Roaring Sports Festival
It was the next day, and Y/n and Shinso are seen walking down a hallway in UA High. Y/n was still fidling with the alien watch and Shinso noticed this.
"Stop messing with that thing," he tells his classmate. "You'll break it."
"I highly doubt it," Y/n says. "Besides, I just wanna find out more about what this thing can do."
"Which is why we're going to the Development Studio," Shinso informs.
Y/n raised a brow at his friend as they traveled down the hallway. It was lunch time at the moment, so they wouldn't be missing any classes.
Soon the two come across a large metal door with a sign next to it, saying it was the Development Studio. Y/n turned to his classmate.
"So who are we meeting here?" he asked.
A loud explosion suddenly blew the door open with a large cloud of smoke. Both Shinso and Y/n held blank looks as they slowly turn to the smoke cloud. Out of it came someone having a coughing fit, and a hand waved away some of the smoke to reveal a teenage girl with pink dreads and yellow eyes that looked like an aim screen. Her face was dirty and grimy, and her clothes were just as dirty. She then turned to Y/n and Shinso and laughed nervously.
"Sorry about that!" the girl said. "Guess explosions follow me where I go, huh?"
(Art by RayLuisHDX2 on Deviant Art. Credit to them)
'You gotta be kidding me...' Y/n thought to himself.
The girl stood to her feet and stretched, cracking her back with a sigh.
"Sorry, who are you two?" she asks with a smile.
"I'm Hitoshi Shinso and this is Y/n L/n," the brainwasher informs the girl. "I heard about the Development Studio and thought that someone could look at my friend's... watch."
"What's so special about a watch?" the girl asked. "Wait, can it shoot lasers and stuff?!"
"Um, not exactly," Y/n stated as he nervously raised his arm to show the alien watch. "It's, uh, weird, though."
The girl looked at the watch for a moment, seeing its strange design. Then her eyes turn into huge stars and she suddenly ran over to Y/n and grabbed his arm to look at the watch closer.
"Oh, okay...!" Y/n said as his arm is pulled.
"I've never seen a watch like this before!" she said excitedly. "What is it? A support item?"
Y/n stayed silent for a moment and noticed Shinso's look. He knew that they and his mother had decided not to tell the authorities about this strange watch, so the General Studies student had no choice.
"Uh, yeah! Support item. For my Quirk that I-I obviously have," the Quirkless teen sweats a bit. "I-I've just never used it much before because it's... hard to use."
"How so?" the girl asked, getting right in the watch bearer's face.
"It's... allows helps me transform... into the ten different creatures I can make myself become...?" Y/n smiles awkwardly. "I-I got it recently, and I-I'm trying to figure it out."
"Then you've come to the right gal!" the girl exclaims as she lets go of Y/n. "Name's Mei Hatsume, at your service."
'There's no way she bought that...' Shinso thought to himself.
"Hatsume! What have I said about the explosions!?"
The girl now known as Hatsume jumps a bit and turns to the door of the Development Studio. Out of it walked a man wearing a yellow helmet and gloves. Y/n recognized him as the Pro Hero Power Loader.
"S-sorry, Mr. Power Loader," Hatsume scratched the back of her head. "But in the midst of failure, success makes itself known!"
"You've only been here for only a week, and you've nearly destroyed thus Studio more times that I can count," Power Loader lectured his student. "You better shape up, or I'm banning you from the Studio."
Hatsume looked panic at this threat. However, Shisno coughed to get her and Power Loader's attention. They turn back to the two General Studies students.
"Oh. Hi. Sorry, I didn't see you there," Power Loader apologizes. "Hope this problem child didn't hurt you two."
"We're fine," Shinso raises a hand to assure the Hero. "We're here to have something checked out."
"Hm? What is it?" Power Loader asks.
"Just this al--" Shinso puts a hand over his friend's mouth.
"Just my friend's new support item," Shinso states. "It's that watch on his wrist."
Power Loader looks at the strange watch on Y/n's wrist as said student slaps his friend's hand away. Then the Pro Hero realized something.
"Hey, aren't you that Quirkless kid in General Studies?" he asked as he pointed at Y/n. "Why would you need a support item?"
"U-uh...! I-I just told everyone that I-I didn't have a Quirk since mine's... hard to control and very destructive in some cases," Y/n explains. "That's why I-I have this watch. It helps me... with the Quirk that I-I obviously have but told no one about. But I need a look at it since it's rather new."
"Hmm..." Power Loader brings a hand to his chin.
'There can't be any way he buys this...' Shinso tells himself.
"Alright, come in," Power Loader turns to walk into the Studio. "I'll take a look at it."
Y/n sighs as Shinso couldn't believe his ears. How did those two buy his friend's bullshit lies? Everytime the (E/C)-eyed teen lies, he stutters with his Is!
"Now I gotta take this up with the principle about this kid..." Power Loader mumbled to himself.
Shinso follows his classmate into the student as Hatsume jumped up and down behind his teacher.
"Mister Loader, Mister Loader! Can I take a look at it?" she asks. "Please?"
"Absolutely not," Power Loader shakes his head. "I don't want that boy's blood on the walls."
Y/n stopped in shock as Shinso walks past him. What did the Pro just say? His blood on the walls? What did he mean like that?!
"Alright, come over here," Power Loader tells Y/n. "Take off the watch so I can get a good look at it."
"It, uh, doesn't come off," Y/n informs the Hero.
"BS. There's nothing I can't pry off," Power Loader assures.
Multiple attempts later, Power Loader is seen with a cracked helmet and a burnt face.
"There's one thing I can't pry off," he states.
"Like I said," Y/n says.
"What is that thing made of?" Hatsume asked as she grabbed the watch again.
"Hatsume, I swear--!" Power Loader yelled.
"I'm just looking at it," Hatsums lets out a breath. "I'm not gonna do anything."
Y/n wasn't exactly assured. Power Loader's words were still replaying in his head. Shinso then stepped forward.
"So, uh, did you at least look at the watch?" he asked.
"Yeah, actually," Power Loader sighed. Hatsume was looking at Y/n's watch from another angle. "From what I can see, it's highly advanced. Whatever company made it, I'd like to know."
'Actually, it was probably made by the dead alien I found in the forest...' Y/n said in his head.
"Also, it's basically indestructible from what I've seen. And damn stubborn to boot," It sounded like the Hero was a bit angry when he said that. "However, unless I can get my hands on some blueprints or take it apart, I can't tell ya anymore about it. Hatsume, stop doing that before you break his arm!"
Y/n didn't even realize Hatsume had held his arm in such a way that it would've hurt. He immediately panics and pulls his hand from Hatsume's hands.
"You're no fun..." she crosses her arms.
"Yeah, yeah," Power Loader waved his student off and turned to the General Studies students. "I suggest you two get soms food before class start up again. The Sports Festival is starting soon, isn't it?"
"The Sports Festival?" Y/n questioned before realizing what he was being told. "Holy crap! I completely forgot that was in two weeks!"
"How do you know it's in two weeks?" Shinso asked his classmate.
"I've marked my calendar each year when the UA Sports Festival would start," Y/n explains nonchalantly. "I always wanted to be ready."
"You're memory apalls me..." Shinso states.
"Now, get outta here," Power Loader waved the three students off. "I don't want to deal witn you anymore right now."
"Alright, alright..." Shinso says and leaves the Development Studio with Y/n and Hatsume.
The two General Studies students bid Hatsume a farewell. They then went separate ways, Hatsume to her next class and the two classmates to the cafeteria to get some quick food into their systems. However, they didn't notice the redhead with (E/C) eyes watching them from nearby.
It wasn't much later, only a few hours, that school let out and classes ended for the day. Y/n wanted to go to one of the many gyms that UA has, but Shinso had other plans. So here the two were, with a large crowd of students standing outside the door to Class 1A, the students who survived the Villain attack at the USJ.
"U-um... why the heck are you all here?" a brunette with rosy cheeks asks.
"Do you students have some sort of business witn our class?" a boy with glasses and blue hair asks.
"Why are you blocking our doorway?" a midget with a purple balls on his head steps forward. "I won't let you hold us hostage!"
Y/n sighed and decided to ask Shinso to leave. However, a boy with spiky ash blonde hair and crimson eyes stepped forward. He recognized the boy as that one kid from that sludge Villain accident almost eleven months ago.
"They're scouting out the competition, morons," he explained. "We're the class that survived a real Villain attack. They wanna see what real power looks like with their own eyes."
The ash blonde stopped in front of tbe crowd of students and glared at all of them.
"At least you know what a future Pro looks like," he tells them. "Now move it, extras."
"You can't keep calling people that you don't know as 'extras'!" the blue-haired teen stated with stiff arm movements.
"So... this is Class 1A."
Y/n gasped as Shinso walked forward. He gulped and reluctantly followed him to the front of the crowd.
"Me and my friend here heard you all were an impressive bunch," Shinso said, "but you just sound like a dickhead. Is everyone in the Hero Course like you?"
Y/n notices that this angers the ash blonde as the three students behind him--the boy with glasses, the brunette girl, and a green-haired boy with freckles--all shakes their heads. Shinso either ignored them or didn't notice them.
"How sad to come here and find a bunch of egomaniacs, huh, L/n?" the brainwasher scratches the back of his head.
"Hey, don't drag me into this!" Y/n tells his friend.
Shinso ignored him. "You see, we both wanted to be in the Hero Course. In fact, many of here did. But like everyone here, we were forced to choose a different track because we weren't 'suited for it'. Such is life," Shinso continued. "We didn't cut it tbe first time around, but we all have another chance. If any of us do well in the Sports Festival, the teachers can decide to transfer us to the Hero Course. And they can transfer people out if needed."
The three behind the ash blonde stiffen in shock at this.
"Scouting the competition? Maybe some of my peers are, but I'm here to let you know that, if you don't bring you very best," Shinso narrowed his eyes at the entirety of Class 1A, "I'll steal your spot right under your noses. Scouting? No, this is a declaration of war."
"Shinso, what're you doing?" Y/n asks his friend. "I know it may seem cool, but it's also a super ballsy move to threaten the best class in our school!"
"You're little friend is right," the ash blonde states.
"Hey! I'm barely shorter than you!"
"Wanna challenge me? Go ahead?" the ash blonde grins as sparks pop from his hands. "I'll blow you all straight to Hell."
Shinso clicks his teeth and Y/n facepalms. Then a nearby student with iron-colored hair speaks up.
"Hey, you! I'm Tetsutestsu from Class 1B next door!" the student announces. "We heard you fought some Villains, and I came to see if that was true! But you're just a bunch of brats who think you're better than us!"
'Well, it's obvious who everyone's target is for the Sports Festival...' Y/n sighed.
"Talk all ya want! It'll just be more embarrassing when you're KO'd!" Tetsutestsu exclaims. The ash blonde simply clicks his teeth and walks past the crowd of students. "Hey, don't ignore me!"
"Hey, where you going, man?" a redheaded, shark-toothed boy steps forward. "You gotta say something. It's your fault they're all hating on us, Bakugou."
So his name is Bakugou... Good to know.
"That doesn't matter," Bakugou states. "The only important thing is to squash them all into paste."
He shoves past the crowd of students. Tetsutestsu becomes angry at this and begins threatening the two. Y/n only sighs again.
"This was super unnecessary, Shinso," he tells his friend who only smirks.
"I hate that that was such a manly exit..." the redhead stated with tears in his eyes and a clenched fist.
"Huh?" an electric blonde questions.
"We have to beat them," a boy with a raven head says. "They weren't wrong."
"Yeah, sure, but this sucks!" the electric blonde exclaims. "He made us everyone's enemies."
"Yeah, he's right!" the ball-headed midget speaks up. "All of these dumb students will be gunning for us in the Festival now!"
Y/n grows tired of this and turns to walk away. Shinso follows him, and the crowd of students blocking the door soon dispersed as well. Later, after school, Y/n and Shinso are then seen in one of the many training gyms UA had to offer. They both wore UA gym uniforms, and they were there to explore the aliens inside the strange "support item" on Y/n's wrists.
"Alright, let's start with the one's we know of," Shinso tells his classmate. "Try that fire guy from the other day."
"Right!" Y/n nodded with a smile.
He then pressed the button on the side of the watch and the faceplate popped up. It only took a moment before Y/n found the silhouette of the fire guy he first transformed into and slammed his hand down onto it. He was momentarily surrounded by a green light before it fades away, revealing his molten rock transformation.
"Alright! Back to numero uno," he smirked to himself.
"Alright. So let's get the basics of this guy over with," the brainwasher says.
"Heatblast," the transformed teenager says.
"What?" Shinso raises a brow.
"That's what I'm calling this guy," Heatblast states.
"That's stupid, but whatever," the General Studies student shakes his head. "So Heatblast obviously controls and makes fire. How well, though?"
"What do you mean?" Heatblast asks.
"What can you do with your fire? How well can you control it? Can you control your fire's temperature?" Shinso lists questions. "Can he only do fire?"
"Alright, alright! I get it," the flaming rock humanoid sighs. "I'll practice a bit with him."
Shinso nods and Heatblast begins to test out his abilities. He shot fire at target dummies his classmate brought up and tried to control fires he had either already started or fire he hasn't touched before. It was easier to control the fire he's made, but he could still control already made fires. And that was all the two got to before the watch timed out and Heatblast turned back into Y/n.
It was only after a short break that the watch recharged and Y/n was able to transform again. This time he tried XLR8 and turned into the speedy lizard alien.
"Alright, so we already know he can go fast," Shinso states. "How fast, though?"
Next thing he knew, XLR8 was running on a treadmill as fast as it would let him. Shinso took notes about his speed and how many kilometers he traveled in the set amount of time. Then XLR8 was given the task to run around UA as fast as he could as Shinso timed him. He received the estimated time of 2.3 seconds. It made the then detransformed Y/n angry since he knew he couldn't gotten less time at a faster pace.
"Alright, next up, we have Diamondhead," Shinso hummed in thought. "How about we practice with him in private? Like, not at school."
"Why?" Y/n asks.
"We don't want you take away for 'illegal Quirk use' in a fight against a Villain, or whatever that robot was," the brainwasher states. "So how about we try someone new, yeah?"
"Alright," Y/n activated his watch and turned to a new silhouette. "How about this guy?"
"Hm?" Shinso hummed in interest as his friend slammed down on the watch.
A green light engulfed Y/n once more, and inside the light he lets out an animal-like growl. Orange fur grows along his body with dark stripes on his back, arms, and legs as his arms grow in side and his legs shrink, with claws growing from his fingers and toes, his teeth grow into fangs, and his head and neck coming together as gills form and his eyes disappear while a big black nose forms above the mouth. A long tail swayed behind him with a spike at the end of it, similar to the spikes on the alien's shoulders. The watch's faceplate appears on the alien's shoulder just beneath one of the spikes.
When the light died down, the alien roars and Shinso looked shocked. He was looking at a literal alien dog!
(Art by Fiqllency on DeviantArt. Credit to them)
"What the hell...? What is this thing?" Shinso asked as he walked towards the transformed Y/n. "It doesn't even have eyes! What use does this guy have?"
Shinso brought a hand to his chin in thought as Y/n growled. The General Studies student then gets an idea and smirks as he walks away to a rack of dumbells. He the returns with a dumbell without the weights and moved it around to check its swinging capability. He then got into a batter's position and swung at his classmate.
However, the dog-like alien sensed the movement with the gills on his neck and grabbed the dumbell stick with his mouth. Shinso cries out in shock as the wild mutt swung him around before he lets go of the dumbell stick, falling to the floor with a grunt. He looks up at his friend who looks back with a smirk and some kind of alien chuckle.
"Alright... Let's call this one Wildmutt," Shinso pushes himself up and brushes himself off. "Let's see what this one can do."
The newly dubbed Wildmutt agreed and the two begun starting new tests. They discovered that this new alien could move around obstacles with great agility and climbing ability. His senses, even without sight, were exceptional since he could find Shinso with either smell or sound. He also had great reflexes, allowing him to react in time as Shinso tried to grab attack or grab onto him. The time he did, Wildmutt decided to play around and run around the gym with his classmate on his back and even climbed around as well.
The next two weeks passed as Shinso helped Y/n train his total of ten alien forms. And it actually went rather well since Y/n seemed to have an natural instinct of the basics of his alien transformations' abilities. And like that, two weeks had passed and the UA Sports Festival had arrived.
So there the two stood with the rest of their class in a waiting room. Shinso waited in a corne with Y/n, leaning on the wall as they all wore their gym uniforms.
"So... the big day is finally here, huh?" Y/n asks his friend. "How do you feel, Braindrain?"
"Like I'm about to kick ass, Dial-Up," Shinso smirked. "You?"
"I'm ready to dominate! Hoorah!" Y/n did a soldier cry with a fist pump. "I can't wait to show off what we've practiced for the past two weeks."
"Heh. You look like Hero Course material already, too," the brainwasher chuckles.
"Really? Well, so do you!" the alien watch user tells his friend. "These Hero Course students won't know what hit 'em!"
"Hell yeah," Shinso says. "Hoorah, soldier."
The two laugh together at this and their class representative came in. She told them all that the Festival was about to begin and everyone got in line to leave the waiting room. Shinso turned to his friend with the grin of a challenger.
"So... you better bring your A-game, L/n," he says. "Just because you're my friend doesn't mean you're not a target."
"Hey, I'm surprisingly immune to your Quirk, pal, so I'm gonna be wrecking your ass ten ways to Sunday," Y/n responded as he followed Shinso out the room. "I won't treat you as a friend, pal."
"Lookin' forward to it."
"Same here."
The General Studies class began to make their way through the tunnel that leads to the huge stadium the Festival takes place inside. As they walk forward, Y/n recalled the talk he had with his mother that morning.
That Morning...
"Alright, Mom, I'm heading to school!" Y/n exclaimed as he haphazardly attempted to put his shoes on. "Wish me luck at the Festival!"
"Y/n, buddy, wait a second," M/n told her son as she stopped him from falling. "You're gonna get yourself hurt just with your shoes. Again."
"Hey! I was six when that happened!" Y/n defended himself.
M/n only sighed, but she quickly laughed a bit. She looked down at her son and cupped his face. The proud mother smiles at Y/n.
"I'm so proud of you, baby," she tells him. "Your father would be, too."
Y/n couldn't help but smile at this. "Thanks, Mom."
The two hug, enjoying their small moment together. Then M/n turned serious.
"But that doesn't mean you're leaving this house until you have breakfast," she states.
"Wha--?!" Y/n parted from his mother. "But Mom!"
"No 'buts'! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day," M/n explains. "No son of mine is gonna start the day improperly."
Y/n sighed as he realized he couldn't win against his mother. So he abided and had breakfast with her. Soon, however, they had finished eating and Y/n was finally able to leave to UA. However, his mother stopped him once more before he left.
"Yeah?" the teen turn to his mom.
The (H/C)-woman only looked at her son. While he may have her hair and eyes, Y/n looked so much like his father. She couldn't help but smile.
"Go kick some butt," M/n told her son. "I'll be cheering you on from here."
Y/n couldn't help but smile as well. "Thanks, Mom."
Present Time...
His own mother believed in him and was cheering him on, and so was Shinso and a small handful of others. Y/n couldn't let them all down! So he'll do what his mother told him.
"I'm gonna kick some serious ass," Y/n quietly told himself with a smirk.
As he and the other students joining his class in walked out the tunnel, Y/n could spot Class 1A far in front of them. The sound of the Voice Hero: Present Mic's voice soon was heard through all the speakers in the stadium.
The entirety of the whole world was watching the UA Sports Festival. Parents of UA students, such as M/n, families who enjoyed sports, teachers of UA High, and even Villains were watching. They were all ready to see what the UA students would show off that year, especially the first-years of Class 1A. They couldn't wait to see what this year's Sports Festival would hold.
The stands roared with excitement as Y/n watched Class 1A step out onto the field. He took in a deep breath and let it out to calm his nerves. He then put on a smile to make him look presentable to the world.
Y/n could still hear the cheering, though obviously not as excited, as Class 1B walks out behind 1A. Y/n made sure to be careful around them. He didn't like the look in one of the student's eyes.
The General Studies Course, with Shinso and Y/n at the front, walking out into the sunlight. Y/n shielded his eyes from the sunlight, but once they adjusted he looked around. The stadium was huge, with the stands packed to the maximum. The teenager couldn't help but feel a tad bit nervous.
"Nervous, Dial-Up?" Shinso asked.
"In your dreams, Braindrain," Y/n put on a confident look. "Wait and see, I-I'm gonna beat all these guys here."
"I'll believe it when I see it," Shinso jokes.
Y/n looked behind him to see said Support Course class walking out of the tunnel. He then spotted a familiar head of pink locks of hair, and Hatsume seemed to have spotted him as well. She waved at him and Y/n waved back.
Y/n ignored them. They were nobodies.
The crowd roared with excitement once more as all students piled in together to make one big group. They all stood in front of a white stage with a big screen behind it.
"I have the feeling we're here only to make the Hero students look better," a General Studies student tells another.
"I can't wait for this to be over with," another says.
"Well, I heard that Shinso and L/n have been training nonstop for the last two weeks. And that L/n has some sort of secret Quirk he hasn't told about," another student tells his classmate.
"Seriously?" the other asks.
"Yeah," the student nods. "That's why he has that fancy new watch on his wrist. He says its some kind of support item."
Y/n couldn't help but smile nervously at the comments being made around him. However, he got an assuring smile from Shinso which eased his mood.
"Now, for the introductory speech!"
Y/n and Shinso turned their attention to the stage in front of them. They couldn't believe their eyes. It was the R-Rated Hero: Midnight!
"Does she always have to wear that costume?" Y/n asks as he covers up a blush and a nose bleed.
"It's so inappropriate for a high school competition," Shinso agrees.
"Silence, everyone!" Midnight cracks her... whip-thing. "And for the student pledge, Katsuki Bakugou!"
All eyes fell onto ash blonde from 1A. They all watch as he makes his way towards the stage.
"Kacchan's the first-year rep?" the greenette asks in fear
"I guess that hothead did finish first in the entrance exams," a guy with large elbows says.
"Only for the Hero Course exams," one of the General Studies students corrects as she crosses her arms.
"Oh, right," the greenette says and looks away.
"That girl obviously hates us," the large elbows guy terribly whispers.
"Yeah, and we've got Bakugou for that," the electric blonde says with distaste.
Y/n turns his attention from them and up to the stage. Bakugou finally made it up there and stood in front of the microphone. He looks at the large audience before speaking.
"I just wanna say... first place is already mine."
This immediately caused an uproar amongst the classes as they booed and insulted the ash blonde. However, Bakugou only turned to them and gave a thumbs-down in response.
"Not my fault you all are just my paved path to glory," he says.
"I can't wait to take down this jerk!" Tetsutestsu from 1B exclaims. "He's gonna learn humility when I'm done with him!"
"Jeez... Is there nothing this guy can't say without balls of steel?" Y/n jokingly asks Shinso, getting a smile from him.
Bakugou then walked off stage and joined his class back down below. Midnight then brought the attention back onto her as she spoke up.
"Without further ado, it's time to get started! The first game is what you would call a fall-run! This is where you begin feeling the pain!" Midnight explains. "The first fateful game if the Festival! What could it be?"
She motions to the big screen behind her as it spins like a lottery machine. Game music played for a moment before it stopped, landing on the first game.
"Ta-dah!" Midnight explains.
"An obstacle course, eh?" Y/n smirks. "I'll pass this easy with Wildmutt."
"All eleven classes will participate in this treacherous contest. The track is four kilometers around the stadium," Midnight cracks her whip again. "I don't wanna restrain anyone! In this game at least."
A faint giggle escapes the R-Rated Hero's mouth as she licks her lips. Y/n felt like he was suddenly undressed, but he still had his clothes on.
"As long as you don't leave the course, you're free to do whatever pleases you!" the UA teacher declares and the crowd cheers. "Now then, take your places, contestants."
Everyone listened and turned to make their way to the designated starting line of the obstacle ccourse. They all stood in front of a tunnel at the ready as the three stoplights started with red at the top.
"This is it... the place where it all starts," Y/n told himself as he prepared himself to run.
The lights turn yellow.
"I'm here to succeed," Y/n continues, "and I'll stop no matter what!"
The lights suddenly all turned green and the first-years all rushed forward.
"How did you drag me into doing this?" the voice of a tired man asks Present Mic.
"The doorway," the tired voice answered.
Inside the tunnel entrance, contestants began pushing and shoving each other due to the close-quarters of it. Y/n was easily being shoved around, only angering him as he growled.
"Okay, this is not the time to do this," he said as he reached for his watch. "Time for Wildmutt!"
He popped up the faceplate, but before he could slam it down he was shoved into somebody else. The shove made the faceplate slam down on the person, making a green flash cover Y/n up. When it vanishes, the transformed teen's sudden transformation knocks back and even shoves some other students out of the way.
Y/n now possessed a rather large form with a white underside and orange eyes. His legs were short with wide arms that had large claws, and on the arms were some kind of natural body armor that also appeared on his shoulders, legs, and back. The hourglass symbol appeared where his waist would be. This was
(Art by Fiqllency. Credit to them. I had to edit the image so it didn't show the other aliens on it and just Cannonbolt)
"Uh, what the? This isn't Wildmutt!" Cannonbolt stated. "Stupid watch, why did you give me this guy?!"
Cannonbolt groans before attempting to push forward. Since he was so much larger and stronger than the other students, he easily trudged by them.
"Pardon me. Excuse me. Sorry," he apologized as he pushed through.
"Hey, watch it!"
"Hey! Ow!"
"What the hell, man?!"
The other obviously didn't like Cannonbolt, but screw them. He ignored the other students suddenly realizing the tunnel became colder. Ice then froze the ground beneath him, miraculously not freezing his feet along with some others. However, most weren't so lucky.
"Haha! I live to see another d-AH!" Cannonbolt suddenly slipped. "Hey! Whoa!"
As Cannonbolt had trouble with walking upon the frozen ground, some students from Class 1A easily avoided their classmates move. They flew over it as they raced for first place, which Shoto Todoroki was currently in. And then Cannonbolt did his final slip and fell onto his back.
"Goddammit..." he grunted.
Shinso: "Alien name: Cannonbolt. This large alien has the ability to turn himself into a ball and roll around at high speeds. He can break through walls and flatten obstacles and whatnot. However, his feet are small for his body, making him super clumsy. Heheh. It's funny to watch him slip and fall."
As Cannonbolt tried to get himself back onto his feet, the small midget from Class 1A passes him by using his hair to bounce forward on the ice.
"Hahaha! I've outsmarted you, Todoroki! How pathetic!" the midget laughs. "Now, eat this! My special attack! Gra--!"
A metal fist suddenly struck the midget and sent him flying away. Many stop in shock and awe as, in front of them, a large multitude of robots gathered together as a wall.
"Targets acquired," one of them says. "Terminate them."
"It's those robots from the entrance exam!" the greenette from 1A declares.
Cannonbolt had finally slide his way over to the edge of the ice and haphazardly stood up to his feet. However, when he saw the robots in front of him, he groaned.
"Seriously?" he questions. "I think I've had enough robots for one lifetime."
Shoto Todoroki, at the lead stops running as he sees the skyscraper-sized robot wall in front of him. Every student behind him even looked on in shock and terror.
"Are those the Zero-Point Villains from the exams?!" the electric blonde asks in fear.
"Seriously? The Hero Course had to fight those!?"
"This is insane!"
"Are we gonna die?!"
"So this is what the other students faced in their entrance exams," Todoroki stood his guard.
"Where's the school even get the funding for these things?" a girl from 1A with a ponytail asks.
One of the hulking robots swings its hand down towards Todoroki. However, he didn't seemed frightened in the least as he activated his Quirk.
"They obviously went through a lot of trouble, but I wish they'd prepared something a little more difficult," he says as he places his hand on the ground, making ice erupt around him. "Especially since my dear old dad is watching."
Moving his arm in an upward arc, Todoroki sent a giant wave of ice at the robot attempting to attack him. It, and some other robots, froze upon contact with the ice and the dual-haired recommended student lets out an frosty breath. He then ran forward as the other students realized what had happened.
"He froze the robots!"
"Look, between their legs! We can get through!"
The students run forward to follow Todoroki. However, the sound of ice cracking can be heard.
"Be careful now. I froze them off-balance," Todoroki said as the robots began to come apart. "On purpose."
The frozen robots suddenly come undone and shatter, their frozen pieces falling towards the students below. They all narrowly avoid getting smashed into paste by the robots.
"His attack was both offensive and defensive," the tired voice answered.
In the midst of the dirt cloud from the robot's crash, more smaller robots came out to meet the other students. Cannonbolt grunts as he tried to think of a plan.
'I have to get past these guys, and fast! But Cannonbolt can't make quick-turn moves, even as a ball,' he thought to himself. 'I'm gonna have to do this right, or I'll be done for before the Festival even began!'
Cannonbolt had no idea the beginning of the UA Sports Festival would be so wild. However, he could never imagine how it would turn out.
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