How You Met/he stalks you
Types of yanderes
Freddy: possessive stalker
Jason: obsessive stalker
Michael: obsessive stalker
Leatherface: Possessive but unwilling to harm reader chan
Hannibal: possessive/obsessive stalker
Norman: obsessive stalker
Ghostface: Obsessive
Jack: Obsessive/possessive but doesn't want to hurt reader chan
Pennywise: Possessive and willing to kill any male who looks at reader chan
Freddy: You were doing your math homework before getting tired and falling asleep.
In the dream world
You looked around the dark and grimy boiler room. In the distance you heard the scratching sound of metal on metal "What the hell is that?" You thought. You felt something warm on your neck so you felt the back of your neck only to find nothing.
You growled "This isn't funny, show yourself!" You snapped. Arms wrapped around your waist. Claws rested against your stomach "Hello sweetheart ~" a dark voice purred in your ear.
Out of reflex you kicked behind you and heard a grunt along with the arms releasing you. "I'll have you one day, just you watch dearest little Y/N ~" you awoke in a cold sweat. Just who the hell was that?! Or... What the hell was that?!
Jason: You were taking a walk through the woods of camp Crystal Lake. You had heard rumors of a hockey masked killer who killed whoever went to the camp. You weren't too concerned, after all you could escape by running through the woods. Right?
That's where you'd be wrong, you stood frozen in fear at the sight of a tall male in a hockey mask using a sleeping bag as a club and was beating someone else in a sleeping back.
The male seemed to notice your presence and turned to look at you. You stared in horror at the grotesque killing that was only a few feet away from you. He tilted his head to the side as he slowly approached you making you back away in fear.
He reached out a hand but you had already taken off running to escape from the masked murderer. Once you got back to your cabin you couldn't shake the feeling of being watched all throughout the night.
Michael: You were taking your younger sibling out trick or treating. You were new to Haddonfield and didn't know who Michael Myers was. You weren't overly concerned considering he was supposed to be locked in a mental institute somewhere.
By that logic, he wouldn't be able to bother you or your sibling. Right? Wrong. You were so wrong. Your sibling went up to a man who wore a pale mask and navy blue jumpsuit. "Hi mister!" They said happily.
Something seemed off about the man... That was when you noticed the large knife he was holding. You went and grabbed your sibling and held them protectively. The man tilted his head to the side as though he was curious about you.
You slowly backed away from the man as he drew closer. You saw a flash of crimson on the knife... Blood. It could've been fake but you didn't want to take a chance. You quickly led your sibling back home on the promise of buying them candy. Every now and then you would see a flash of crimson or something pale white in the distance.
Leatherface: You were on a road trip through Texas with your family. It was tradition that you travel through Texas on the way to visit family considering many of your relatives were from Texas. That was when your dad said it would be a good time to take a family photo, out in the middle of nowhere.
After the photo was taken you heard a faint buzzing sound that drew ever closer to you and your family. You looked for the source and saw a man in a strange looking mask charging towards your group with a chainsaw.
Not wanting to be like the idiots in horror films who split up then die you ran towards the car. You had your diver's license so you could drive everyone out of there quickly.
If not for the fact that the man had already killed your family... You covered your mouth to keep from screaming and thus giving away your position. You his in the car and stayed a quiet as humanly possible. Maybe... Maybe he wouldn't hear you... Maybe you could escape from him...
He looked into the car and felt around curiously. He grunted when he felt your hand as he slowly pulled you up to him. From a closer look you saw the mask he was wearing was made from... Human flesh... More specifically it was made from a human face.
You whimpered quietly as the man studied you. He tilted his head to the side as he studied you. He reached towards you and gently caressed your face and watched your reaction. He was being gentle now but he was still a killer! You didn't particularly want to die so you stayed quiet and allowed him to study you.
He pulled you out of the car and threw you over his shoulder. You didn't dare struggle out of fear of what he'd do to you if you tried to escape from him. He brought you to an old looking house where he carried you into a room with a sewing machine and corpses.
He sat you down and began working with the sewing machine. You watched as he stitched together a mask from what you guessed was one of his latest victims. Once the mask was complete he held it out for you. You pointed at yourself questioningly to which he nodded.
You accepted the mask and studied the handiwork. You had to admit, it was impressive but still disturbing. He gently took the mask and put it on you and hugged you. Unsure of what to do, you hugged him back.
(A/n: Is it bad that I was internally fangirling when writing Leatherface's scenario?)
Hannibal: You were on your way to your weekly session with Dr. Hannibal Lecter. You were intrigued by the man, he had that quality of mystery that attracted you.
Once you arrived Hannibal greeted you as per usual. Then the session began. "How have events unfolded for you Ms. L/N?" He asked. "Well, I keep having this strong feeling that I'm being watched and followed." Hannibal nodded and wrote down your response.
"At what time would you say the feeling is at its strongest?" You thought it over. "I'd have to say... Probably late at night, from around eleven at night to about four in the morning. It lasts a lot longer on weekends." He nodded and wrote down your responses.
This went on for an hour before it was time for you to leave. Hannibal seemed genuinely bothered to see you leave, he usually seemed bothered when you left. But he seemed ecstatic to see you, even if it was a professional visit.
Later that night you had the strangest feeling that you were in life threatening danger. You slowly awoke to find arms had wrapped themselves around you, but there was something on the hands... A dried, red substance... It looked like... No... No it couldn't be... Blood...?
You carefully examined the dried substance. It certainly looked like dried blood... But who was with you that had dried blood on them...? You slowly turned around, however a rag was pressed over your face. "Just sleep darling." A deep voice purred. Before you could react, the world went black.
Norman: You were looking for a hotel or some place you could find shelter from the thunderstorm that was plaguing you. The rain was coming down harshly and stung a little from the force of it impacting you.
That was when you saw a sign. "Bates Motel, better than nothing." You went inside to get warmed up and possibly spend the night. The storm was supposed to be unnecessarily harsh that night and you didn't particularly want to handle that.
A young male approached you "H- hello, how may I- I help you?" He asked. "May I have a room for the night, please?" You asked while shivering. The man nodded "Of course. F- follow me." You followed him to a room where he showed you around it.
It wasn't very big and it had the basic essentials, perfect. You thanked the man to which he nodded. Considering your current clothes were soaked and you were freezing you decided to take a warm shower. You grabbed clean clothes and got into the shower.
Though you did get the strangest feeling of being watched while you were in the shower. You dismissed it as just getting used to new surroundings. Once you got out of the shower you went straight to bed. The feeling of being watched seemed to grow even more intense while you slept but you managed to ignore it.
Ghostface: You were having a horror film marathon with all of your favorites. A Nightmare On Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Halloween, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Silence of the Lambs, and the Jaws series.
Currently you were watching Halloween 4 when your phone rang. You sighed in annoyance but answered. "Hello?" You said. "Hello." A deep voice replied.
"Who is this?" "You'll find out soon enough." You sighed in more annoyance. "Listen, I'd really like to get back to my movie marathon. Maybe we can talk some other time." The man seemed intrigued. "What movie are you watching?"
"Halloween 4." You replied nonchalantly. "Do you like scary movies?" "If I didn't like them then would I be having a marathon of them?" You asked. The man chuckled "No, no you wouldn't. What's your favorite scary movie?" He asked.
"That's a tough question... I'd have to say... Uh... Probably Silence of the Lambs." "A classic. I loved that one." He replied. Your conversation continued for about an hour before the man said he had to go. He seemed reluctant to tell you that he had to leave though, but you asked if the two of you could talk again.
He agreed excitedly and said the two of you would meet in a nearby park the following night so the two of you could talk more. It seemed odd but you agreed. You saw a flash of silver outside which drew your attention.
Upon closer looking, you saw it was a figure in a black cloak with a pale white screaming mask who was carrying a knife of some sort. That night you slept with every door and window locked but that didn't stop a feeling of being watched.
Jack: You were fast asleep in your room in the famed Overlook Hotel. Unknown to you, you were being watched by your friend Jack Torrance. You started to stir in your sleep from the sound of low growls and groans.
You figured someone was watching a movie and dismissed it as such. You got up and stretched before going to go take a shower. Once you were out of the shower you got dressed and the strange sounds stopped. Once again you dismissed it as nothing.
You went into the kitchen to help Wendy with breakfast which only took the two of you about twenty minutes to prepare. Wendy went to get Danny while you went to get Jack.
"Jack?" You asked. "Hey darling." You heard him reply from behind you. You smiled at him and he returned the smile "What can I help you with?" He asked. "Breakfast is ready." He nodded "Thanks for telling me darling." You nodded.
Jack would typically either refer to you by name or he'd call you darling. You thought it was cute and agreed to him calling you darling. The pair of you walked back to get breakfast to find Wendy and Danny were already there.
"Morning hun." Wendy said to her husband. "Morning." He replied. Danny gave you a look of what seemed like pity. Odd... You waved at Danny and he waved back, keeping that look of pity. You found it odd that he'd give you that look but dismissed it as nothing.
The day went by as normal for yourself and the Torrances. You helped Wendy around but during the day you often felt like someone was watching you... Yet you never noticed anyone around in the background. You dismissed it as you weren't used to being in a large building like the Overlook for an extended period of time.
Pennywise: It started when you were a kid. A clown would haunt you and terrorize you. He seemed to be torn between letting you live and killing you. So when you were only five he took you from your room to keep you with him. Forever as he put it.
The Loser's Club had saved you from the clown known as Pennywise. Pennywise never hurt you but he kept you close to him at all times when he had you. It would seem he just wanted your company, but he was still terrifying to you.
But now you were (age) and hadn't heard from Pennywise for years. You figured he was finally dead, but that was when he returned. One guy in your class who never left you alone went missing. They never found his body. But every single male who so much as looked at you, with the exception of teachers, was never found.
One night you were having difficulties sleeping so you went to watch a movie. Though there was... One rather... Sickening scene. As you went to grab the remote to skip said intimate scene you heard a chuckle behind you "The things I could do to you now ~" a voice sang out.
You turned around only to be met with a clown... Pennywise. You quickly backed away from him "Aww, no need to run away from me my little lollipop ~" you hated that nickname. He always called you his little lollipop when you were younger.
"S- stay back!" You growled both in anger and fear. He chuckled "I don't think so my little lollipop ~" he walked towards you with his hand extended towards you. "Come to Pennywise ~" he cooed. You took off running outside and towards your car.
He laughed as he chased you. Was this some sort of sick game to him?! When you got to your car he pinned you down, grinning maniacally. "I caught you little lollipop ~" he bent down and licked your neck making you shudder. Before he could bite down on your neck you awoke in a cold sweat.
You looked around in a panic only to find you had fallen asleep during the movie. You put your face in your hands "Oh God... He's back..." You groaned.
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