New Nurse
(Hey guys quick a/n I know I had one but like I said I like to see what you guys think the characters look like so if you want to draw picks and send them to me by tagging me and I can put them in it would make it easier for me to know and hopefully take up less writing time)
(By the by Blossomdemonfox12 you show up here)
I woke up slowly
"That was really dangerous you shouldn't have done it if you keep getting hurt I'm going to have to have a bed that says reserved for (y/n)"the nurse said
"I know I'm sorry"I said
"No it's okay you do give me something nice to see everyday it can be quite quiet in here well not anymore since there are so many people getting injured on campus I got a helper"he said pointing to a girl with brownish hair and animal ears in a nurse outfit
She was helping some injured people
"wow I didn't know you could help with these things"I said
"Yeah her name is blossom she is new here and she didn't have time to join a club so they put her here"he said
She was helping some people that where really messed up
Something was off about her and her animal ears but I passed it by because I didn't sense any magic so far
"Oh some boy was waiting in the hallway"the nurse said
"Okay I'll go thanks"I said
"Stay in one piece sweetheart"he said as I walked out
"Hey your that yan kun boy right"I said
"Yes my name is ayato(ayano get it) aishi I i i just wanted t t t to s s s day thanks for what you did"he said blushing rubbing his arm
"No problem ayato"I said awkwardly slowly walking away
I was walking when some blacked hair girl confronted me
With a knife
"Wait Who are you"I said
I couldn't sense strong demon like presences around her
So she wasn't the plague
But she had some traces
She came running at me with the knife
"NO ONE TAKES TARO AWAY FROM ME"she yelled running at me with gloves and a mask on running and stabbing me over and over just to cause me pain but keep me alive
Then right when she was going to stab me and I was going to die
(Ready fan girls)
ayato got infront of be and blocked her with a knife
He glared at her and she turned around and left after rolling her eyes
"Your lucky"she said
I looked at him and hugged him
He hugged me back
"You need to be more careful"he said
"I'll be fine don't worry"I said
We stopped the hug
"I'm going to go check on oka sama Bye"I said
I bumped into a girl with a cloak on
"Oh sorry"I said walking
But there was something big I didn't know about her
Something big
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