Photograph (Jack Torrance x Reader)
Based of Photograph by Def Leppard and requested by flamminghalie1234
Jack was staring at the numerous photos he had of you. "If only you were mine..." Recently he had seen you everywhere. Even in his sleep he saw your face! He just had to have you! He just had photos but it wasn't enough.
If only you knew what you did to him. How you drove him insane, how every glance at him he took as flirtatious in nature. It was a wonder he had been able to control himself for so long.
He had photos of you from various points in time. The times ranged anywhere from you sleeping to you getting dressed in the morning. Recently he had taken to sneaking into your room late at night and simply staring at you.
He just loved to be around you. Even if it was creepy that he would sneak into your room late at night just to stare at you as you slept. He smiled to himself at the thought of what all he could do to you, how he could make you be his.
He would have you no matter how much you protested and said he was insane. HE WOULD HAVE YOU G** DA*N IT! It was then he decided he would claim you as his that night. He would have to get rid of Wendy and Danny, but he was planning to do that even if you weren't there.
Grady had told him that Danny was attempting to bring an outside party into matters that did not concern said outside party. They needed to be corrected... They needed to learn their place, they needed to learn to NOT interfere with matters that didn't concern them!
The relationship Jack had in his mind with you had NOTHING to do with them! But now he needed to plan how he could get you alone after ridding himself of Wendy and Danny. Surely an axe would do the job, right?
Grady had used an axe to correct his family, so why shouldn't an axe work to correct Jack's family? He smiled a sick and twisted smile, the smile of a madman. It was then Wendy came looking for him with a baseball bat.
"Jack?" She called out. She approached his desk "Jack?" She called out again. On his desk was a large stack of papers that repeated "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" along with several photos of you.
The madman approached her from behind "How do you like it?" He asked. She jumped and screamed in surprise. "How do you like it?" He asked once more. "What are you doing down here?" He asked.
"I... Just wanted... To talk to... You..." Wendy replied shakily. "Okay. Let's talk." Jack looked through the stack of paper. "What do you wanna talk about?" "I can't... Really... Remember..." She replied. "You can't remember?" "N- no..." "Maybe it was about... Danny? Maybe it was about him. I think we should discuss Danny. I think we should discuss what should be done with him. What should be done with him?"
Wendy was crying now. "I don't know." "I don't think that's true. I think you have some very definite ideas about what should be done with Danny and I'd like to know what they are." Jack said.
"I think maybe he should be taken to a doctor." Wendy said. "You think maybe he should be taken to a doctor?" Jack asked. "Yes." She replied. "When do ya think 'maybe' he should be taken to a doctor?" He asked. "As soon as possible." "As soon as possible." Jack mocked.
"Jack, please." "You believe his health might be at stake." "Yes." "You are concerned about him." "Yes." "Are you concerned about me?" "Of course I am!" "Of course you are! Have you ever thought about my responsibilities?!" "Oh Jack, what are you talking about?" She asked.
"Have you ever had a single moments thought about my responsibilities to my employers?! Have you ever thought for a single, solitary second about my responsibilities to my employers?! Has it ever occurred to you that I have agreed to look after the Overlook Hotel until May the first?! Does it natter to you at all that the owners have placed their complete confidence and trust in me and that I have signed a letter of agreement. A contract in which I have accepted that responsibility! Do you have the slightest idea what a moral and ethical principal is?! Do you?! Has it ever occurred to you what would happen to my future if I were to fail to live up to my responsibilities?! Has it ever occurred to you?! HAS IT?!" Jack yelled.
"Stay away from me." Wendy said fearfully. "Why?" Jack asked softly. "I just wanna go back to my room." She replied. "Why?" He asked again softly. "Well, I'm very confused and I just need some time to think things over." She whimpered.
"You've had your whole f**king LIFE to think things over, what good's a few minutes more is it gonna do you now?" Jack asked. "Jack, stay away from me!" She said. Jack reached for the bat but then backed off. "Please!" She cried.
"Don't hurt me!" "I'm not gonna hurt ya." Jack said. "Stay away from me!" "Wendy, darling, light of my life. I'm not gonna hurt ya. You didn't let me finish my sentence. I said 'I'm not gonna hurt ya' I'm just gonna bash your brains in. I'm gonna bash 'em right the f**k in, ha ha." Jack said with a maniac grin.
"Stay away from me! Don't hurt me!" Wendy cried. "I'm not gonna hurt ya." Jack replied. "STAY AWAY FROM ME!" She cried out desperately. "Stop swingin' the bat. Put the bat down Wendy." "STOP IT!" She cried. "Give me the bat." Jack said.
"Stay away!" "Give me the bat." "STOP IT! STAY AWAY!" She screamed. "Give me the bat." "STOP IT! STAY AWAY FROM ME!" "Stop swingin' the bat." "PLEASE STOP!" "Give me the bat." "STOP IT!" "Wendy, give me the bat."
Jack reached for the bat but Wendy brought the bat down on his wrist. "Ow! God da*n!" Wendy then brought the bat down onto his head making him lose balance and tumble down the stairs. She then dragged him to the storage room where she locked him in.
"Hey! Let me out of here! God da*nit! Open the god da*n door!" Jack shouted. Wendy told him she would take Danny and you to Sidewinder, Jack attempted to convince her to let him out by saying he needed a doctor.
She said she'd bring him back a doctor, that was when Jack informed her she wasn't going anywhere. He told her to check out the snowcat and radio, to which she discovered he had tampered with both to make them unusable.
Wendy went to go get you and Danny where the trio of you stayed until nightfall. That was when you and Wendy were awoken by Danny shouting 'redrum' over and over again. Wendy glanced up into the mirror and gasped at what it spelled.
That was when there was a banging sound on the door to the Torrance's apartment. You helped Wendy rush Danny into the bathroom where you tried to help him escape. Both you and Wendy were too big to fit through the window so the pair of you were left at Jack's mercy.
Jack knocked on the door. "Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in." He waited. "Not by the hair on your chinny chin chin?" Another pause. "Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house in!" With that he started to axe his way through the door.
Once it had a fairly large hole cut through it, Jack looked into the hole he had made. "Heeere's Johnny!" He said with a maniac grin. He reached in to unlock the door but Wendy had cut the back of his hand making him yelp in pain.
That was when there was an engine drawing ever closer. Jack looked at you "I'll be back for you soon my sweet ~" he purred. That was when he left to do who knows what.
You stayed with Wendy whilst she went to go look for Danny. That was when you saw the bloodied corpse of Mr. Hallorann. Written in blood on the wall was the phrase 'You'll always be mine Y/N'
You stared in horror at the phrase. What did Jack want you for?! What did you do to him?! You thought back to your childhood where you had been best friends with Jack.
That's when you realized when the two of you were kids you had been Jack's girlfriend, but it was just a cute little relationship that didn't mean anything. After all, the two of you were just little kids.
That's when you had a sickening rememberence... Jack had asked you if you would marry him when the two of you were old enough, you... Had said yes. So why did he marry Wendy? Was it so he could lure you into a false sense of security so he could carry out this grisly deed?!
"Y/N, we have to go. Danny has to be around here somewhere." You nodded. The two of you searched for Danny, only to find a room full of skeletal corpses. Then blood rushed out of the elevator, then the pair of you saw Delbert Grady.
Once the two of you got outside Danny rushed out of the maze and into his mother's arms. You helped Wendy and Danny into the snow vehicle that Mr. Hallorann had used, but at your own cost.
A hand grabbed your wrist "Gotcha ~" an all too familiar voice purred. "Y/N! Take my hand!" You reached for Wendy's hand but Jack had already started dragging you away. "GO! I'LL BE FINE! JUST GO!" Reluctantly, Wendy left you alone with the madman.
The way you saw it, at least Wendy and Danny would survive if you died. Jack picked you up bridal style and carried you to his bedroom. "Finally, I can have you for myself ~" he purred.
"Jack, w- what're you going to do to me...?" You asked nervously. He smirked at you "Nothing much kitten, just consummate our marriage ~" "What marriage?!"
Jack looked hurt. "You don't remember? When we were kids you said you would marry me when we grew up, we're both adults now ~" "Jack, no... Please... I..." "You, what?" You looked down embarrassed. "I haven't done this before..."
He grinned at you "Perfect ~ you were always MY pure little angel ~" he said as he started to take off his shirt. You tried to escape his grip making him growl. "You're not going anywhere." He said in your ear. That was when he started to undress you.
You tried to cover yourself but he only moved your arms. "No need to hide from me kitten ~" he purred as he started to grope you. "J- Jack, s- stop! P- please!" You pleaded. He wasn't showing signs of stopping, rather he only gave you more attention.
Jack kissed your neck whilst he took off his belt so he could use that to keep you from running away. He tied your wrists over your head using his belt so escape was no longer an option for you. He smirked against your neck as he quickly slipped off both yours and his pants.
"No! No please! Stop!" You pleaded. Once again, he wasn't showing signs of stopping. Instead he only finished undressing the pair of you. "It'll hurt for a little while kitten." He told you.
Jack rubbed his member against you before quickly thrusting in. You yelped in pain but he patiently waited for you to adjust to him. "Ready?" He asked gently. You nodded timidly, hopefully this would be over soon.
He nodded and started to thrust into you. You held in any sounds so he wouldn't get the satisfaction of his actions. After about twenty minutes he had gotten you to moan. So he continued his movements and got the same result each time.
Jack kissed you fervently to which you didn't return the kiss. You just tolerated what he was doing to you, no matter how much you didn't want it. Jack started to ram into you making you yelp but then let out a moan.
He kept ramming into you before you finally climaxed. He groaned "I- I'm close kitten ~" with a few more thrusts he finally climaxed. Filling you with his warm seed. He laid down next to you and wrapped his arms around you. "I love you Y/N." He said in your ear.
You stayed quiet. Jack smiled lovingly at you and slipped a ring on your finger "You'll always be mine Y/N." He said. He pecked your lips before finally falling asleep with you snuggled into his chest.
Hey guys! Hope you guys enjoyed this, this was the first lemon I've ever written so sorry about it being really bad! But I hope you guys enjoyed it nonetheless! I was listening to this when I wrote the lemon
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