~Izuku's POV~
After two weeks of planning it was finally time. All the boys (the ones singing) were dressed in white jeans, red dress shirts and navy blue leather jackets while the girls wore white miniskirts, red crop tops and navy blue leather jackets.
The rest of the class wore black slacks, red silk shirts and black vests walking around the redecorated Gym Gamma with trays of treats and wine.
"You guys ready?" I asked fiddling with my collar
"Whatever/hell yeah/of course/Tch" they replied
"Okay Denki you're up first" I said leaning into Kaachan's arms
"Right" he said nodding once
"GOOOOOOOOOD MORNING U.A!" Present Mic yelled, thank goodness there wasn't a mic near him or the whole place would've been deaf "UP FIRST IS CLASS 2-A WITH THEIR PERFORMANCES! FIRST DENKIIIIIIIII KAMINARIIIIIIIII"
"Go knock 'em dead" I said tapping him on the back
"I will" he said grinning, putting on his mic (A/N; I don't know the name of the mic. It's the one that you put on your ear instead of holding in your hand) and ran out onto the stage "Hi Everyone!"
The crowd erupted into cheers and laughter. Soon enough Denki began singing his song
When he finished everyone cheered even more. He smiled and walked off stage "NEXT UP, EIJIRO KIRISHIMAAAAAAAAAA!"
"Here I go" he said fixing his jacket on his shoulders before walking on stage "Hiya Heroes in Training!"
"That was awesome" I said giving him a high five
"Thanks man" he said
"I told him to say Bakugou, but did he listen? Noooooooo" I grumbled walking on stage "Hello my lovelies!" I said bouncing on one leg
"Awwwww!" Everyone cooed
I fake blushed "what? You think I'm cute?" I asked poking my cheek
"Yes!" They shouted
"Awwwww! Thank you!" I cooed while barfing internally "well hope you enjoy the song"
I walked off stage towards a surprised looking Kaachan "really?" He asked
"What?" I asked looking up at him poking my cheek cutely
"UGH" we look over at Todoroki to find him sticking his finger down his throat in disgust "your honestly disgusting Midoriya"
"Well guess what Todoroki! I'm the one who picked your song!" I squealed putting my hands on my head in the form of ears "'cause you're hot then you're cold, you're yes then y ou're no, you're in then you're out, you're up then you're down, you're wrong when it's right, it's red and its white"
"I hate you" he said glaring at me "and don't you dare call me an it"
"Oh em gee I'm shakin' in mah boots" I said sarcastically "Somebody save me! ElZuko is gonna kill me!"
"ElZuko?" Kaachan asked laughing
"It's Elsa and Zuko in one" I explained shrugging
"I'll see you later my little husband" Kaachan said loud enough for Todoroki to hear before walking on stage. I stuck my tongue out at Todoroki
"He actually believes that he'll still love you enough to propose to you much less marry you?" Todoroki asked laughing
"Oh he already did" I said showing him my engagement ring his smile fell off his face faster than Iida could smell disrespect
"Daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn!" Denki and Eijiro said earning a glare from Todoroki
"Alright you extras, shut up and enjoy the f🤗ing song" Kaachan said rolling his eyes
"I liked that" I said wrapping my arms around his neck when he walked off stage
"Did you?" He asked holding my hips pulling me closer to him
"Yes" I said
"Well-" he groped my ass and pulled my hair making me moan "-I liked your performance as well"
"Geez, I'll just have to use another song last minute" Todoroki mumbled walking on stage...........the crowd was........... silent "ouch, whatever"
After his song there were a few cheers "well, your up girls" I said looking at the girls from in Kaachan's arms
"He's so damn loud" Jirou complained walking on stage quickly greeted by a very happy audience "hey"
(I'm having problems. She sang Angel with a shotgun)
"Well, here goes nothing" she said walking on stage
"yay!" She squealed running on stage (A/N; I am soooooo tempted to make her sing 'Invisible'. 🎵Am I invisible? Should I- I-I'll stop)
(Sweet. Little. Unforgettable. Thing)
We walked on the stage only for me to be pulled back. The girl dragged me into a random room I didn't see and took off my clothes with lightning speed, redressing me into some tight mid-thigh white jeans shorts, a red crop top, my navy blue leather jacket, knee high All Star converse (red and black), and thigh high white stockings. They grabbed me and shoved me onto the stage.
"Izuku/Midoriya?!" The guys (Kaachan, Denki, Eijiro and Todof🤗y) yelled
"I don't know okay!" I yelled back before pointing in the direction the girls were "they did this!"
"Your welcome Bakugou!" They chorused
"Tch am I supposed to say 'Thank you'?" Kaachan asked
"Not really" Jirou answered
I looked towards the crowd to see half of them having nose bleeds "why do you all have nose bleeds?" I asked putting a hand on my hip
"So hot~" some of them breathed while others fainted
"Uhhhh, okay?" I said though it sounded more like a question and walked in the middle of the guys with Todoroki and Eijiro on my left and Kaachan and Denki on my right "let's just get this over and done with"
"Yeah/whatever" they agreed
"NEXT ARE THE GIRRRRRRRRRLS!" Present Mic yelled as we left the stage in exchange for the girls
"AAAAAAAAAAND THAT'S-" I cut off Present Mic by tapping his shoulder
"We have one more performance" I said when he leant down so his ears were close to my lips
"One more?" He asked looking at me with forrowed brows
"Yeah" I said nodding fiddling with my jacket zipper "me and Jirou, we're doing a duet"
"Alright" he said standing up. I quickly ran off stage knowing he was going to start yelling again "OKAY! WE HAVE OOOOOOOONE MORE PERFORMANCE!"
"What?" Everyone asked in confusion look at me
"Okay, first of all, I have a very small part in this song" I said in my mic "it's mostly Jirou"
The lights went out and I stepped back. Then Jirou began to sing
(Bebe Rexa: Say my Name)
"You" Kaachan said holding a napkin under his nose "are going to kill me"
"Kaachan are you okay?" I asked removing the napkin from his nose finding it bloody
"That was sexy" he wispered in my ear making me blush
"I don't like you sometimes" I said tending to his still bleeding nose
"Wanna go get ice cream?" He asked holding my hips "I'll pay"
"Okay, can Eiji and Denks come?" I asked giving him puppy dog eyes
"Anything for my prince" he said groping my ass
"Yay" I said kissing his nose while using Recovery Girl's quirk to heal it. We then began walking out of gym Gamma "DENKI! EIJIRO! C'MON WE'RE GETTING ICE CREAM!"
Almost immediately I heard their footsteps coming before I saw them. "Ice cream?" They asked
"Yup!" I said "c'mon"
"Right behind you" Eijiro said
~Remember, you have a meeting with your stalker soon~
'Why'd you have to remind me?!'
~Ummmmm, sorry?~
'I really don't like you sometimes'
~I don't like you sometimes either~
'.......I'm not even going to bother'
~HA! I WON!~
'You're weird'
~I'm Yandere. Nice to meet you~
'hi I'm Yandere 2.0. Nice to meet you too'
"Pffffffft-AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" We immediately started laughing after that
"I love you Katsuki Bakugou" I said looking up at him taking his hand in mine
"I love you too Izuku Bakugou" he replied kissing my nose making me giggle
~This is perfect. But, as they say 'All good things must come to an end'~
Hi my wonderful lovelies! I hope you're all doing well 😘! Bye~
❤️❤️❤️Love You❤️❤️❤️
Continue to vote comment and stay safe my lovelies
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