Was it all A dream hah yeah right
My eyes where closed
I was siting in a small dark room with a tea set infront of me
"Hello dear sister"fun girl said floating in and pouring some tea
"Wait where am I I was in the human realm why am
I here"I said
"Oh nothing I just wanted to tell you a few things first yandere dev wanted me to be a blocked thingy I agreed
And second
I heard you had a run in with a plague under flames control"she said
"Yes by the way who is flame why does he have a connection to shin what's going on"I said getting up
"Oh shin the poor boy
You see long before you where alive around five hundred years ago a boy named shin's home village was attacked by flame
The poor boy was burnt to a crisp witch is shown now by the mark on his left eye with is a flame in his pupil
Me and the flame man felt bad and brought him to life as one of us"she said
"Wait why"I asked
"I'm not sure I guess we had a soft spot anyway he was only half of us the other half was and still is dead
He is out for revenge but not only for flame but you too since your the reason his village was attacked by one of us remember dear sister he want to destroy everything I love for a important reason and that means he is coming after you"she said
"Wait that can't be"I said
"It's true so I wouldn't turn my back around him if I was you oh looks like your in trouble in the human world bye now"she said disappearing
I woke up with shin holding a knife over me
He tried to stab but I thru a pillow in his face
Because that's affective
He chased me thru the house
"What do you waaaaannnnntttt"I said
"I want every last one of your kind dead"he said throwing me into a wall
"If this was under better standers I would be blushing so hard"I said
I blacked out
(Sorry it's so short I just wanted to get this out
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