A Human Kid
Xylie's POV
I arrive on the scare floor to see Sulley covered in kid toys. Human kid, toys. He runs to the locker room as we hear someone coming. I run after him. "Sulley, what's going on?" I ask him.
"I don't know I saw a door and checked to see if someone was in there. But there was only a human kid" he states. He attempts to flush the stuff and fails.
"Did the kid get out?" I ask him. If a human kid has entered our world, it could lead to chaos. The CDA will need to be alerted at once, the whole factory would be shut down while the situation is investigated. We could both lose our jobs if this ends badly.
Sulley grabs the stuff and runs back out to the lockers. He stuffs it into a locker and I freeze when I see a human child clinging to his back. She can only be a toddler. "Ah Sulley" I say lowly as he sighs.
"What is it Xylie?" he asks me.
"You have something on your back" I tell him.
"Real funny Xylie" he says.
"I'm serious" I tell him. He looks at the mirror and yells. The kids slides off of him and he grabs my hand. Making me run with him. He pushes me behind him as he looks at the child scared. As she says kitty. I spot a bag and grab it. Sulley takes it from me and puts the kids inside. "Lets get her back through her door" I tell him.
He nods his head in agreement. We head back to the scare floor and I see a white door with pink floors. Typical little girl door. Sulley goes to open it and the door handle moves. We gasp and hide. We see Randall come out and shake his head. He sent the door away and left. "What now?" Sulley asks.
"She can't stay here, it will take me a while to find her door. But only someone like Mike can get approval for it and even then how are we supposed to get her through without being seen?" I ask him.
"Mike will have an idea" he tells us.
"But he is on a date with Celia" I remind him.
"This can't wait" he tells me.
"Fine, we'll take his car. But we gotta hurry" I tell him. We leave the building, him carrying the bag with the kid inside. It's a little cruel, but if she is seen it'll cause mass panic. We take Mike's car and drive to the restaurant. "Go tell Mike and leave the kid" I tell him.
"Alright" he says and left. I was so distracted with my thoughts. I didn't even notice he took the bag with the kid inside. I was to busy trying to decide what to do next. I could go to Roz, but then she'd tell the CDA. There would be an inquiry. Sulley and I could be blamed letting the child into our world. Then we'd be fired, him from scaring and me from both my jobs. That's just the best case scenario. The worst we'd be banished to the human world.
I turn to see if the kid was ok. The last thing we'd need was her hurting herself. But I notice the bag missing and curse. I get out of the car and run towards the restaurant. Praying I get there before the public see a human child in our world.
But I didn't. I reach the entrance and see the child climb onto the chef's counter. "Boo!" the kid says. Everyone looks at her and screams. I run over to her as the owner grabs the phone.
"Got you" I say picking her up.
"There's a kid here-- a human kid!" the chef shouts into the phone. I curse.
"Xylie here!" Mike shouts appears with a take away container. I put the kid inside as Sulley joins us. The kid blows a raspberry at us and we shut the box. We run from the restaurant. "Lets get out of here!" Mike shouts as we get outside.
Just then helicopters appear over head and start to shine lights down on us. I see the CDA logo on the side of one. "Please remain calm. This is not a drill" a pilot says. We continue to run.
"Micheal! Micheal!" we here Celia shout.
"Celia!" Mike shouts in alarm as we turn back. We see a CDA agent grab her. "Hey, get your hands off my Schmoopsie-poo!" he shouts. Sulley grabs him and we continue to run. "Well, I don't think that date could have gone any worse" he tells us. We here an explosion behind us and turn to see a dome covering the whole restaurant.
"They're decontaminating the restaurant and everyone under the dome" I tell them. "Lets get out of here" I add. We leave and go to their place. I turn on the news and see the incident already on the news. We have all the blinds down, windows and doors locked. While the other two run from the human child as I watch the TV. Until the kid breaks it.
Sulley and Mike scream as I sigh in annoyance. As they hide behind me as the kid approaches us. "Seriously guys, it's a child. Grow up" I tell them.
"A human child!" Mike shouts. "It's coming, it's coming" he says. She passes me and goes behind the chair where the other two are.
"Boo!" she says and they scream. Running from her. Honestly, that'll make her chase them more. She sees this as a fun game. They run over to the window, but leave it to dodge the kid. Who opens one of the blinds. Mike moves her with a broom and sprays the spot.
"No, don't touch those, you little...! Oh, now those were alphabetized" Mike whines. As she knocks over his DVD collection. "It's okay, it's all right. As long as it doesn't come near us we're going to be okay" he states. As he removes his eye protection. The kid approaches him and sneezes in his eye.
He screams and sprays his arm. Then screams in pain. I laugh, I could get used to this kid. But she has to go home to the human world. She approaches Sulley, who tosses her Mike's teddy bear. Which he's had since he was a kid himself. She hugs it happily.
"Hey, hey, that's it! No one touches little Mikey!" Mike states. Snatching it off of her. She starts to whine.
"Mike, give her the bear" Sulley and I tell him. If she cries, we'll be caught. She starts to wail at the top of her lungs. Tears streaming down her face. The lights start to flicker on and off. We see a helicopter looking our way. Mike runs over to shut the blind as I pick up the child and start to rock her gently as Sulley offers her the bear.
"Ooh, bear, ooh. Oh, he's a happy bear. He's not crying, neither should you. Or we'II be in trouble. 'Cause they're gonna find us. So please stop crying. Right now" he sings. The child quietens down and I sigh in relief as she reaches for the bear.
"Good, good Xylie, Sulley. Keep it up. You both are doing great" Mike tells him. As the child goes to grab the bear, she touches Sulley and he screams in horror. Setting her off again. "Sulley, the bear! The bear! Give her the" Mike shouts as he rushes over. But he trips and falls into the bin. Then the speaker falls on his head.
The kid squeals and laughs in delight. Bouncing in my arms. Suddenly all the power goes out. We all go silent. "What was that?" Sulley asks us.
"I have no idea but it would be really great if it didn't do it again" Mike states. The child giggles. I shush her gently and put her down. Handing her the bear. "Ok, lets think of a plan" Mike declares after Sulley helps him out of the bin. "Xylie, you entertain the kid" he tells me and heads over to his desk.
"Why me?" I ask him.
"Because you're a girl" he states. I give him a pointed look. But do so, as I'm the only one not afraid of the child. And we don't want her to scream or cry again.
Gif above of Boo scaring the restaurant.
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