NaruSasu Lemon
A/n: I haven't really finished naruto and I've skipped a lot of chapters and episodes so I suck at naruto knowledge but I'm in love with NaruSasu so I just thought, WHY THE HELL NOT *cough cough* wasn't watching boku no pico before this when I got my ideas...
So ... Yeah
-L E M O N A L E R T -
Sasuke's P.O.V
"That's a great idea!" Sakura chirped at Kakashi Sensei, I rolled my eyes.
"I will NOT go to a festival with DUCKBUTT!" Naruto yelled pointing at me, "Hmmm... What if I buy you ramen and a yukata to go?". Kakashi is that desperate to get us to go... Might as well join in on bugging him. "I'll go if you buy mine also.." I muttered loud enough for him to hear, "erm... " he sighed defeated "Whatever sure-" "YAY SASUKE IS COMING!" Sakura chirped throwing her arm around my shoulder.
I growled and walked away, she stepped right, I stepped right, she stepped right, I stepped right, she stepped right until I bumped into Naruto. "Watch it..." He muttered.
The nerve he has... o(^_-)O
Kakashi entered the store with us as we all scattered looking for a yukata of our taste, I walked around the isles and saw a familiar puffy hair tuff sticking out from over the racks, I smirked and kept looking.
I spotted a yukata that was black with a red rope. Simple but I liked it like that, I wasn't trying to be all out on the second day of the festival. I yanked it off and tried to hide it from anyone looking at me, I found Kakashi looked around and handed it to him, he looked at it and smiled "so simple Sasuke..."
"Whatever " I muttered clearly annoyed.
A hyper naruto approached and handed Kakashi his it was a orange and had a red rope, but it had more red swirls coming from the bottom, "what's up with you and orange..." I mumbled he smiled, clearly didn't hear me... Dobe...
Kakashi payed and we all split ways to go to our houses to do the normal, shower, eat and sleep and woah surprisingly I did just that.
I woke up at breakfast, had thoughts, did stuff and really tried not to do anything big before the festival but before I knew it, it was time to go. I walked out and the sun was just setting I could hear the chatter from here as my shoes made a clopping noise walking, I saw Sakura and Naruto walking down talking and pointing till they saw me.
"SASUKE!" Sakura yelled running at me and smiling as Naruto growled, and looked to the side, as I looked up and saw Naruto better I realized... My breath shuttered as I saw him. What am I doing..? He just looks a little better than he usually does... He looked a lot better ...
I felt my face heat up by 0.1 degree just enough to make me want to slap myself for almost showing my emotions, he caught up with us and we started walking. The amount of candles grew and soon the whole street was lit up with bright lights and talking the many booths decorated the edges, it was really breathtaking.
"INO YOU ASS" Sakura yelled and interrupted my thoughts I looked over and she had a big squid suctioned to her face Naruto giggles softly trying not to be heard, oh my god that was so!- wait what am I doing...
Sakura ran away yelling at Ino leaving us alone, I sighed and started walking, "huh now I guess it's just you and me" he sighed, "OH MY GOD CHOCOLATE CHERRIES" Naruto ran to a booth as I stood and waited for him to come back.
Two attractive girls approached me smiling innocently, "hi there so we where wondering if you and your FRIEND would like to join us..." She giggled, I could obviously tell that was aimed at Naruto, I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned "Naruto ..." I muttered, and he turned to the girls and opened his mouth about to speak.
I wrapped my hands around his shoulder and dragged him away, "S-SASUKE?" He tugged on my arms, I kept dragging him till the candles decreased and it turned dark, "Sasuke stop... Just because some girls where hitting on you doesn't mean you should get so worked up..." He muttered, "you always get girls swooning over you... You never seem to mind so why are you getting so worked up now ... Teme " He yelled at me clearly angry.
Before I could process what to do next I pushed him into the alley and pinned his hands against the wall pressing my lips against his when I softly pulled my lips away his cheeks flushed red, "B-BAKA T-TEME PERVERT !" He stuttered out names, "W-why would you do that..." He whimpered.
"Naruto you don't understand one bit do you... Those girls didn't want me they where all over you... A-and that makes me angry... B-because..." I stopped and he looked up at me "because when you can be taken from me is when I realize how much I want you!" I yelled.
He looked up shocked "I-I think I actually really l-like you sasuke..." He stammered he pressed his lips up against mine and I stiffened, but I suddenly slid my hands down pushing his Yukata off his shoulders, I could feel his warm body shiver under my touch the candles barely illuminating his face enough but I could still see his beautiful face.
I wanted more though.
He reached his hands back and untied my rope, my fabric slouching on my red rope dragging on the ground I untied his ropes and his dropped down barely clinging to his elbows I quickly reached and pulled down his boxers revealing his hard member.
I pulled my undergarments off and pushed him against the wall supporting him mid air by his thighs, I pushed into him, his eyes filled with tears, I waited a few moments "m-move and hurry up!" He stammered, I thrusted into him, he put his hands around my waist and made a hand symbol "I-can't keep -*huff * quiet *pant* Sasuke!" He whispered, I roughly kissed him as he moaned into my mouth.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw the alleyway exits close from his hand sign. I thrusted into him harder and faster pushing him up and down by his thighs, "N-Naruto..." I muttered "I-I'm..." He nodded clearly to mixed up to answer with words. I released my sticky seed into him, he gasped and grasped around my waist harder. I gently put him down out of my grasp and he went to grasp his rope, I snatched it from him and swiftly tied his hands pushing his bare front on the wood, " S-sasuke what are you doing" he whimpered and put my hands on his shoulders "you never came... And I'm not wasting it if I have another turn" I whispered in his ear and he shivered again, instead of slowly pushing myself in this time I thrusted in hard making him gasp arch his back and curl his toes I thrusted harder and fast hitting the same spot I found and watching him he suddenly without warning came all over the wood making me keep thrusting into him.
I stopped and pulled away satisfied, I untied his arms and we slowly got our clothes back on and me having to do some... Extra work so there wasn't leakage when we went back... But we finally finished and reached the fair me smirking and Naruto still had a huge blush on his face, Sakura walked up to us "NARUTO SASUKE IVE BEEN LOOKING ALL OVER FOR YOU WHERE WERE YOU? -WHY DO YOU BOTH LOOK SO MESSY - oh my god"
And that day ... We got lectured a lot from sakura ... But not to say we stopped (^ν^)
A/n: got lazy at the end and ... The whole story ... But yeah so it's freaking 3:00 AM and I'm writing gay fanfictions alone with only the sound of a clock I'm going crazy bye... I also didn't proofread it might have mistakes.
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