I have an idea and I would like one of my fellow readers that are also writers to take this idea. Put Bakugou, Todoroki, Deku, Kirishima, Jirou, Kaminari and Iida to make a............*Drum roll please*
My Hero Academia Host Club!! Please comment or send me a private message to tell me if you would like to take this wonderful idea!😊
Izuku's POV~
"Alright you problem children!" Mr Aizawa yelled silencing the entire class "Next week will be the School Festival and Principal Nezu (A/N; BTW, principal Nezu is a Stoat. I looked him up😉) wants the second years to do something unique for the rest of the school. You all can start planning, just don't wake me up" he then curled up in his yellow caterpillar-like sleeping bag in a corner and fell asleep
"Alright everyone, please may I have your attention" Yaoyurozu said as she and Iida made their way to the front of the class "we're doing this similarly to the way we did it last year. Any ideas?"
Almost immediately people started yelling out ideas and it was starting to piss me off and by the looks of it, they were annoying Kaachan too "SHUT UP!" Kaachan and I yelled effectively making them put a sock in it
"Now one at a time" I said massaging my temple
"Uh Midoriya, w-why don't you give us an idea, hmm?" Yaoyurozu suggested
"How about a.........." I trailed off thinking of something worth while "a Boys vs. Girls singing competition just for our class and let everyone else vote for who they believed won at the end of it all"
"All in favor of this idea say 'I'" Iida said turning back to the classroom
"I!" Everyone yelled
"Alright Midoriya, since you came up with the idea, why don't you lay out the foundation for everyone else to build upon" Iida said
"Ugh" I grunted getting up making Kaachan snort which made me smack him upside the head "Okay so if it isn't a problem Yaoyurozu could you make the costumes for us in the colours Navy blue, white and red?"
"Sure, and please call me Momo" she said
"Okay, so as for the set up, five selected boys and all the girls - since there's not much left - will sing separately before having a group performance" I explained and Kaminari raised his hand "yes Kaminari"
"What do you mean by group performance?" He asked
"I mean all the boys vs. all the girls" I said before putting my finger on my chin thinking about it "then again it would be nice to have everyone together singing"
"How about we do it in alphabetical order?" Kirishima suggested "the five selected boys and girls will go by the first letter of their first names but the girls go first"
"That's a good idea Kirishima" I said smiling
"Okay" Yaoyu-Momo said making some ballot cards "Iida hand these out, everyone else will vote for who the five boys will be. When finished we'll start with the bigger planning since it's Friday"
"Choose wisely" Iida said handing out the ballot cards
🥦💥❄️🔥Thirty-five minutes later🔥❄️💥🥦
"We've counted, recounted and recounted and the five boys to represent class 2-A are......." Momo trailed off opening the envelope in her hand "Denki Kaminari, Eijiro Kirishima, Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou and Shouto Todoroki!"
"Because we want to" Kaminari said smirking
"Alright, Class dismissed" Mr Aizawa said tiredly slithering out of the classroom. Everyone began packing up their stuff but I needed to talk to Jirou
"Jirou, can I speak to you for a second?!" I asked
"Sure" she said walking over to me "what's up"
"Don't tell anyone about this, I want it to be unexpected" I said
"What is it?" She asked forrowing her brows
"At the end of the performances, I want us to do a duet" I said smiling
Her face immediately lit up "what song?"
"It's a bit sad in my opinion, but I was thinking 'Rewrite the Stars'" I said slinging my bag over my shoulder
"Okay no problem, I know a place where we can practice privately" she said
"Alright so tomorrow?" I asked
"Yeah, tomorrow" with that we went our separate ways
"Kaachan!" I called out to my ash-blond of a boyfriend as he waited at the entrance of the cafeteria
"Hey where were you?" He asked snaking an arm around my waist
"I was talking to Jirou" I said but then remembered that I'm in a serious relationship with a Yandere "she doesn't like me like that - she has feelings for Momo - so no killing her"
"I thought she was with that Bird-Brain" he said walking into the cafeteria his arm still around my waist
"Apparently it was just to make Momo jelouse" I said shrugging "but obviously it's not working so they stopped fake dating"
"I see" was all he said "Kitten?"
"Yes Kaachan?" I answered
'I need you tonight'
~Do you mean need as in need-need or NEED?~
~Okay. Should I be the one preparing themselves?~
~Okie dokie then!~
'You are a weird little dude'
~Awwwwww, thank you!~
"Just eat your Katsudon and shut up" he said
"Whatever" I said, putting some Katsudon in my mouth, while swallowing I accidentally bit my tongue "F🤗!"
"MIDORIYA?!" Everyone in class (except Todof🤗y) yelled in disbelief
"Uhhhhhh, it's his fault" I rushed out point at Kaachan
"Of course it had to be YOU" They chorused looking at Kaachan with disgust
"Really?" Kaachan asked looking at me with the stink eye and the Bakuglare all in one. If looks could kill........ not even my caracas would be left behind with the way he was looking at me
"Okay okay, I'm sorry" I said "that was a lie, I learnt those words on my own accord"
"But you've never said them" Kaminari pointed out "So why now?"
"I bit my tongue" I said blushing slightly
"Awwww" they (again. Not TodoRoachi) cooed making me blush a little more
How was the Chapter 😁????? I hope you're all liking the book. I'm asking you all, please don't read 'Two Kings' yet cause I bearly started and I'm not really going to finish this anytime soon so please don't read it. Bye~
❤️❤️❤️Love You❤️❤️❤️
Continue to vote comment and stay safe my lovelies
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