Our spot
Walking through the small town's streets I smiled as I passed the bright vivid shops and restaurants of all colors, mustard yellow, turquoise, and lots and lots of blues. The aroma of fresh caught seafood filled my nose and I smiled more. This was my dream, my dream town, life, friends, boyfriend. The only problem was...this could possibly be my last summer in the Outer Banks. See this is how it started, my mother, (yes, the alcoholic waitress/bartender/whatever job happens to take a chance on her for a night or two) managed to really screw up this time. A phone call while I was with Kiera is how I found out I was going to be sent to Virginia to live with my aunt. Turns out my mom showed up drunk one too many times to her job and that raised some suspicion, and just like that... child services decided my mom wasn't fit to care for me, which to be honest... they weren't wrong. The thing is, I haven't told JJ yet, I can't. I've been friends with him and the Pouges since fifth grade and JJ is going to be absolutely crushed.
"Babe!" speaking of JJ... I turned around to see my boyfriend skating up to me as fast as the cheap longboard's red wheels could possibly go. "Hey, J what's up" I tried to smile and forget about my previous thoughts. "Nothing I wanted to take you somewhere later. Uh like just us, cause you know?" JJ asked smiling. Oh no... Did Kiara tell him? Is this just a date like usual? Is he gonna end this? I pulled myself out of my trans and smiled instead. "That uh, that sounds great J, what time?" I asked. "Sunset at our spot, don't be late," he answered bending down to kiss my cheek.
I looked out my window and realized the sun was just starting to set behind some trees and decided to head towards our spot. I pulled one of JJ's blue hoodies over my outfit. Even though it wasn't really much of a outfit just some jean shorts and a yellow tank top, but hey, its humid outside. Walking to our spot millions of questions flooded my mind. One question kept resurfacing no matter how many times I tried to push it away...Should I tell him?
I was so caught up in my thought I didn't realize I made it to our spot just as the sun was about to set. Our spot which is really just an old boat dock that was deemed unusable many years ago was perfect for JJ and I. Some of the wooden planks were falling into the water and all the boards were uneven, but tonight JJ laid out three crème-colored blankets and found a couple of lanterns to illuminate the dock. JJ was dangling his feet over the edge of the water as I walked up. It looked perfect and my heart broke thinking about how I am going to be the one to ruin this perfect space by telling him the news.
"Hey baby," I said sitting next to him kicking off my sandals and putting my feet in the warm water. "This looks absolutely perfect, I love it," I complemented putting my head on his shoulder. "Good, it took me some time to convince John B to let me borrow the lanterns," he joked.
We sat in silence watching the sunset for a couple of long, dreadful minutes, at least, for me they were. "I don't want to be that person, but why so fancy?" I asked genuinely confused, immediately I regretted the question. JJ turned and looked at me as if I just hit him in the face. "You...y-you don't remember?" JJ questioned extremely hurt.
I wracked my brain for any event I could have missed and could not come up with anything, but the more I thought about an answer for him my thoughts just kept going back to seeing his hurt expressing all over again as I break the bad news to him and that when I couldn't take it anymore. Tears started to form in my eyes and steadily they rolled down and to be honest, I didn't know exactly what was causing them.
"Shh... don't cry it's okay. It's okay, why are you crying? I'm right here, it's okay," JJ reassured.
"I just...I wrecked this date J. You had this spectacular night all set up and I come in and just destroy the mood and I'm sorry. And...and I don't know what special thing happened today and I'm sorry!" I sobbed trying to focus on things to calm me down. The salty cool breeze, the warm water, the pale oranges and pinks of the sunset...JJ's soft hoodie... "Shhh... please don't cry, baby. It's okay really. It isn't that big of deal I promise. Uh, today six years ago was the first day we met," JJ explained rubbing my arms trying to calm me down. Oh...How could I forget that?! Why did I not write that down or something? Ugh every year on this day JJ and I do something special, last year we went out for milkshakes and then spent the whole night making up animals in the stars, and I forgot.
"Oh J, I'm sorry! I can't believe I forgot," I said putting my head in my hands.
"Please stop apologizing Y/N. I promise it's okay, plus there is always next year," JJ tried to joke.
"I..I need to tell you something," I whispered. JJ shuffled on the dock and moved so we could sit facing each other. I took one last look at the sunset right before it slipped down darkening the sky to match the mood. "I...I'm leaving," I said.
"Wait...what? I'm sorry, I-" JJ started.
"I'm leaving J. My mom...uh- the child services...they called yesterday and so basically, I have to live with my aunt... and she...well she lives in Virginia," I explained.
"You.. you can't leave Y/N, you can't! We can figure something out I'm sure, we can talk to somebody or something just like John B did," JJ tried getting upset his voice breaking as he spoke.
"There is a possibility, but I only have one week to figure something out. I'm supposed to fly out next Sunday," I explained. "We need an adult to sign the papers, and I don't really have anyone that would be willing-"
"We will figure something out, promise," JJ reassured. "We will, we always do," he said pulling me into him.
"I know, but we need to just be ready," I replied honestly. "It will all work out the way it is supposed to," I reassured squeezing JJ's hand. I really hope it did work out the way it's supposed to, because if it doesn't I don't know how I could ever leave behind this boy and this dock.
Author's notes: Sorry y'all this chapter was extremely short:( Buttttt on a brighter note... I imaged this ending as the child services *magically* dropping making Y/N live with her aunt so she gets to stay in the OBX...YAY!!!! I lowkey hate this chapter sm though so there isn't gonna be a part two. Love y'all:)
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