How To Get A Crown
After talking to Fluttershy, Y/n was leading Twilight to Principal Celestia's office. However, Y/n became curious about something as he looked at the princess from another dimension.
Y/n: "Back there with Fluttershy, you seemed like you recognized her. What was up with that?"
Twilight: "Uh, right. Well, back in my dimension, she was a friend of mine. She was a pegasus who ran an animal shelter."
Y/n: "Really? So that's why you also reacted the way you did when Fluttershy brought up Principal Celestia."
Twilight: "Yeah. She's a princess where I come from, kinda like me. She was also my mentor."
Y/n: "So there are dopplegangers in our dimensions. Do I have one in your world?"
Twilight: "Probably. But I've never met you in my world."
Y/n: "Dang. I was kinda interested in knowing about Pony Me."
Twilight: "Maybe another day."
Y/n sighed in disappointment but nodded anyway. That's when he looked forward and saw the door to the principal's office.
Y/n: "Come on, this way."
Y/n told Twilight, leading her towards the door.
Y/n: "Now, let me do the talking. I don't want you outing yourself as someone who's... not from here."
Twilight: "Come on, have some faith in me. I got this."
Y/n: "You sure?"
Twilight nodded, trying to assure Y/n. However, he wasn't fully assured but decided to give her a chance.
Y/n: "Alright. Let's do this then."
Y/n said as he and Twilight approached the door. She knocked on the door, and a "Come in" was heard from the other side. Y/n goes to open the door, but Twilight instead pushes it open with her head as she was... bowing?
Celestia: "How may I help you?"
Principal Celestia asked, looking at a folder and not even looking at who entered her office. This made Spike pop out of Twilight's backpack with a confused look, and the two of them looked at Y/n. He just shrugs, and Twilight sets her backpack on the ground. She tries to say something, only for her nerves to get the best of her. Celestia sets down her folder and waits for Twilight to speak, so Y/n sighs and speaks for her.
Y/n: "This is Twilight Sparkle, and she's new here. She's from Manehatten."
Twilight: "Right! Yes. I'm aware Fluttershy found a crown this morning and gave it to you."
Celestia: "Yes. Vice-Principal Luna put it somewhere for safe-keeping. No idea how it ended up on the front lawn. Were you interested in signing up as princess of the Fall Formal this year?"
Twilight: "Uh, no. Not exactly. The truth is... well, the truth is... you see... the crown is actually--Princess of the Fall Formal?"
Celestia: "It's Canterlot High's big fall dance."
The principal said as she walked over to a calendar and marked the day said dance would be. This made Y/n sigh since he completely forgot about it.
Y/n: "Right. Fall Formal. Yay..."
Twilight: "Wait, like the Grand Galloping Gala?"
Y/n & Celestia: "The Grand Galloping Galla?"
Twilight: "Oh, uh, it was a big deal where I came from."
Y/n: *realizes* "Oooohhh."
Celestia: "And was there a princess?"
Twilight: "Well, yes, but she wasn't exactly a student?"
Celestia: "Here at Canterlot High, the students select one of their peers to represent them. She receives a crown at the Fall Formal."
Celestia says as Y/n looks over at some pictures on the wall that showed Sunset Shimmer winning each year. They also progressively show her turning into a prideful monster. Twilight hummed in thought for a few moments before Celestia led her and Y/n out of her office. That's when the girl spoke up again.
Twilight: "You asked me if I wanted to sign up for princess of the Fall Formal. Can anyone run?"
Celestia: "Of course. You just have to let the head of the Fall Formal Planning Committee know you'd like to be on the ballet. Oh, and we're including a prince now, so if you would like to young man, you can speak to the planning committee as well."
Y/n: "Uh, okay, then."
Celestia: "Now, if you need anything else, my door is always open."
And with that, Celestia slammed her door shut, making Twilight flinch. However, Y/n sighed as he realized what the princess was already planning.
Y/n: "Lemme guess, you're planning to become princess of the Fall Formal?"
Twilight: "How did you know that? Can you people read minds?"
Y/n shook his head his head at the question.
Y/n: "No. I just assumed that's what you were planning after you asked Principal Celestia about it. But are you sure that's what you wanna do? It didn't end too well for the girl who tried running against Sunset Shimmer during the Spring Fling."
Twilight: "Yep. I'm determined to get my crown back!"
Spike then popped out of Twilight's backpack.
Spike: "Why didn't you just tell her the crown was yours?"
Twilight: "Oh, I was going to. But imagine one of them coming to Equestria saying they come from a world with fleshy, two-legged creatures with hands instead of hooves!"
Twilight said as Y/n noticed a student walking by. However, he stops when he sees Twilight moving weirdly as she talks before backing away. Y/n turned back to Twilight.
Twilight: "We'd think they were crazy!"
Y/n: "Probably."
Spike: "Yeah, you have a point."
Twilight: "So if I want my crown back, I'll have to become princess of the Fall Formal. And that's what I'm gonna do!"
Y/n: "And any idea how you're gonna do that, 'princess'?"
Twilight: "I was actually hoping you could maybe help me out with that...? Heh."
Y/n: "Welp, then we're both helpless."
Twilight: "Oh."
The bell suddenly rang again, and Twilight quickly latcher onto Y/n as a wave of students came pouring out of their classrooms.
Y/n: "Yay..."
It was now midday, and lunch was starting. The cafeteria was chalked full of students as Twilight and Y/n joined Fluttershy in getting some food.
Twilight: "I know we just met, but I was wondering if you could help me with something?"
Fluttershy: "Of course!"
Fluttershy says as she picks up a bowl of fruit, which Twilight does as well.
Twilight: "I've decided to run for princess of the Fall Formal--"
Fluttershy gasps at what Twilight said, accidentally dropping her fruit bowl and spilling it all over the "new student".
Fluttershy: "Oh, gosh!"
Fluttershy begins to panic as she looks around for some napkins. Once she finds them, she grabs a handful and starts frantically cleaning up the mess on Twilight's shirt.
Fluttershy: "Sorry! It's just that running for Fall Formal princess is a really bad idea." *to Y/n* "Did she tell you this?"
Y/n nods.
Fluttershy: "And did you tell her why it was a bad idea?"
Y/n shrugged.
Y/n: "Eh. If she wants to try, I say let her. Ooh, jello cubes."
Y/n said as he picked up a plate of jello cubes and placed it on his tray.
Twilight: "Why's it such a bad idea?"
Fluttershy: "Because Sunset Shimmer wants to be the Fall Formal princess. And when she wants something, she gets it."
Y/n: "This is true."
Fluttershy: "She'll make anyone's life miserable if they stand in her way."
Y/n: "This is also true."
Y/n said as he, Fluttershy, and Twilight paid for their food and got an apple from Granny JoJo, the lunch lady.
Fluttershy: "Just ask the girl who ran against her for princess of the Spring Fling."
Twilight: "I have to try!"
Twilight exclaims as she follows Fluttershy through the cafeteria, with Y/n right behind her.
Fluttershy: "I don't think you understand. You have to convince everyone here to vote for you instead of her!"
Y/n: "That's true. I forgot about that. There's the jocks, fashionistas, drama queens, tree huggers, nerds, rockers. And then there are kids like me, the outcasts who don't fit in with everybody else."
Twilight: "Why is everypony--"
Spike quickly comes out of Twilight's backpack to smack her and then hides again.
Twilight: "Uh, I mean, everybody separated like this?"
Fluttershy: "Maybe it was different at your old school back in Manehatten, but here, everyone sticks to their own kind."
Fluttershy states as she sits down at an empty table, which Twilight and Y/n join her at.
Fluttershy: "But one thing they do have in common is that they know Sunset Shimmer is going to run this school until the day we graduate."
Twilight: "Not if Y/n and I can help it!"
Twilight declares before grabbing her apple with her mouth and starys chewing on it. This earns strange looks from both Fluttershy and Y/n, which makes her stop and take the apple from her mouth with her hand. She chuckles nervously before setting it back down on her tray.
Twilight: "So, uh, where would I find the head of the party planning committee?"
Twilight asks with a nervous smile, and Y/n just facepalms.
Y/n opens the gym doors for Twilight, and once she and Spike walk through, he immediately follows them through.
Twilight: "Fluttershy said she would probably be in here."
She said as they walked forward, and Y/n examined the decorated gym. There were tons of balloons and streamers, along with banners and a disco ball. He was honestly impressed.
Y/n, Twilight, and Spike look up as streamers hail down upon them. When the end, the three were covered in streamers. Twilight was a bit confused, but Y/n ended up being pleasantly surprised.
Y/n: "Oh, it's her."
He says as he pulls the streamers off of his face, making Twilight and Spike look at him. However, they then look forward to see a girl throwing streamers around like a madwoman. Y/n recognized her as Pinkie Pie, who has dark pink fuzzy balloon-like hair, pink skin, and blue eyes. She usually has blue wristbands and previously wore a white shirt with a heart on it, a blue jacket over her shirt, a pink skirt with balloons on it, and blue knee-high boots with white laces and pink bows on them.
Speaking of the balloons on her skirt, she plucks one off as Twilight walks up to her and blows it up.
Twilight: "Hi, I'm Twilight Sparkle, and--"
Pinkie turns to face Twilight, making her duck underneath the comically large balloon she just blew up. However, the princess from another dimension looks at her in shock as she, too, recognizes her.
Twilight: "Pinkie Pie?"
Caught off-guard, Pinkie lets go of her balloon as it deflates, and she suddenly appears behind Twilight.
Pinkie Pie: "Are you psychic?!"
Twilight: "Uh, no. Y/n already told me you can't do that here."
Pinkie Pie: "Yeah, not usually. Wait, Y/n?!"
Pinkie questioned before turning to see said teenager waving at her. She gasps as Twilight grew confused before the pink-haired party planner appeared behind the (H/C)-haired boy and wrapped her arms around his neck as she jumped on his back.
Pinkie Pie: "Hiya, Y/n!"
Y/n: "Hey, Pinkie. How are you?"
Pinkie Pie: "Splendidorific! How are you?"
Y/n: "I've been good. Helping the new student here around and whatnot. This is Twilight."
Twilight: "Uh, hi. How do you know each other?"
Pinkie Pie: "I threw him a birthday party!"
Y/n: "It was freshman year, and she somehow found out that I wasn't celebrating. Being her, Pinkie couldn't let that slide and basically kidnapped me to bring me to a party she set up for me. Almost no one came, but I appreciated the effort."
Pinkie Pie: "And we've been besties since!"
Y/n: "Well, I wouldn't call us that."
Pinkie Pie: "I would."
Y/n: "Alright, then. You're the new head of the committee?"
Pinkie Pie: "Yep! Pretty cool, right?"
Twilight couldn't help but giggle at this. That was very "Pinkie Pie" of Pinkie Pie to do, but what she was more surprised about was how close she seemed with Y/n. From what she saw and heard, Y/n was an outcast who didn't really have any friends, so seeing him being so buddy-buddy with Pinkie Pie was nice.
Pinkie Pie: "Anyway, what're you two doing here?"
Twilight: "Fluttershy said this is where we'd find the head of the Fall Formal Planning Committee."
Pinkie Pie's demeanor instantly changed when she heard Fluttershy's name.
Pinkie Pie: "Fluttershy, huh? Don't let the whole shy thing fool you. She can be a real meanie."
Twilight: "You two aren't friends?"
Twilight asked in surprise, the idea of Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy not being friends being practically taboo to her. However, Pinkie Pie ignored the question as she walked up to Twilight, dragging Y/n with her.
Pinkie Pie: "Waited a bit to get your name on the ballot, huh? The dance is the day after tomorrow."
Twilight: "Um... I'm new here? Y/n already said that."
Y/n: "Eh, it's 'in one ear and out the other' for her."
Pinkie Pie: "Ooooh! I thought you didn't look familiar."
Pinkie said before she started examining Twilight, pulling at her in every which way.
Pinkie Pie: "Although, now that I'm really looking at you... do you have a twin sister who lives in the city, has a pet dog named Spike that looks just like that one."
Y/n and Twilight looked at each other in surprise before turning back to Pinkie.
Twilight: "Uh... maybe?"
Pinkie Pie: "Thought so. Anywho, you just need to fill this and you are officially up for the coveted princess of the Fall Formal crown."
Pinkie says as she grabs a clipboard and a pen from her massive, floofy hair, offering the pen to Twilight. However, they stare at each other since Twilight had no idea what Pinkie was trying to have her do.
Y/n: *whispering* "Take the pen."
Twilight blinks in realization before looking at the pen and grabbing it with her mouth. Y/n looks at her weirdly while Pinkie seems to be unbothered by it. Then the princess takes the pen out of her mouth and writes her name on the sign-up sheet. However, when Pinkie and Y/n look at it, all they saw was a scribble of what they assumed to be Twilight's name.
Pinkie Pie: "Wow! You have really bad handwriting. It's like you never held a pen before."
Twilight: "Heheheh. Is it...?"
Pinkie Pie: "Anyway, do you want to sign up to be the first ever prince of the Fall Formal? I bet you'd look real dashing with a crown~"
Y/n: "Oh, yeah, Principal Celestia said something about that this morning. Yeah, no thanks."
Pinkie Pie: "What? Come on! Why not?"
Y/n: "I'm not doing that. You know how I am about these things. Besides, I don't want all those people looking at me."
Pinkie: "Please? There's no one else. You'll win by a landslide!"
Y/n: "Pinkie--"
Pinkie: "Pwease?"
Y/n: "No--"
Pinkie Pie: "For me?"
Pinkie asked with great, big puppy eyes. Y/n tried to look away, but made the mistake of looking back at her. The sight made him groan before he gave in.
Y/n: "Fine. I'll sign up."
Pinkie Pie: "Yay!" *thinking* 'Always works.'
Pinkie cheered as she pulled out another clipboard from her hair and put it in front of Y/n. The boy takes the pen from Twilight and writes his name on the ballot, officially signing up to be the first Fall Formal prince.
Y/n: "There. Happy now?"
Pinkie Pie: "Yep!"
Pinkie nodded with a big grin, making Y/n sigh before smiling a bit. He knew Pinkie only meant well, but she was way too extroverted in her way. She was way too energetic and outgoing, the complete opposite of Y/n.
Twilight looks at Y/n in confusion. Not one has he smiled the entire time she's known him, even if it were only a day, so this was the first time someone made him smile. However, her attention is taken away from him as a door to the gym opens and a familiar voice speaks up.
???: "Somebody order a dozen cases of fizzy apple cider?"
Pinkie Pie: "Ooh! Me! Me, me-me-me-me!"
The girl who spoke sat a case of fizzy apple cider down and took off her hat to wipe the sweat off her forehead. And Twilight immediately became shocked when she recognized her.
She's a slender girl with light orange skin and blonde hair tied on a small ponytail with a cowboy hat and white freckles. She wears a white shirt with a green collar with rolled up sleeves, a blue denim skirt held by a brown belt with a red apple-shaped buckle and brown boots with the apples on them. Y/n knew her as--
Twilight: "Applejack?"
Y/n looked at Twilight in confusion.
Y/n: "You know Applejack, too?"
Twilight: "I'm friends with the pony version of her in my dimension."
Y/n nodded in understanding as Applejack turned to the door she had just walked through.
Applejack: "Can you bring in the rest?"
???: "Yup."
A voice said before a tall, muscular man walked through with the five other cases of apple cider in his arms. This was Big Macintosh, Applejack's older brother. Said country girl grabbed one of the cases from her brother and went to set it down, only to recognize Y/n and Twilight.
Applejack: "Wait, I know you two."
Y/n & Twilight: "You do?"
Applejack: "Sure!" *to Y/n* "You're the guy that helped my sister yesterday during lunch. She won't stop talking about you, either."
Y/n: "Oh, yeah. I did save Apple Bloom from Sunset yesterday."
Applejack: *to Twilight* "And you're the new girl that gave Sunset Shimmer the what-for this morning!"
Applejack says as she grabs a bottle of apple cider before prying off the cap with her teeth and spitting it out. She then begins to gulp it down as Pinkie slides into frame.
Pinkie Pie: "Y/n's running to be the first every prince of the Fall Formal!"
Applejack: "Well, good for you, pal. You got my vote. You also got my pity."
She tells Y/n before going back to drinking.
Pinkie Pie: "And Twilight Sparkle is running for princess!"
Pinkie said, making Applejack spit out her apple cider as Pinkie blows up a balloon and flies upward.
Applejack: "What?! I'd think twice about that. Oh, sure, she'd probably approach ya all friendly-like--"
Applejack said before she grabbed Pinkie from the air and took the heart-shaped balloon she had. She draws on it as Pinkie blows up a new yellow balloon before Applejack takes that as well and draws on it. She then turns them around to reveal drawn faces of Sunset Shimmer and Twilight, and she begins speaking in their voices.
Applejack: *as Sunset* "Oh, I'm sure looking forward forward to some friendly competition!" *as Twilight* "That's so good to hear!" *regular voice* "But then, here comes the backstabbin'!"
Applejack turns the Sunset balloon around to reveal a needle taped to its back. She thrusts it at the Twilight balloon and pops it.
Applejack: "About the only girl at this school you can trust less than her is Rainbow Dash."
Twilight: *surprised* "Rainbow Dash?"
Pinkie Pie: "She's the captain of, like, every sports team at Canterlot High."
Pinkie says as she bounces by on a large balloon, only to land on something and pop it.
Applejack: "She's also the captain of saying she's gonna do something for ya and then turning around and not even bothering to show up!"
Twilight: "Thanks for the advice, Applejack, but this is something I have to do."
Applejack: "Huh. Suit yourself. At least Y/n won't get stuck with some terrible girl if you win." *realizes* "Hey, how'd you know my name was Applejack?"
Twilight: "Oh, I... um..."
Y/n: "I told her. I'm showing her around and pointing out some people of interest."
Applejack: "I'm considered a person of interest?"
Y/n shrugged.
Y/n: "You seem like you would be a good friend. And country girls are cool."
Applejack: "Oh. Why, thank you. I bet you'd be a great friend too, uh, Y/n."
Y/n: "Really? Thanks, I guess."
Applejack simply nodded, and everyone just stood there in silence. Then Y/n spoke up again.
Y/n: "Well, I guess we're gonna go. See you girls around."
Y/n said as he began walking away, with Twilight following him as she told Pinkie and Applejack goodbye. They said goodbye as well, and once they leave, Pinkie looks at Applejack in confusion.
Pinkie Pie: "Are you blushing?"
Applejack: "No, shut up!"
Pinkie Pie: "Uh-huh. If you say so."
Pinkie nodded with a sly grin before the doors to the gym open again, and Sunset Shimmer walked inside with her two goonies, Snips and Snails.
Sunset: "This looks terrible! There should be more streamers near the stage and fewer balloons!"
Sunset immediately begins complaining as she barges in before popping two balloons with her finger in front of Pinkie.
Snips: "Yeah, streamers!"
Snips says as he rips a streamer in two.
Snails: "And fewer balloons!"
Snails follows as he struggles to pop a balloon, only to fall over. However, he picks himself up like it never happened and followed his friend. Then Sunset walks over to the cases Applejack and Macintosh brought in, and grabbed a bottle.
Sunset: "Fizzy apple cider? Ugh! This is my coronation, not a hoedown!"
Applejack: "Well, now, it's ain't necessarily gonna be your coronation this time around."
Sunset: "Oh, is that so? You country folk really aren't that bright. Must be why the other students say such awful things about you."
Sunset tells Applejack as she gets in her face. Then she pulls her hat over her face and walks away, only for the country girl to growl as the top of her hat pops off, revealing her red and steaming face.
Sunset: "Obviously, it's gonna be my coronation. I'm running unopposed. And whoever is deciding to run for prince for the first time will be lucky to have me as their dance."
Applejack: "Now, I wouldn't say that..."
Pinkie Pie: "Actually, you're not running unopposed this year! The new girl just signed up."
Pinkie exclaimed as she revealed the ballot to Sunset, and Twilight's bad handwriting.
Sunset: "What?!
Pinkie hands Sunset the clipboard, and she looks at it in shock.
Pinkie Pie: "I know. Her handwriting is really bad."
Sunset ignored her as she lowered the clipboard, revealing her enraged face.
Sunset: "Where is this Twilight Sparkle?"
Everyone looks at Sunset, which she realizes and she immediately fixes her composure.
Sunset: "I'm looking forward to meeting the competition. And the upcoming prince."
Both Pinkie and Applejack look at each other in both worry and confusion as Sunset and her goons leave the gym.
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