When Scary Alleyways Become Worthy Pathways
Y/N's P.O.V
I was walking down the street, my short brown hair bobbing slightly as I slipped past the bustling people of (large city) City. I was a pretty average size for a healthy young woman my age (unless you want to be really tall/short. If that's the case, you can just change it) and on the leaner side of the scale. The speedy type, if you will. I was about to reach the street that led me to my small apartment when an arm dragged me into an alleyway. *ahem* Actually, let me try that again.
I was about to reach the street that led me to my small apartment when a larger than life tentacle dragged me into an alleyway. I tried to scream when another one had wrapped itself around my mouth, preventing me from doing so. I flopped around helplessly when it wrapped around my body completely, restricting movement in my arms, legs, shoulders, and hips. It was like sushi, only thing was that it was the octopus thingy that was wrapping around it to hold it all together.
My heart rate skyrocketed as soon as it faced me towards it. I expected to see a giant octopus on the end of the tentacles, but it was literally just a giant blob of oozing black goop that looked like it would melt next to the smallest heat source. I let out a muffled scream as I saw the goop cover my body, its eyes opening as well as its mouth. I looked up and my life flashed before my eyes. Inside its melty mouth were rows upon rows of sharp, pointy teeth, a long black tongue snaking out to glide across my cheek. It let out a satisfied rumble and proceeded to place me promptly upon one of the said rows when a flash of midnight blue and gold streaked across my vision. I closed my eyes tightly as it let out an ear-splitting shriek, making me feel like my eyes would start bleeding.
Not too long after, I felt the sensation of falling and braced myself for impact. My entire body tensed, but the feeling of the cold, moist ground never came. Instead, a soft warmth enveloped me as I timidly opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was two sunset orange eyes and messy black hair, the tips were bleached to a golden perfection. I blushed immensely as he smiled warmly, its warmth putting the sun on a clear day to shame. I swallowed harshly, my throat like sandpaper from both screaming and being in front of such a good-looking figure.
"Hey there~ You okay?" His voice was smoother than silk, kitten fur, and a puppy's tongue combined, minus the weird, wet sensation of the tongue.
"Y-yeah... Thank you... For saving me and all..." I looked down at my hands, fiddling with each other as he laughed. "Oh my god, even his laugh is sexy!! Why the hell are you such a dingbat, Y/N?! Ugh, he must think I'm retarded or something... >///<" My thoughts scrambled and clashed with each other, leaving my head in complete chaos. The only thing I could really register was the beating of my heart and how amazingly handsome this man was. He began speaking to me again.
"So beautiful, what's your name?~" He purred seductively, his lips grazing my ear lightly when he spoke.
"Y-Y/N." I squeaked and mentally face palmed. "Good one, Y/N. Good one." I looked up at him, his eyes meeting mine.
'Well, Y/N. My name is Ryuza Chi, but most call me Draco or Blood." He gently placed me down.
"Why is that?" I question him before I could stop myself. He chuckled, clearly amused by my question.
"Well, Ryū-za means 'Draco' and Chi means 'Blood'. Of course, it's technically logical question since it is Japanese." He brushed my hair back and gazed at me fondly. It was like he was reuniting with a lost loved one.
(Author-Sama: Well no durr! He's been watching you ever since you were born!! Hehe, sorry 'bout that~ Continue!)
"Well, would it be alright if I called you Ryuza? I kinda like your name in Japanese." I tilt my head to my feet, but steal glances at his face from time to time.
"Hmm, if you like it better in Japanese, you could call me Ryu. If you're comfortable with that, that is..." He watched me for a little while, waiting for my reply. I nodded meekly, a small blush still covering my cheeks. He smiled and suddenly picked me up again. I screamed and wrapped an arm around him, hanging on for dear life. He laughed as he began walking to a portal I hadn't noticed until now.
"Ummm... Not to burst your bubble, but what's going on?? What is that portal?" I held Ryuza a bit tighter, unsure if I should be concerned.
"Well, I would tell you that I'm taking you home, but it's a home you're not used to, so to speak. It's one you've been to, but most likely only in your dreams." He continued to walk towards the suspicious portal casually, his expression almost too drowsy for his own good. As soon as he entered, an unbelievable sluggishness enveloped me and I blacked out.
Ryu's P.O.V
I looked at Y/N as she fell asleep. I wasn't too worried, though. Most people pass out the first few times they use the portals. I watched as her hair grew longer, switching from the familiar brown to a glossy h/c. No doubt, her eyes were changing under her eyelids as well. As I walked through the dark halls of my home, my thoughts filled with her. My heart began to swell with an unimaginable level of happiness, my eyes threatening to water. Y/N, my one and only true love was in my arms, her luscious s/t lips slightly parted as she breathed softly.
I quickened my pace and pushed open the door to her room with my back. I gently laid her on the f/c sheets of her bed, her eyes twitching slightly as she dreamed. I ran my hands through her silky h/c locks, trailing my thumb down her cheek and to the back of her neck. I brought my own lips to her's gently at first before nibbling on her lower lip. She let out a small whimper, but remained asleep.
I shuddered at all the little sounds she made as she slept, both my hands holding her soft cheeks and my knees on either side of her hips. My tongue slipped in through her thinly parted lips as I explored the new territory. I removed my lips from her's and trailed them down her jawline and nipped lightly at her neck. I sucked on various spots of her delicate skin, making it light enough to disappear within a few hours at the most. I crawled off of her, watching over her for a while longer before leaving her room and shutting the door quietly.
"If you don't bring up your guard soon, I'll end up attacking you when you least expect it, Y/N. You don't realize it yet, but your spell has taken effect on me long before you knew who I was. Even long before you could comprehend the world around you."
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