Chapter One
I ran as fast as I never had before, I looked back to see if they were gaining up on me, there were great distance between us, making me smirk slightly. Idiots. I quickly climbed up a tree, hoping to throw them off my track. Unfortunately for me, I noticed they had a tracker, they looked around for me, then suddenly the tracker looked up in my direction.
"She's there!" he shouted to everyone else. Well whoops, not the best decision on my part.
"Aren't you guys overreacting just a bit?" I chuckled nervously as I jumped down from the tree and they all looked at me with rage.
"You think you're so funny, don't you?" One of them spat out in disgust. Well who pooped in his cereal?
"Actually yeah, I think I'm hilarious." I smiled innocently and they all got into a fighting stance, I rolled my eyes and I used my telekinesis power, throwing them away from me before running away from them again. "Get her!" I heard one of them scream as I heard heavy steps in the distance.
I saw a waterfall, I quickened my speed as I heard the heavy steps coming closer and without hesitation I leaped into the clear water, the second I landed I swam to shore. I looked around to see if I was still followed, I couldn't see or hear anything and I sigh out in relief.
I didn't recognise my surroundings, I shrugged and continued moving. I looked around hoping to find a nearby road but to no avail, I rolled my eyes in annoyance. I stopped when I heard a growl, I cursed as I slowly turned around. I could see that it was a werewolf, I must've accidentally passed through their territory.
I saw three wolves, two of them seemed like warriors and another one looked like a gamma from being slightly bigger than the other two. All of them were in a defensive state and I crossed my arms and chuckled slightly. "If I wanted to hurt you, then I would have done it already." The bigger wolf snarled at me, making me roll my eyes, they looked like they were about to pounce and shred me to pieces, I wasn't foolish enough to make more enemies so I turned around and ran again.
I heard them howl to alert the other wolves and I cursed under my breath, they must've masked their scent while they were patrolling the area so I couldn't smell them. Well, aren't they clever?
Out of nowhere a wolf knocked me down and pinned me, it was growling at me in a warning tone, basically telling me not to do anything, I sighed in defeat. I saw a man come up to me, pulling me up and putting my arms behind my back, handcuffing them, these were power handcuffs, which means I wouldn't be able to use my powers. What did I get myself into?
They brought me back to their pack, and shoved me into one of their cells before shutting the cell gate, locking it. I looked around the cell, it was quite dark, only the light of the small window shining through, however I can see clearly in the dark, and I could see that the cell was filled with silver, which is one of my weakness.
I saw the gamma coming in, he wasn't that bad looking, he had dyed dark blue hair with green eyes, and I could tell he worked out regularly from the look of his muscles sticking out of his shirt. "Would you care to tell me what you were doing in our territory?" He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow, I didn't say anything cause I know better than give out any information to wolves. "Suit yourself then." I saw he had liquid silver, my eyes widened and I moved back with every step closer he took, my hands were still handcuffed and I had no way of using my powers, I was completely powerless.
I felt the burn of the silver down my arm and I screamed in agony. Well that is definitely going to leave a mark. I felt so dizzy and weak, my red eyes pierced into his green ones in complete anger. "I'll ask one more time blood sucker. What were you doing in our territory?" I looked down, trying to calm my breathing. "I was just passing through." I kept it nice and simple, I didn't have to tell him more than he needed to know. "What is a vampire doing all the way out here? where's your clan?" I was fed up with his questions, he was starting to annoy the crap out of me.
"Why am I being held here?" I croaked out, hissing slightly from the burn. "Because you were on our land, we are making sure that you blood suckers aren't planning war on us." Gosh he is an idiot, if we were planning war, then there would be more of us, not just me.
I needed to find a way out of here, even though it was near impossible I had to try, this was not the way I wanted to die. "Look smurf, I was on my own, I am not a threat to you for god sake, I was just passing through." I hissed again when I felt the liquid silver piercing my skin, i could feel myself getting weaker from the silver. "You're a strong one, many in your position would've passed out already." He chuckled and made his way to the cell door. "I will come back soon, and you better be ready to speak once I get back."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thank you for reading my first chapter! Any votes and comments would be greatly appreciated😊
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