Sunday, Day 14
Gods just go out already! Fuck! Goodness me! This is nearly as aggravating as the other suitors vying for Ayano! Oh, speaking of her! Isn't it late? Shouldn't my precious girl be going home?
As much as I would love for her to stay, we shouldn't push boundaries so soon. Oh! But to imagine, her curling up next me! Ah what a dream that would be!
It seems she has passed out already, perhaps her day of fun has tuckered her all out of energy. My she looks so precious right now! What wondrous dreams she must be having to have that adorable smile! She must have been exhausted.
Why, I dont even feel tired! Odd, normally my medication would be kicking in. Insomnia is quite the demon... Perhaps the staff didn't give me a high enough dosage, I told that foolish doctor that I was growing immune to it!
I pulled out my cell, ready to prove to that old coot that I was correct. But instead I was suprised at how late it was. Or much rather, how early...
Two A.M....
Its bloody two in the morning... We've been watching television since seven... Yesterday... Even if my medication was lower than normal I'd still be slightly woozy. But if this is the case, then that means..!
Oh dear gods I just drugged Ayano!
She is going to kill me! Oh my goodness I'm a horrible, despicable human being! How will I explain to anyone what has happened!? If her parents find out-! Oh the reign of Kizano has come to a halt!
I'm doomed!
I-! I must wake my sleeping beauty! Yes! Tell her we both must've fallen asleep throughout the night! Perfect! None will be the wiser!
Well, except my family's personal driver. And guards... And staff...
My parents are going to end me first...
Oh cruel fate why must you forsake me...
Quit lollygaging Kizano! You have to do something!
"N...nnh..." She squirmed, curling tighter into a fetal position. Darling was no longer smiling... Oh my Juliet... Why must these nightmares plague you so? "S... Senpai..." She whimpered, her normally stoic expression was gone. In its place was a clenched face of worry... "no..."
Is she...dreaming about me? Probably a fikle fable, but I can only hope. I... I have to wake her... I'm sorry my dear, I'll deal with the consequences later. I promise. "Ayano?" I placed a hand on her shoulder, gently rubbing it. My attempts to coax her awake were futile, she whimpered in response...
I got up from my spot on the couch to kneel in front of her, she looks so small... So helpless... So...alone... "help..." So she's the one in trouble, I won't let your demons haunt you no longer.
"I'm here, wake up darling..." I grabbed her hand, curling my fingers with hers. The bandages roughly sliding against my skin. "You're safe, open your eyes." She did, they were clouded. As if she was not fully conscious, most likely an affect of my medication.
"S-senpai..?" She whispered, her hand slid out of mine. I would have been disappointed, if it were not the fact that she slipped off the couch into my lap. Clinging to me desperately in a hug.
In the moment, I was speechless. My mind shut off feeling her hug me. My heart stopped and my hands froze at my sides. She was...hugging me. Unprompted by myself, this was all her... Its warm... So beautifully warm...
"Don't go..! Please!" She pleaded, her voice wavering. "Please don't leave me alone..!" I could feel my heart clench feeling her tears on my shoulder...
I could finally move. I held her close, "I'm not going anywhere Ayano-chan... You're safe." She kept clutching onto me, burying her face further against my neck.
This was it.
No acting. No fantasy. No dream.
This was real... She...she actually needed me. Wanted me. Was relying on me.
For the first time, in such a long time, I didn't fear feeling worthless and pathetic. I wasn't scared of what she thought, of what anyone thought. All I felt...was warmth.
Its addicting... Better than any medication to curb those crippling worries. I could just hold her forever. Just to bask in this blissfully sweet heat. If only her tears were gone... The moment would be perfect.
One hand was in her hair, my other rubbing slow circles on her back. Slowly yet surely her muffled cries ceased and her actions once again became sluggish. "Better darling?" She nodded, snuggling closer against me. "Its quite late, we were out for a while. Do you wish to return home?"
"No..." She mumbled, seems she still isn't fully herself. That note saddens me, she might just be imagining that I am someone else... No matter, I'll still be here for her.
"Are you sure?" I asked, I don't want her to leave but surely it would be for the best. I was a horrible host in the end... Nonetheless, she nodded while tightening her grip.
"I don't want to be alone anymore..." I could feel my heart clench. Anymore? Surely she jests. Her, albeit annoying, friend follows her constantly like a street dog begging for scraps. My rubbish competition seems to be with her at every turn. Quite frankly, I'm suprised she hasn't got a restraining order on the lot of us for invading her modest home.
Yet...she feels lonely? "Alright darling, but if you have any second thoughts you must inform me." She nodded again, I could feel her lips turn up into a smile against the nape of my neck. Be still my erratic heart! "Let's get you to bed my sleeping beauty."
I expected her to agree, I did not however foresee her getting back up and flopping back onto the couch. Darling... Why?
I bit back my laughter, saying, "No, no, that's my spot darling. You get the bed." I also didn't expect her to resist me while in such an influenced state...
"No, Senpai! That's your bed, not mine... I'll sleep here, its comfy." Compared to your cheap mattress, I agree darling. I could feel my smile keep growing and growing, this was too precious.
"Come now darling, allow me to try to be a decent host." I scooped her up gently, rubbing my nose against hers. It caused an absolutely adorable pink blush to paint her cheeks. "Let your knight in shining armor rescue you from the clutches of the couch." As well as your loneliness...
Goodness she feels even lighter than before... Has she been eating decently? Surely those bakers kept her adequately fed? That thought would have to wait. She smiled, a small one, but stunning nonetheless, "Thank you..." If I was warm before, I'm burning now as she lay a delicate peck to my cheek. Before letting her head rest against my chest.
Oh my gods, help.
I'm going to die tonight.
Too precious...
I have to set her down before I do anything I'm going to regret..!
To be frank, I dont remember tucking her in. Or getting my medication from the kitchen, nor actually taking the cursed tablets. Or even grabbing a blanket from my stockpile. All I remember is staring into the darkness of my room trying desperately to calm my erratic heart.
Why do I feel like theres water in my head? Gosh, I just want to stay here in the comfort of my bed till this feeling blows over. What on earth happened last night?
I remember sitting on the couch at Kizano's mansion, and then...nothing? I can't even remember what I dreamt about last night. My entire body feels like it's full of rocks.
Did Kizano do something to me? Did he instruct the kitchen staff to slip something in my food..? No, probably not. He's eccentric not sadistic. I hope.
I better get ready for the day... Daily ritual at the shrine. Yoga with Aso. Amao wants to show me the bakery. Also I must get Senpai a new book. I feel so bad for him... My poor dear must have been devastated when the oujidere knocked it into the fountain... Its been so long since I've seen him...
Gosh I miss him...
I must get through the torture first. Gods why do I feel so awful? I propped myself up and began to shift myself left to get out of the comforters sweet, warm embrace. But the edge of the bed seems to have disappeared...
Along with my confusion came the scary realization, this isn't my bed. This isn't my home. I'm still at the drama king's house... Yet, he seems to be missing. I'm still clothed, so thankfully he wasn't dumb enough to try anything.
But where is he?
The left side is cold, no body heat present... Indicating he either didn't sleep here or he had left a while ago. Both options being good news as well as bad.
Bad because I'm still in his bed and good that he isn't present. In any case, I need to leave. Now.
I turned over and slid off the right edge, careful to move quietly. If he did drug me with malicious intent... Then I could be in danger, theres too many people here and I can't control this supernatural rage strength... Yet.
The room was dark, either because I have once again awoken earlier than normal or this is just a really dark room. I snuck over to the couch to retrieve my phone and wallet, I froze seeing the oujidere sprawled out on the couch. Seems like he played the smart card. Thank gods.
After retrieving my items I began sneaking to the door. I hope I can find my way out of this maze... Barely making a sound I had managed to get out of his room into the dimly lit hallway. Judging by the rising sun, I'd says it's near six a.m..
Good. That's leaves plenty of time to cater to my annoying rivals needs and take care of ensuring my loves happiness. But how do I get out? Maybe I could jump out a window? Judging by those black devices I probaby shouldn't, probably a alarm system. For all I know this whole place is most likely rigged. I need to get out, I don't want to be caught escaping.
Relying on pure memory alone I managed to get to the doorway, took a good half hour, but I found it. Doesn't look like theres any security systems, might as well leave. The next challenge is the fence. I can climb over, but that leaves the risk of being impaled by the sharp, ornate spikes.
Heck, what's one more injury. I already look like a walking corpse. "Need a ride?" I jumped, spinning around quickly to face whomever had caught me. It was the driver. "I'm glad to see you're alright, did you injest his medication too?" This is a reoccurring problem?
"I... Guess so. I'll gladly accept a ride." He gave me a pathetic grin, as if he was unsure how to properly apologize for the rich brats accident.
"Sure, I'll be right back." As he briskly walked away I pulled out my phone. I was lucky to have any battery life left at all... I was unlucky to find out that Osorō was quite upset with me. Either I'm going to face his wrath or Kizano is. Dear gods let him attempt to attack Kizano and get caught. That'll eliminate two rivals.
Which makes the world, oh so much, better for me. Other than him there was nothing new. No hell raising from the depths to burn the world yet. No cataclysmic elder gods rising from the sea. Nor any dragons corrupting the weather. Bummer.
Soon enough the driver pulled around allowing me to jump into the passenger seat. "So where to?" He asked, pulling up a gps on his phone.
"Do you think you could take me to the shrine?" He nodded, a half smile on his lips.
"Weekend routine?"
"Something like that." From there it was blissfully silent, just the rumble of the engine and the occasional tapping of his shoes on the pedals. Perfect time for my mind to analyze what the hell just happened.
I was accidentally drugged on Kizano's meds, is he sick? Can he not sleep properly? Why did it knock me out so quickly? Did...I do anything embarrassing again? I sure hope not.
I thought that was just a Wednesday thing... However, if I remember correctly, I did trip into Amao's arms last weekend. So maybe there isn't really a rhyme or reason to my little goof ups.
Guess I'll just have to hide away in my room for the rest of my existence. Then again, all these people just seem to come and go as they please without my consent. I'll have to call mom and see if we can switch the locks out. Guess I better hide the spare somewhere else as well. Maybe I could ask Kizano about the security system his folks use for his home.
No one is going to be coming into my house unless I say so. I'm done having my home be the hang out spot for the Screw Ayanos Personal Life club. Hell, I'm not going to even give a key to Osano. If he wants in, it better be because we're gaming or getting ready to go to school.
Let's see... I better make a mental list...
The door... New lock is a must. Maybe add a deadbolt and one of those chain locks? Enough to be reasonable, but definitely not too much to be suspicious. Maybe even a doorbell cam, that way if this continues to get out of hand I will have proof of these jerks breaking and entering.
The key. Maybe I shouldn't leave a spare out at all. Amao knows now, if he isn't careful and the wrong type of person sees him... I would be screwed. Yet again, if my parents return they wouldn't have a way in. Theres no way I'm mailing them a set, way too risky.
Windows. If I can figure out what system Kizano was using then I can rig them with alarms. Its gonna be pretty costly. Hopefully the snake will continue asking for me and keep being a high tipper. At the same time, do I really want him to come in?
Worse yet, he is going to be a possible substitute for the school. I hope that my classes teacher never leaves under any circumstance. I get this strange...feeling around him. If I'm a psychotic person then what does that make him?
I think I finally know how Senpai would feel if he truly noticed me... Good thing he doesn't, because this is awful. Once he's mine I can drop these awful tendencies of mine, that way he won't feel like this.
I guess this just helps me better understand to watch out for Senpai's mental state... I need to get him that book. I think theres an old book store in town, I'll start there after I cater to my rivals.
Stupid male rivals...
Its technically their fault that I'm getting hurt so much. Despite her being gone from this apparent plane of existence, I believe lime streak was jealous of Osorō's feelings for me. So me nearly drowning is his fault. One of the blonde bullies must like Amao, since that's apparently my new guess who beat me up since two thirds of the rainbow hair club is gone.
What's next? A girl who likes Kizano tries crushing me with a stage light? No thanks. Theres no reason for any person to be jealous of me for these incels. Unless its Taro, then they can be jealous all they want. They can't have him.
"Um...miss?" Huh? "We're here, are you okay?" Wait, how long have we been driving? That felt fast, maybe Kizano's home is closer to the shrine than I thought...
"My apologies, I was daydreaming. Thank you for the ride, sir." He nodded slowly, as if not believing me. Did I look troubled?
"No problem, have a nice day." He said as I got out of the black car.
"You too." I tried to grin as I closed the door, however it felt more forced than usual. Probably won't convince him that I'm fine. Oh well.
He drove away as I climbed the stairs, I dropped the fake smile letting out a much needed sigh. Now all I need is some time to calm my mind so I can get back on track. As I reached the top though...
My mind was ablaze with a slight anger. Look like a Saikou wants to ruin my day, he's kneeling in my spot. And it doesn't look like he plans on moving. Great.
Looks like he also decided to dress down. Well...dress down by fancy, rich kid standards. He was actually kneeling this time. Guess it's the cheapest pair of black pants he owns.
"You know," Oh. He noticed me. "It's quite disturbing when you're staring at my back."
Well its disturbing that you're here again. Where your psycho sister, Saikou? "My apologies, Saikou-Senpai." I knelt down at the shrine, quite a distance away from him. "Wasn't expecting you to return here is all." I think my neck nearly snapped hearing a chuckle from him.
"Well, if I am being honest, I quite enjoy the tranquility here." Whats the matter? Mansion not big enough for you? Gotta invade my peace of mind instead of moving to the other side of your estate?
"I can agree with that Senpai." Or at least, I used to. Damn rich brat...
In the corner of my vision I could see a faint grin, he did seem a lot more relaxed than his last visit. Perhaps I've been too harsh on him. I don't exactly know how his home life is like. At the same time I don't care to. He still has a much more luxurious life than most people here do.
Even if the principal is trying to make the school more inviting, there is the problem of rich brats of taking up the presence of the school. One of many reason why turnout is so low.
He can have everything, granted he's still second to his sister. Must suck, knowing that your own father sees your sister as a more valuable child and leaving the younger to the possible threat of an Aishi. Perhaps if he stops forcing me to do his physical labor, I'd care a tiny bit more.
Theres no way, that Megamo Saikou, would like the spawn of his father's teenage crush. Its absurd. Possibly in his family's vision, forbidden. Which is great for me, surely he will realize that and leave me the hell alone.
"Aishi?" Would be great if he'd start doing that right now...
"Hm?" I opened my eyes and turned to look at him. Is it bad that it's more unsettling when he's relaxed? Rather than being a annoying prick?
"W-" Thankfully the gods shined their smile on me again, as his phone began to ring. Easing me even more was his normal visage of annoyance. "My apologies." He got up and walked away pulling his phone out of his pocket to answer. "Yes, sister?"
Thank you, Megami. Thank you.
That...might be the only time I ever say that...
"You're joking..." He rubbed a gloved hand over his face before pinching the bridge of his nose. "He didn't inform us of this yesterday, because...?" Whatever she responded with seemed to piss him off more. "Can you not deal with that yourself?" Slowly as his silence grew a slight blush spread, "What on earth are you saying you moron? Of course not!" Another silence. "Quit fabricating stories, I'm not coming back for such a stupid reason. You're his favorite! Deal with it yourself! You're supposed to be the face of this company, so how about you act like it!"
And with that, he ended the call. His blush was still present. Is he angry? "Saikou-Senpai? Is everything okay?" He lightly gasped before clearing his throat. Bringing a fist up to do so, no doubt as to also hide his face.
"My... Aplogises that you had to witness that Miss Aishi." Way to dodge the question...
Idiot. "Senpai, are you okay." He looked at me in the corner of his eye. He looked like he wanted to confide in what had been spoken. But of course this is Mr. Perfect we are talking about.
He'd sooner hold a gun to his head then he would speak openly. "I'm quite alright, just petty family drama. Again, I'm sorry you had to bear witness." He walked over kneeling down once more.
Even if I hate this man's guts, even if his family has a sworn hatred towards my family... He's quite possibly my only safeguard against his sister. Shes the real issue. If at any point she figures out that I have found Senpai, then I'm as good as a empty barrel. If I have to be his...friend... Then so be it.
"Its alright Senpai, I understand." I grinned, hoping he'd be calmed after his demon twin calling. "You don't have to apologize.
It seemed to work, "But I must, my family treats you as-" It appears I have caught him completely off guard. He slapped a hand over his mouth.
"An emotionless monster, with no sense of morals or justice?" His eyes widened. "You're safe Senpai. I haven't found the one. Highly doubt I will."
He uncovered his mouth, it opened and closed. He was unsure what to say and possibly suprised I even knew why his family's fear of me. "Are... You're confirming that the Aishi line is..." He paled his hand twitching towards his beltline.
He has a weapon... "A bunch of killers? No. Sociopaths? Possibly." He didn't calm down, if anything he seemed more on edge. "Amazing what a bit of acting can do, even I'm starting to believe my fake emotions are real." I dropped my grin, giving him my normal dead stare. "Don't you agree?"
He didn't move an inch, he was frozen in place. His eyes narrowed as he kept his stare on me. He was waiting for me to do something. Anything.
"At points I think my family's fable is false. Maybe whatever genetic code that causes our mental instability is breaking down now after so many generations. Fine by me, means I can make my own destiny. Discover emotions slowly." I stood up slowly, trying not to trigger him to pull out whatever he's hiding. "And maybe..." I gave him the realest smile I could. "Find someone that I actually like."
That seemed to calm him a bit. "You... You are being serious?"
"I am." I turned around and began to walk away. I better get home so I can get changed before Aso comes over. "So maybe you could do me a favor, and tell your sister to get rid of the assassin." I didn't look back, no need to really. "Have a good day, Senpai."
With that, I had hopefully planted the seeds of doubt. I'm happy I could think of that on the spot. Besides who else would that stranger be if not someone to force themselves between me and my true Senpai.
Looks like the little yandere in me is getting smarter. Now I need to be harder. Better. Faster. Stronger. Be the powerful and deadly person I can be. By any means possible. If anything I could join the martial arts club soon and ask the big, blonde, softie to be better at fighting.
Besides, by tomorrow I'll have another ace up my sleeve. If Megami does come back, I'm going to need the most powerful organ and human trafficking gang there is in town. Hopefully, whatever favor the delinquents requires of me is easy.
I'll finally have something more powerful in my hand than a knife. I better get a silencer as well. No doubt this will require me to do more favors for the Yakuza. But at this point I'm willing to do whatever it takes. Social media has been a great outlet for my own information gathering.
When the blondes return, I'm going to need to be ready. Both are going to be the hardest challenges yet. Besides Megami. But with luck my little act earlier should help tone things down a bit.
That doesn't mean I can't be ready for the others. Oka and Kizana are weaker, but Kizana has influence all over the school. If I'm being honest I don't think Oka will be hard to get rid of...
Oh, I'm home. Good. Now I can get out of yesterday's clothes. A shower sounds nice. Toast too. Glorious crunchy, warm bread.
I better do this quickly though... Who knows when Aso will get here. After quickly prepping, and even getting a few chores done, I was met with a brisk, knock at me door. He's here.
Time to start being better for Senpai.
I opened the door, greeting the sight of Aso as well as... Hanakō!? "Morning Ayano, hope you don't mind but I brought a friend."
"Its nice to see you again, Senpai!" Senpai's brother's eyes were big, and sparkly. "I brought you an apology gift for last weekend! I'm really sorry for running into you..." He bowed holding out a box of strawberry pocky.
I have to accept this, especially from my future brother-in-law. "Its quite alright Yamada-kun. It was my fault as well. But...thank you. I appreciate the gesture." I took the box from his hands carefully, I really dont want to mess up around him. I have to be accepted to the family.
No matter what.
"You two can come in while I put this in my room." I said as I walked further into my home.
"Thanks Senpai!" Gosh thats weird sounding... Now I feel aware of how I address Taro... This is awkward.
I nodded back to them, finally taking a quick sigh as I got to the safety of my room. Things just cranked up from zero to a hundred real quick... How on earth am I going to convince Taro's brother to accept me?
Looking down at the pokey, I hit a small realization. Perhaps he already does. If I can befriend him then surely it will be easier to worm into the family. I will be a Yamada soon.
I dropped the box onto the bed, it's time to make the rest of this day my bitch. No more screw ups on my part. No more pussyfooting around. I have to stop letting my limits define how hard I can go.
I am going to be the best version of myself. No more excuses. No more fears of losing Senpai to weak little bitches. Enough of my rivals taking advantage of my weakness. Male and female.
Unfortunately, my anime antagonist internal monologue was ruined when I finally learned what yoga was. My body feels like a stretched rubberband... We were roughly an hour into doing the strange stretches at the park. Who decided this was a good idea? No wonder some torture devices stretch the body.
"You okay Ayano?" Aso asked, sitting in front of me and Hanakō. A grin vaguely present, as he was contorted like pretzel.
"Am I doing this right?" I inquired, trying to stretch my legs into the same pose as the males. I feel as though I should have the advantage here... They look like their gentiles are being crushed. Doesn't that hurt boys?
Aso chuckled at my pain, "No, but you're close!" Sadist... "Don't worry about it! It takes awhile to stretch your muscles enough to be this flexible. It just takes practice and time. Don't push yourself too hard, okay?" This was supposed to be easier, I thought you said this would be better given my scabbed up cuts.
Damn liar. "But if I don't push myself then how am I going to be better?" I tried pushing my arms and legs more. I gotta push my limits... I am not going to be hurt anymore.
Aso stopped, he looked genuinely concerned. To hell with his concern, to hell with everyone. "Pushing yourself is good, but only enough so you don't hurt yourself more..." How the hell am I going to injure myself while stretching?
"Y-yeah Senpai! You could pull something..." Senpai's brother stopped as well, I guess I better listen to him... I need to be his friend... I dropped my aching limbs and collapsed into the grass.
I stared down at the turf, I could feel my blood begin to boil. Who was I angry at? Aso? Perhaps, but more so that he's a rival vying for my attention and getting in my way. Right now he's just ensuring that I dont hurt myself.
Hanakō? No, he's doing the same as Aso. Besides he's going to be my non-blood relative sooner or later. Definitely and hopefully sooner.
Then who? Am I mad at myself? That... That's probably it, all these years I've been yearning for Senpai. Doing nothing beneficial for myself for the day I finally meet him. I can't act normal. I'm not strong enough to face off against people without rage induced adrenaline. I'm not fast enough to get away from people.
I'm literally the worst yandere in the history of my family's bloodstained legacy. My ancestors are probably shunning me now because I can't stretch myself into a stupid pretzel. I should have been doing more to prepare myself prior to meeting Senpai...
"Ayano? Are you...okay?" Aso asked, placing a hand gently on my shoulder.
"I'm fine, Aso-Senpai. Just sore." I looked up at him, relaxing my facial features enough so it would be less obvious that I loathed myself.
"You sure? Because it looks like you want to tear the park apart." I believe he is using sarcasm. "What's wrong? Also, don't say nothing. Because it is blatantly obvious that there is." Stupid emotions.
Better think of yet another perfectly thought out excuse for my goddamn rivals... "I just though this would be easier Senpai, I really want to be stronger. Better."
He dropped his hand from my shoulder, and adjusted his position in front of me so he was sitting cross-legged in front of me. Hanakō joined. "I can understand that. But the real question is why?"
I clenched my fists in my lap, hoping it would release some of my anger. "I don't know Senpai, maybe so I can fend for myself?" I deadpanned, tilting my head to the side. "I don't want to have to rely on anyone to help me anymore. I'm already in enough debt to you and the others."
He smiled softly, "Ayano, it's okay to rely on people." Did you literally just ignore the fact that I said that I don't want to rely on you idiots... Stupid, smiley bastard. "You're our friend Ayano, friends help each other. We're not going to hold you against all the times you've had to trust us to take care of you. Well... Kizano might... But that's besides the point."
"Senpai, I appreciate you...and everyone else, for helping me. But I don't like the fact, that everytime I get into a sticky situation, that I have to be saved like some pathetic fairy tale princess." I stood up and took a shaky breath. "I appreciate you all being my friend, but I need to do things for myself. I don't like being some weak, feeble, puny girl."
Aso's dumb grin didn't leave his face as he stood up as well. "Ayano, you literally flipped Osorō over your shoulder. I don't think some puny girl could do that." I looked away from him, if only he knew that was just adrenaline fueled by bloodlust rather than strength.
Hanakō let out, what could only be described as, a squeak of shock. "She did what!?" He jumped to his feet and stood, uncomfortably, close to me. "You're amazing Senpai!" This is way too awkward, please respect my space... "Can you teach me?" He folded his hands together holding them close to his chest while intently staring up at me.
"U-um... I'd love to Yamada-kun, but I don't know how I did it. You should probably ask Aso-Senpai how to do that." Of course however, that just inflated the jocks ego.
"Damn straight! Anytime you want Hanakō, I can show you." He was also way to close... He stood beside my left side while putting a hand firmly on my right shoulder.
Hanakō didn't look convinced. "Yeah... But he isn't as brave as you Aishi-Senpai!" Aso froze in place beside me. "He could never beat that bully like you did!"
Vaguely I could hear under Aso's breath, "Harsh much?"
"What happened? Was he the one who beat you up?" I feel like I should be annoyed by his questions, but I need to stay calm. He is going to be family.
"No, this was from a different incident. I was angry at one if my friends so I hid the entire night at the beach. Everybody got worried and started searching for me, but my phone was dead so I couldn't tell them that I was fine." He genuinely seems interested, that's slightly new. "When I went home I wasn't expecting everyone to be at my house. So that made me even angrier. I was tired and weakened, honestly I just wanted to take a bath and go to bed. But everyone was, reasonably," Not really. "Concerned and wanted me to answer all their questions."
"Wait! Osorō is your friend?" Hanakō asked, a look of awe present. His eyes looking like there were stars somehow caught in them.
"I honestly have no idea what our relationship is..." Ain't that the truth... "But I'm still new at this whole multiple friends thing, so maybe?" He still looked impressed.
"What did he do to make you beat his butt?"
"He decided the best idea to stop me from walking away was to grab me." I made sure to pointedly glare at Aso. "I really don't like it when people touch me for longer than necessary." Aso sheepishly let go of me uttering apologies. "So with my last bit of energy I flipped him onto his back."
"Wow!" Hanakō still looked amazed, "You're really cool Senpai!" Cool..? Me? I was angry and instead of reasonably asking him to let me go I assaulted him. That doesn't seem very cool to me... "I can't wait to transfer to Akademi now! Especially now that I know theres cool people like you!"
"I'm still here you know..." Aso grumbled. Hanakō ignored him.
"You're transferring to Akademi?" Why wasn't he already there? Are all three of the siblings separated? Do they argue? Or is there a different reason.
"Yup! Me and my twin! We finally were able to convince our parents to let us all go to the same school!" Good for them?
"I'm glad." I said doing my best to smile down at him. Aso was pouting like a baby in the background. "You okay, Senpai?"
"I'm cool..." He mumbled, he sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than anything.
This is quite amusing, I failed at refraining from giggling at his misery. "Yes Senpai, so cool."
His face started to turn red, most likely in embarrassment. "Don't laugh this is serious..."
"Sure thing, come on Mr. Cool it's almost noon. Shall we wrap up?" He sighed dejectedly, trudging over nodding.
"I guess..." On the way home, I attempted small talk with Senpai's brother. Was actually a lot easier than I anticipated, mostly because Hanakō did all the talking. I didn't find out much about Taro, but that was okay for now.
Halfway there he broke off from the group, waving goodbye. "Nice kid." I said to Aso.
He shrugged, "I guess, definitely better than his brother." Oh no you did not. "He's always been kinda lonely, so I decided I'd start hanging out with him sometimes." Refrain from snapping his neck Ayano. Taro is perfect and you know it.
"Senpai?" Don't kill him. Don't kill him. Do not kill him.
"Why does no one seem to like Yamada Taro?" Aso's eyes narrowed, seems like most of the males response to him... I don't like that.
"Theres... A lot of reasons. More of the guys know them then the gals. Mostly because he tells them to keep their mouths shut." What... What is he talking about? "Problem is, none of us can get concrete evidence to prove to the teachers or other staff."
Can you tell me the reasons and quit doing the hokey-pokey around the question? "Evidence of what?"
His stone cold expression lightened a bit, he looked nervous. "That's the thing, I dont want you to worry. The more you know the more likely he might target you... I... I don't want you to get hurt."
He started to mess with his hands behind his back. Senpai surely isn't doing anything that bad, the males at the school are probably just jealous because he is more attractive than the rest. It isn't Senpai's fault girls like him more. "That's why we're training Aso-Senpai!" I exclaimed, trying to sound enthusiastic. "I can handle it!" My smile was met with a look that I could only read as him mentally saying, 'Really?'
"I guess it won't hurt to tell you some of the smaller things..." He sighed, putting his hands behind his head. "For starters, you know that book that he's always carrying around?" He snickered suddenly, "Well, used to carry around."
Don't you dare! That was a murder scene and you know it! "The one he reads on breaks in the courtyard?"
"That's the one, well... He never actually reads it." Huh? "Its more of a cover-up of what he's actually doing. He uses it as a cover to conceal the porn magazines and doujins he's looking at." He...what? I mean that's not too bad, I read doujins every now and then. What's the harm in that?
"Awfully brave to do it in the courtyard." I mean that, I wish I had the courage of not getting caught like my Senpai.
Aso chuckled dryly, "More like moronic... That's the least disgustang thing he does..." Wait, does that make me disgustang for reading them as well? Perfect, I found Aso's turn off. "You know the urban legend Info-kun?"
A little too well... "I've heard rumors, you're not saying it's actually true are you?" Because I'm one of his suppliers and buyers. Jeez, I'm in a strange MLM scheme now... Aren't I?
"I am... Don't get the wrong idea! I'm not buying anything off of him! But... He is. Actually, he's one of the highest bidders on that underground site." Maybe it's cheaper than the magazines and doujins? I mean we all have our personal needs. Soon Senpai won't need any of those though.
"How do you know?"
His cheeks started to get red, "U-uh... Well, you see... Me and some of the guys were trying to get proof so... We kinda, sorta made a fake account and pooled all of our money together so we could find out if he's actually bidding on... Well, y'know..." Yup, I know... Way too well. "And sure enough, there he was! Top bidder on almost every stolen undergarment! He used his same username as his social media accounts!"
Undergarments? How on earth is Info-kun stealing those? I thought he was a neet... "So... Why didn't you take screenshots and show the teachers?" Not that I'm complaining, I'd rather no one ruin my Taro's precious reputation.
"Heh... We, uh... Kinda chickened out... We didn't want to get in trouble as well for being on that site..." He dropped his left arm and scratched the back of his head with his right.
"I understand, better safe than sorry." I swear if you try to expose him for having a fetish, that I shall soon replace, I will sell your severed head to the Yakuza. "What else? I mean, those are red flags. But it just seems like he's just a closet pervert more than anything."
"Thats... Where I'm going to have to stop... Its nothing personal!" He raised his hands up to me, as if to stop any backlash I might whip out. "But until the guys at the school can expose what he's doing... I... I just don't want you to be targeted... Okay?" I sighed and nodded, doesn't seem like any prodding I'm going to do is going to make him spill. "Good."
His muscles relaxed a bit, what else is my Senpai doing that's so making all the others so huffy? I'm going to have to do some more digging. Looks like I'm almost home as well, time for another shower and clothing change. Gotta go say hi to the baking-maniacs...
After saying goodbye to Aso and thanking him for the training session, I had hurriedly washed and changed. Packing some extra change so I could replace Senpai's book. Theres a bookstore on the way there, so I figured once I was done I could grab it on the way back. Sure, now that I know the true nature of the book it seems kinda wrong. But hopefully he'll still find the gesture sweet.
Fortunately for me, when I arrived at the bakery. The two seemed utterly swamped with orders. Seems like people really like their sweets. I mean, I can't blame them. They are really good.
Amao was rushing about the small kitchen, multi-tasking different batches of pastries all at once. "I'm so sorry... I really, really wanted to show you everything. But we got this insane order last minute! Apparently the Saikou's are throwing a business party, this is a really good connection for us! But I feel bad because I wanted to hang out!"
Well, that explains Megami's call earlier. "Its okay Senpai, do you want to take a rain check on the grand tour?"
He looks distressed, "Yes... I'm really sorry, Aya-chan..."
"Its okay, I understand. I wish you both luck!" I tried to be enthusiastic again, giving him a thumbs up. It felt too fake... He seemed happy by the gesture regardless.
Well, onto the bookstore.
The place was older, it felt cozy. The smell of old parchment mixed with cheap lavender incense added to the quiet atmosphere. It was deterred slightly by the elderly man's smoking pipe, but even then it just seemed like a natural addition. There wasn't that many rows of shelves, even so they were packed full of older looking books. There were even some piles ontop of the cases and in the corners of the shop.
I like it. Maybe if I was willing to branch off manga I'd come here more often. Curl up into the old leather chairs by the window and just let the minutes drift away. But, Senpai is my first priority. Well... I better start digging.
It didn't even take me a minute to shift my priorities as I turned into one of the rows. The sound of a body slamming itself into the wall at the end of the row drew my attention away from the old tomes.
Pressing himself into the wall, presumably trying to hide himself in the shadows with his dark clothing was the school recluse. Oko's eyes were as wide as sausers as he stared at me in fear. His chest didn't move as he most likely held his breath.
"Oh, good afternoon Ruti-Senpai. How are you today?" He didn't respond, his face slowly turning an even paler white. "Senpai? Are you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost..."
He barely unfroze from his terrified state. "Y-y-y-y-you..." Instead he started mumbling. "W-w-w-why..."
He's so confusing... "I apologize if I startled you, Senpai..." I backed up, prepared to turn around and search a different row. Maybe that way he'll stop trying to merge with the wall. It would be like that one strange doujin about the girls who were morphed into the doors.
"W-wait..!" He suddenly grabbed my wrist. "W-why...are y-you here?" Oh, does he work here? He realized what he had done and let go of me, as if my skin had burnt him.
"My mother asked me to find a specific book. My dad wanted it for his birthday, so we're trying to suprise him." Perhaps that would be a reasonable excuse.
"Y... You're not here for the spells?" The what now? Spells? Like magic? Is that what the occult club does?
I turned back to look at him, trying to see if this was some weird joke. By the genuine interest, as well as discomfort, I couldn't see a fault. He believed in what he said. "No..? I didn't know the this place sold those."
He sighed, if I'm honest I wasn't sure if it was a sigh of relief or despair. This guy is so strange to me... "W-what book were you l-looking for?" I actually don't know its name...
Shoot. "I think it's the same one that Yamada, Taro reads. Do you know if theres a copy here, Senpai?" For a brief moment his face turned sour before tensing back to his worried visage.
"Y-yes... D-don't know where...though..." He took a step back as if I was about to lash out at him. Why is he so scared of me?
"That's okay, thank you Ruti-Senpai. I at least know that theres a copy." I turned back to the shelves to search for the elusive book. He continued to stare at me with wandering eyes. His mouth opening and closing like a goldfish. If he suprised I didn't attack him?
Or is he trying to keep talking to me? "W... What's your name?" He's been stalking me for how long now? And he doesn't know my name?
Maybe he's trying to be polite and not be creepy about it. "Aishi, Ayano. It's a pleasure to officially meet you Senpai." Real talk, when's your leader coming back?
"N...n-nice to meet you..." He finally turned away from me and also began looking at the shelves. Seemingly at random, pulling out different texts before putting it back. Is he looking for something specific?
I continued searching, hoping that I could catch a glimpse of the spine somewhere in the cramped shop. I might as well buckle up and prepare to stay all night long. This is going to take a miracle to get any progress.
"U-um..!" What now cultist sheep? "Do... Do you like reading as well?" Congrats, you didn't stutter too bad that time.
"I do," Manga, mostly. "Haven't been able to read as much since school started." And the lot of you began obstructing my path to Senpai.
He kept fidgeting with the spine of the book, he's worse than me at this whole socializing thing. At least I have the decency to not writhe away like I'm about to be slapped every time I open mouth. "What genre do you like?" Wow, no stutters.
Good job awko taco. You did a thing. "Might sound cliche, but mostly romance. Don't get me wrong I like other types... I guess I would also have to say horror." The two genres that actually gave me something of a spark as a child.
He seemed more excited about the horror topic. Go figure. "R-really?"
"Yup. What about you Ruti-Senpai?" Bet you a hundred yen he says horror as well.
"I like horror as well..." I win, pay up. "Mostly the older titles though. These newer authors just don't get quite the same feelings stirring." Jesus, confidence boost much?
"Really? I haven't been able to read anything older, what's one of your favorites?" Bad question... From there it just spiraled downwards as he started to fanboy about his favorite classics and authors.
He kept going on, and on, and on. This is the most I've seen him talk. Ever. Wheres the remote? I need to hit the mute button... Despite my sarcastic side comments however... It was kinda...endearing that he felt comfortable enough around me to speak his opinion.
He wasn't cowering away, wasn't raising his hands up to cover his face, heck his facial features were actually brighter. He was a completely different person. Hidden away in a tiny little bookshop telling a yandere about his favorite novels.
I wasn't even sure how it happened, but somehow my attention was pulled away from searching for Senpai's book. Instead I was sitting in a recliner across from him leafing through something by an H. P. Lovecraft. I felt relaxed, just fully enthralled by the phenomenon happening in front of me.
I was observing a wild Oko in it's natural habitat. Somehow I have infiltrated the pack and have begun communicating with the second in command. His speech patterns are different than from previous encounters. His movements actually seemed fluid instead of jerky and skittish.
This is...nice.
Too nice...
Its eight, it's a school night, I need to get home, I just wasted my whole day..! I'm sorry for being such an utter failure Senpai... Can you forgive me?
Oko also seemed to realize the time and began to revert to his original state. "I-I'm s-sorry..! I-I t-talked too long..!" His gaze broke from mine, his hand grabbing his book again to hide his face. A noticeable pink blush had completely engulfed him.
I couldn't help but laugh, he cowered further into the seats backrest. "Its okay Ruti-Senpai, I had a fun time." His terrified shivering ceased.
Slowly but surely, he peeked over his novel. "You...what?" He breathed out, his eyes wide. He stared at me like I had spouted utter nonsense in a different language.
I grinned, getting up to put the book I had back where it belonged. "I said I had fun talking with you Senpai." He looked ready to faint.
Barley, I could hear him squeak, "What..?" But his eyes suddenly drifted to the right of me. I could see a spark of realization as he got up and started advancing towards me. Like he was on a mission.
Or about to sacrifice me to some deity. Who knows. I started to back up, feeling slightly startled at his advance towards me. I was getting ready to start throwing hands as my backside touched the wall. But his focus wasn't on me, it was on the pile of books beside me.
He noticed my posture as he grabbed a book off the top. "S-sorry..! I... I f-found the b-book for y-your f-father..." Sure enough was Senpai's precious novel. He... He found it! I'm so happy!
Of course when I'm happy, my body decides to betray me though... I had unknowingly embraced Oko in a tight hug. "Thank you Senpai!" He didn't return the embrace, much rather he was frozen in place. Tense as if I was attacking him with malice rather than appreciation.
"A-ah..! U-um..! W-well..!" Shoot... I broke him. Maybe I should have controlled my emotions better... Sorry for breaking you, Ruti.
I let go, I could feel my mouth stretched to its max in a jaw breaking smile. "My dad's going to be so happy! I can't wait to show my mom! Thank you again, Ruti-Senpai! I gotta get home, but I'll see you at school tomorrow!"
His face was red, and his eyes were wide in either shock or fear. No matter. I grabbed the book out of his hands waving goodbye as I approached the elderly cashier who was grinning warmly. "Find everything?"
"Yes sir, how much?" I held the book out to him. He chuckled and pushed it back towards me.
"No need, this is the happiest I've seen my grandson in years. Keep it, on the house." His eyes were warm, the wrinkled skin creasing in smile lines.
I feel bad though... "Are you sure? It's no problem." He waved a hand lazily up and down at me.
"Bah! A nice girl like you doesn't need to pay me money! Not after cracking his shell! Go on now!" There was no malice behind his words, and his smile grew as he glanced behind me momentarily. Most likely Oko was trying to get him to stop.
"Well... Thank you, sir. Have a good night. See you, Ruti-Senpai!" I waved once more as I left. He trembled as he waved as well. As I exited I could hear their chatter.
"Shes a cutie!"
"Grandfather... Please stop..."
"Why? Shes a keeper!"
I shook my head as I started walking home. This night is perfect! Senpai going to be so happy! As I was happily skipping along, my phone suddenly buzzed with a notification...
Who's bugging me now...
Hey Yan-chan... You're gonna have to walk to school by yourself. I think I caught the flu.
Poor, poor Osano. What will I ever do with all the peace and quiet as I walk to school.
Okay. Get well soon.
You better visit me...
I will after school, get some rest please.
Whatever... night.
Cool. Well, if he not going to bug me any time soon tonight. I might as well go check on Senpai. Gosh it's been so long! I wonder if his room has changed at all? Maybe I could sneak in again and snag something!
It was the perfect way to end my night, after ensuring that he fell asleep I found myself skipping home. My head was in the clouds and my heart was soaring. The colors seem so much more vibrant! Were they ever this beautiful?
Nothing could ruin this ecstasy I was in!
Maybe my slightly open front door, could ruin it.
Just a little.
Itty-bitty tiny bit.
Heck its probaby Osorō, I've been ignoring his annoying texts all day. I was busy. Screw him.
Nonetheless, my hand was slowly slipping out my dad's old pocket-knife from my pants as I entered my home. I'm glad I thought about grabbing it before I left. If it is a burglar, I can't let him know I'm here.
But it seems whoever decided to let themselves in was more than happy to make their presence known. "Hello Aishi." It was the stranger from the beach. The lights flickered on, revealing yet again, another tall male leaning against the doorframe in the kitchen.
Theres... Something so strangely familiar about him. I know those eyes... Why do I remember his crimson red eyes? Gosh they're captivating. I feel like a lamb in front of a lion.
But those eyes didn't spark that fear before, I didn't feel anything when I knew him. "N-kun..." He merely exhaled as he straightened himself. That's when I noticed the large knife in his gloved hands.
"Oh, so now you remember me bitch?" His emotions were like mine, nonexistent. Any detection of emotion from my part was purely my imagination. "I warned you. So don't take this personally."
I barely had a split second to dodge his advance, a audible thud rang out as his weapon embedded itself into the wall were my head originally was. I darted towards the door, hoping to put some distance between me and my old friend.
Guess... He isn't my friend anymore though...
He was faster than me, I barely managed to stop moving forward as he seemingly appeared before me. His arm slashing where my neck originally was as I stepped back.
I was at a disadvantage, his blade was much longer than my own. He's stronger. Faster. And I'm just a weak, banged up, little girl.
I need to tap into that rage... The rage of seeing my female rivals talking to Senpai. The rage from my males as they pull me away from Senpai. The rage that caused me to flip Osorō onto his back.
The adrenaline to live to see my Senpai again.
He dashed forward again, I ducked and advanced as well. Jabbing my smaller knife towards his gut. He had already sidestepped by the time my hand reached the halfway point.
He's as cunning and intelligent as ever.
There was no time for me to fully miss his next slash. I coughed a scream as my bicep burned from the deep laceration. The blade had easily sliced through my long-sleeved shirt and into my skin. I kept backing away though, managing to put a bit of distance between us.
I was mad now. The pain fueled the rage, now I had a chance. I pounced forward the same time he did. Both of us catching each others armed hand's wrists. Both pushing away and towards each other in a deadly grapple.
I let out a growl of frustration, feeling the cut on my unarmed side scream in agony. I gritted my teeth, pushing even harder. He just stared at me, his red eyes buring with anticipation.
To him, he already won. There was no getting out of his grasp. But what he didn't know, was that when I'm in an incredibly risky situation I always have a annoying male rival that somehow managed to save me.
This time specifically, a certain motorcycle user. "OI, PIPSQUEAK!" Just get in here and help me already!
My old friend, let a frown disturb his previous chillingly cold expression. "New friend of yours?" I caught a slight bit of strain on his voice.
Not as much as I had on mine. "Something like that..." I managed to breath out. I have to keep this up till the big lug could take over. N knew that as well, he pushed even harder. Slowly increasing pressure on my wrist, trying to get me to let go of the blade.
"The hell's the big idea, you wanna get beaten up-!" Took you long enough! "Who the fuck are you!" I couldn't break my focus to look at him, but I heard something unsheath. Did no one bring a gun to the knife fight?
I was suddenly flung back, as Osorō took my place. He began chasing N around the house a large katana wielded wildly. As they ran upstairs I grabbed the area where I was cut, trying to apply pressure to the best of my ability.
"Get the fuck back here! You fucking coward!" Guess N jumped out a window, he hasn't changed much. "Fuck!" I heard his shoes clomp down the stairs hurriedly, the blade dropped from his hand as he kneeled down in front of me.
His hand roughly yanked my own from the wound, his teeth were clenched as he gently probed at it. "Told you that you're a guardian." I hissed out as he hoisted me up.
"Are you seriously making that joke while you're bleeding out?" He groaned as he dragged me to the bathroom.
"Yup." I forced a grin at him while he began rummaging in the cabinet under the sink. I flipped the toilet seat down, and sat down while clutching my arm.
He shook his head while he opened a box on the counter. Did they put that together on the day I passed out on the beach? "You're unbelievable..."
"No, no. I'm pipsqueak." I huffed as I managed to come down from my adrenaline high. However that just caused the pain to grow tenfold. "Arggh!"
This hurt worse than the small cuts and bruises, but at least this pain was centralized to one specific point. "Bite this." He shoved a washcloth towards my mouth as he messed with the cap of a bottle of clear liquid.
I figure he knows what he's doing. Heck he has larger bandages on than me, he sure as hell better know. I bit the washcloth out of his hand. Prepping for whatever fresh hell was heading my way.
Without warning, he once again yanked my hand away, and began pouring the liquid over the gash. I was right in calling it hell. It burned, badly... I clenched my teeth as the pain scorched across my arm. I dug my nails into my palm as I waited for the feeling to subside.
It didn't.
He let go, searching in the box once again. "You're going to have to sit still for this next part." I looked at the smaller case he was holding, why was there a sewing kit in there? "Its pretty deep." Is this mountain of muscle trying to pull wool over my eyes? There is no way he knows how to sew! No less sew an arm! I mean, look at his jacket!
My thoughts were interrupted by the flicking sound of a lighter, why the hell is he burning the needle?!
"This is going to hurt, stay fucking still." He growled as he grabbed my arm. Guess he'll have to d-HOLY FUCKING SHIT! My legs shook as I tried to fight the instinct to get away from the pain. Despite the rag in my mouth I felt like my teeth were going to break. It's a miracle that I haven't passed out for the umpteenth time.
The seconds felt like minutes, the minutes like hours as he kept snaking the thread in and out of my flesh. I couldn't look at it, I felt as though I might jinx myself and pass if I did. So I just clenched my eyes shut tight.
I didn't even notice the tears running down my face until he stopped. Running a thumb gently across my cheeks... The gesture suprised me, it was so uncharacteristic of him. I opened my eyes to look at him. His facial features had softened, but in a more...saddened manner. Did he...pity me?
It was quiet for a while, as he kept his left hand on my face. The other gently holding my left arm over the sewn up cut. The rag had been lost to the floor somewhere.
"Are you okay Aishi?" He finally said, his tone lower and less harsh. I could only manage to nod slightly. He sighed and dropped his hands to his lap. "Good," Why is his annoyance coming back? "Because I'm going to FUCKING KILL YOU!" He looked absolutely furious... I jumped back slightly hitting my back against the toilet tank. My arm protested as I moved it causing me to hiss out in pain. "The hell were you thinking! Why didn't you call me!?"
"I didn't want to concern you Senpai..." I managed to mutter out.
"Do you have a death wish?!" He slammed his palms on either side of me, trapping once again. But unlike yesterday, it didn't feel malicious. This just felt like he was panicking and was ensuring that I didn't run off to get my head chopped off.
"No..." His face was way too close for comfort. His golden eyes felt like they were daggers pointed at me...
"Who was that?!" Maybe it's best to not let him know...
"A burglar? I honestly don't know Senpai! I didn't know he was here till he swung that knife at me!" I shouted back, pushing his chest back with my right hand. Trying to get some distance between us.
He shook his head in disbelief, "You have some real shit luck Aishi..." He calmed down once again, before plopping his head down onto my right shoulder... Why must you touch me..? First aid I can understand, get off me.
Either way...I let him stay. Moving my hand from his chest to his back in a half hug. Hell if he's going to use me as a pillow. I'm going to do the same, I laid my own head in the crook of his neck. "I know Shidesi..."
He sighed, before wrapping his arms around me. He pulled me closer to him, I clenched my teeth at the pain. Now I was standing on my knees and off the toilet. As the big lug just held me tightly against his chest. Lucky for him, the blood won't be as visible on his shirt. Mine on the other hand was a lost cause...
"Thank you..." I mumbled against him. It seems like he was coming down from his own adrenaline high... "Sorry for the trouble. And for not responding to your texts..." He chuckled dryly.
"Don't thank me yet pipsqueak. Still gotta clean that blood up and bandage it." He didn't move though, he just kept holding onto me. "You'll pay for not responding though..."
I breathed a laugh out, "I figured..." He finally lifted his head up, I followed suit. He looked relaxed, his normally hard eyes had softened. He moved a hand up and ruffled my hair roughly.
"Alright! That's enough of that!" He let go quickly and stood up. Moving over to the bath he started to run the tap. "Wait here." He rushed out of the room, I barely managed to see the slight bit of pink on his cheeks.
Big softie.
I actually, kinda enjoyed that hug. It helped quite a bit with the stress. I guess Megamo didn't call N off in time. At least I know who I'm fighting.
I stood up slowly. Looks like the chores I did earlier was useless... Theres also a knife hole downstairs, guess I better figure out how to fix that... Can anything be simple for a couple minutes?
Osorō returned quickly, after audibly closing and locking the door. As well as grabbing a glass? Why do we need that? "Okay, take your shirt off pipsqueak."
"Wut?" He said that way too casually! "Absolutely not! I can wash it by myself!" He rolled his eyes, looks like he found his attitude back...
"Its not like I haven't soon boobs before. I'm not going to do anything Aishi. Strip." Nope.
Nope. I grabbed the glass from his hand and slammed it onto the counter. Once done I proceeded to try to shove him out of the bathroom. "Nope! Out!"
He started to laugh, "I was joking pipsqueak! You're so red!" He kept laughing as he exited the room closing the door behind him. "Let me know when you're done, so we can patch you up." I locked the door in spite.
Using the cup to gently pour water onto the wound felt a lot better than letting the showerhead spray down on it. Before long the blood was just down to what was slowly leaking out of the wound. It wouldn't be smart to try and bind my arm up with the sweater on... At the same time I'm not letting his joke become a reality for him.
Turning off the water I heard his muffled voice through the door, "You decent?"
"Mind if I get a change of clothes first?"
"Sure, sure. I'll be downstairs." Thank the gods... I waited until I heard his footsteps fade before exiting. Changing swiftly into a grey tee and a pair of black cotton leggings, I returned to the bathroom to grab the first aid kit. Only to discover he had already grabbed it...
I tried walking down quietly, only to realize I didn't need to be as stealthy. It was pouring down rain outside... "Senpai, are you Okami?"
"Eh? What makes you say that?" One look at him shows that he had braved the torrent to grab his stuffed school bag and bring it in. His katana was sheathed and handing up beside his school jacket on the coat rack. Thankfully, he finally took his boots as well.
"It always rains when it's just the two of us." I said sitting on the opposite side of the couch from him.
"Hmm... Guess you're right." He sat up from his slouched position with a huff. "Alright, scoot over pipsqueak. Let's finish this." I sighed getting back up to shift over.
He was silent once again as he worked, rolling a clean white bandage around my bicep gently. Hell, it's me that's starting the conversation. "Where'd you learn how to do all this?"
"Redtube." He half-grinned while he worked. "Although, that was for self-aid purposes." I guess that makes sense, but... Does that mean all the bandages on him are covering stitches? "It was both easier and harder on you 'squeak."
"How so?" I asked, looking away to look at the doors and windows. Never know if N will come back.
"You're awfully talkative today... Easier because I could see what I was doing. Harder because I'm used to doing it to myself." He moved onto using the stretchy brown bandage, I think it's called gauze? "Anything else you want to talk about."
"Sorry about the dish yesterday." He chuckled dryly again.
"Fuck, I deserved that. I should be grateful you even gave pity on me, the milk was a lifesaver." He's the lifesaver tonight... Great, more debt. "There we go, done!" I looked back over at him, then down at the wrap around my arm. Not bad, I guess.
"Thank you again, Senpai."
"Osorō." I looked back up at him. "No more of this Senpai crap, call me Osorō." Guess this confirms that we're friends.
"Alright, Osorō Guardian of the Incinerator, it is." He rolled his eyes and fell backwards into a slouching position again.
"I swear to the gods, I'm trying to be nice pipsqueak..." I chuckled at his slight torment.
"I know, Osorō. You can call me Ayano if you want, as well." I grinned over at him.
"Well, Ayano-squeak," I guess I deserve that. "I better head home before-"
'KQURACK-BOOOOOM!' A large lightning strike cracked across the sky. Luckily it didn't hit any power lines. However, it did scare a large delinquent to jump on top of me.
Not in a protective or sexual way, more so he got up and mid-spook he tripped over his own two feet. Right now I'm being crushed under him. "Hey, I got a new nickname for you." I managed to wheeze out.
"Don't you fucking dare." He growled as he got up off me.
"I'm joking, I'm joking." I sat up seeing him turn away with a very pink face. "I don't think you should be driving home in this kind of weather. You could crash here, if you like." His face went very quickly from pink to red.
"You know, on the couch." His initial panic ceased, the embarrassment was still present though. "You can also grab a shower if you like. I think my dad has some oversized clothes you can borrow for the night. That way we can get the blood off your clothes."
"Oi! Oi! Oi! Don't go sprouting off random things! I don't mind sleeping in what I'm in!" This time it was him who was distancing himself from me.
"Are you sure? I want to make up for not responding to your texts, as well as everything else." I won't be in debt to you, you crazy delinquent.
He sighed and began to rub his face. "Okay, fine! But only for tonight! This ain't no slumber party, you hear!" I nodded and grinned at him. "Ugh! I'm going to take a shower!"
"I'll leave the clothes outside the door." I said as he walked away.
"Yeah, yeah!" From there I went to my parents room, find dad's oversized clothes was easy. Mom had organized everything by color, then by clothing item, then by size. I swear she has OCD. Then I quickly grabbed an extra blanket and pillow for him. Dumping the bedding on the couch, I rushed over to the bathroom and placed the clothes neatly outside the door.
Well, being a good host is done. Now to work on getting ready for school. Uniform set aside, alarm set, hair brushed and let out of its ponytail, book wrapped neatly for Senpai, and bag all packed.
Now what?
I could go to bed, but would that be rude? Maybe I could watch tv till he's done, or I could- 'Tiptaptaptap...' Start having that feeling of paranoia crawl up my back because he could sneak in with the rain pouring down like this...
So. Here I am. Sitting on the couch. With a kitchen knife. Nothing unusual. Just a little girl with a large knife. Defending her house from childhood BFFs hired by a crazy girl who does and does not go to her school at the same time. Nothing weird here.
"Ayano... What the fuck are you doing?" Nothing. What are you doing, wet-drip? Dry your hair before you catch a cold. Sorry my dad doesn't have longer sweats.
"Making sure that the burglar doesn't try anything." He started laughing hysterically.
This isn't funny I'm serious. "Oh my gods! Go to bed, you lost so much blood you think you're gonna defend yourself in this state." He sat down beside me taking the knife gently from me. "Goodnight, Pipsqueak."
Maybe he's right, besides Osorō's quite intimidating. He should be able to scare N away. "Alright, goodnight Osorō." I got up and started to head towards the stairs. I better throw the clothes in the was first. "Oh yeah... One more thing, if I start... I guess sleep-walking is the right term? Wake me up before I do anything embarrassing..." I do not need another incident.
"Why? What do you do?"
"Let's just say I get very...deredere."
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