Blood On The Ice
This contains spoilers for the "Blood on the Ice" quest, don't read if you don't want to know how it ends
It was a rather ordinary day for Cicero, Sheogorath, and I. I'd asked them to come with me to eliminate a target in Windhelm. Once we were done we ran passed the cemetery when a guard stopped us to question is about the murder of a young woman. We were asked things like if we knew the victim, where we were at the time of the murder, things like that. Now I may be a member of the Dark Brotherhood but I never raised a blade against the victim. I did, however, kill her sister as a bonus to a contract.
I glanced at Cicero, silently asking him if he had anything to do with it. "Cicero did nothing Listener, he was with you the whole time." I nodded. "If you'd like we could help you find out who did this." The guard nodded "The help would be appreciated, but we can't just have anyone going around on "official" business." He instructed us to talk to a friend of the Jarl's. Once we got to the place we introduced ourselves as friends who wanted to help find out who the Butcher was, then put him away.
We were allowed to help in any way that was legal. Though, knowing Cicero and Sheo they'd flip out and try to kill anyone they thought was threatening us. They were always so protective of me, especially since I was the Listener and leader of the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim. But they were good friends and allies, that was appreciated.
We went back to the guard to tell him we were allowed to help, he suggested we investigate the crime scene for more clues. So we looked around "Listener, there's a trail of blood over here." Cicero informed me. We followed it until we got to a house, I tried to pick the lock but it wasn't working out.
"Looks like we'll have to find the key for it." We went to ask around about the place, finding out that the victim's mother, Tova Shatter Shield, had the key. I thanked the guard then went to the Shatter Shield residence only to find Tova's lifeless body and a note next to it.
The note read "First Friga, now Nilsine? How can I bare the loss of a second daughter, when I'm barely over the death of a first? I simply cannot find any reason to continue living. My two little girls are gone. The lights of my life have been extinguished. My only hope now is to be reunited with them in the halls of Sovngarde if the eternals can suffer the company of one who has taken her own life. If not, then wherever my soul may end up in Oblivion, or elsewhere has to be better than this terrible existence. Farewell. Remember me fondly, and often.
Tova Shatter-Shield"
I took a breath, this was too much for me to take in. I couldn't speak, I could only stare between the note and the corpse. Me murdering Nilsine caused this, if I hadn't killed her then Tova would still be alive. Oh Gods... Why?! Why did I force this woman to endure that agony?
"Listener?" Cicero said softly. I couldn't look at him. Dark Brotherhood assassins aren't supposed to show any remorse for a kill, and I was fairly certain that I was crying. Suddenly I felt arms wrap themselves around me, I looked up to see both Cicero and Sheo hugging me... Reassuringly? New for them.
"It's okay, Listener didn't know this would happen. She would want you to make sure no one else dies by the Butcher." That was one of the rare times Cicero wasn't enthusiastic about killing. He gently tilted my head upwards "Cicero is here for the Listener, Cicero will do his best to help the Listener feel better." "If it'll make you feel better, I'll pull some strings and make sure Tova gets into Sovngarde with her daughters. Promise. "
I smiled at him "Thanks Cicero, thanks Sheo." They nodded and held me close to them for a few moments. "Anything for the Listener." Cicero said softly." "Anything to make you happy." Sheo said softly. After a few minutes of hugging I slowly pulled away "We should go look for more clues." He nodded in agreement.
We followed the blood splatters to Friga Shatter Shield's place, once we got in it took everything in me to not throw up. The horrid stench of rotting corpses filled the air. Cicero went to go search around some wardrobes, Sheo went looking around upstairs, I searched a bloodied chest. Inside I found a journal that talked about stalking a victim and planning to kill them.
"Listener, Cicero has found a curious amulet." Cicero announced, quickly running up to me to show me an amulet that was green and had a skull carved into it. "Where'd you find it?" He pointed at a pile of papers "Under those." I went back with him to see if we could find anything else. After fiddling around with a cupboard Cicero got it to open to reveal several skeletons and a ritualistic type table with parts of a skeleton laid out on it.
We looked at each other "What the hell even is this?" He shrugged "Cicero thinks it may be a ritual of some kind." Well, it certainly had the look of a ritual. After looking around we found another journal which spoken of performing "flesh magic" so it is a necromantic ritual, wonderful. "Perhaps it's the work of multiple necromancers. If there's one necromancer in Windhelm, there's sure to be more." Sheo said
I nodded "Maybe, we'll have to bring that up to Jorleiff. In the mean time maybe we can get someone to appraise the amulet." They nodded and followed me out. We went to Calixto to ask about the amulet "Hey Calixto, can you look at something for us?" I asked. He smiled politely "Certainly, what is it?" I showed him the amulet and his eyes widened.
"W- where did you find this??" He asked. "Friga Shatter Shield's old place, it was buried under a bunch of papers." Calixto gave us a serious look "This is the legendary Necromancer's Amulet. Said to aid the wearer in performing be necromantic rituals. It belonged to Wuunferth the Unliving, before he was the court wizard he dabbled in necromancy." So, the court wizard was the Butcher. And he did it for necromancy.
We went to find Jorleiff. "We know who the Butcher is." "Who then? Who's the Butcher?" Jorleiff asked us in suspense. "Wuunferth. We found his journals that talked about necromancy, and we found his Necromancer's Amulet." Jorleiff sighed "Wuunferth... He did this for necromancy?" I nodded "It's what the evidence suggests." He sighed again "I'll see to it that he gets out away."
Cicero, Sheo, and I returned to the Dawnstar Sanctuary to get some contracts from Nazir. We easily killed off the targets and escaped, usually without the guards realizing what had happened. Once we arrived back at the sanctuary Nazir was waiting for us "About time you two came back. Come sit." I glanced at Cicero "Any idea what's happening?" Cicero shook his head, looking just as confused as me.
We went to the table and sat down. Babette sat by Nazir, Sheo stood behind me, and the new initiates sat by Cicero and I. "So, what's this about?" I asked. "The Butcher in Windhelm. He stole one of our kills." Wait, if Wuunferth was the Butcher how'd he escape with the guards watching him constantly? Unless... Unless he wasn't the Butcher.
"Listener? Listener are you alright?" Cicero asked worriedly. "Yeah, I'm fine Cicero. I was just thinking about what happened in Windhelm." Nazir and Babette looked at each other then back at us. "What happened in Windhelm?" Babette asked.
"We were asked about the murder of Friga Shatter Shield, neither of us had anything to do with it. I did kill her sister Nilsine for Muiri though. It... It caused her mother Tova..." I had to take a breath to keep myself from showing any regret for the kill. "Tova poisoned herself because of the murder of both her daughters."
Nazir frowned "One daughter taken by the Butcher of Windhelm, the other taken as a bonus to a Dark Brotherhood assassin. Well, is there anyone left in the family?" "Tova's husband, Torbjorn I think is his name." Nazir nodded "Well, we can't let the Butcher go around stealing our kills in Windhelm. I trust that after a night's rest you, Cicero, and your friend there will go put an end to this." I nodded. It was the least I could do for Tova, I could at least kill the man who killed one of her daughters.
The next morning the three of us set off for Windhelm. Once we arrived we went to speak with Jorleiff. "Wuunferth isn't the Butcher." I told him. "What?? Then go find out who the real Butcher is, in the mean time I'll see to it that Wuunferth gets released." We made our way to the Windhelm jail where we found Wuunferth.
I picked the lock to free him then stepped aside to let him out. "So, you're the ones who put me in there?" He said in a rather angry tone. "Yeah, we're sorry about that. It's just we found your journals in Friga Shatter Shield's house along with your Necromancer's Amulet."
Wuunferth looked at us confusedly "I don't keep journals. And I certainly have never seen the Necromancer's Amulet." Well, that proves his innocence. Mostly anyway, he could be lying about not keeping journals or seeing the Necromancer's Amulet. But it looks like we'll just have to take his word for it for now.
"I do, however, know where the Butcher will strike next." That got our attention "Where will he strike then?" "It appears the Butcher has a pattern with his kills, if he stays true to his pattern then he should make his next kill in the market area by the blacksmith's forge." "Thank you for your help Wuunferth, and again, sorry about this." He nodded "Just go find the Butcher and bring him to justice."
We went patrolling around the given area that night when we saw something odd. Calixto was patiently waiting behind a woman, he was carrying a dagger... I went to confront him but before I could get close to him he slit her throat then took off running for Hjerm.
"Dammit! Run!" I yelled, not caring if anyone heard. This bastard tricked us once, he's not getting away a second time. I charged after him determined to see to it that the bastard dies for what he's done. I didn't care for whatever reward Jorleiff had promised for the person who finds the Butcher.
I cared only for avenging his victims. I was doing this to try and make it somewhat right with Tova, if I killed the man who murdered Friga... Perhaps it'll help her to rest easier knowing no one else would hurt like she did. Once I got to the door I drew my ebony dagger and carefully entered the house.
I looked around carefully, that bastard could've been anywhere. That was when I heard it, a racing heartbeat. That familiar scent of fear. The bastard was hiding and was terrified of being found out.
"I know you're here Calixto, it's over. Come out and surrender and I may make your end less painful." That was a lie. I was going to make him suffer as much as possible before I allowed him to die. I heard footsteps and turned to face them, he had his steel dagger raised for a strike. Yet he looked at me in shock "H- how did you know I was there?" He asked.
"Simple. One, I'm a Dark Brotherhood assassin. You have to look over your shoulder for other hired assassins coming for you. Two, I'm a werewolf. I could hear your heart racing and I could smell your fear. In fact, I can still hear your heart racing. Scared are we?" I said
Calixto seemed at a loss for words. Guess he wasn't expecting to have to fight a professional killer and werewolf today. "You killed Nilsine, didn't you?" He asked. "I did kill Nilsine, yes. But I'm going to give Tova the peace of mind knowing the bastard who killed Friga is dead and will be suffering forever." I growled.
I rushed at him and slashed at his stomach, leaving a gash. He yelped and stabbed me in the shoulder. It hurt like a bitch, but I won't go down that easily. I rushed at him again and stabbed him in the stomach, I then proceeded to twist the dagger around to cause as much damage as I could.
I kept stabbing him while he kept stabbing me in the back. "This ends now!" Calixto yelled as blood trickled down from his mouth. "You're right, it does end now." I grabbed him by the throat and stabbed him in the chest. I think I pierced his heart, even just a little. I then dropped his body onto the ground.
"I'm... Coming... Sister... " Calixto managed to say before he stopped moving. I checked to make sure he was dead then searched him for any further clues for why he did this. I found only a key, perhaps to something in his shop?
Cicero and Sheo broke the door down with their weapons drawn "What happened?! Are you okay?!" Sheo asked worriedly as he went to check my wounds. "He cut and stabbed me a few times, I think I'll be fine." He started healing me using his Healing Hands spell. A rather useful spell if you ask me.
"I hope the bastard pays for what he's done, in Oblivion." I growled. Sheo nodded "He will, I'll see to it that he suffers greatly for what he did to you." "Thanks Sheo." He nodded "Anything for you, love." Love? I went to ask him about that but he stopped me before I could say anything "You'll find out in good time, love. Don't ask questions just yet." I was curious, but decided to do as he said.
We went to Calixto's hall of curiosities where we found a chest containing his journal. In the journal he spoke about how he planned to use the body parts of his victims to create a new body for his sister's soul to inhabit so he could be reunited with her. That's... That's sick and yet... He just wanted his sister back... Damn... "Jorleiff will want to have a look at this." I said, they nodded in agreement.
We walked back to Jorleiff in the Palace of the Kings "We found out who the real Butcher of Windhelm is." "Who? Who is it?" Jorleiff asked. "It was Calixto, we found his journal in a chest in his hall of curiousities. He wanted to use the body parts of his victims to create a new body for his dead sister's spirit to inhabit."
Jorleiff looked apalled "Well, what happened to him?" He asked. "I killed him, he's dead now. He won't hurt anyone else again." Jorleiff thanked us for our service and paid us five hundred gold coins. I didn't care about the money, I only cared about Tova's spirit being put more at ease that the Butcher was now dead.
Perhaps it's hypocrisy for me to kill a serial killer to put their victim's families at ease when I do the same. Or, perhaps I still have some humanity left in me. Perhaps it's a mix of both. Who knows, really?
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