~Socks's POV~
It is 10 pm on Sunday later we are gonna go visit Ally that is if she's still alive i shouldn't think that ofc she's alive i then hear my ringtone the chours of Teddy bear i pick up my phone and see that Meme was calling him
Meme"Hey Socks wassup"
Socks"Ugh hey Memes"
Meme"So ugh wh-what are you doing later today?"
Socks"Oh i'm gonna shower and me,Laff,Dino,Tbh,Blaza,Woolf are going to visit Ally at the hospital"
Meme"O-Oh well c-ca-n i co-come"
Socks"Ofc you can!"
Meme"Also can we go get ice cream?"
Socks"Yeah sure...wait thats weird"
Socks"My favorite pair of underwear is missing"
Meme"The ones with littel space man and rocket ships on them?"
Socks"Yeah they were just here la- wait how did you know that?"
Meme"Uhhhhh just guessing"
Socks"Well i gotta go before the water gets cold"
Meme"Ok so see you at around 12:30 am"
Socks"Ok bye"
Meme"Bye love you^^"
Meme"Uhhhh bye!!!!!"
Meme hangs up the phone he was acting pretty strange i shrugged it off and get in the shower and wash myself after that i get dressed and brush my hair and go to the kitchen make myself eggs,becon and toast and eat it then i hear my ringtone again it was Blaza why was he calling me? I thought
Blaza"Hey Socks so what are you up to?"
Socks"Just eating breakfast why?"
Blaza"Look outside"
I look through the kitchen window and see Blaza standing i invite him inside
Socks"So what are you doing here so early?"
Blaza"Well we are going to vist Ally aren't we? So i came to pick you up"
Socks"Oh ok so should we get going?"
Blaza"Yeah but before we go can i get some that breakfast i didn't eat yet"
Socks"*laughts* Sure buddy"
After Blaza eats the last bit of Socks's breakfast they go to pick up the rest of the gang and head to the hospital
Socks"Uhmm hey Doctor can we are here to see Ally Foster?
Doctor"The girl that was attacked last night?"
Socks"Yes her"
Doctor"I-I don't know h-how say this but she didn't make it..."
Doctor"Hahaha just kidding she alive and stable you may see her,her room number is 254"
Tbh"You need to see therapist buddy"
They go to Ally's room Dino puts the balloons next to her bed Woolfster places the daisys on the littel table(i forgot what it's called)next to her
Ally"Aww thanks guys"
Tbh"Don't thank us Allys it's the leaste we can do for our friend"
Woolfster"I brought some pancake you know because the food here is awful"
Ally"Thank you Woolf you don't know how much i love pancakes"
Socks"Uhmm guys can i talk to Ally alone real quick?"
They leave the room gives Me and Ally some privacy I then sit next to her and hold her hand Ally began to blush a bit
Socks"Look Ally we've been for a while now right"
Socks"And i enjoy being with you....Ally i-i-i"
Ally"Oh come just spit it out"
Socks"I love you Ally Foster i love you with my whole heart and soul!"
Ally was speechless she didn't know what to say she was processing what she just heard
Ally"Socks i-i'm sorry but i see you just as a friend"
Ally"Look your nice and girl would be lucky to date you"
Socks"Ok but can i ask you something?"
Socks"Why don't you like me?"
Ally"Listen Socks i think a great guy but i don't see yoi as more then a friend plus you like Meme you should go after him"
I start blushing how did she know about me liking Meme? d-did Blaza tell her?
Socks"H-How do you know that?"
Ally"Just the look on your face when your around him is enough proof"
Socks"I do like him but his my best friend and i-i not homo i like girls i can't like Meme"
Ally"Dude your into both boys snd girls don't fight your sexuality just embrace it"
Socks"You think i-it's time for my to come out?"
Ally"Ofc if you want to that is"
Socks"Thanks Ally i needed that"
Ally"No problem what are friends for"
Word count:774
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