Chapter 4: New Meeting
Ayano(Yay new POV)
Before the girls were transferred!
It felt dark and lonely in my heart. I felt so alone. I felt very sad. My 'senpai' rejected me for another girl. I can't believe I thought he was the one for me. Like I killed for him because he helped me up off the floor?
That's not a good enough explanation for what I felt for him. I thought that I finally found soulmate but I guess not. Anyways, I cut myself off from dating because I decided to invest all of my time into my studies.
And it was worth it. I also managed to make new friends. It felt great and now the girls are coming here to my school! I have never felt happier. I just hope I don't resort back to my killer ways again. Nobody needs to know right? Only Yuzuki knows as well as Info-Chan cause they were involved in the murders too(in a way). I just hope that nobody finds out.
I snapped out of my thoughts and saw Yuzuki in my doorway. "Yes Zuki?" I said rubbing my forehead. "Come on, we have to go the store." She said rolling her eyes. "We? Seriously, go yourself, I have some Life Note to catch up on." I groaned falling back onto my bed hiding my face with a pillow. "Come on! You can catch up on that later!" She complained.
"Fine. If I go with you, will you let me pick out what I want?" I said getting up. "Yeah sure if you actually come."
Well looks like I'm going.
Timeskip brought to you by Buffsuki!
"Ok so we need milk, green beans, and-" Zuki said. I started to tune out what she said. "Ayano!" She snapped her fingers in front my face. "What?" I said. "Pay attention! Now, go get me some milk. I'll be in the aisle right next to yours." She said before walking off with the cart. I groaned and walked towards the aisle where I was suppose to go.
After scrolling through some brands, I picked out some milk and reached my hand to grab it. All of a sudden, my hand touched another hand. We both grabbed it at the same time. "Oh sorry! I didn't mean to-" I started. I turned to look at the person and I couldn't believe who I saw.
It was....
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