~Izuku's POV~
"Yes?" I squeaked
"You've. Had. A. Wet. Dream?" Mina asked stressing the word 'Wet'
I gulped loudly as I blush a darker shade of red "......yes" I mumbled but loud enough for them to hear
"Who was it about?!" Kirishima and Kaminari asked
"I-I can't t-tell you" I said looking away blushing harder
"Why not?" They asked frowning
"I-it's just too e-embarrassing" I said covering my face with my hands
"It's Uraraka, isn't it" kirishima said smirking while crossing his arms
"No" I said, I then sighed "never have I ever liked the opposite gender"
"YOU'RE GAY!?" Everyone yelled (excluding, my Kaachan, Todoroki, Iida and Tsuyu)
"Y-yeah" I said "u-ummmm, I-I'm gonna go to my room" I then ran up the stairs and to my room locking the door door behind me
~I swear, if I stayed down there any longer under Kaachan's glare, everyone would've seen how hard I was~
"I guess I'll just have to get rid of you" I said looking down at my pants. I went to the bathroom with the sexiest picture I have of Kaachan.
~This'll be a long night~
🥦💥❄️🔥 Time Skip brought to you by Lazy Author-chan [Monday]🔥❄️💥🥦
I slammed my hand on the alarm turning it off. I yawned stretching and checked the time
~5.am okay then~
I then took a bath and got dressed in my uniform before making my way downstairs
~Huh, no one's down here yet, I'll make breakfast~
The only reason I'm making breakfast is one, because I'm hungry and two because I have to keep up my 'innocent little cinnamon roll' act. I decided to make pancakes and some coffee for myself
"Oh hi Deku-kun!" I heard Uraraka's voice behind me
"Hi Uraraka!" I greeted
"Mmmmm, whatcha cooking, it smells delicious?" She asked
"Pancakes" I said briefly. I then continued to make the pancakes and by the time I was finished half the class was in the kitchen "u-ummmm, h-here you guys g-go"
"Thanks Midoriya, you're the best" Kirishima said taking some pancakes onto his plate
"I-I'll head to c-class now" I said, I hurriedly grabbed my phone and bag and ran to the school. Half way there my phone 'dinged' with a message
Class 1-A
Mr Aizawa:
No class, strictly training for today and tomorrow
Izuku Midoriya:
Okay Mr Aizawa
Eijiro Kirishima:
Minoru Mineta:
Aw man 😔
Katsuki Bakugou:
My phone kept dinging with the responses of my classmates at the news. I quickly ran to the locker room getting changed and ran to gym Gamma
"Jesus Christ Midoriya, I sent the message a few minutes ago and you're already here?!" Mr Aizawa asked in disbelief
"Yup, what am I supposed to be doing now?" I asked bouncing up and down
"Go in a corner and do whatever you want until the others show up" he said crawling into his yellow caterpillar-like sleeping bag "just don't wake me up"
I walked over to the far corner of the gym/arena and started to practice making sure to keep the noise level down. About an hour later I heard wispering, I turned around to see everyone (not my Kaachan or Todoroki) pointing and looking at me in awe. I quickly looked away and continued to work on my training
"MIDORIYA!" I heard Mr Aizawa call me, I stopped what I was doing and ran over to him and my classmates
"Yes Mr *pant* Aizawa" I said
"For today and tomorrow, you'll be doing what you saw Midoriya doing" Mr Aizawa said "you'll train both your body and quirk"
"Really/seriously/ aw man!" The class chorused
"What are you wating for?" Mr Aizawa asked rhetorically "get to it"
Some of the class groaned, others bounced with excitement and others just didn't care. I then went back to my corner and continued training until the end of the day, stopping for water breaks of course
Going back to the locker room I heard my classmates talking;
"Today was fun!"
"Yeah, and to make it better, we're doing it for two days straight!"
"I don't understand you people"
"Yeah me neither, today was anything but fun"
~Oh Kaachan, you turn me on so much~
I sighed and quickly got changed running back to the dorms
~I need to cut, I need to cut, I need to cut, I NEED TO CUT!~
I quickly ran to the kitchen picking up a knife and running up to my room "okay" I said to myself undressing, I took up the knife and cut my arms and other parts of my body moaning Kaachan's name
"Nnwah!~ Kaachan!~" I moaned softly making a cut on my stomach "a-ahh~ Kaachan!~"
I continued this until I came on the bathroom floor "*pant* Kaachan *pant* I need *pant* you" I mumbled to myself before taking a shower and bandaging up my arms and stomach. I then got dressed in a long sleeved gray shirt and a black sweatpants. I heard my phone ding, I looked at it to see what the problem was
~5%? shit!~
I quickly put the phone on the charger and then checked my messages
Is everyone aware of the quiz on Wednesday
No I wasn't
Me neither
Oh, I will tell you what the quiz is about after dinner
Thanks Iida-kun
Thank you
I then went downstairs seeing the class scattered around the common area; Kirishima, Kaminari, Uraraka and Sero on one couch on their phones, Mina, Momo and Jirou bundled up on another talking among themselves and Shoji, Sato, Koda and Tokoyami were just standing around
~The others must be in their dorm rooms~
I went to the kitchen to find Hagakure preparing dinner "oh, hello Hagakure" I greeted her
"Oh hi Midoriya!" She greeted back in her usual cheery tone
"Hey Deku-kun c'mere!" Uraraka said grabbing my arm, on instinct, I hissed at the pain from the cuts I made earlier "are you oka-" she cut herself off seeing my bandaged arms
"W-wha-" she cut me off before I could get a proper word out
"Deku-kun, do you cut?" She asked sadly
"Uraraka, forget you saw anything" I said looking away "what did you want to talk about?"
~This bitch is really starting to get on my last nerve~
Hiya my lovelies I hope you're liking the book so far, and if you guys didn't read it, I'm recommending my other book 'Our Little Maid' I think you'll really like it. Bye~
❤️❤️❤️Love You❤️❤️❤️
Continue to vote comment and stay safe my lovelies
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