~Izuku's POV~
I saw.......... Todoroki-F🤗ing-Shouto. Why would he of all people want to meet up with me.
I forrowed my brows looking at him "Todoroki?"
"Midoriya" he said briefly
"Why did you want to meet up?" I asked getting straight to the point
"I know you have feelings for Bakugou" he said, I didn't even bat an eye
"So what if I do?" I asked shrugging "I know you like him too, but he can only choose one"
"Exactly my point" he said "he can only choose one"
"So what do you want to do?" I asked sarcastically as I started laughing "fight for him?"
"Yes" he said and I immediately stopped laughing "whoever looses can't tell Bakugou about their feelings and have to stay away from him"
"Mr Aizawa said no fighting, do you really want to do this?" I asked, I didn't want to kill him when he didn't mean it
"Yes" he answered determined
"Okay then" I said. We then walked out of the alleyway standing face to face, I then got in a battle stance "whenever you're ready"
He didn't say anything, he just started. He threw both fire and ice at me but I doged most of them.
I kicked him sending him flying into a building at the far end of the road we were at, I didn't waste a second and charged at him once again punching him sending him through two more buildings.
"MIDORIYA!" I heard Kirishima's voice yell, I ignored him, my eyes flashing red and charged at Todoroki once more.
We fought for a while (more like me kicking his ass, literally) with Kirishima constantly calling me. In the end Kirishima ended up having to carry a battered, bruised and unconscious Todoroki while I bearly had a scratch as we walked back to the dormitory.
"So....." Kirishima trailed off
"Yeah" I answered fiddling with my fingers
"Why were you two fighting?" He asked looking away
"He-" I cut myself off, if I told Kirishima that we were fighting over Kaachan he'd start asking more questions "I-I'm not really sure"
"Oh?" He asked
"Yeah, he texted me to come to ground beta and then started to fight me, I was just defending myself" I half lied
"Oh" Kirishima said again "I wonder why he was fighting you"
"Yeah, me too" I said internally rolling my eyes
🥦💥❄️🔥 Time Skip brought to you by Lazy Author-chan [in the morning]🔥❄️💥🥦
"Uuuughhh" I groan waking up to the bright Sun shining in my eyes "goddamn sunlight"
I grumpily took my bath and put on my uniform, going downstairs, this time I decided to use the elevator. I walked over to the kitchen not even bothering to return the favor when my classmates bid me good morning.
I made myself some coffee and quickly drank it not really wanting to be bothered right now.
After finishing up, I walked over to the school, I knew we didn't have class so I just went to the faculty lounge knowing that All Might was there since he can't really fight anymore since the battle with All For One.
"Ah, young Midoriya good morning" he greeted
"Good morning All Might" I said bowing "can I go train in gym Gamma?"
"Of course" he said smiling "is anyone else with you?"
"No it's just me" I said shaking my head
"Okay, go right ahead" he said. I then began walking towards the locker room, until I heard someone call me
"MIDORIYA!" Looked around to find Kaminari, Sero and of course Kirishima running towards me
"Hey" I said as I stopped walking
"Hey dude, we don't have class today" Kirishima said pointing out the obvious
"I know" I said resisting the urge to roll my eyes "I asked All Might if I could use gym Gamma to train"
"Man, you're always training" Kaminari groaned "how do you do it?"
(A/N; well, I'll tell you my secret sir.......I lie to myself. Every morning I wake up and say that 'Everything's gonna be okay' but I'm lying. And I don't know how much longer, I can do it.......well, have a good night sir)
"Sometimes I do it because I'm bored" I said shrugging as I continued my walk to the locker room with them following me "other times I do it because I want to become number one, and I have to train to accomplish that"
"Wow Midoriya" Kirishima said "you're so determined and headstrong, so manly"
"U-ummmm, t-thank you" I said fake blushing at the complement
"Midoriya" Kaminari said seriously "can I talk to you, in private"
"U-uh y-yeah" I said walking to one side of the hallway, out of earshot of "w-what's up?"
"Midoriya can you promise me that after I tell you this you won't hate me?" He asked
"Kaminari, what is it, you're scaring me" I said acting worried
"I'm gay......." He trailed off
"Oh I'm gay too" I said smiling
".......for you" he finished
"Oh dear" I said
"But I also like Kirishima and I don't know how to tell him" he said fiddling with his fingers blushing a little
"Why don't you tell him how you told me?" I asked "and I'm pretty sure you just think that I'm cute like everyone else and doesn't like me like that"
"Well, you're super nice, and I felt more comfortable telling you like this" he said "I'm not so sure about Kirishima though, plus he could be straight and now that I think about it, I do think you're cute like everyone else"
"Then again" I said
"What should I do?" He asked desperately
"Kaminari just tell him and mentally prepare yourself for the worst and best, okay?" I told him
He took a deep breath "o-okay, thanks Midoriya"
"No problem Kami" I said "now I better get going"
"You do know that we're going with you, right?" He asked raising an eyebrow
I sighed "yeah I know" I said and continued walking with the others following
After training we went back to the dormitory seeing everyone frantic "What's going on?!" I asked and everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at us
"WHERE WERE YOU GUYS?!" They asked running up to us making me have to fake flinch
"We just went to gym Gamma to train" I said shrugging
"We thought you got kidnapped or something" Hagakure said
"Next time you're leaving, tell someone where you're going before you do" Momo said
"Yes Mom" Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero and I said in unison
I walked over to the kitchen and saw Todoroki glaring at me "what?" I asked returning the glare "upset that you can't tell Kaachan you like him or go near him?"
"No" he said "just sad you weren't actually kidnapped" and with that he walked away
~You just put yourself on my kill list honey~
Hiya my lovelies hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, plz don't hate me because I made Todoroki the way he is, but I'm not sorry. Bye~
❤️❤️❤️Love You❤️❤️❤️
Continue to vote comment and stay safe my lovelies
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