Y/N's POV~
I awaken from my slumber. My head hurts and I can't remember a thing about yesterday. The last thing I remember was Foxy telling me that I should be asleep. Once my eyes get used to the lighting in the room, I notice I'm on a crimson colored bed with a few golden linings and golden designs on it. I look around the room and notice that there was a lot of pirate themed things in here. From swords, a flag with a Jolly roger, even a crimson pirate suit with a tailcoat. Reminds me a lot of Captain Hook from Peter Pan. Anyway, it doesn't take long to realize that this was Foxy's room, but where's Foxy? Wait. Why do I care? I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!!! I try to calmly get off the bed, but something's stops me from doing so. I turn around and meet a furry red chest. I look up and see Foxy's sleeping face. I back away and notice that he's half naked. Although, to be honest, he's kind of cute when he sleeps. WAIT! No, what am I thinking!? He kidnapped me. I try to get out of the bed, but I get grabbed and pulled into his chest. I blush intensely and try to get out, but he tightens his hold a bit. I can't believe he's doing this all in his sleep. I decide to give up for now.
Le timeskip and Foxy's POV~
I wake up from my sleep and see my cute little vixen sleeping soundly. I get up from my bed and put on a shirt. I unlock the door and ask Chica to come over. She comes over and I ask her to make some pancakes. She nods happily and runs off. While she does that, I get the room next to mine set up as this will be where my cute little Y/N and I eat. I decided that the room was a bit gloomy. Even though I feel nervous for the future, I remove some boards from the wall that covered a window to the outside land. I was worried about my vixen escaping, but my worries were gone when I realized that they wouldn't even be able to leave cause the window's too small. I go into my room and lay in bed watching my little boy/girl friend sleep. Even if they don't see me that way, they will eventually. He/She wakes up and notice me staring at them. I smile at him/her, but that makes them freak out and try to run to the door. However, I'm much quicker and block them from leaving. I knew the door was locked, but I'll pretend that it isn't just to toy with them. I pick them up bridal style and take them to the table I set up. I ask Chica how soon the pancakes will be and replies with "Here soon." I look at Y/N and notice the tears running down his/her face. I walk over to their side of the table with a chair and hug them close trying to comfort them. Chica soon comes in with the pancakes and made eggs and sausage for extra. I thank her while she hands me a bottle of syrup and leaves. I hand the plate to Y/N and they hesitate, but start to eat. It seems that the food makes them calm down a bit. His/Her cute face while he eats is so cute and tempting. I just want to tackle them in a hug and kiss them all over, but I know that would upset them again. I look around and block every possible escape for Y/N. I just want them to stay with me forever. AnD evEr. ANd Ev3r.
Y/N's POV~
I'm really scared what he's up to. Bringing me to a room with nothing but a window and a table with a purple vase with roses in it. I thought of every possible reason he brought me here. The worst thought was the thought of him torturing me to make me love him. I began to cry, worried about my future. I might just die here and now. For all I know, he might just kill me and keep my corpse. I feel arms wrap around me and notice Foxy hugging me. I knew he was trying to comfort me, but it doesn't help when your kidnapper is the one trying to comfort you. He leaves and comes back with a plate of pancakes, eggs, and sausage. After thanking Chica, he comes back with a bottle of syrup. I wanted to go back to bed, but there's no way I'm saying no to food. Especially Chica's. Her cooking is the best food I've ever had. I hesitate wondering if this food is poisoned or not, but Foxy smiles at me so I start to eat. If there's anything in the world that calms me down most, it's food. I keep eating looking at Foxy's sickening face and his devilish smile. If I wasn't so scared of him, I'd rip that smile of his face. For now, I'll just wait till it's the perfect to try and get out of here.
Sorry for not updating. I feel really lazy lately. Most of the time, I read on Wattpad, not write. Anyway, thank you for reading and see you next time.
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