Y/N's P.O.V
After our make-out session, Ryuza was called by his superiors and had to leave. I sat in the infirmary, taking in the star-glazed sky of the city. I don't know how long or when I had woken up, but it must've been pretty late. I closed my eyes and sighed, leaning my head back onto the thick pile of pillows behind me.
My eyes began growing heavy and almost closed until someone else had entered my room. I shifted my attention to the visitor and nearly had a nosebleed. This guy walks in wearing only boxers and has this amazingly well built body, but doesn't care if someone's watching his...... Friend. I don't even think he was excited!
I turned the other direction as he sat on the bed and began moving around, the steel hinges creaking and groaning from the weight. I continued to stare out the window until he cleared his throat.
"So, I walk in with nothing but my boxers and I don't even get a hello?" All the embarrassment I had felt a second ago suddenly disappeared. "If I had walked in with only my undergarments on, would you had said hello?" I raised my eyebrow and he flashed me a cocky smile.
"No, cause I'd be too busy throwin' up." He grinned evilly and I glared at him. "Y'know, can you go do me a favor?" I smiled darkly. "Not if it's to do with you." He sat up slightly. "Oh good cause I don't want anything to do with it. So about the favor.... Would you mind walking into the closet that's down the hall and go fuck yourself?" I smiled coldly and he chuckled.
"A feisty one, I see. The name's Garret. And who might you be?" He turned to me. "Noneya Fukinbiz." I looked back out the window. "Well, nice to meet you, Noneya Fukinbiz." He stifled a laugh in his hand and cleared his throat. This guy got some sarcasm... Pretty cool.
"No, but seriously, what's your name?" He looked at me sincerely this time, no hint of teasing was left in his eyes. "Y/N." I turned to him again. "Y/N..... It's a very lovely name." He smiled genuinely and reached out his hand to me. "I know you're probably not too find of my insults and sarcasm, but you wanna be friends?" I reached out to my uninjured arm to him and shook his hand. "Sure, why not?" I smiled back. "Great. So how'd you get that?" He asked, motioning to my arm. "Ah, training." I glanced off to the side as he nodded in understanding.
"You really are the newbie then. Whelp, hope I won't be seeing you round here much after this. As much as a good time I've had so far, it does no good to see a friend who's constantly in here as my patient." I raised an eyebrow. "You're the doc?" I questioned, giving his figure a second glance. He chuckled. "Ah, you wound me so. Yes I am the doctor, though the lack of clothing would be hard to explain. All I can really say is that I just woke up." I blinked at him before giggling a bit, causing him to redden slightly. "H-hey now. Don't laugh." He turned away and walked into a different room. He came back after a while, fully clothed this time. He grabbed a clipboard and sat on the side that was my injured arm.
"Alright, Y/N. So you got your injury during training. Is it safe to assume that it was only dislocated?" He looked at me as I nodded and scribbled on his board. "Mkay. Who was with you at the time if the incident?" "Ryuga, my mentor." Garret stiffened some, taking a glance at me before scribbling again. 'Well, that was strange...' I thought to myself as he asked me another question.
*~Time - yip yip! *Appa roar* O_o ...~*
I sighed as I sat up, Garret running off to check up on something down the hall. I closed my eyes, my arm now contained within a sling, and the ticking of the second hand clock filling my ears. The door opened once again to reveal a disheveled Ryuga, his hair sticking up in random places and his robe falling off his shoulder slightly, his black and silver patterned shirt made known to the world.
"Hey..." I whispered softly, his exhausted orbs meeting mine. I smiled, to which he returned with his own lazy, lopsided one. "How's the shoulder?" He mumbled as he climbed into bed next to me, being mindful of the sling and it's contents. "Sore, but it should be fine within a matter of days." I nuzzled into his neck, giving it a soft peck before sighing in content.
"That's good..." I heard Ryuza mumble from above me, drifting off to sleep. I hummed in reply as I closed my eyes, deciding it would be best to sleep for now.
Garret's P.O.V
'Shit... Ryuza's back... How the fuck am I gonna get past him? He'll jump me as soon as he senses me near close to Y/N! God dammit, screw you and your love complex...' I panicked internally as I saw Ryuza slide into bed next to Y/N. Knowing the guy as well as I do, he'd attack the first person who would try and even look at her funny. Crazy bastard's never loved anyone else before, though I can't blame him either way. He done and caught himself a nice one there. I just hope Y/N can survive him...
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