The next day
Again, you are Cronus. It is time to wake up again for school. You sorta hate it, but at least you have some friends. You get your brother up and get breakfast. When you went to the fridge, your father left a note.
Please don't argue today, we have a guest coming and it seems it is important. I don't remember his name, but he will be here. Please behave.
'Great, is it another visitor like the ones dad had over before? The businessmen or whatever they were called?'
You thought to yourself.
"Cronus, wwhat are you doin'?" You look at Eridan, your younger brother.
"Looks like dad's bringin' another vwisitor. He says vwe need to behave." Eridan pushed you aside and read the note. When he looked at you, you quickly headlock him and gave him a good rustle of the hair. He punched you in the face and you let go. It didn't hurt, but it did surprise you.
"Wwhat did I say about doin' that?"
"Nothin' chief." He headed to his room and you followed. You looked at his Harry Potter pants and started to laugh. He glared at you.
"Wwhat are you laughin' about?"
"Your... Your pants!"
"Yea? Wwhat about my pants?"
"Nothin' just.. Just get ready." You started to calm down and you went into your room. Choosing your clothes out, you hear something.
"Vwhat the fuck?" You looked behind you, under your bed, outside your window, nothing.
"I must be imagining things." You begin getting dressed and you hear the voice again.
"Cronus......" This time it was longer.
"Ok, I'm out." You quickly grab your things and head to school. You hear yelling in the distance and look behind you. Kankri was running towards you.
"Hell9 Cr9nus! It's pretty amazing that we can walk t9gether t9 sch99l."
"Vwere you the one vwho vwas makin' that noise?"
"What n9ise?" He smiled at you.
"Um.. Forget it, since vwhen do you vwalk vwith me?"
"9h! I th9uggt it w9uld 6e nice t9 walk t9gether since we walk al9ne."
"Howv did you knowv I vwalk alone?"
"Guessing." You looked at him suspiciously.
"Vwell," he looked at you.
"Vwhat is it you vwant to talk about?"
"Well," he grabbed your hand.
"I kn9w that we just met, 6ut, d9 y9u think we can g9 9n a human date?"
"Vwhat!?" This was so sudden. Even you didn't expect it.
"It's alright if y9u d9n't want t9, 6ut I really want t9 6e with y9u." You thought for a while.
"Uh, sure chief?"
"Yay!" He hugged you tight. This definitely wasn't him.
"9k, what d9 we d9 9n human dates?"
"Uh, I don't knowv."
"Well, I guess this is a new experience f9r the b9th 9f us. Please tell me if I trigger y9u in any s9rt."
"Um." This is sorta strange.
-Time skip-
School was over and you and Kankri walked home together. Every class he gave you a note saying nice things to you. You said that it was sweet, but it kinda creeped you out. He grabbed your hand.
"I h9pe I'm n9t triggering y9u."
"You're not."
"Alright." You walked to your house and he said goodbye to you. You head to your room and started talking to Latula.
C- hey Latula
L- yo! Wh4t up Cronus?
C- I'm guessin' you heard?
L- 4bout you 4nd k4nks? Y34. How's th4t go1ng down?
C- he is acting a bit vweird. I don't knowv if it just clicked in him, or something is going on.
L- w3ll, you d1d h34r 4bout th3 1nc1d3nt 4bout h1m r1ght?
C- no, vwhat incident?
L- w3ll, K4nks w3nt out w1th on3 of th3 stud3nts 1n my cl4ss, 4 f3w d4ys 4ft3rw4rds, sh3 w3nt m1ss1ng.
C- missing?
L- y34, w3 h4d no 1d34 wh4t h4pp3n3d to h3r.
C- had?
L- w3 found h3r 1n a sh3d th4t d1dnt b3long to 4nyon3 w1th h3r f33t brok3n 4nd sk1n m3lt3d off.
C- vwhat the fuck?!
L- y34, sh3 w4s d34d w4y b3for3 th3 pol1c3 found h3r. W3 st1ll don't know who d1d 1t to h3r.
C- and you think?
L- most p3opl3 th1nk 1t w4s one of th3 bull13s, 1 th1nk 1t w4s K4nks.
C- vwell shit.
L- y34, 1'd b3 c4r3ful 1f 1 w3r3 you.
C- alright. Thanks for the info chief.
L- No probl3m!
-Chatlog ended-
You hid your computer under your pillow and curled up in a ball.
"I need to let him dowvn gently. Shit, he might do vwhat 'he' did to that chick."
You thought for a while and even practiced breaking up with him. You're going to wait about two weeks and break up with him. So it doesn't seem suspicious.
>:] AN [:<
Thank you all of my readers on all of my stories, lol it's an honor that I get to write for you guys. It's pretty fun when some of you comment stuff on some suspenseful parts of the stories. Not many comments though, but still, you get what I mean. :3
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