(Name's pov)
I couldn't believe what I saw...
Inside the package was a REAL LIFE BEATING heart with a carving on it that said. Mine~ on it with a leter
Not wanting to put my hands in there I hesitated to put my hand in and get tge leter...but,wanting answer I went and got the leter..who knew I beat up Florence the toughest girl in school and in afraid to get a leter in a packeage with a heart in it.......
I read the leter out load.."Dear my little (name).~I've benn seeing that people call you a killer for your mother being a killer...rude isn't it hmm?~ but anyway~I also saw how you stood ip fir yourself..You we're very brave~...I like it.I saw that you beated up Florence in the ally way..wasn't she the toughest girl?...what a shame..she sould have never ever challenge you...and called you mother idiotic,I would have done that same to her.Well..hope you like your gift....~~~~
Love~~ Tic t~
Okay 1:Who da hell is tic t? 2:How dies he kniw about all of this?!" And 3:Who le hell he kniw my name?!...
Questions swarm around my head as I was speakless....
Then I realized........
Who's heart was it's?....
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