Akise x Yukki Lemon
A/n: idk what to put on this note anymore... But in this story It's mostly going to be not like the story but yukki still has yuno but she is just a crazy girl who loves him and he doesn't love her... AND AKISE ISNT FUCKING DEAD IN THIS MY CINNAMON BUN IS HERE!
~smut warning/ lemon~
~Yukki's Pov~
Yuno was away for the first time. She had some mysterious 'business' to take care of.
I didn't really care though, I was finally not being clung onto like super glue.
"I'll lock all the doors and windows assuring you won't be touched or hurt because I will be gone for a few days!" She grinned innocently, turning on her heels she swung the door open striding out.
But now what do I do ?
It's been a solid hour, I'm still laying on the bed I feel like I should be doing something productive.
My step off the bed slices through the silence with a soft creak, I glide through the room and step down the hallway my feet padding down on the floor.
I slide into the bathroom glaring at my reflection.
I pull the shower curtains closed, I gently pull my shirt over my head throwing it on the ground. I look at myself in the mirror, no wonder I'm so weak.
I look like I have no muscle at all, I frown. I turn the shower lever and let the warm water stream through.
I gently pull off the rest of my clothes stepping under the water. Closing my eyes running my hands through my hair.
~ Time skip because smut ~
I stepped through the hall, droplets of water hitting the floor behind me while I made my way back to the room.
I stepped inside and ran to my dresser throwing clean boxers, a random black shirt and some pajama pants on the bed.
I got my boxers and pants on but as my face was covered by my shirt I heard a chain fall to the floor and a cold breeze attacked my bare chest. I shivered and slowly pulled my shirt down, I saw the familiar white haired teen.
I hurriedly tried to pull my shirt down, as he just stared and smirked at me sitting on the window ledge.
Notice I said tried to...
I pushed it down while walking backwards and tripping on the dirty clothes I changed out of .
I fell back my stomach still exposed as my back burned with pain from the impact.
Another con of being skinny as hell.
"I didn't expect that..." He said walking forwards at me, I winced.
He lent out a hand to help me up, I gladly took it and lifted myself up blushing heavily and pulling my shirt down.
He examined me then opened his mouth "I expected Yuno to almost kill me by now, just because I stepped in the room-" he paused " so is she not here ?" He questioned me.
I nodded silently looking up at him since he was a little bit taller than me.
I saw a strange glint in his eyes but quickly brushed it off.
"So what where you doing?" He lifted an eyebrow, I fell onto the bed "honestly nothing" I sighed trying not to be awkward.
"Wanna make brownies or something?" He smiled and set his elbows on the bed , propping his chin up.
I sat up, looking at him "sounds decent...." I grinned and ran out of the door.
We gently threw all the ingredients in a bowl and when that happened I noticed Akise was being pretty touchy.
While using a mixer a tiny splotch of batter hit my cheek, I quickly turned it off turned and reached for a napkin.
I felt warm arms coil around my waist, I gasped and felt Akise's tongue circle on my cheek.
I stared forward my mouth gaping open, he dragged his tongue across my cheek and licked the shell of my ear making me get goosebumps running down my arms.
His arms pushed into my shirt gently touching my chest, I squirmed under his touch.
He slid his soft hands up more, gently running his fingers across my sensitive buds. hairs stood up on the back of my neck "nnngah!" I slid my arms up gasping and putting my hands in his hair.
He slid his hands out of my shirt and quickly twisted me too face him.
~ Akise's P.O.V ~
I must've flustered him a lot, as I turned him his mouth was parted his face light red all over eyes still stuck looking surprised.
I placed my hands on his shoulders, roughly pushing him on the large couch. I slid my hands into his shirt pushing it off of his body.
I pressed my lips into his parted ones and glide my tongue in, he twitches.
I roll my hips onto his making him take a sharp breath and squeeze my waist with his thighs, I place a kiss on the corner of his mouth working my way down placing gently kisses down his chest.
I reach his waistband placing one single kiss on the skin near it, he lets out a breathy stutter "A-Akise " I look up at him, his cheeks painted a deep red.
I smirk and palm him roughly he snaps his head up opening his mouth up wide. I unbutton his pants quickly, unzipping them and hastily pulling them off.
I grasped Yukki's waistband, tugging it down revealing his erect member. The size actually being surprising for someone with his body type.
I ran a finger over the tip, he let out a soft mewl. Inserted a finger inside of him and he squirmed.
I pushed the finger in and out of him then added another, "A-Akise..~" I whimpered, "hmm?" I gently hummed in a questioning manner.
"Did y-you-" I moved the two fingers in a scissoring motion causing him to gasp," plan t-this to happen..!" He moaned out as I moved 3 fingers inside of him.
"Maybe I did maybe I didn't but I can stop if you want me to..." I teased and stopped my movement, he grunted .
"N-No I don't mean-" "then say what you want.." I teased again winking at him trailing my hands up grinding my clothed hips against his bare member.
He threw his head back gasping.
"I-I really want you inside me"
(I feel so cringey rn help)
"Alright you said it."
I slid my shirt off in a hurry throwing it on the ground, in a swift motion unbuttoning my pants sliding them down and throwing them somewhere else.
I slid my boxers off and let them be lustfully thrown somewhere. He buried his chin in the crook of my neck and whispered strangely under the circumstances we are in. "Yuno is going to kill you when she finds out.." I slowed down suddenly as I felt his warm tears falling down my back gently. I pushed him back so he was facing me, I interlaced our fingers and pushed him back down on the couch and brought my face to his ear. "Well then I would like this to be my last moment" I smirked as I felt him wrap his arms around me and squeeze me tightly.
"D-don't say stuff like that" He gently hit me on the head. "Yuki.. before I continue I want you to answer a question... for me" I murmured loud enough for him to hear. "What is it?" He replied still tightly hugging me gently feeling the bare skin on my back. "Do you truly love me enough to want to do this with me..." I blatantly asked. "W-what is this all of a sudden?" He stuttered. "I just want to know..." I replied. "Of course stupid!" He hit my back with his fists still without enough power to hurt me at all.
"I mean not sure if we are even doing it at this point!" He complained, he truly can be so demanding at times. I sat up looking at him into his eyes, he looked worried. "don't worry I promise I will be gentle..." I reassured him slightly as he hugged me again.
I slowly entered him feeling Yuki twitch and hold back his sounds underneath me. "Nng ah! ah! A-Akise.. I-it hurts..." he buried his face in the crook of my neck again as I felt him tear up. I finally fully was inside him as I could hear his small pants and whimpers.
After a few moments of listening to the little gasps and moans Yuki let escape he pushed himself down looking up at me with small beads of tears in his eyes. "Move .. please" He stammered holding on tightly to my shoulders. I started slowly moving my hips staring down at Yuki's face. "A-Akise faster " he didn't have to tell me twice before I started moving my hips faster into him carving my entrance into his small body. I looked down as he was biting his lip almost drawing blood and squeezing his eyes closed with an arm over his eyes. I slowed down and moved his arm from his eye leaning down to his ear. "I want to hear your sounds Yuki" I stated earning a loud lewd round of moans from him. "Nng Ah! A-Akise! Faster hurry!" He wrapped his legs around me as I quickened my pace from the encouragement. I looked down yet again at his erotic faces. His lustful eyes squeezed shut and drool spilling down the sides of his mouth while shamelessly moaning my name.
It looked better than any dream I've ever had about him. Like... ANY and EVERY dream...
I reached down and pumped his member in timing with my thrusts. He choked on his words while he panted, "ah! Akise! A-akise I'm ... c-close" He panted stuttering every time I thrusted into his body. I nodded quickly many times in response as if replying to Yuki would drive me off the edge. After a while of listening to Yuki's moans he finally came while yelling my name in his high pitched voice that I loved so much. Not long after I also came inside him then later collapsing onto him.
He wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer to him (If it was possible). I slowly got up off of him and put my boxers back on not caring if Yuno walked in or not. I saw Yuki close his eyes gently, I wrapped a blanket around him and scooped him up walking him back to his room. I laid him under his other blankets and looked at a note somewhere that Yuno left for Yuki before she left.
Yuki love!
I will be gone for a few days so stay out of danger !
Love, Yuno
I sighed and figured 'why don't I just stay with him for a while?' I crawled up next to Yuki under the covers and wrapped my arms around him.
I woke up to the sound of Yuki yelling "W-W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY BED STUPID" and jumping off the bed landing on the floor. I gently opened my eyes and leaned torwards him on the floor getting close to his face. "That's not what you said last night" I smirked at him leaning closer still sleepy.
Yuki's P.O.V
nO I refuse to believe I actually did that with Akise... OH NO
I DID... memories flooded in my mind of me moaning his name shamelessly. HOW COULD I...
I-I mean... It doesn't seem too bad..
"W-well maybe you could prove It to me right now so I can remember It this time..." I looked up at Akise who immediately after hearing it gently kissed me.
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