Rumpelstiltskin Part 2
You were presented in front of the king. He wasn't alone. Next to him was a man who looked to be the younger version of him. The crown prince.
"So you really can turn straw into gold." The king said. You said nothing. You were playing a dangerous game. Were anyone to find out that you couldn't do it, your life would cease. You had hoped you would be allowed to go home but the king said something that worried you all the more. "Two weeks. If you can turn two rooms filled with straw into gold within two weeks, you are free to go and I will grant you one desire of your choice."
You were trembling. If you were able to produce two rooms filled with gold, you were free. But you couldn't. The man who helped you wanted things you had. Besides you didn't know if he was going to help you again.
"Well father. Perhaps a break is required." The prince said. "She must be tired. I will bring her to a room to sleep. After all she needs to be well rested for the task yes?" You turn to the prince but he only smiles at you. The king nods and soon you are following the prince.
"My name is Rupert." The prince says abruptly. You were quiet throughout and did want to interact with anyone because you were scared. He turns to you. "May I have your name?"
"An interesting name. Well you have quite the skill don't you. I really grateful to you. You are going to be the hero for our country." You realized you had a chance to avoid keeping the lie up.
"My prince. As much as my ...talent is a gift. It is also a curse. I never dare use it in front of others as they might force me to make such surplus wealth. If anything I resent it."
"I understand your view of this. But please. We need you to prevent our country from going into debt. For two more weeks and then I promise you, you will never have to turn straw into gold."
"Thank you. I understand." Rupert smiles at you and you return it. You can see how he cares for his people and you felt bad lying. After resting you were once again left in a room full of straw. This room was triple the size of the previous one. No wonder why the king gave you two weeks. You waited for the morning and the strange man showed up again.
"So you have to turn two giant rooms filled with straw into gold. Interesting indeed." He says appraising the gold.
"What do you want?"
"The ring." The ring your father gave you before you left. You see him wearing the necklace you gave him and your heart feels heavy.
"...Fine." you hand him the ring
"Good the ring will suffice as payment for one room. We will discuss the second one tomorrow."
"I don't have anything else though."
"Not yet. That prince of yours. Quite the eye catcher isn't he?" You shoot a confused look at him. "Beware dearie. It is the polite ones you need to watch out for. They are the ones who know what they can and can't get away with." After say that he begins working on turning the straw into gold.
Rupert was surprised to hear about the alleged gold maker was a young woman. He thought it would be an old lady or a maybe a witch. He found your character interesting. He knew you were hiding something but couldn't figure it out exactly. The way you carried yourself intrigued him. He wanted to know more about you. It was less than a day and yet he was developing and interest in you.
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