Scare Floor
Xylie's POV
It's the day after the party and the photo of the guys was posted on the front cover of the school news paper. "Don't worry. Nobody reads the school newspaper" Mike tell the others as he puts the papers in the bin.
"Yeah, but I'm pretty sure they read the quad" Art sates. I notice he's right, the picture is posted all over the quad. And ROR was selling things with the picture on it. At least it's going to charity.
"Thanks. Tell your friends" Johnny says. As we headed over.
"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" Mike demands.
"Raising a little money for charity" Johnny states. "Want to buy something Xylie? It's for a good cause" he says.
"Left my wallet at home" I tell him.
"Yeah, well stop it!" Mike tells him.
"You want us to... stop raising money for charity? That's not cool" Johnny tells him.
"This guy hates charity!" Chet shouts pointing at Mike.
"I want you to stop making us look like fools" Mike states.
"Hey, you're making yourselves look like fools" Johnny states. "Let's be honest, boys. You're never gonna be real scarers. Because real scarers look like us. But hey, if you really want to work for a scare company, they're always... hiring in the mail room." he states.
The others walk away. Mike and I go after them. "Guys! Hold on! Hey, hey, hey, wait a second. Don't listen to him! We just, need to keep trying" he tells them.
"No! You need to stop trying. You can train monsters like this all you want, but you can't change who they are" Sulley states. Before Sulley walks off.
"Mike. We appreciate everything you've done. But he's right. No matter how much we train, we'll never look like them" Don states gesturing to ROR. He takes a business card out of his pocket and looks at it. "We're built for other things" he states. They walk away.
"Guys hold up!" I shout as I race after them. "You may not look like them, but there was a time girls weren't considered scarers. But they were proved wrong then and we can prove them wrong now" I state as we entered the house.
"Guys? We're going on a little field trip" Mike states as he enters the house. Squishy's mum drove us to Monsters Incorporated that night.
"Hey, uh, where are we?" Art asks.
"The big leagues" Mike answers.
"Holy, rolly-polly" Don says shocked.
"Wow" Squishy says in awe.
"Nice fence" Art says.
"This is amazing, Mike" Squishy tells him.
"We're not stopping here" Mike states bring out a pair of wire cutters. "Would you like to do the honours?" he asks me.
"With pleasure" I say taking them. I cut a hole in the fence big enough for us all to get through. "Follow me boys" I tell them and lead the way. I lead the to the Scare Floor window.
"Wow, look at that. They're going into the human world and they don't even look scared" Squishy says in awe.
"Take a good look, fellas. See what they all have in common?" Mike asks them.
"No, not really" Squishy states.
"Exactly what I was trying to tell you all earlier" I tell them with a smile.
"There's no one type of scarer. The best scarers use their differences to their advantage" Mike states.
"Terri, look" Terry tells his brother as a three headed monster exits a door.
"Hey, look at that old fella racking up the big numbers" Don say pointing at hairy monster. With a wicked mustache.
"Don. That old fella is Earl "The Terror" Thompson" I tell him.
"What?! Where?" Sulley asks and I point to him. "That's really him?" he asks in awe.
"He held the scare record for three years" Mike states.
"You wouldn't shut up about him when he broke the two year record" I state.
"Ooh, third door from the end!" Sulley tells us excited.
"Carla "Killer Claws" Benitez!" Mike says excitedly looking at her.
"One of Monster Inc's top silent, but close scarers" I state.
"Look, it's Screaming Bob Gunderson! I still have his rookie card" Sulley says pointing to a red haired monster.
"Me too!" Mike says happily.
"He doesn't have the speed anymore..." Sulley starts to say.
"But his technique is flawless" Mike and him say together. I smile as they look at each other. Glad they're starting to get along.
"You collected scare cards, huh?" Mike asks Sulley.
"Yep. 450 of 'em" Sulley states.
"Impressive! I have 6,000 still in mint condition, but you know, 450's pretty good too" Mike tells him.
"I stuck to one of each scarer" I tell Sulley.
"Hey, look at me. I'm Earl "The Terror" Thompson. ROAR!" Squishy says.
"I've been a real jerk" Sulley admits.
"So have I" Mike says. "But it's not too late. We can be a great team, we just need to start working together" he states.
"Agreed" I say with a smile. Suddenly a bright light shines on us and we turn to see two guards. "Oh shit" I mutter.
"What are you doing up there?!" a guard demands.
"I can't go back to jail!" Art shouts and takes off. We follow him and Mike soon takes the lead. Sulley ends up carrying the other four, while Mike and I ran.
"Miss Squibbles, start the car!" I shout as we near the hole in the fence.
"What?" she shouts.
"Start the car!" Squishy shouts. As we go through the hole.
"Stop the bar?" she asks confused.
"The car!" he shouts.
"Start the car!" I shout.
"Oh, ok" she says we reached it. I open the door and the guys get in as she started the car. I get in last and she takes off.
"Let's break in somewhere else!" Art shouts.
"Lets not and say we did" I tell him.
"You ok Xylie?" Sulley asks me concerned.
"I'm fine, just winded" I assure him. "You?" I ask him.
"I'm fine" he assures me. When we got back to the house. Miss Squibbles and I made us all new team clothes. I got a new jacket, Mike a hat, Art leg warmers, Squishy, Sulley, Don, Terri and Terry shirts. Before we called it a night as they had training tomorrow.
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