~Bakugou's POV~
After eating we went to Sleeping-Powder's (Ms Midnight) class (Math). Nothing really happened until .................Izuku turned the vibrator up on f🤗ing high. I wanted to go home right about now.
"Bakugou, did you not hear my question?" Sleeping-Powder asked snapping her whip on the wall behind her
"I-I'm just not feeling well today" I said. She sighed and gave me a pink slip
"You get two days off. Ask your classmates for notes and homework so you don't fall behind" she said "you get no more than two days, understand?"
"Yes ma'am" I said taking the slip. I packed up my stuff and walked back to the dorms. I went to Izuku's room and undressed (yes goddamn it, I locked the damn door) went to the bathroom and continued to try and get the vibrator out.
"F🤗~" I moaned trying to find it but with it sending that kind of sensation through my body it was kinda hard, but not as hard as my dick right now "goddamn it Deku~"
'What are you doing Kaachan'
~Trying to get your torture device out of my ass~
After he said that I felt the torture device get turned up even more. "He's going to murder me" I whined to myself
~Baby, that's the last level, right?~
'Yes. It's the last level'
~Oh thank God~
'We only have one class left for the day Kaachan. I'll be seeing you in an hour'
~No! You stay away from me!~
'nope! I'm coming for you Kaachan. And when I get there I'm going to distroy your little ass'
~Your dirty talk is making me harder than I already was~
'That's Good'
~Deku, quick question~
~How do I talk to you like this and still focus on what's going on around me?~
'Just focus enough'
I continued to try to get the vibrator out for another few minutes before giving up. I laid down on his bed playing with my phone until I got a text from an unknown number
Who the f🤗 is this
You'll know soon enough. As for now, I like the look of you in that bed all naked
~THE F🤗!~
Your dick's pretty big. Wonder how it would feel inside me
Sorry baby. Can't tell you that
~That's it~
Unknown has been blocked by Bakugou
That's cute
~The F🤗!~
'Kaachan, what's wrong?!'
~I'll show you when you get back! Hurry up!~
'Relax, Class was just dismissed and I'm use One for All. I'm coming!'
"Kaachan!" Deku yelled running into the room and locking the door "What's wrong?!"
"Here" I said giving him my phone. His face held, recognition, fury and confusion as he gripped my phone in hand as if ready to break it "do you know who it is"
"I have an idea, but I don't want to jump to conclusions" he said throwing my phone on the bed then locked the balcony doors and pulled the curtains. After that he searched the entire room for hidden cameras, finding three
"There. Were. Three. F🤗ing. Cameras. In. Your. Room!" I said. He didn't say anything but continued to study the objects in his hands
"Whoever put these in here either works for Endeavor, buys his merch……………………or is related to him" he said looking at the name engraved on the side of the mini cameras.
"That means That damned Icy-Hot is a leading suspect" I said looking up at him
"Correct" he said crushing the cameras with his quirk before crawling on top of me "still wanna go through with me murdering you"
"F🤗 yes" I said putting my hands on his hips
🥦💥❄️🔥Time Skip brought to you by Lazy Author-chan [I have stuff to write, can't waste this chapter on shmut]🔥❄️💥🥦
📝😎~Izuku's POV~😎📝
After dealing with Kaachan we took a bath and went downstairs though dinner wasn't ready yet
"Hey Jirou" I said sitting on the couch beside her
"Hey Midoriya" she replies
"Do you know who's making dinner?" I asked. I'm still weary of Todoroki now more than ever considering what I found on Kaachan's phone and in my room
"Kaminari" she said
"Oh boy" I said before running into the kitchen leaving Jirou on the couch laughing her breath away. I entered the kitchen finding Kaminari cleaning up flour from the counter and Kirishima cooking dinner with a pissed off expression "oh thank God"
"What?" Kaminari asked
"I thought you were going to burn down the dormitory" I breathed leaning on the wall for support
"I was only trying to cook!" He defended
"I realized" I said looking at the mess he made
"It's okay Midobro" Kirishima said "I've got this under control"
"You're a lifesaver Kirishima" I said before exiting the kitchen to a still laughing Jirou "you done yet?" I asked standing in front of her
"But - you - he - Pffffffft-AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" She wasn't even able to make a proper sentence
"Why is Jirou dying of laughter?" Yoayurozu asked coming downstairs
"Because of my reaction when she told me Kaminari was cooking-" before I could finish the word 'cooking' she ran into the kitchen making Jirou laugh even more
"Okay so he's not cooking" Yaoyurozu breathed ploping onto the couch
"Yeah" I said before sitting in Kaachan's lap as he searches through his phone with a frown "find anything?"
"Nothing" he said before putting it down on the coffee table
"Dinner's ready!" Kirishima said exiting the kitchen
Kaachan and I head over to the dinner tables after taking a plate of food (A/N; Any type of Japanese food you want want them to eat)
"JESUS CHRIST!" We all looked over at Kaminari who threw Kaachan's phone into the couch "BAKUGOU! PUT YOUR INITIALS ON YOUR PHONE PLEASE! I DON'T WANT TO ACCIDENTALLY SEE THAT AGAIN!"
"Whatever" Kaachan said walking over and picking up his phone before coming back to eat
~Kaachan, what is your lockscreen wallpaper?~
~That explains it~
After that little incident we continued eating. Some (Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero, Mina, Kaachan, Me (we were mainly making out) and Todoroki) lounged on the couch and others (everybody else) decided to go to bed early.
"Hey, wanna play a game?" Mina asked as usual
"Midoriya and Bakugou are already on that idea" Kirishima said laughing a little
"That's just mean" I said pulling away from Kaachan and turning to Kirishima
"But it's true" Kaminari said joining in on Kirishima's laughing
"Whatever extras" I said snuggling into Kaachan's chest
"You spend way too much time with Bakugou" Sero said shaking his head
"So?" I asked "he is mine isn't he"
📝😎~Todoroki's POV~😎📝
"No he isn't" I mumbled under my breath "he's mine and I'll have him one way or the next"
📝😎~Izuku's POV~😎📝
"Well, technically he belongs to himself" Mina said
~Bitch can you be even more obvious~
"Mmhmm" I hummed "well I'll be going off to bed now. Good night"
"Good night" they replied as Kaachan and I went upstairs
"I bet they're gonna f🤗" Kirishima wispered
"Okay Izukai" I mumbled locking my room door behind me "let's try this"
I walked over to the bathroom door and focused like Mirio said and walking through the door "the hell?!" Kaachan half-yelled from my room. I went back through the door "what the f🤗 was that?"
"Apparently we can use others' quirks too as long as Izukai, me, you and Katsukai are fused together" I explained
'Tell him that you both are now able to live for eternity'
"We can?" He asked surprised laying on my bed
"Yeah" I said "oh and there's another side effect of having Izukai and Katsukai"
"What is it?" He asked forrowing his brows
"We are........... immortal" I said
"So, we can't die from aging?" He asked
"We can't die from anything actually" I said straddling him
"So technically, we're gods?" He asked holding my hips
"Yeah pretty much" I said before an idea struck me I focused Izukai's power in my ears to create similar earphone jacks to that of Jirou and walked over to the wall beside the door. I inserted one into the wall listening to what was happening down stairs
"Why do you think Mina left right after Midoriya and Bakugou?" Kaminari asked
"She likes Bakugou, so I think the only reason she even stayed behind in the first place was to be in his presence" Todoroki said monotonously as usual
"Probably" Sero said
"Hey Sero, weren't you and Mina a couple?" Kaminari asked
"Yeah, we broke up when she realized she liked him and not me" Sero answered
I then focused a little more to hear inside Mina's room. I only heard her steady breathing so I assume she's sleeping.
I retracted my earphone jacks and got dressed in a black sweatpants, a black hoodie, put on some black leather gloves and a black mask. I went into my silver box filled with knives and took out my sharpest butcher knife, a normal knife, a gag and a quirk canceling collar "I'll be going now baby" I said taking off the mask to kiss Kaachan before putting it back on
"Okay, be quiet I don't want you getting caught" he said kissing my cheek
"Alright" and with that I made my way through a few rooms until I was in Mina's. I was right, she was currently sleeping her life away.
"Hehe, time to die bitch~" I wispered to myself locking the collar around her neck and gagging her. I did the same thing I did to Ochaco but faster then went back to my room. I distroied my clothes with Shigaraki's quirk and washed my knives.
I got dressed in one of Kaachan's hoodies (the one that I stole) and one of my boxers before curling up in my Kaachan's arms
Welp, Mina has dieded. How do you think it feels to be smacked in the face by a one year old baby?????? Don't know? Painfull! Bye~
❤️❤️❤️Love You❤️❤️❤️
Continue to vote comment and stay safe my lovelies
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