was an idiot, which he was. She then walked back out of the room. Once again, I was alone with my father and I wanted nothing more than to pull my hair out. He was staring at me, examining me, as if he were searching for something to insult -at least it seemed like that was what he was doing- so, to prove a point, and to leave before I have a tantrum, I stood up.
It happened quickly, "Woah, where are you going?" my dad tried to grab onto my arm to pull me back, but I moved it out of his reach.
"I'm ditching the stupid that's bringing down my self-confidence."
He seemed not even fazed by my very witty comeback (If I do say so myself) "Sit your ass down before I call Mariah back in here and tell her you were bad mouthing her precious Juan."
I gasped so loudly, at the wicked threat he just shot at me. I swiftly sat my butt down faster onto the couch than a fat person falling in the shower. Me and him both didn't dare to speak of Mariah's son, Juan. He was her precious gold, more valuable than a sombrero to the Mexican stereotype -or whatever it was that Mexicans were into.
"You're a jerk." I pouted, crossing my arms. I have probably said that to him more times than I have said any other sentence.
"Aria, I haven't been home in months, I haven't seen your stupid face in months. The least you can do is sit beside me and talk." Really? He wanted to have an actual conversation with me? Surley he couldn't be that stupid.
"Why don't you call your boyfriends? I'm sure they'll love to shoot the breeze with your rotten personality."
"Don't call them my boyfriends, that makes me want to go kill myself."
I snorted, "Do it, no one is stopping you."
"Stop with your goddamn attitude with me, I haven't even been home for an hour."
"Don't be childish."
I turned my head away from him, "No."
"Aria Way, you are not five."
I rose my voice, "No!"
He sighed, and then rose his voice as well, "Mariah! Aria said Juan looks like a wiener with a mustache!" I quickly put my hand over his loud mouth. I was pretty sure Mariah had no idea what a wiener was in the English language, and I personally prayed to God that she would never find out.
"You idiot!" I hissed, only imagining the worst of deaths for him. "She'll kill me!" Knowing her, she'll automatically assume of the worst.
He pulled my hand away, "That's the point, asshat."
Oh my God I was going to die. I was going to die and it was all because my father hates being a father. Goddamn my life is hard.
"Aria!" Mariah's voice boomed from the kitchen, "Aria Eleanor Way! Estúpida chica blanca!Estas muerto! Estas muerto!" Shit. Shit. Shit. Whatever it was that she was saying, I was pretty sure it wasn't pleasant.
I heard her footsteps become louder as they were coming into the room. I knew there was no talking it out, I had to get out of here, so I ran as fast as I could to my room to lock the door. This was like a scene in a horror movie. My heart was racing and I swear my pathetic life flashed before my eyes.
Damn; I should probably make more friends if I lived through this.
Not that I would even if I did.
Oh well.
Haha <3 Sorry the chapter is so short. Next chapter will be longer -and a bit more serious, don't you worry, love.
Please comment, vote, and tell me what you think!!! :D
I love you so much, you beautiful babe you!
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