Little Mermaid Part 1
You were looking up at the surface. Being a person of the ocean, you always wondered what kind of life the people above lived. You have heard stories about them but you never saw them. Your sisters wouldn't let you. Marisol and Athene loved your dearly but were tad overprotective.
The feared they would try and murder you if you came into contact with them. You were a mermaid. Mermaids are immortal beings and are born when lightning strikes the ocean as it is believed the gods send you to protect the oceans. Marisol and Athene were born from the same lightning bolt and found you many years later. You loved your sisters but disagreed with them about the beings above.
You learned that they were known as humans and that they were not immortal beings unlike yourself. They needed to hunt and kill for survival, much like the sea creatures. You also didn't think they were all evil. Like mermaids, they had their mix of good and evil. Marisol and Athene hated humans for always taking more than they needed.
Marisol and Athene's way of handling such things were to sing the sailors to their deaths. They would lure them to jagged rocks causing them to crash. You never told them though because you knew that they had reasons of their own.
One night, you decide to go to the surface. Marisol and Athene were fast asleep so you saw this as a chance to see the world above. When you broke through the water, you were greeted by a sky twinkling with bright lights. You were amazed. It was so beautiful. You then hear laughing and singing. You turn to the voice and see a giant ship. You instinctively go under water but then go up once more. It was highly unlikely they were going to see you. As you swan closer, you saw the humans.
They looked much like yourself except they were wearing clothes to cover their skin and that they had legs instead of a tail. They were dancing and you smiled as you watched. Then you hear someone yell,
"FIRE!!" you didn't know what that was but the happy mood was gone. Instead everyone looked to be panicking. You then see a glow and then a burst of yellow, red and orange. Fire. Men are getting into smaller boats and you are about to dive under when the ship explodes. A man is flung off into the water. Your first instinct is to swim away but you felt guilty if you didn't help.
You swim to the man who was unconscious. You drag him to the surface. Once above you hear the men shouting for someone.
"Where is he? Where is Prince Atticus? Was he still on the wreckage?" You assume the man you are holding is Prince Atticus. You want to return him back but he is still unconscious. You wouldn't be able to bring him to the men without them spotting you. Maybe to land instead? You look for some wreckage big and strong enough to support his weight and place him on it. You began dragging it across the ocean to the land.
You arrive and soon it is dearly sunrise. You put the man on rocks near the shore and rest for a bit. He didn't wake up and you worried he died. You look at the man. Sandy brown hair and skin that has been tanned by the sun. He looked rather young but also rather handsome. You then notice his feet. You look at your tail. Humans could swim but mermaids couldn't walk. You were envious of that. You look at the shore and see a port city. You wanted to go there. You look at the man and he begins to stir. When you see that he is waking up, you try to make a hasty exit but he catches your arm weakly.
"Did you save me?" he asks with a ragged tone. You smile at the man.
"I did." you reply.
"May I have your name then? To be able to reward you." the man still looked to be in a daze.
"My name is-" you then hear voices. The men on the ship alongside this man are near. You turn to the man. "My name is something you will never know." you break free from his grip and swim away. The man wants to go after you but his body won't allow him. The people on the life boats find and bring him back to the castle. When asked about how he got there he always replies saying,
"A young woman saved me."
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