Allerleirauh Part 2
You thank him graciously for giving you a place to stay. You learned a little cooking since you couldn't partake in court affairs, so you thought you would be decent in helping. You then realized something. You didn't know the man's name.
"Forgive me, but I have been traveling for days and I haven't been around much people. Forgive me, for I don't know your name." The man laughs before smiling.
"Lars Wagner." You heard of him. He had become king very recently. You didn't know much about him since you were dealing with more pressing matters.
"Forgive me your Highness. I have been nothing more than rude to you." you bow your head.
"No. No. You are fine. If you still believe you have done wrong though, you can tell me your name." Your name. Before you had left, the adviser had told you about the rumors circulating about your father. People apparently believe you are in such relations with your father. Though not true, rumors are very dangerous. He told you to take on a new name for your own safety.
"My name is... Allerleirauh." you answer quietly. He looks at you strangely but doesn't push it. You are soon brought to his castle and to the kitchen area. You are brought to the head chef and she tells you what to do.
"Put your stuff away in the hall and start helping me with cutting the celery. The king is hosting a a party for three days and we need to make enough food." You nod and walk away to put your stuff away, unaware you fur mantle's pocket finally ripped, allowing the three walnut shells, holding your mother's jewelry to fall out. The chef had noticed the walnut shells and starts mumbling.
"Whoever is careless enough to leave walnuts on the ground ought to be flogged. You all know our king likes walnut soup." she says picking up the walnut shells and putting them with the others, unaware of the contents inside.
You didn't realize they were missing until later that night. You wanted to go find them but didn't know which of the shells were yours. Was it even in the soup? Tomorrow you would go look for them. The next day you began inspecting the walnuts to put in the soup when you find your possessions. You were about to pocket it when the head chef comes in and you accidentally drop it in.
"What are you doing?" she lectures you. "I told you to cut the celery. No one touches the soup or walnuts but me." You were going to protest, but it was too late. The likely hood of getting your ring or the other pieces of jewelry back was slim.
Later that night, you were dismissed for work since all the tasks you could do was completed. You were wandering around the corridors when you saw the party. You always wanted to join parties like these. They always seemed fun and you used to find yourself day dreaming about them. You then remember the dresses you had to bring along.
Maybe, for the next three nights, you could dress up and be the princess you truly were. So you hurry to go get one of the dresses and prepare yourself for the party.
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